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King Cucaracha

HD: Zack/Bo segment

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...as "Getting Away With Murder" hits and out to the ring heads the one and only Zack Malibu, to a roaring reception from the Conneticut crowd!



And the rumours have been flying, the challenge for the rubber match between Zack and Bohemoth has been laid out. Perhaps Zack is out here to make it all official.

Man, I hope so!

Zack slaps some hands on the way to the ring, in a pretty good mood it would seem after his exploits last week. He also carries a little bit of a limp, no doubt from those same exploits. Entering the ring, Zack takes the microphone from Buffer and calls for some decorum.


Thank you. You know, I'm sore as all hell right now so you'll forgive me if I seem a little subdued tonight. Last week, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, myself and Bohemoth picked up where we left off at AngleMania VII and we tore the house down in a whole other continent.

The crowd, seemingly in agreement, applaud.

We tore the house down in Belfast and we tore the hell out of each other again. The only difference was... this time, it was MY hand raised in victory.


That's unfortunately not why I'm out here though. You see last week was intended to be the final chapter of this rivalry between me and big Bohemoth. We had unfinished business from AngleMania to take care of and I'm not talking about wins and losses or anything like that. That night, Bo was the better man. Simple as that. Last week, I was the better man. The business that was left unfinished was the business of showing respect to an opponent after the fight of your life. That's what this is supposedly all about. That's how it started. Respect. And TWICE now Bohemoth, you have disrespected me. At AngleMania, I accepted defeat like a man and extended my hand to you, only for you to turn on your heels and walk away. Last week in Belfast, I gave you the opportunity to make up for your mistake. And again, you turned and you bolted. You didn't accept you defeat like a man.

Zack questioning Bo's manhood? Them's strong words.

So now, because of that, this issue between us rolls on and on. Bohemoth, this issue will not end until you show me the respect that I hold towards you... because I WILL NOT LET IT!


Bohemoth, the scoreboard now reads "Bo- One, Zack- One". You better belie...



Zack trails off as "Liberate" powers through the arena and predictably enough, the suited and booted Bohemoth marches to the ring! Not looking entirely surprised, Zack folds his arms as Bo jogs up the ring steps and hits the ring. The crowd can't agree on how to react to The Meterosexual Monster, smattering of boos here, smattering of cheers there. Either way, Bohemoth doesn't seem too bothered as he grabs his own microphone and squares up to Zack.

I wondered how long it'd take you to start boasting about last wee...

There's nothing to boast about since I didn't accomplish what needed to be accomplished!

You know what Zack, how about you cut the crap here and tell things like they really are.


An intrigued Zack motions for Bo to 'go ahead'.

First of all, I don't know what the hell your obsession with this handshake is. And quite frankly I don't care. You better let some air outta that overinflated head of yours and realise that you aren't quite as important around here as you think you are. You've got some big opinion of yourself if you think 'shaking Zack Malibu's hand' is some sort of prize to be cherished. Hell I'm sure there's plenty of guys in the back waiting desperately for you to extend that hand out to them and pass this imaginary torch so they can finally bend down and kiss them feet of yours, but guess what... I ain't one of them!

Clearly not.

No, and I ain't the only one. Fact is Zack, you claim to be this big 'locker room leader'. You're calling yourself The Franchise. I've heard guys calling you 'the conscience' of the OAOAST. But that's bull. Ever since AngleMania I've had plenty of guys come up to me and say they'd have done the same damn thing in my situation that I did.

What, guys like Alfdogg!? Guys like Landon Maddix maybe!? These are the people who's opinions matter to you all of a sudden?

I don't give a crap about what Alfdogg, Maddix or anybody thinks. All I care about is what I think. And I think this whole 'respect' spin is nothing but bull. The fact is, you're just worried about losing face because finally there's somebody with the balls to not be in complete reverence to almighty Zack Malibu.

Zack laughs that comment off, a laugh which doesn't last long as he's soon back to glaring at Bohemoth.

You know what I think the problem really is?

What's that then?

The real problem is, you think that you're the poster boy for the OAOAST... but the fact is, you're just an attention whore who craves the spotlight of being number one! And that's why you keep putting yourself in the position to defend the company all the time whenever any minor threat pops up. You're so used to everybody treating you like the hero, you've forgotten what it's like in the real world. That maybe not everybody feels the same way. And when somebody comes up and doesn't treat you like the hero you claim to be, your ego can't handle it!

A tense few moments of staring down breaks out after that.

My ego, huh? MY ego? Let's talk about you bigman, who turns from an ice-cool monster to a pissy little bitch in the space of one loss!


You want to know why they call me the 'poster boy'? It's because I've been on the posters, in the main-events, selling the tickets, shifting the merchandise and moving the DVDs FOR [i]SIX[/i] YEARS NOW!!!


I earned every compliment I've ever gotten in this business. And you wanna know how? Through RESPECT! Sure, I've gone through times where I've been an absolute ass. Put it down to youth, put it down to whatever. The fact is, nobody was calling me 'poster boy' or 'franchise' back then except me. It sounds a hell of a lot more credible when it's coming from other people. And that only comes when they respect you. I respect you. Even after all this. I respect your ability. I respect the fact you're willing to stand on your own two feet. Truth be told, I respect the fact that you want to take 'my spot' and be the man around here. I even respect the fact you've got the balls to come out here and say what you're saying to my face... wrong as you may be.

Zack bravely takes a step closer to Bohemoth and risks getting laid out for his trouble.

But what I DON'T respect is the way you can't handle the fact I'm still top dog and you're not.

You might be top dog still to YOUR people, Malibu. But everybody knows I beat you at the big show and you just need to step aside.

You know what Bo, despite what you think I don't care about being a 'hero'. What I do care about is this company. And I care about it too much to step aside for somebody like you who hasn't proved you're ready for it. Beating me is one thing. Earning the respect that these people have for me is, as you can tell by the boos you got when you walked out here, another story!

Bohemoth's supporters quickly voice themselves in protest, to which Zack's respond with the boos.

So I'll tell you what, we're one and one and I know AngleSault wants to put us together one more time to settle this for good. You want it. And so do I. So let's cut past the bureaucracy and get this made official. You and me, Sunday at School's Out, one on one.

Challenge issued, Zack extends his hand to Bohemoth, who takes a moment to think about it.

There's the challenge.

Are we gonna see it though?

After some deep thought Bo finally smiles, reaching out...

You're on.

...and NOT shaking Zack's hand, AGAIN, instead walking off to the back.


Man, Bo won't even shake Zack's hand to accept his challenge, that's commitment!

But he did accept the challenge and we will see the final installment this Sunday night! Zack/Bohemoth 3, at School's Out, what a war it's going to be!!

Zack can only smile at the shunned handshake as he watched Bohemoth head off backstage, not giving Zack a second look. Still, having gotten what he wanted, Zack seems happy enough and salutes the Hartford fans before he too leaves, although with a noticeable shake of the head.

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