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King Kamala

King of The Ring

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I actually think that Gunn winning was worse than Mable winning. At least Mable went to Main Event a PPV and got a title shot. Gunn didn't even get that.

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I actually think that Gunn winning was worse than Mable winning. At least Mable went to Main Event a PPV and got a title shot. Gunn didn't even get that.


Well Gunn did have a high profile upper midcard feud with The Rock during the summer after he won the KOTR... Unfortunatly for him The Rock exposed him, and made him look like a complete jackass on-air, and completely buried him on the mic... And thankfully so.

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How much of the tournament should be shown on the PPV? Quarterfinals on? Semi-finals on?


If the focus of the PPV is strictly on the tournament and maybe a WWE/World title match, then the quarterfinals on make it to PPV. If there are more than a few undercard matches then adding seven singles bouts means you'll be trying to squeeze too many matches into too little space, and things get rushed.


Since the last KOTR PPV in 2002, do you think the WWE has been better at building young superstars? Worse?


Taken at face value, then this one is a no-brainer, because WWE have been terrible at building young superstars. The ones with the talent don't get chosen because they don't have the required look, or the ones that have the required look don't have the talent.


Least favorite?


The entire 1995 PPV was putrefyingly bad and one of the all-time worst PPV's ever. 1999 was right down there as well.

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