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Guest Big Poppa Popick

The Official Go Taker Thread

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Guest Mattdotcom
Also, who's to say that the young guy that Taker eventually drops the belt to won't be, say, Edge? Edge is only a few weeks away from a return. Edge and Taker do have past history within the Ministry - way more history than Taker/RVD have.


Edge was in the Ministry for no reason, and has only wrestled 'Taker when he and Christian would job to the Brothers of Destruction. RVD has wrestled the Undertaker several times since InVasion:


Raw (Date Unknown)-Retains Hardcore title over 'Taker after interference (I think).


Vengeance-Barely loses out to him in a Hardcore title match, which had a few weeks of build to it.


Raw (After JD)-Beats him for title, loses after a Dusty Finish.


Edge could be portrayed as a "young lion" challenging an older star he used to take direction from.


Cut out the "taking direction from" bit and combine it with the facts above and you'll see why RVD should be main eventing SummerSlam.

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Guest Brian

Well, just the idea of giving the title shot for the KOTR winner this year leads everyone to believe that they will be elevating someone in the process.


I doubt they would have two heel-heel matches so Jericho is out.


Giving Undertaker the belt he hasn't had for three years and the first stable reign of said belt in six months probably is enough to get a now happy Taker to drop the belt.

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Guest LJSexay

Can we stop the Taker hatred? Damn, I mean he works well with midcarders, has sold A LOT in the past few months, and, I personally think he's the best wwE champ we've had since Jericho in 2001.


Or we can pass the belt around faster than Missy Hyatt, whatever.

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Guest converge241

the final has got to be RVD -Brock


and then well either get Brock - Rock for the title


or RVD-Taker. (which im hoping for)

I thought about the Edge gets belt from Taker after a long reign, and even suggested it, but i think its better for Edge to have his Jericho and then HHH feuds before he gets the title shot.

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Guest TheyCallMeMark

I'm going to try to make an argument for Edge here, and I'm not sure if I can and I haven't thought it out too much so I'll go point-by-point through all of the positives for Edge v. Undertaker, and the Negatives for RVD v Undertaker and maybe we can have some fun debating about it, OI!


- Ok, you could work of the ministry thing and people would be into it, especially fans who knew what it was about and feel important because they are "in on it". The fans who don't know/remember will just say "Who was the Mini-- OMOMGOMGGGG EDGES HAIR IS BLOOOONNNNNDE!" They could easily make it as hot as Taker/RVD would be, and this would save time to give RVD a bigger push later. (Taker retirement job at Wrestlemania). That way he could give two young guys the rub.


- Edge of bona fide over already so it's a pretty safe bet he'll be able to draw SOMETHING. Besides Vince has given him a solid push, and he has credibility rom beating Angle. RVD is just over; his credibility is questionable methinks.


- If Edge gets over, Christian may be in for a push. Y'know, they see the one "brother" with pretty pretty hair got over so well that they decided to try the other one (who happens to rule at selling). I think people would pay to see hissy-fit Christian get his ass-whupped, too! For this reason I'm definatly hoping Edge gets over. If he doesn't Vince much just sit back and say "Why waste my time?"


- Edge is a very equally balanced Vince is happy/Smarks are happy (besides AWO marks, that is!). He's pretty good in the ring (better than HHH, Hogan, Nash and Undertaker, at this point). Only a couple of the main-eventers left are as good as him (Angle, Rock). As far as midcarders go I'd say he's near the top of the pecking order for a push (after Eddie, Benoit and Jericho; equal to Booker T, RVD, Christian, Venis). Another good thing about the good Vince like is he'll be booked WELL. Somebody who's actually being pushedW without his legs being cut out from under him to feed HHH. I know it might be hard to beleive, youngins, but 'unce when I waus a boy Ric Flair waus bus'ir then a bee puttin' new folks over in fueds!


That's all I got.


Edge v. Undertaker WWE Title, SummerSlam


- Story

- Overness

- Credibility

- Give RVD bigger rub later

- A new person in the ME

- The first push of an ACCEPTABLE wrestler sicne Angle.

- Has a good chance of being booked well as champ.


TEAR MY POST APART SENTANCE BY SENTANCE. Please? Or at least acknowlage me with a "you suck at persuasive writing burn in hell you gyspsy fiend".

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