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Zack Malibu

Anglemania:Zack Malibu vs. Bohemoth

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Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is schedule for one fall!


When "Liberate" by Disturbed is cued right after Buffer's announcement, the fans go BANANA~!, because they know that what they're about to see is the culmination of months and months of tension finally coming to a head, and that reaction continues as the first participant in the match steps out onto the stage, peering over his trademark orange tinted sunglasses at his fanbase while pyro explodes behind him!



Approaching the ring at this time, from Greenville, South Carolina...he weighs in tonight at two hundred and eighty four pounds...he is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHEMOTH~!


The big man, with adrenaline flowing through his veins, jogs in place at the head of the ramp before stepping through the ropes. After getting into the ring, Bo storms over to the corner and throws his arms up, then beats on his chest as he acknowledges the crowd, who have traveled the world over to get here for this spectacle tonight. Just as Bo climbs down from the ropes, that's when the music of his opponent hits, and as Bo bounces off the ropes he keeps his eyes set on the entranceway, while "Getting Away With Murder" brings the fans to a full scale eruption of cheers, even moreso when the other participant in this match becomes visible, pausing on the entranceway in the midst of the gold sparkles that rain down from the pyro, as he's greeted by the loud reaction of the crowd!



His opponent, hailing from Providence, Rhode Island...weighing in tonight at two hundred and ten pounds, he has been deemed The Franchise of the OAOAST, he is the one, the only...ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MALIBUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~!


Zack comes down the ramp, having locked eyes with Bo he can only offer a smirk, as if to say "this is what you've gotten yourself into". Zack hops into the ring and spins around, working the crowd as only he can, while Bo stands idly by, cracking his neck while his opponent plays to the people that love him so.


The bell sounds, and the two stars stand off in the center of the ring, with the fans going crazy. Zack approaches fearlessly, with Bo's intimidating demeanor not affecting him in the slightest. They come face to face, the tension that has built in the last several months looking as if it's about to make their heads pop. Trash talking ensues, and the camera can barely pick up the sound of each man daring the other to make the first move. Bo takes a step back and stretches his arms out, daring Malibu to come at him...and Zack blasts him with a hard slap across the face to put him in place! Bo reacts, shoving Malibu so hard that Zack falls to the canvas, but he gets right back up and charges in! Zack tries for a tackle, but Bo uses his size advantage to keep his balance, and pounds on Zack's back to stop the attempt. Bo whips Zack to the ropes and catches him on the rebound, pressing him up over his head...but Zack rakes the eyes, temporarily blinding Bo! Bo loses his grip, having to tend to his eyes, while Zack lands behind him, bracing himself. As Bo regains his sight, he looks for Zack, turning around into a SC...NO! Zack's early attempt at a superkick was caught by Bo, who chuckles as he throws Zack's foot down and then blasts him with a standing lariat!



We're off to a rocking start in this one, Coach! I don't think the four sides of the squared circle are going to be able to contain this one!



Well, just look at it this way, Mikey Cole...if they don't, it's just one more call to the health insurance company that we have to make.


Bo picks Zack up and traps him in a front chancery, using his large arm to squeeze Zack's head and put the pressure on it. Zack comes up to his feet, trying to find a better position than the one he's in, and manages to yank Bo's arm off his head by using a wristlock. Malibu then uses a go behind, but has trouble getting Bo over, so it's easily reversed by the big man, who takes Zack down to the mat with a rear waistlock takedown, and then applies a side headlock on the canvas.



The power of Bohemoth should come in handy in keeping Zack grounded.


Zack fights up to his feet and shoves Bo forward into the ropes, but Bo responds by plowing over Zack with a shoulderblock. Malibu looks up from the canvas at Bo, who smirks and motions for Zack to come at him. Angered by the taunt, Malibu rolls to his feet and goes in for a lockup...but at the last second drives a knee into Bo's ribcage! Forearms across the back follow, and then a hard European uppercut sends Bo back a few steps! Malibu runs at Bo with a clothesline, but Bo drops his head and elevates Zack over the ropes...but Zack lands on the apron! Malibu takes Bo by the head and runs him over to the corner where he rams him facefirst into the top turnbuckle several times, staggering the hosstastic superstar! Malibu then leans over the ropes and shoves Bo back, watching as he hobbles off-balance in a daze, and leaps off the top rope with a flying lariat that takes the big man down! Malibu then mounts the shoulders and starts throwing elbows, one by one connecting with the face and head of Bo as he tries to cover up! Bo finally rolls Malibu off of him, and when Zack comes forward again, Bo takes his legs out from under him and now HE'S the one doing the hammering, as Malibu blocks his face with his elbows to deter the shots! Taking Zack by the head, Bo brings him up to his feet and starts hitting hammer punches to the kidneys, then shoves Zack backwards into the corner, and follows up by getting some momentum and ramming his shoulder into Zack's midsection! Seeing the effect this has, Bo does it several more times, then hooks Zack's arm and biels him out of the corner, throwing him onto his back!



Someone's got a fire in their belly tonight, and I don't mean the guys who ate in catering!


Zack winces, and as he gets up he's taken hold of by his opponent, who hoists him up for a vertical suplex and holds him in the upside down position. Members of the crowd applaud as Bo shows off his strength advantage, then falls back to the canvas, dropping Malibu with the suplex! Bo scoops Zack up again and then wraps his arms around his waist, taking him off his feet and sitting him on the top rope! Bo climbs up onto the middle rope, but a quick headbutt stuns him, and Zack shoves him off. Though rattle, Bo gets up and gets to the corner before Zack can mount an offense and hurls him off the top rope with a slam, once again throwing Zack across the ring!


Zack rolls out of the ring and crouches down, favoring his back. Bo walks across the ring and simply hops through the ropes to the floor, staring at Zack as he comes up. The two lock eyes, but before things can break down on the floor, they simultaneously roll back into the ring, roll to their feet, and tie up! Bo moves Zack around the ring, trying to back him against the ropes or into a corner, but Zack forces his way out of that predicament. Malibu then hooks the wrist of the big man and wrenches the arm, then jerks it as if he wants to yank it out of the socket! Malibu then follows up with hard, knife-edge chops across the chest of Bohemoth, but the more he's struck, the more furious he grows! Bo snarls as Zack opens fire with quicker, harder chops, but winds up with Bo's knee doubling him over! Bo then sets Zack up for a power bomb, but Malibu slips out of the grasp of his friend-slash-foe, and opens fire with hard, open hand strikes, smacking Bo against each side of his face time after time until he finishes the flurry with a roaring elbow that smashes Bohemoth flush in the jaw! Bo drops, then rolls to one knee, putting his hand under his chin when he realizes that the blood pooling on the canvas is coming from his jaw!



Bo's bleeding! Zack has busted the big man open with that series of strikes!


Bo wipes his mouth clean, but it's a temporary solution as more blood drips out of the side of it...and Zack adds to the injury by taking Bo by the head and striking with a European uppercut! Bo falls back, the fall only broken by the ropes, and Zack uses that to send Bo off to the far side, while he hits the near side, using the momentum to nail his trademark leaping lariat! Malibu gets up and brings Bo to his feet, immediately sending him in motion towards the ropes. As Bo bounces back, Malibu spins and hits a back kick that crashes into Bo's ribcage, then a running kneelift as he's hunched over! Blood spews from the mouth of the big man as he spins towards the ropes, dazed and draped over the top. He stands upright and turns to his foe, but Malibu bursts forward with a bicycle kick that knocks Bo out through the ropes! The big man clings to the ropes, not allowing himself to crash onto the ringside floor, but as he pulls himself up on the apron, Malibu charges the corner, leaps to the middle rope, and then jumps back with a dropkick that sends Bo flying off the apron, down onto the guardrail below!



I'm glad I ain't sittin' front row...do you know how hard it is to get blood out of a suit?



Covering your tracks now that Chris Hansen is on your trail?



Har har.


Ringside fans rush over, snapping pictures and getting their brief brush with fame by patting Bo on the back, but the big man is feeling the effect of the jaw injury, as he's just smashed it against the unforgiving steel. Bo slowly rises to his feet, glassy-eyed from the impact. Blood pours out of his mouth as he staggers, right into a baseball slide from Malibu that sends him falling back against the edge of the announce table! Malibu peppers Bo with forearms, looking to expose the weakness, and all Bo can do is shove Malibu away while he tries to regain his composure. Malibu attacks again, but Earl Hebner steps in and orders Zack back into the ring while he checks on Bohemoth. Assured that he's OK, Hebner climbs back into the ring and begins the count, showing no favortism now that Bo has agreed he can go on. With blood now oozing rapidly from his mouth, Bo pushes up to his feet and turns around, unbalanced, and right into the path of a pescado by Malibu...WHICH HE CATCHES! Bo isn't taken down by the aerial manuever, and instead it has now backfired on Malibu, who finds himself pressed overhead, then thrown clear over the top rope and back into the ring by the powerful primadonna! Bo then slides back into the ring, looking disgruntled as he looms over Malibu, bloody jaw and all. He reaches down and pulls Zack up, but it proves to be a fatal mistake, as Zack quickly hits a jawbreaker, stunning him! Zack then takes Bo by the head and runs him facefirst into the top turnbuckle, then hooks Bo by the waist as he staggers back and takes him over with a German suplex!







Zack might have found a chink in the armor now, but I don't think Bo is going to go down this soon into the contest.


Malibu brings Bo up, keeping him dazed with quick forearms across the cheek so that Bo is hurting while Zack runs the ropes...but when Zack bounces off, Bo hits a big boot out of nowhere, smashing the popular prep right across HIS face! Bo follows up with an elbowdrop, then runs the ropes and comes off with a big splash...but Zack rolls out of the way! Bo comes up on his knees, shaking off the effects of the missed move, while Zack springs off the ropes once again, leaping up for a ZACK ATTACK...but Bo pops up, grabs Zack in midair, and spins over with a powerslam that nearly leaves the imprint of Zack Malibu's body in the canvas!







That one came back to haunt Zack. He's trying to weaken Bo as fast as he can...that's why we saw the School's Out attempt in the early and the Zack Attack attempt just now. He knows that Bo has fallen to the quick kill before, like back at the Triple Cage Match at November Reign. Injury or not though, he can't take Bo for granted!


Bo picks Zack up and quickly nails Zack with an inverted atomic drop, then spins him around and hits an atomic drop, and then grabs Zack and dumps him over his shoulders with a quick back suplex! Bo then bounces off the ropes and then connects with the big splash that missed several minutes earlier, and once again hooks Zack's leg, hoping for a three count!







I think Bo might be takin' Zack a little bit for granted too. He's in there with the most resilient man in the wrestling business today...it's gonna take more than a few powerslams and suplexes to be Mr. Anglemania!


Bo picks Zack up, and quickly applies an abdominal stretch, working over both Zack's sore back and ribs. Earl Hebner keeps watch as Malibu squirms, trying to free himself. He reaches out, hoping to grab hold of the top rope, but he's too far out and he falls flat on the attempt. He stretches himself, doing more harm than good as he adds to the pressure, simply to try and get the break, but Bo releases the hold, then drops Zack across his knee with a backbreaker! He rolls Zack onto his stomach and drives a knee into the lower back. He then plants both of his knees in Zack's back and drops backwards, pulling Zack up onto his knees and bending him over them with a bow and arrow submission!



Hey, a BO and Arrow!



Your head should pop out of a Laugh-In box.


Malibu groans in agony, trying to slide his body off the knees of Bohemoth while being bent over them. He wriggles and wriggles, and finally shifts himsef off the knees, rolling onto Bo's upper body and hooking a leg back for a surprise pin attempt!






Bohemoth kicks out easily, shoving Zack off of him. As he gets up, Zack charges, but Bo drops his head down and elevates Zack into the air, sending him over with a back bodydrop! Zack winces, visibly shaken from the most recent of the falls he's taken in this contest. He gets up, open to Bo who rushes with a lariat, but Zack throws his elbows up and blocks! Bo pulls back, tending to his arm, and Zack tries for a discus lariat...but his arm gets grabbed by Bo, who then takes him by the throat with one hand and drives him into the canvas with a chokeslam!








Zack kicks out and rolls away, as Bo rests on his knees, taking a moment to catch his breath. Zack rolls to the corner and uses the turnbuckles to bring himself to his feet, but Bo comes up and charges in, sandwiching Zack against the turnbuckles before he can make a full recovery! Zack starts to slump, and Bo turns him around and sets him up in the corner, then runs to the ropes and comes off with a FACEWASH~! that just may have send a few of Zack Malibu's pearly whites sailing into the crowd! Bo pulls Zack up and shoots him off to the opposite side, but Malibu regains control of the situation by springing up onto the ropes and then jumping back...but Bo waits on him, catching him in mid-leap! Bo rests Zack on his shoulder then hurls him forward, dropping him with Snake Eyes on the top turnbuckle, then taking him and dropping him on the top rope! Bo sets Zack up and then exits the ring, going out to the apron and then climbing up to the top so that he's face to face with Zack. Bo sets himself up on the top rope with Zack, stuffing Zack's head between his legs. Looking out to the crowd that's coming alive with the anticipation of what's about to happen, Bo hoists Zack up for a SUPER POWERBOMB~!...THAT ZACK REVERSES INTO A HURACANRANA, SENDING BOTH MEN SAILING OFF THE TOP ROPE~!












The fans chant loudly and in unison, as both competitors lay on the canvas, staring up at the overhead lights beaming down on them. Camera close-ups show both men gasping for air, trying desperately to regain some of that expended energy in an effort to take the other down. It's Malibu who stirs first, rolling onto his stomach, and then crawling over to Bo, pulling him closer to the center of the ring and then draping himself over him, hooking the leg as he waits on Hebner to do his job.









Now Bohemoth escapes defeat, as the shoulders came off the mat!


Zack rolls onto his back and wipes the sweat from his brow as he comes up, surveying the damage done thus far to Bo. Leading Bo up, Zack then opens fire with hard kicks, connecting with the area just above Bo's kneecap, noticeably hobbling the big man! Bo tries to get away, but having his equilibrium disrupted and a bad wheel will not get you far, as Malibu reaches down and grabs the bad leg, dragon screwing him to the canvas! Zack then holds the bad leg and delivers several kicks while Bo is down, further weaking the knee joint and leg muscles, then takes the leg and wraps it up, going for a figure four leglock...but just as he's about to cinch it in, the big man reaches up, pulling Malibu down into a cradle!









He might be down, but he certainly ain't out!



Good work by Zack in now targeting the leg of Bohemoth. Bo's got the obvious power advantage, but it's going to be tough to throw Zack around like he's been doing if he can't support his weight.


Bo is still slow to get up, so Zack looks to regain control...but as he extends his arm going for the Metrosexual Monster, Bo quickly hooks it, wrapping around Zack's back and hooking the other arm as well, using a backslide to try to score the pin over the former World Champion!




TW-NO! Zack rolls backwards, back up to his feet, escaping the pinning predicament. As Bo gets up, Zack traps his arms in a butterfly lock, then brings his knees up, striking Bo as he's unable to defend against the blows. After the series of knees, Zack then summons the strength to bring the big man into the air, throwing him overhead with a butterfly suplex!



Strong showing by Zack there, channeling that adrenaline and momentum into using some power moves of his own on the monstrous superstar!


With Bo down, Malibu hits the ropes and comes back with a kneedrop, driving the point of it into the forehead of his opponent. Sensing the agony that Bo is enduring, Malibu drags him away from the ropes and brings him to his feet, then takes his right hand and uses it to engulf Bo's head, squeezing his cranium like a grape!



IRON CLAW~! Malibu has the Iron Claw on Bohemoth!



That's what you call kickin' it old school!



Malibu has always noted that some of his heroes growing up were the Von Erichs, and began utilizing this move in his arsenal several years ago as HI-YAH Champion, when the Japanese fans dubbed Zack the Modern Day Warrior, a moniker he shares with the late, great Kerry Von Erich!


Bo screams in pain, as the pressure put on by Malibu is only intensifying his already wounded state. Zack uses his left arm to hold his right arm in place, refusing to let go, as Bo rests on his knees, trying to power up. He uses his hands and grabs Zack's wrist, but all that seems to do is hold the claw in place as he fights back. Coming up onto one knee, Bo squeezes Zack's wrist as hard as he can, and is able to power up to both feet, giving him the leverage to tear the hold away! Gassed, he shoves Malibu backwards, but Zack uses it to hit the ropes and come off with a low dropkick, taking Bo's knee out from under him! Positioned on one knee again, Bo favors the leg after the hit, leaving him prone for Malibu to make another run to the ropes, this time connecting with the ZACK ATTACK~!, sending blood spewing from the mouth of Bohemoth!



ZACK ATTACK~! This could be it right here, Coach!


Realizing what an opportunity this is, Malibu hurriedly goes for the cover, hooking the leg tightly!









It ain't over til it's over, Mikey Cole, and the Well-Dressed Warrior isn't about to lose to the Modern Day Warrior just yet!


Pounding the mat in frustration, Malibu and Bo come up again, with Malibu leading the way. He looks to send Bo across the ring to the ropes, but at the last second, Bo reverses! He drops his head, but Zack puts on the brakes and delivers a hard kick, sending Bo back to the vertical base...smiling! Bo grins, showing off his blood stained teeth, as the kick has no effect, and he levels the startled Malibu with a standing lariat! The split crowd, who have been watching every move each man makes, roars with approval as Bo starts a comeback, first stomping Malibu with his good leg, then taking him off the canvas, grabbing him and shoving him backwards into the ropes again, this time catching Zack and spinning around with a hard spinebuster that shakes the ring! Wiping the blood from his mouth, Bo then flicks it at Zack as he looks up, grossing out the preppy poster boy, then stuffs him into a standing headscissors, looking to the supportive crowd for a brief moment before lifting Zack up with a power bomb...THAT MALIBU COUNTERS BY PUTTING THE IRON CLAW BACK ON AS HE RESTS ON BO'S SHOULDERS!






He won't be able to hold his weight, not on that leg!


Just as Coach called, Bo staggers, trying to both keep his balance and fight the effects of the claw. Hebner watches as Bo teeters around the ring, refusing to let go of Malibu and allow him to take over again...so he STUFFS HIM into the canvas with a powerbomb...AND MALIBU STILL REFUSES TO LET GO! Bohemoth, screaming out as he uses every ounce of strength in his system, deadlifts Maliub up off the canvas, back up onto his shoulders...AND HURLS ZACK OVER THE TOP ROPE WITH A RELEASE POWER BOMB ONTO THE RAMP BEFORE COLLAPSING BACK!



God DAMN~!



WHAT POWER! WHAT A SHOW OF STRENGTH BY BOHEMOTH! He fought off that Iron Claw for a second time, and threw Zack Malibu almost ten feet down the rampway!


Bo is out on the canvas. Zack is out on the ramp. Earl Hebner still can't believe what just happened, and neither can the fans, who are going insane. Though it's fair game to begin counting Zack out at this point, Hebner let's his natural instinct take over, and steps through the ropes to go see how Zack is doing, as do two trainers who rush out from the back to see if he's OK.



Zack Malibu landed hard on that ramp, and now referee Earl Hebner and several of our staff members are tending to him, making sure he hasn't been seriously hurt.


The trainers tend to Zack, who is moving and talking, although it's inaudible to the viewer at home. The trainers tend to Zack as he sits up, and Hebner returns back to the ring and begins making the count, while Bohemoth himself finally starts to stir. Zack gets up to his feet to a huge response, and blows off the trainers, making his way back to the ring as the fans cheer him on! Zack gingerly steps through the ropes and paces towards Bohemoth, cracking him with a hard right hand as he comes up...and Bo retaliates with one of his own! Zack reels from the blow, then comes back with another hard right hand, then sends Bo to the ropes! He comes back and Zack tries for a hiptoss, but Bo blocks, then scoops Zack up and drops him with a bodyslam! Bo then applies a nerve pinch, pressing into the side of Zack's neck before he can get up to his feet, as Bo utilizes the move to both weaken Zack and allow himself to regain some of his energy. Zack cringes while trapped in the move, yet is able to get up to his feet, and drives his elbow into Bo's ribs twice to get the break! He takes Bo by the head and wrenches it, then calls for a bulldog...but as he runs across the ring and his feet leave the canvas, Bo pushes off, causing Zack to crash land on his own! Malibu once again finds himself hurting after being dropped hard to the canvas, and when he comes up Bo charges forward and turns Malibu inside out, spearing the OAOAST's favorite son right out of his boots! Sensing his rival has lost a step after all he's had to endure thus far, Bo picks Zack up into his arms and moves in for the coup de grace, swinging Malibu outward into his trademark Rock Bottom like manuever the EROTIC AWAKENING OF B...but just before Malibu is driven to the canvas, he pulls Bo's head down into the canvas, spiking him with a DDT as he falls!



Great counter by Zack!


Both men are once again exhausted, and a quick camera close up shows Bo, looking as if he's asleep, with blood from his mouth pooling on the canvas. Malibu is breathing heavy but not moving, as he's been the one on the defensive for the last several minutes and needs to pace himself if he expects to keep this match going his way now that he's taken Bo down. Hebner issues the standing 10 count, which both men can surely hear, but are going to take full advantage of. Malibu rolls onto his stomach at the count of 5, but doesn't come up to his feet, and neither does Bo. By 7, Zack is pushing up and Bo is just starting to stir. Zack, being closer to the ropes, has help in getting to his feet, but Bo pushes up, and though hobbling, is up by 10 just as Zack has pulled himself up to his feet as well! Bo turns around and Zack turns away from the ropes simultaneously...AND MALIBU CRACKS BOHEMOTH WITH A SCHOOL'S OUT~!





He caught him! He got him with the knockout blow, Mikey Cole!


Bo sells it as though he's been shot, and Malibu literally falls on top of him, still remembering to hook the leg~!

















This is what it's all about! This is Anglemania, the night that anything can happen, the night that no one wants to be denied, and that's what we're seein' right here, Mikey!


The already conflicted crowd, the same people that cheered when Zack hit the superkick, also cheer when Bo kicks out, and as Malibu sits up and looks at Hebner make the "two" symbol with his fingers, he cannot believe what just happened.



Zack Malibu can't believe it! Bohemoth has withstood the same move that has slayed many an OAOAST superstar!


Zack picks Bo up and shoots him into the corner, charging in as quick as he can and striking Bo with a ZACK ATTACK II~! that he can't avoid! Before Bo drops to the canvas, Zack scoops him up and sits him on the top rope, then climbs up himself. Malibu delivers a series of punches to the temple, making sure his opponent is in no position to pull off a counter-move as he's then hooked by the head and snapped all the way down to the canvas with a superplex...and Zack rolls through with it bringing Bo up with him, and cradles the leg before lifting him up and SPIKING HIM WITH A FALLING STAR DRIVER~!



A double shot of DAMN~! right there!



Zack Malibu, nailing the superplex first, and immediately following with the Falling Star Driver! That HAD to do it!









I don't believe it! How could he move at all after that?


Malibu seems incensed at the persistence of Bo, but he presses on, not letting it get the better of him. After dragging Bo away from the ropes, Zack positions him close to center ring, then heads out to the apron. Malibu then goes to the top, the look in his eye one of hope, as he hopes that whatever he does from here will be enough to seal the deal. He leaps into the air, kicking his legs out in front of him so that he lands with a guillotine legdrop...and he does, it's just that he hits NOTHING BUT CANVAS, as Bo manages to roll away in the nick of time! Zack hollers as the pain shoots from his tailbone up his spine, and he gingerly gets up...but winds up stumbling into the clutches of Bo, who plants him with a front spinebuster! Bo then peels Zack off the canvas before he can react, and scoops him off his feet...then takes the Franchise and swings him out into the EROTIC AWAKENING OF B~!, sending him into the canvas with a thundering crash!










The crowd is going bonkers, waiting for what comes next as neither man can seem to keep his opponent down long enough for the three count! Bo picks Zack up and sets him up for a power bomb, but as he lifts, Zack miraculously escapes, sliding down Bo's back...ANGLE SLAM~!...NO! Bo slides free of THAT, takes Zack by the head and sets him up once again for a powerbomb, which he hits!








Bo rolls onto his back, then gets to his feet, looking soured that Malibu just won't give.



Look at the look on Bo's face, Coach! That is the look of an angry man!



He's taken his fair share of the punishment in this one...he's aching, he's sore, and now he's starting to wonder if he's going to be able to beat Zack Malibu!


Bo reaches down and picks Zack up, but Zack stuns him with a jawbreaker as he does! Malibu shakes the cobwebs off and moves in for the kill, taking Bo and sending him in...NO! Bo counters and sends Zack off the ropes, then nails him with a diving shoulderblock, knocking Zack through the ropes! Malibu hangs on, landing on the apron rather than the floor, which Bo doesn't realize as he comes up off the mat. Zack gets to his feet, and after measuring Bo up, launches himself in with a springboard lariat...BUT GETS CAUGHT AND DROPPED WITH AN INVERTED ATOMIC DROP~! Bo picks Zack up...EROTIC AWAKENING OF B ONCE AGAIN~! COVER~!
































The sound of his theme song is music to his ears, as Bo rolls off of Zack, seemingly chuckling to himself, content with having just done what only one other person ever did...defeat Zack Malibu on the grandest stage in wrestling today. Bo slowly gets to his feet, and when he does his hand is raised, which is welcomed by a crowd who appreciates not only the win, but the effort involved.



An amazing match with two tremendous athletes, and tonight Bohemoth was the better man, securing a three count over Zack Malibu after surviving an offensive onslaught like no other from Malibu!



Give it up for Zack too, Mikey Cole. Both these guys busted their asses big time here tonight!


Bo limps around the ring, his knee still giving him trouble after being a target for Malibu earlier on. Bo leans on the turnbuckles, then climbs up on them and raises his arms, basking in the victory as many members of this capacity crowd respond loudly with cheers. Bo steps down and turns around, then stops dead in his tracks, as Malibu comes up and inches towards Bo. Favoring his back, Malibu comes forward, staring at Bo without fear in his eyes...and extends a hand.



And there it is, folks. Winning streaks and championships are certainly important in our industry, but there's no prize greater than the respect of your peers, especially someone like Zack Malibu, and that's what Bohemoth has earned here tonight!


The crowd cheers loudly, as Bo looks to each side. He focuses on Malibu, staring the man he just defeated not more than two minutes ago...and WALKS RIGHT PAST HIM!



Wait...what? What is he doing?



Bohemoth just dissed Zack Malibu, hardcore!


Bo steps through the ropes and out onto the ramp, and starts heading to the back, the once supportive crowd now drowning him out with boos, while a confused and angered Malibu stands in the ring.



I know things have been tense with these two, but come on, Bo! Be a man and go back and shake his hand!


Malibu stands in the ring, able to do nothing but look up the ramp at Bo, who stops at the entraceway and raises his arms again, drawing loud boos for the second time tonight. The cameras pick up on Bo pounding his chest, saying that "It's MY night!" and giving the crowd one last look before disappearing behind the curtain. Malibu, meanwhile, begins his slow walk up the ramp, shaking his head in disbelief that Bohemoth has taken the low road after a classic contest.

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