Tony149 0 Report post Posted March 6, 2008 And now, the [b][color="#FFA500"]OAOAST SPINEBUSTER OF THE WEEK[/color][/b], presented by [b][color="#FF0000"]Beauty Crush[/color][/b], the much anticipated Alix Maria Spezia debut CD! [b]Courtesy:[/b] [font="Arial Black"][color="#4169E1"]The Leap Year Spectacular[/color][/font] [quote]Melody and Jock cheer him on as he sits Logan on the top turnbuckle. As he climbs onto the middle rope and hooks Logan’s head, there’s a commotion in the stands. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Inexplicably, the Enterprise’s Director of Security, CPA, makes his presence felt. He enters the ring after shoving Nick Patrick down and levels Jock with a BIG BOOT, then waist locks an unsuspecting Baron Windels from behind, driving him straight to the mat with the DOMINATOR! COLE What the hell?! Damn him! Logan gains his footing on the top rope and spreads his wings before flying, spiking both knees into the sternum of Baron Windels!! ONE… TWO… THREE!! * DINGDINGDINGDING * BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match and for the third time your One & Only World Tag Team Champions…THE HEAVENLYYYYYYY RRRRRROOOOOOOOOCCKKEEEEEEERRRRRRRSSSSSSS![/quote] [color="#008080"][font="Impact"][size=7]HOUSE OF WORSHIP[/size][/font][/color] With your Inspirational Leader....[b][color="#008080"]Abdullah Abir Nerdly[/color][/b] A mellow Arabic chant welcomes us back inside Nationwide Arena. Flanked by a bevy of beauties, two of whom solely responsible for keeping his robe from scratching the floor‘s surface, Abdullah Nerdly scrolls out to a specially designed set located away from the main stage, nodding and smiling to his followers. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Judging from their reaction, I don’t think our fans want to listen to Abdullah’s latest message. COACH Yeah, because they might actually [I]learn[/I] something. If our citizens were half as tolerant as those in Abdullah’s part of the world, there wouldn’t be violence or discrimination. COLE Instead there’d be intimidation and repression. Now at the podium, Abdullah takes a moment to praise the heavens, one of the poses displayed on his Mosque’s stained glass windows. ABDULLAH Thank you my virgins. And hello again enemies of Abdullah. Welcome to a special prayer gathering at my House of Worship. Tonight’s sermon deals with the act of giving. It has long been said it is better to give than to receive. Well allow me to put that rumor to rest because it is far better to [I]receive[/I] than it is to give! COACH Praise be! ABDULLAH Look no further than last week’s Leap Year Spectacular for example. My good friend Teddy Moneymaker’s Enterprise received a generous donation from yours truly in exchange for security protection for me and my men during the Sin City Street Fight. While it is true anything goes in a street fight, there are -- believe it or not -- some gentlemanly rules in the rough world of professional wrestling. The biggest of which is that you never intentionally try to hurt one of your opponents. COLE Is he kidding me? The Colonel and his men have purposely tried to end careers on numerous occasions and he’s complaining about the Lone Star Gunslingers’ physicality in a street fight? A match his men demanded, by the way. ABDULLAH Praise Allah for CPA. If not for him it’s unlikely I’d be introducing my guests at this time. Enemies of Allah, I present to you the greatest rock ‘n’ wrestling band of all-time and your One & Only World tag team champions… THE HEAVENLY RRRRRROOOOOOOOOCCKKEEEEEEERRRRRRRSSSSSSS!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" The gold back around their waists, both Heavenly Rockers also sport bandages/scratches on their faces, the result of their punishing Sin City Street Fight last week on the Leap Year Spectacular. It doesn’t stop the Synthmeister from playing a little air guitar on his tag title. Holly-Wood, meanwhile, is unable to keep her paws off husband Logan Mann, feeling him up with one hand and caressing his championship belt on the other. ABDULLAH Mr. and Mrs. Mann, Synth, welcome back to my House of Worship. Before we go any further, a few weeks ago there was to be a major announcement made by the Heavenly Rockers. Unfortunately that announcement had to be postponed due to a couple of trigger-happy Gunslingers who… praise Allah… have since been taken care of. Seeing as though we’re gathered this glorious evening to celebrate our new tag team champions, there wouldn’t be a better time to make that announcement than right now! Synth, if you’d please step forward. Synth obliges, lowering his head as well. ABDULLAH After months of studying you have finally accumulated the wealth of knowledge that has purified your mind, body and soul. Inside of you always beat the heart of a little boy. Tonight beats the heart of a man. Brother Synthmeister, I hereby christen you [b][color="#9932CC"]SYNTH ABDUL-JABBAR[/color][/b], master of the skyhook elbow drop! The Colonel adds to the pageantry by placing GOGGLES on Synth’s face. Visibly moved, the newly christen Synth Abdul-Jabbar and Colonel Abdullah embrace to a round of applause from Logan and Holly. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SYNTH Colonel, thank you for this honor and for guiding this lost soul to happiness he never thought possible. No drug in the world can replicate the high Synth Abdul-Jabbar is on. My only regret is that our Muslim brother Barack Hussein Obama wasn’t as successful in his recent bout as the Heavenly Rockers were in theirs. COLE Since when did Synth and Abdullah become so interested in the 2008 U.S. presidential race? I thought Synth heart Huckabee? COACH Maybe he decided to jump on the bandwagon like everyone else. You honestly don’t believe their support is some kind of sinister plot? ABDULLAH The bigotry within the United States, where all men are supposedly created equal, is a disgrace. Let’s not worry about that however. His nomination is money in the bank. Right now allow me to reiterate my pleasure on having you back on the show, especially as the OAO World tag team champions for a third time. LOGAN That sounds so good I’m gonna say it again. 3-time tag team champions of the world, the One & Only tag team champions of the world for that matter, the Heavenly Rockers! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" LOGAN We’ve felt naked the last month or so without the gold, but we told each and every one of these people in the area and watching at home that we’d regain the tag titles. It wasn’t easy, nor was it pretty. Just look at our faces. Under these bandages are countless stitches. But hey, we took it as good as we gave it. SYNTH Yeah, boy. If ya’ll think we look bad, go find the Lone Star Gunslingers. They look even worse. And they lost too! LOGAN Jock and Baron are probably licking their wounds somewhere in Texas, maybe huddled on the couch enjoying Brokeback Mountain on HBO or whatever, and assuming their heads aren’t buried in each others crotches, they can at least hang ‘em on the fact they didn’t just lose to the best but the greatest rock ‘n‘ wrestling band of ALL time! SYNTH Ain’t nothing wrong coming in number two. HOLLY Logan can attest to that. LOGAN :lol: ABDULLAH Now then, as you gentlemen very well know, once you get done with one team you move on to the next. For you it’s the 2008 Anderson Cup winners Team Heyross at AngleMania VII. LOGAN Colonel, you’ve been around us long enough to know we only deal with facts. And the fact is we’ve won more tag titles and slept with a whole helluva lot more women than Charlie Moss and Quentin Benjamin have in their dreams. SYNTH Those fools can’t even beat us in their sleep either! COLE They seem to be forgetting Team Heyross eliminated them from the Anderson Cup. LOGAN So as far as we’re concerned, AngleMania’s just apart of our spring break plans. A trip to LA on the OAOAST’s dime. SYNTH :headbang: ABDULLAH Praise be! The segment concludes with the Heavenly Rockers, Holly-Wood and Colonel Abdullah arm in arm singing “We Are the World” for reasons unknown. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites