Ed Wood Caulfield 0 Report post Posted March 14, 2008 (edited) I CALL OPENING SEGMENT, PLEASE!!! kthxbye “THE CHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP…” [i]*DUN DUN*[/i] “…IS…” [i]*DUN*[/i] “…HERE!” “YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, the PRL entrance video plays on the AngleTron, and “Know Your Role 2000” begins playing, with the crowd standing up and cheering loudly. The lights go down in the arena. PR is heard saying, “THE CHAMP IS HERE!” in tune with the beat of the song, while smoke fills the entrance stage and spotlights circle around and around the arena. A few seconds elapsed, the entrance doors slide open, and then Tha Puerto Rican quickly saunters out through the smoke and power walks down the entrance ramp to the ring, not stopping at all, and keeping his eyes focused on the ring. The crowd cheers louder than before. COLE And what a way to start off HeldDOWN~! with an appearance from the #1 Contender to the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title, Tha Puerto Rican! COACH (sarcastically) Oh joy. Tha Puerto Rican is wearing his trademark Puerto Rican flag bandana, sunglasses, an earring in his left ear, a gold chain around his neck, an unbuttoned red and black dress shirt which probably costs $800, a $500 Rolex watch on his right wrist, black dress pants with a leather belt to hold them up, and black dress shoes. PRL has a cocky smirk on his face as he walks to the ring. COLE In 3 weeks time, Tha Puerto Rican will step into the ring against the man who he USED to call his manager, 'Career Consultant' and friend, Stephen Joseph Popick in the main event of AngleMania VII for the World Heavyweight Title in what is undoubtedly the single most important match in Tha Puerto Rican’s 10 year career! COACH Oh yes, Michael Cole. You are right. This will be the single biggest match in Tha Puerto Rican’s whole entire career, which is why it’ll be SOOOO great when he goes ahead and blows it AGAIN at AngleMania VII! COLE But PRL is more focused than ever before. He had to risk his career to get to this point! He’s been screwed time and time again, but he has fought back! And now, he’s got a date with destiny on March 30th at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, California. COACH Well, I’ve got some bad news for PRL: Destiny doesn’t put out! Tha Puerto Rican stops at ringside to slap hands with the fans before power walking around the ringside area. PRL climbs the ring steps up onto the ring apron. Tha Puerto Rican gets on the ring apron. He gives the fans The People’s Eyebrow and then enters the ring. He spins around; soaking in the fans’ cheers while “Know Your Role 2000” continues playing over the P.A. system. Tha Puerto Rican does the HBK muscle pose while pyro goes off behind him. Tha Puerto Rican then heads to a second turnbuckle and raises his hands in the air. The crowd continues cheering. PRL gets off of the second turnbuckle and then heads to another second turnbuckle where he raises his hands in the air again. The crowd cheers some more. COLE The Lightning Bolts are standing in appreciation for their hero, The People’s Champion, Tha Puerto Rican! COACH All this proves is how the OAOAST has nothing but fair-weather fans! Each and every last one of them! PRL gets off of the second turnbuckle and then heads to a third second turnbuckle where he raises his right fist into the air while he “smells the electricity” as a single spotlight shines on him ala The Rock. PRL then gets off of the second turnbuckle and heads to the fourth second turnbuckle where he does the same Rock pose again, receiving more cheers. COLE And before we get to AngleMania, Popick’s wife Lindsay will be in action here tonight defending her OAOAST Women’s Championship against Maggie Nerdly as a result of what happened last week. COACH Maggie was lucky to get the pinfall last Thursday! But there ain’t NO WAY, NO…WAY that she will be able to get the pinfall and become Women’s Champion here tonight! No way! She’s an INTERVIEWER for crying out loud, Michael! Be real! COLE Stranger things have happened, Coach. COACH We haven’t gotten that ridiculous yet, Cole. And yes, I am including Derek the drunken fish in that comment! Tha Puerto Rican gets off of the second turnbuckle and calls for a microphone. He receives one from a ringside attendant. The lights go back on in the arena as Tha Puerto Rican paces back and forth in the ring with a microphone in his left hand. COLE You think PRL will be watching the Maggie/Lindsay match later on tonight? COACH Yeah. He lusts after Maggie and still has feelings for Lindsay, of course he will! And I don’t blame him. Two hot girls fighting in the middle of the ring right here tonight! I cannot wait for that match, Michael! “Know Your Role 2000” dies down. The crowd cheers loudly. PRL looks at the crowd with a smirk on his face. “P.R.!” “P.R.!” “P.R.!” “P.R.!” PRL “smells the electricity” again. COLE The thousands in attendance here in Lafayette chanting for The Great One! COACH I hate his long winded speeches. The crowd is still chanting for P.R. Tha Puerto Rican chuckles. The camera cuts to several PRL signs in the crowd. COACH Just get it over with already! Tha Puerto Rican puts the microphone to his lips. THA PUERTO RICAN At long last…after all this time…THE CHAMP IS HERE IN LAFAYETTE! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” COACH Whoop-dee-do! Whatever. Tha Puerto Rican takes in a minute to let the fans cheer for him. “P.R.!” “P.R.!” “P.R.!” “P.R.!” COACH Come on! Come on! We ain’t got all day! This is a 2 hour show, P.R.! COLE Why don’t you go tell him that yourself? COACH Nah, I’ll stay here instead. Tha Puerto Rican puts the microphone to his lips again. THA PUERTO RICAN On January 15, 1998, Tha Puerto Rican had his first ever match in San Juan, Puerto Rico. On January 23, 2003, Tha Puerto Rican signed a contract with the One And Only AngleSault Thread and on March 10, 2003, Tha Puerto Rican made his debut right here in the OAOAST. COACH Right. Enough with the history lesson! PRL (CONT’D) On May 23, 2004, Tha Puerto Rican formed an alliance with one Stephen Joseph Popick. An alliance that soon turned into a friendship. But on November 30, 2007, that friendship was ended when Stephen Joseph Popick BETRAYED Tha Puerto Rican as did my friends AND my fiancée! “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” COACH HA! HA! Yeah! That was great! COLE An unforgettable moment in OAOAST history! Nobody EVER saw it coming! COACH Especially Tha Puerto Rican! COLE Yep. THA PUERTO RICAN I know. I know. It hurt. It DID hurt. I’m not gonna lie. BUT, time has passed, Tha Puerto Rican has moved on, and Tha Puerto Rican is looking to the future. Oh yes, for the future looks bright indeed. You see, there is another event, another milestone in Tha Puerto Rican’s incredible career that hasn’t happened yet. This very important date has yet to pass, but here’s a little something that you don’t know about Tha Puerto Rican: Tha Puerto Rican is something of a fortune teller, Tha Puerto Rican can see a little bit into the future, and Tha Puerto Rican foresees that on March 30, 2008, Tha Puerto Rican will walk down The People’s Ramp, slide into The People’s Ring, and proceed to layeth the smacketh down on that FOUR-EYED, WHITE BREAD, BACKSTABBING, MANIPULATIVE, LYING, CHEATING PIECE OF MONKEY CRAP STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK AND BECOME, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, ONE AND ONLY ANGLESAULT THREAD…Champion. The crowd cheers. Tha Puerto Rican has become hyper and tries to calm down. Another “P.R.!” chant breaks out. COACH Keep dreaming, Puerto. COLE Tha Puerto Rican is looking to finally accomplish the one thing that he hasn’t done yet in his career in 3 weeks! COACH He won’t do it! He’ll choke. AGAIN! THA PUERTO RICAN It is safe to say that Tha Puerto Rican has been through Hell to get to where he is at. And now, looking back, looking back at everything Stephen Joseph Popick and the SJPC have done to Tha Puerto Rican…screwing me out of the Lethal Rumble Match, screwing me match after match, hitting me with all of their finishing moves; after every Finality, after every Wallbreaker, after every Corporate Splash, after every Killswitch, after every Anklelock, after every 6-1-9, after every Fly Swatter, after every Latino Bomb, after every Leap Of Faith, after every X-Clamation Point, after every Vete a la mierda Motherfucker!, after every chairshot, after every Chokeslam, after every slap, after every beltshot, after every punch and kick to The People’s Groin, after everything the Corporation has thrown at me, Tha Puerto Rican has THROWN BACK AND HE IS STILL STILL STANDING HERE TODAY AND THA PUERTO RICAN IS GOING TO ANGLEMANIA VII! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” COACH Please don’t let the fans start another chant! “P.R.!” “P.R.!” COACH Ah hell! COLE Tha Puerto Rican is full of confidence as we head into AngleMania VII! COACH When is he NOT full of confidence!? Besides, it will make it all the more sweeter when he falls on his face in front of over 100,000 fans in the L.A. Coliseum! PRL stops to “smell the electricity”, and then continues speaking. THA PUERTO RICAN Now, Tha Puerto Rican knows that this won’t be an easy match. Tha Puerto Rican knows that each and every member of the Corporation will be watching this match just waiting for the right moment to strike. The right moment to interfere and SCREW ME out of my dream once again! COACH You’ll screw it up all on your own, P.R.! PRL Well Tha Puerto Rican says that whether it is a hyperactive spazz who dances like he has rod up his anus, or a big tub of goo who can’t tell his elbow from a hole in the wall, OR if it’s a midget who still needs a booster seat, OR if it’s the biggest piece of two dollar rancid s(bleep) meat Tha Puerto Rican has ever seen! COACH Hey! How dare you talk about Lin--Stac--is it Lindsay or Princess Stacey he’s talking about? COLE Probably Lindsay. COACH How DARE you talk about Mrs. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick like that!? PRL Tha Puerto Rican says IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO YOU BRING IN TO INTERFERE! Because whether it is you, Vitamin X, or you, Bone Thug, or you, Cuban Wall, or hell, even if it’s freaking Thomas Rodriguez, whoever it is you bring in to run interference, Tha Puerto Rican will walk right over them just like I will walk right over you, Popick, and I will STILL become OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion! The crowd cheers. COACH Yak. Yak. Yak. PRL So, having said that-- "THE C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-CORP-CORPORA-CORPORATION" “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” COACH Oh yeah! COLE We are about to be join by the Stephen Joseph Popick Corporation! COACH Thank you, Popick! The crowd starts booing loudly. The lights go down in the arena. Tha Puerto Rican looks at the entrance. The opening to “No Chance In Hell” plays as smoke fills the entrance stage. The crescendo hits, and a HUGE burst of pyro explodes over the entrance stage. “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Royds starts playing. [i]*No chance (No chance) That’s what ya got! (Ha! Ha! Yeah.) We’re up against no machine too strong Pussy politicians buying souls for us are…PUPPETS! (Puppets!)*[/i] The entrance doors slide open, and every member of the Stephen Joseph Popick Corporation comes out drawing LOUD boos from the fans. Stephen Joseph Popick comes out first, wearing his eyeglasses, a gold chain around his neck, a white buttoned down collared shirt, a gray sports jacket, a $500 Rolex watch on his right wrist, his gold wedding ring on his right ring finger, gray dress pants with a leather belt to hold them up, and black dress shoes. He holds the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt over his right shoulder, and has a microphone in his right hand. Mrs. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick comes out next, wearing hoop earrings, a necklace, a leather tanktop, gold bracelets on her wrists, a gold watch on her right wrist, her gold wedding ring on her right ring finger, a leather skirt, and black heel boots with stockings on her legs. Lindsay holds the OAOAST Women’s Championship belt over her left shoulder and looks at PRL with disgust on her face. She stands next to her husband, who puts his left arm around her shoulders. COACH The Golden Couple of the OAOAST! COLE But for how much longer? COACH Forever, Michael Cole! Forever! Vitamin X comes out next, wearing a white T-shirt, a blue short sleeved collared shirt over it, a gold chain around his neck, an expensive watch on his right wrist, black dress pants with a leather belt to hold them up, and black dress shoes. VX stands next to Lindsay on the entrance stage. Princess Stacey comes out next, wearing her tiara on her head, a necklace with her name on it, diamond earrings, a black tanktop, a blue windbreaker over said tanktop, a silver watch on her right wrist, a gold ring on her right ring finger, tight blue jeans with a black spiked belt, and black heel boots. She stands next to X on the entrance stage. Cuban Wall comes out and stands next to Popick. The rest of the Corporation comes out in their regular wrestling attire, except all of them are wearing SJPC shirts over their ring attire, and they all stand behind the Popicks, Wall, Vitamin X and Princess Stacey. The entire Corporation glares at PRL with dirty looks. COLE All 10 members of the SJPC are on the entrance stage. COACH Yes, finally I’ll stop being bored! The Stephen Joseph Popick Corporation members all continue looking at Tha Puerto Rican. Tha Puerto Rican sneers at them and runs his mouth. Stephen Joseph brings the microphone to his lips. “PO-PICK SUCKS!” “PO-PICK SUCKS!” “PO-PICK SUCKS!” “PO-PICK SUCKS!” STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK Now-- “PO-PICK SUCKS!” “PO-PICK SUCKS!” “PO-PICK SUCKS!” “PO-PICK SUCKS!” Stephen Joseph glares angrily at the fans. COACH Show some respect for the Champ! “No Chance In Hell” by Bradley Royds dies down. But the chant still continues. STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK Now, PRL, you might think that you have things going your way after last week. After you ended the show, not only by subjecting my beautiful precious wife to a pinfall lost at the hands of an INTERVIEWER-- “YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” POPICK (CONT’D) But by laying me out with a chairshot right to the skull! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” COACH I know! It was awful! POPICK I had a minor concussion thanks to your chairshot, P.R.! I hope you’re happy about that! PRL nods his head and says, “Eh, a little bit. A little bit.” POPICK But that’s okay. That’s fine with me. Because I too am also looking to the future, Puerto, and a minor concussion is NOTHING COMPARED TO THE PAIN YOU WILL SUFFER AT THE HANDS OF STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK COME MARCH 30TH AT ANGLEMANIA VII! “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” COACH You tell ‘im, Popick! STEPHEN JOSEPH I am much looking forward to seeing The People’s Blood ooze out from your forehead! I am much looking forward to seeing The People’s Champion gasp for air while I choke him out with my bare hands! And I am much looking forward to watching you CHOKE ON THE GRANDEST STAGE OF THEM ALL! The crowd boos. The Corporation members all nod their heads and smile evilly. POPICK You have choked in the past. You choked the last time we were in a match for the Title. What makes you think this time will be any different? Huh? What has changed between January and now to make you so sure? What makes you think that this time will be YOUR time? Huh? What makes you so damn sure? Face it Puerto, you’re lying to yourself. You are getting yourself all worked up over nothing. You are setting yourself up for another fall. On March 30th at AngleMania VII, in front of 100,000 fans in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and millions watching around the world, you will suffer the most EMBARRASSING loss of your career, whereas I, Stephen Joseph Popick, will achieve my greatest victory and THAT’S the truth, Ruth! The crowd boos again. “ASSSS-HOLE!” “ASSSS-HOLE!” “ASSSS-HOLE!” “ASSSS-HOLE!” Stephen Joseph sneers at the fans. Lindsay tells her husband not to pay attention to the fans’ chant. COLE These fans laying into Popick tonight! COACH Tell these backwards hicks to shut up, Michael! POPICK Now--SHUT UP I’M TALKING! “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” COACH Yeah! POPICK Now, we are just 3 weeks away from the biggest event of the year. The event where careers and lives are changed forever. The event where boys become men, and men…become legends. And I am SO excited to be competing in my first AngleMania as World Heavyweight Champion! VERY much excited! I’ve got goosebumps. See? See? Popick makes Lindsay, Vitamin X and Princess Stacey feel his arms for goosebumps. POPICK And I am also very excited, because I know that I will not be alone in that match on March 30th. Nope. Because not only will I have my lovely wife, Lindsay by my side as always, but I just found out today that the Special Guest Referee for our match at OAOAST AngleMania VII, Puerto, will be none other than…the Second-In-Command of the Stephen Joseph Popick Corporation, the Prince of the Stephen Joseph Popick Corporation, my BEST FRIEND...VITAMIN X! The crowd boos. Vitamin X “smells the electricity” mocking Tha Puerto Rican. Mrs. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick laughs maniacally. Princess Stacey smiles evilly. Cuban Wall does a fist pump and says, “YEAH!” The rest of the Corporation smile evilly and nod. COLE WHAT!? COACH What a coup! The X-Man is refereeing the main event of AngleMania VII! COLE How did that happen!? Vitamin X isn’t a referee! COACH He will be on March 30th! HA! HA! HA! POPICK I know that must make you upset, Puerto, and I don’t blame ya. I mean, it’s not like you ever had a shot at beating me for the Title at AngleMania, but now? With The X-Man refereeing, you have…well…NO CHANCE IN HELL OF BEATING ME AT ANGLEMANIA VII! COLE Vitamin X is the Special Guest Referee for the PRL/Popick World Title Match at AngleMania VII! COACH I know! Isn’t it awesome!? STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK On Sunday March 30th, you WILL be finished! I will destroy your career once and for all. You see, I have been holding back. I have been hesitant to really use all of my moves, all of my talent on you. I guess, deep down inside, I felt a little sympathy for you. I still remembered our friendship, and because of that, I didn’t really want to *hurt* you. But now? Uh-uh! I will NOT be holding back! You are public enemy #1, P.R.! You are a target and on Sunday March 30th, you will be DESTROYED! You don’t have what it takes to be One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Champion! You don’t have the courage, the guts, the determination, the skills, the drive, the motivation to be One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Champion! It takes a lot of blood, it takes a lot of sweat, and it takes a lot of tears, and frankly, P.R., you can’t cut it. You won’t ever be Champion because you don’t have the heart of a Champion like I do! And I don’t know how much longer I will have to keep reminding you of this. It’s getting pretty tiring I must admit. But you are so damn stubborn aren’t you, Puerto? So damn stubborn. So, I guess I will have to keep reminding you, because P.R., it doesn’t matter how much of The People’s Blood pumps from your body, how much sweat comes from your body, or how many tears you cry, it will all be for nothing, because PRL, you will NEVER be the One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Champion because P.R., you will NEVER…BEAT…ME! The crowd boos. Popick glares angrily at Tha Puerto Rican. COACH That was beautiful! COLE Popick is ready. So is PRL. We are in for one hell of a battle at AngleMania VII! COACH Excellent speech, Popick! Right up there with Winston Churchill and Ronald Regan in terms of great speeches! COLE Let’s not go too far. COACH I will. I will. For him? I will. Tha Puerto Rican glares at Stephen Joseph Popick. Lindsay mouths, “No chance.” While Vitamin X mouths, “Nope. No chance!” Then he does the Shane-O-Mac Shuffle. COACH He’s doomed at AngleMania! Doomed I tells ya! Tha Puerto Rican waits for this particular “P.R.!” chant to die down. THA PUERTO RICAN Wow. Wow. Stephen. Wow. That was--that was--pretty--pretty--PRETTY MUCH THE SINGLE BIGGEST PILE OF CRAP TO EVER COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” THA PUERTO RICAN Now Tha Puerto Rican says this, yes, you have done it all to Tha Puerto Rican. Yes, Stephen Joseph Popick, you have beaten Tha Puerto Rican’s ass before. Yes, you have left Tha Puerto Rican laying in the middle of the ring. And yes, you have beaten me until I could barely stand. But make no mistake about it, Stephen, just as sure as you stand there surrounded by a badly dancing jackass, and by a bargain basement SLUT, is as sure as Tha Puerto Rican is the #1 Contender and will be going to AngleMania VII to kick your candy ass and become World Heavyweight Champion! More cheering. The Popicks roll their eyes. PRL So, Stephen, JUST BRING IT on March 30th! Because Tha Puerto Rican will give it his all to walk out of the L.A. Coliseum with the OAOAST Title belt in his possession! And when that happens, there won’t be anything--AND THA PUERTO RICAN MEANS ANYTHING--you, your whore, your BUTT buddy, your midget, your meathead, your dummy, your closeted homosexual, your wussy referee, your OTHER whore, OR your mute jackass can do about it! COACH Who’s the closeted homosexual? Thomas Rodriguez? STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK You are SOOOO full of yourself, Puerto. You have as much chance of beating me at AngleMania as your little girlfriend, Maggie, does of beating my Lindsay here tonight! Lindsay nods her head and says, “It’s true. It’s true.” The Popicks chuckle…that is until ANGLESAULT himself appears on the AngleTron in his office. The crowd cheers. The Stephen Joseph Popick Corporation all look up at the AngleTron in shock while PRL looks at the AngleTron with a serious expression on his face. COLE Hey! It’s AngleSault! It’s the Boss! COACH What’s he want!? ANGLESAULT Hi folks. Hello P.R. (Disgusted): Hello Stephen. (Regular voice): Now, Stephen, I just heard you announce to the world that Vitamin X is the Special Guest Referee in the main event of OAOAST AngleMania VII pitting you against Tha Puerto Rican. Well, that is true. It seems like Popick pulled some strings and used some of his connections in OAOAST Corporate to get the World Heavyweight Title Match at AngleMania VII to go his way. Or at least that‘s what he hopes will happen. Whether or not things go his way remains to be seen. And while there’s nothing I can do about that now, there IS something I can do about tonight’s show. COLE Oh boy. COACH I don’t like this. ANGLESAULT (CONT’D) I have given both Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick the night off to prepare for AngleMania VII. But as we all know, their tag team partners from last week, Maggie Nerdly and Mrs. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick respectively, will both be in action competing against each other for the One And Only AngleSault Thread Women’s Championship later on on HeldDOWN~!. Well, I have decided to spice up that match *just* a little bit. COLE Uh-oh. ANGLESAULT You see, if Popick can name a Special Guest Referee for a title match, then I, the owner of the company, should be able to name a Special Guest Referee for a title match, right? So, in the interest of fairness, in the match tonight pitting Mrs. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick against Maggie Nerdly, the Special Guest Referee for that match will be…THA PUERTO RICAN! COACH NO! COLE Oh yeah! The crowd cheers. Tha Puerto Rican does The People’s Eyebrow. The members of the Stephen Joseph Popick Corporation freak out, Lindsay and Stephen Joseph in particular. COACH HE CAN’T DO THAT! COLE Yes he can! He owns the company, Coach! COACH I DON’T CARE! HE STILL CAN’T DO THAT! ANGLESAULT Now, P.R., I assume that you will make sure that this match does not get out of hand? I assume that you will maintain law and order? I assume that you will call the match right down the line even though you have quite a bit of ill will towards Lindsay and her husband and her husband’s cronies--I mean, friends? THA PUERTO RICAN You assume right, Mr. AngleSault! I WILL be a fair and impartial referee! Scout’s Honor! ANGLESAULT Good! Good to hear! Well then I’m off, that’s all that I have to say. Goodbye for now, and fans, enjoy the rest of the show! AngleSault’s image disappears from the AngleTron. The Popicks look at PRL with concern. PRL smiles. The crowd cheers. COACH Oh dear God, no. COLE You heard the man. PRL is the Special Guest Referee for the Women’s Title Match tonight! COACH Aw crap! THA PUERTO RICAN Oh Stephen, are you scared for your wife now? STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK Let me tell you something P.R.-- THA PUERTO RICAN IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU’RE SCARED FOR YOUR WIFE! Because either way, Maggie Nerdly will whoop Mrs. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick’s fat ass just like Tha Puerto Rican will whoop Stephen Joseph Popick’s skinny white ass at AngleMania VII! And just like Maggie Nerdly will walk out of here tonight the NEW OAOAST Women’s Champion, Tha Puerto Rican GUARAN-DAMN-TEES, no wait, he promises, no, Tha Puerto Rican promises…the Lightning Bolts…that Tha Puerto Rican, the Latin Lion, the most electrifying man in professional wrestling, The Great One, will walk out of AngleMania VII the NEW OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, and THAT, my friend, is the truth, Ruth! THE CHAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMP...HAS…SPO-KUN~!!! “Know Your Role 2000” begins playing over the P.A. system. Tha Puerto Rican drops the microphone inside of the ring. Meanwhile, outside of the ring, Mrs. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick is yelling frantically at her husband, Stephen. The rest of the Stephen Joseph Popick Corporation is pissed off on the entrance stage. COLE What an announcement! Vitamin X is the Special Guest Referee for Tha Puerto Rican/Stephen Joseph Popick World Heavyweight Title Match at AngleMania VII! But tonight, Tha Puerto Rican is the Special Guest Referee in the Mrs. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick/Maggie Nerdly Women’s Title Match! COACH This is a conspiracy! AngleSault hates Popick because Popick’s always been better than him, so he is taking it out on his wife! What kind of a man is our boss!? COLE A man who wants the best entertainment for our fans, that’s what! COACH This isn’t entertainment! This is torture! COLE Don’t you have any confidence in Lindsay tonight? COACH I do, it’s just that--well, LOOK WHO THE REFEREE FOR THE MATCH IS! COLE I know who it is, and I, for one, can’t wait for the match-up, Coach! Mrs. Lindsay Gonzalez-Popick defends her OAOAST Women’s Title against Maggie Nerdly, the woman who PINNED her last week! And Tha Puerto Rican is the Special Guest Referee! What a match that should be coming up later tonight! Edited March 14, 2008 by Ed Wood Caulfield Share this post Link to post Share on other sites