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Keiji Muto to challenge Nakamura for IWGP title

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The one and only Keiji Muto returns to New Japan on April 27th and for the first time in over eight years, challenges for the title he helped make so prestigious. Yes, Muto will challenge Shinsuke Nakamura for the IWGP Heavyweight Title at Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium in what is sure to be one of the biggest matches of the year - the "forbidden first confrontation" as the press labels it. Nakamura defeated Tanahashi to win the title, then did the impossible by submitting Kurt Angle to unify the two IWGP belts, then recently again defeated Tanahashi to hold on the title, but President Sugabayashi explained he needs to defeat the likes of Muto to become the true ace.


Muto explained his reason for accepting this match, and that was his 30 minute draw with Nakamura's great rival Tanahashi in the Champion Carnival being better than he had imagined. Tanahashi's growth into one of the world's best wrestlers has Muto wanting to test Nakamura. Muto said that although Nakamura and Tanahashi are good men, he believes he was a better man when he was young. Nakamura said he is both nervous and excited to be fighting Muto and called it "high-risk fighting", for if he stumbles even once, Muto will surely take him down and take the IWGP Heavyweight Title he fought so hard to win back and help restore some prestige to.


New Japan's 4/27 Osaka show has also been made a live PPV, and now features two title matches, with the "Friends" team of Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Takashi Iizuka, who are winning great popularity for their bloody battles with GBH are the moment, set to challenge Togi Makabe & Toru Yano for the IWGP Tag Team Title.


NJPW, 4/27/08 (WPW/PPV)

Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium


1. IWGP Tag Team Title: Togi Makabe & Toru Yano © vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Takashi Iizuka

2. IWGP Heavyweight Title: Shinsuke Nakamura © vs. Keiji Muto


I guess New Japan are pulling out all the stops to get Nakamura over. A high profile win over Muto should do wonders.

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Muto really doesn't have a rub anymore, just like how Chono doesn't. That being said, since this match has never happened and the fact that there will be many people who will hold out hope that Muto will re-win the IWGP title, this could do some business.


But it is no coincidence that Tanahashi lost to Suwama, and their immediately doing this match though. It's probably likely that Muto used himself as a bargaining chip to get Suwama the big win. If so, that's a pretty clever move and one that not many "Wrestling Promoters" would make.

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Right now for me, I feel Nakamura and Tanahashi should be in switched places. Tanahashi is slowly becoming the best thing, not just in New Japan, but in all of puroresu period. Nakamura is at a high level, but I still feel Tanahashi is just a bit better. I woulda loved a Suwama/ Nakamura match just to see Nakamura hit a cross armbreaker out of a Last Ride.

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I feel the same way Muggy. I don't know why they are so reluctant to make Tanahashi the true ace of NJPW. He's just better than Nakamura right now. Nakamura has the potential to be a really tremendous ace but Tanahashi is THERE now.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

It's because NJPW has the old school mentality of wanting a champion with at least the illusion of legit wrestling/shoot cred and Tanahashi is seen as too much of a pretty boy.

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As long as he can bring it in the ring, I don't give a fuck if he has long flowing hair or a nice looking face.


But yeah I know WHY NJPW wants Nakamura to be the ace, not Tanahashi. My question was mostly rhetorical. As in more like "They need to quit that bullshit" thing. Japan does things a lot that pisses me off. Like this, and that need to put the same few guys over and over and over and over and over and over again when they could do so much better having a new blood break in once in a while. Then again, I'm an American. What do I know.

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NJPW doesn't push workers with "legit" backgrounds anymore. They haven't in years, since Riki Choshu took back over. NJPW pushes "strong" wrestlers, in that Choshu values wrestlers who can go out there and have high energy main events. It's most likely why guys like Tenzan, Chono, and Nakanishi have been completely demoted while under Choshu there has been a remarkable changing of the guard with Tanahashi, Nakamura, Makabe, and even Yano is being elevated (God knows why). The older guys are not capable of it. Tanahashi is considered by large portions of the fanbase the best heavyweight worker in years, and NJPW knows this. He'll get the IWGP for the third time later this year.


This title reign for Nakamura was in the cards way back in August of last year. He was supposed to win the G1, not Tanahashi, and he was supposed to beat Nagata for the title, not Tanahashi. The problem is, whatever momentum Nakamura had (and he did have some) was dashed with his injury in the G-1 semi finals. He came back and very quickly won the title, but the fans still respect him to a degree, it just doesn't have the impact it should.

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I think you've said that before, and I don't know what to tell you.


Tanahashi always gets fantastic reactions, much more then any of the other "Next generation" stars. It's not how good of a reaction he gets when he comes out, but how the fans respond during the match. And in the big matches? No one, not even Nagata in NJPW gets as great of reactions right now.


That's kinda like saying John Cena isn't working in WWE because he gets booed. It's not accurate.

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I love it when the crowd doesn't gives more love to Tanahashi's opponent that Tanahashi. He has this look on his face like he deserves to get all the applause and just becomes a bitch.


It many be an odd comparison, but I do get somewhat of a Randy Orton vibe from his character as of late.

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I have said it before because I've seen it first hand, many times, and I'm not just talking about when he comes out. Most of the people reacting to him or calling out "Tana" are women.


I still stand by my line of thinking that the only reason Tanahashi is in the spot he's in today is because he got stabbed by his ex girlfriend and NJPW made a huge deal about it and decided to run with the sympathy "back from death" push.


I do like that you mention Cena though because that's exactly how I see him over here, right down to the sloppy ringwork. I mean sure he can improve and I hope he does because he's a real nice dude who really does love the business. But as far as "OMG WHY ISN'T HE THE ACE RIGHT NOOOOWWWWW???" - that ain't a bandwagon I'm jumping on any time soon.

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Not a fan of Muto these days. Nakumera is not the champ cos New Japan want a 'shooter' holding the belt. Nakumera was groomed for the Ace role a long time ago. Tanahashi is fantastic and has been superb the last 18 months and no doubt be champion again.

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I still stand by my line of thinking that the only reason Tanahashi is in the spot he's in today is because he got stabbed by his ex girlfriend and NJPW made a huge deal about it and decided to run with the sympathy "back from death" push.

But he was and they did and he is. 'What if...' arguments are the most retarded by far. Clearly he's transcended his push as he's won many people over to his side in the past 2 years.


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After eight years and four months, Keiji Muto is again the IWGP Heavyweight Champion! 6,000 fans watched the spectacle of Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Keiji Muto today, the young ace of the industry vs. the living legend, for Japanese pro wrestling's top prize. Nakamura aimed for an arm, while Muto aimed for a leg, not too surprising given their trademark moves, and it was a grueling technical battle over 20 minutes. Even Muto's Shining Wizard and Nakamura's Landslide couldn't finish this match, and it was old school Muto that made the difference, a Schmidt-style backbreaker and moonsault press, the professional wrestling master defeating the man who it was said had no enemies left after defeating Tanahashi twice and submitting the mighty Kurt Angle. Osaka rose with "Muto" chants after the match, the legend's popularity as always overwhelming, the crowd treating him as one of their own, rather than an outside as has always been the case in his returns. Nakamura's RISE second-in-command, Hirooki Goto, who fell to the Great Muta at the Tokyo Dome on January 4th, challenged Muto to a match after his celebration.


After their no contest with Nakamura & Bernard in March not counting as a defense, GBH's Togi Makabe & Toru Yano made their second V1 defense of the IWGP Tag Team Title against the on-fire "Friendship" tag of Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Takashi Iizuka. But the unexpected happened as suddenly Iizuka betrayed his tag partner, choking a bloody Tenzan out with a sleeper hold. Makabe dropped the King Kong knee on GBH's former leader for the win, while Iizuka mysteriously exited, it would seem a GBH member now - although he did not confirm that tonight. Wataru Inoue made a successful V3 defense of the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title, ending his three match series with TNA superstar, Christopher Daniels. Wataru's V1 defense of the title was against Daniels at the Tokyo Dome in January, before Daniels won a non-title rematch at Sumo Hall in February, setting up this third and decisive battle, again for the title. Well, in their closest and longest match yet, Wataru pulled through, pinning the Fallen Angel after his Oracion Flame.


ZERO1-MAX's ace combination of Masato Tanaka & Shinjiro Otani earned quick revenge for their promotion's 3-1 series loss on the Hakata double header, beating Koji Kanemoto & Ryusuke Taguchi today, Tanaka pinning Taguchi. Nagata's music hit after the match and he intruded, getting into a showdown with Tanaka.


NJPW, 4/27/08 (WPW/PPV)

Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium

6,000 Fans - No Vacancy


1. Jado, Gedo & Karl Anderson beat Yujiro, Mitsuhide Hirasawa & Kazuchika Okada (5:30) when Anderson used the Gun Stun on Okada.

2. Milano Collection AT & Minoru beat Shiro Koshinaka & AKIRA (6:14) when Milano used the Victoria Milanese on AKIRA.

3. Hirooki Goto & Giant Bernard beat Tomohiro Ishii & Tomoaki Honma (8:33) when Bernard used the Bernard Driver on Honma.

4. New Japan vs. ZERO1-MAX: Masato Tanaka ZERO1-MAX & Shinjiro Otani ZERO1-MAX beat Koji Kanemoto & Ryusuke Taguchi (12:56) when Tanaka used the Sliding D on Taguchi.

5. Riki Choshu, Masahiro Chono & Jushin Thunder Liger beat Manabu Nakanishi, Tiger Mask & Tetsuya Naito (8:52) when Chono used a Shining Yakuza kick on Naito.

6. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title: Wataru Inoue © beat Christopher Daniels TNA Wrestling (19:28) with the Oracion Flame (3rd defense).

7. IWGP Tag Team Title: Togi Makabe & Toru Yano © beat Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Takashi Iizuka (15:14) when Makabe used a top rope King Kong kneedrop on Tenzan (1st defense).

8. IWGP Heavyweight Title: Keiji Muto All Japan beat Shinsuke Nakamura © (22:34) with a moonsault press to become the 49th champion.


It's thought that Muto has signed a contract for a maximum of a year, ala Takayama, to defend the belt in what - if there are any more in this era - will be big money Muto vs. New Japan matches. He'll probably drop the belt later this year or on 1/4 to Tanahashi.


All from SSS.


Quite the surprise on the surface.

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While it's not happening, I'd really dig it if he dropped it to Goto instead. This is pretty surprising though, as I figured Muto had no chance whatsoever.

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I was wrong about Muto winning the title. Fully admit that one.


Most likely, it'll be Tanahashi that takes the title off Muto. But it has to be stated. Keiji Muto may be the smartest man in Pro-Wrestling. Not only has he managed to somehow keep AJPW alive and create a growing product, but he ALWAYS gets his way with NJPW. This is the second time an AJPW worker has won the IWGP title.


Muto's a genius.

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I do like that you mention Cena though because that's exactly how I see him over here, right down to the sloppy ringwork. I mean sure he can improve and I hope he does because he's a real nice dude who really does love the business. But as far as "OMG WHY ISN'T HE THE ACE RIGHT NOOOOWWWWW???" - that ain't a bandwagon I'm jumping on any time soon.


We could argue semantics all day over Tanahashi's popularity. But this I had to point out. How is Tanahashi sloppy? He's considered the top wrestler in ALL OF JAPAN right now, by just about every expert out there. Because he can get a fantastic match out of anyone at seemingly anytime. He carried Goto to one of the greatest matches all last year, and his matches with Nagata & Nakamura were either equal, or more him then his opponent. All his CC matches got rave reviews, all his NJ Cup matches got rave reviews, and he's getting more and more favorable reactions due to his in-ring work. Have you see the Tanahashi/Nakamura Korakuen Hall match? Tanahashi does the bulk of the work, and carries the storyline of the match. Watch that and tell me only women wanted him to win, because that entire building was rocking for Tanahashi.


I just think you see some pretty boy wrestler, and he doesn't fit what you expect to see. Fact is, Tanahashi has a higher workrate then almost anyone in the world, he's improved by leaps and bounds, he's developed a cocky heel persona, and he is *THE GUY* of the industry now.

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If Tanahashi heals up in time, Tanahahi vs. Muto for the title in the Dome next year would have a good chance at actually drawing a crowd there for the first time in a long time.

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