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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

The return of the 4 Horsemen

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

Am I the only one thinking it's just a matter of time before Flair reunites a stable with him as the leader (coach type, that is), Arn and maybe some young guy like RVD or Booker T?


Let's face it, the fact that the nwo is coming back gives carte blanche for the whole roster. Good or bad, feuds will get cancelled and the attention will all go to the nwo vs wwf one. With tons of footage, this version of the 4 horsemen could really get over huge. My pick? Simple:


Flair and Arn as figureheads with the occasional gimmick match thrown in for Ric to shin and teach some young guy how to REALLY work (say what you want but he can still go).


Then you gotta have these roles to be filled:


main Champ/Flair's role in the 80s - HHH, Austin, Rock. Just pick a main eventer or the whole deal will never get over.


Enforcer/Arn's role in the 80s - Test, Kane, Big Show or some legitimately tough guy who gets good heat like Angle.


The Up and coming athlete - RVD, Booker, what about Brock Lesnar?


The Wild ass-soon-to-be-screwed by the rest of the gang - Pick someone who gets over with the internet crowd a la Pillman.


I know it would be be just another faction, but I'm personally sick and tired of wwf vs the world angles just intended to get over Vinnie Mac. I can do without HBK and other resident main eventers.


A thought out version of the horsemen would really serve to get someone like RVD over, guys like him, Booker or yes, y2j, who risk getting stale or forgotten once we enter "-** match land"


your thoughts?

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Guest skullduggery6969

Actually, i was hoping Jericho would form the Canadian Horsemen with Storm, Christian and Test and feud with Flair who would THEN form a  new 4 horsemen

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Guest nikjohns

This topic represents what is wrong with some smarks...


1.  Let the freaking past go.  T4H were great in their day, but this is now... get over it... and you really want to see AA back in the ring when he's admitted himself he's too banged up?  That'll be a hell of a match.  Actually, Benoit could probably get a *** match out of him.



2.  Brock Freaking Lesner.  I've never seen him wrestle, and unless you've been to multiple WWF events then you've seen him a maximum of once.  He probably sucks.  Don't be so high on someone you don't know.

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Guest goodhelmet

I agree with nikjohns. I've already states on previous posts that the WWF should be recreating new stars, new stables, and new storylines.. Not just rehashing the past.


As for Brock Lesnar, whether he sucks or not, we'll never know because noone is being elevated. Even if he does suck, he would be a new suck instead of the same sucky suck (Hogan, Nash, Show) that's been around for years.

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

I proposed the 4H because it would give the rub to some up and comer without resorting to months fo build up the wwf won't grant in the first place. for guys like rvd it's the last resort to not fade completely in jakked-land. I don't mena let's get paul Roma and Sid and Windham. the Benoit and Malenko version was successful while it was still an old concept. everything in wrestling gets reharsed over and over. It's HOW you do it.

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Guest goodhelmet

I agree that everything gets rehashed and that's the way the WWF does things. I don't have to accept it when they refuse to introduce new concepts or stables. I've been watching wrestlinf for over two decades and when the 1st NWO camealong, nothing like that had ever happened to my recollection. When Steve Austin stunned McMahon the first time, I can't recall a wrestler ever abusing the owner ever. there are always new approaches and the WWF isn't even trying to be creative right now. That pisses me off when they expect me, the consumer to buy their product as they continue to rais their ticket prices and ppv rates while the quality of the product decreases

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Guest Tony149

Dusty Rhodes once beat up Jim Crockett (Or was it David) with a baseball bat. So the owner getting beat up isn't something new.


I don't know if I want the 4 Horsemen back. The way the WWF has treated anything WCW in the past hasn't been good.

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Guest goodhelmet

i don't recall the Crockett incident and it wasn't done by the anti-hero in any event.


And yeah, now that WCW has been killed off for good, they shouldn't bring back all the old WCW gimmicks. I think Big Show is going to dress up as the Shockmaster next. Hell, if Nash has problems getting over, they can dress him up as Oz. Billy-Chuck aren't getting over, make them the Ding Dongs.


Viva la WrestlecraP!

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Guest Tony149

The Dusty/Crockett stuff involved the Horsemen and Dusty threw the finger here and there.


Maybe the WWF can finish what WCW never got to. By making all the characters of the Wizard of Oz into wrestlers.

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Guest goodhelmet

'Maybe the WWF can finish what WCW never got to. By making all the characters of the Wizard of Oz into wrestlers.'




Steph as the Wicked Witch

Trips as The Cowardly Lion

RVD as the Scarecrow


God, who would play the tinman?

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Personally, I want the Four Horsemen to be Ric Flair, Mongo, Paul Roma, and La Parka.


They'd stop the nWo for sure.

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Guest Tony149

I hope Paul Roma was a joke. Him & Mongo are two of the worst Horsemen members ever.


The Tin-man could be Lance Storm. Unless you change the name of the Tin-man to the Beer-man, then you have Scott Hall play the part.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo
I hope Paul Roma was a joke. Him & Mongo are two of the worst Horsemen members ever.


The Tin-man could be Lance Storm. Unless you change the name of the Tin-man to the Beer-man, then you have Scott Hall play the part.

Mongo and Paul Roma were jokes.


La Parka definetly wasn't.


"The Skullman here with the 4-1-1.  One for me, one for you, and one for my Horsemen."

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Guest Cataclysm911

I have had to answer this question before, and I shall answer it the same:


Arn Anderson & Ric Flair as managers. (someone has to be able to cut a promo.)


Chris Benoit


"The Enforcer" Mike Awesome

Lance Storm


I think that would be a tremendous IV Horsemen, especially, wrestling wise. Seeing as how AA and Flair could do all the mic work, I see nothing that could stop them.

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Guest Anglesault

Test would be the WORST HORSEMEN EVER! He's the suckiest suck that ever sucked the big suck shaped suck.


Mike Awesome is bad too.

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Guest Cataclysm911
Mike Awesome is bad too.

You think that Mike Awesome is a bad wrestler? What fucking rock have you been living under?


Watch a Mike Awesome Vs. Masato Tananka match, or Mike "Gladiator" Awesome vs. Kenta Kobashi.


300+ lbs, and he does springboard planchas and suicide dives.


Guess he sucks.

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Guest Anglesault

And the Taker can do a Tope Con Hilo. Plus he had good matches with Foley HBK and Hart

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Guest Cataclysm911

Mike Awesome is not 143 years old, unlike the Undertaker.


Apparently, you're just a fan of amatuer wrestling, and there isn't anything wrong with that. It means that you're a fan of Kurt Angle (obviously, because of your username) and that you are entertained by mat work.


It will have to remain a difference of opinion however, as I think that Mike Awesome is the best big man in the states.

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Guest Ten German Suplexes

Actually, the idea of a Canadian Horseman stable is fresh... to the WWF. It'd be like ECW's Triple Threat, only people can actually watch.


Plus, it'd give an excuse for "former Horseman" Chris Benoit to fight Chris Jericho again.


And, come on, if they DO decide to form a Flair-Anderson-Two other guys Horseman, it'd still be better than seeing some stupid vow renewal.

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Guest TheDames7

With the way that Jericho is being booked lately, he is getting more and more heat.  Wishful thinking would have Jericho retain his title until Benoit came back and have Jericho turn on Benoit.  *EVIL REMINDER OF LOGIC*  Beniot and Jericho were on the same side when Benoit left, and since Jericho has never badmouthed him on TV, Beniot would have no real reason to come back automatically against Jericho.  


Y2J could claim that he doesn't want Beniot to ride his coattails now that he's the Undisputed Champ and turn on him, and that would cause their mutual friendship/respect thing to go right out the window again.  If booked like that upon his return, Beniot would definitely be over with the crowd regardless of his mic skills.  He'll be getting the return pop, plus the pop for being the guy opposed to Jericho, who is just gold as a heel right now.  



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Guest Anglesault
Mike Awesome is not 143 years old, unlike the Undertaker.


Apparently, you're just a fan of amatuer wrestling, and there isn't anything wrong with that. It means that you're a fan of Kurt Angle (obviously, because of your username) and that you are entertained by mat work.


It will have to remain a difference of opinion however, as I think that Mike Awesome is the best big man in the states.

In other words, Awesome should be a Horseman because he can do the same thing a man 110 years older than him can?


And being the best big man in the States is no honor at all.

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Guest Tony149

If the Horsemen were re-formed...I wouldn't be surprised if Test got a spot.



The Benoit/Jericho idea is a good one.

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Guest Anglesault
If the Horsemen were re-formed...I wouldn't be surprised if Test got a spot.

WHY! Just because they are the Horesmen doesn't mean that someone needs to suck! Hell, In the Whoresmen, No one sucks! Well, maybe Dutchamn and Mike, but that's a different story entirely.

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Guest Tony149

I would think Shane would find a way for Test to get in. I heard Shane wanted Test to beat Booker T for the WCW Title last year during the WCW invasion. That would of SUCKED!

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Guest Anglesault

Shane has to give up on Test.


I have a question, How come people bitch about Nash, hogan, HBK, HHH getting or keeping their friend's jobs, but Shane and Test?

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Guest Anglesault

And no one cares about Ed Leslie either, but people (including me) bitch about Hogan keeping his job

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Guest DynamiteKid2K2

The Four Horsemen, in my own damned opinion, is the greatest wrestling stable of all time.  The NWO was the most revolutionary, I'd say, but the gimmick should've been shelved in 1997.  Instead, it ran on and on and on until finally no one gave a damn anymore.  The NWO'sbackstage politics had a lot to do with the downslide of WCW, but it was the angle's overall staleness that finally killed it.  The Horsemen Legend, though, has lasted nearly 17 years (if you wanna go to the last point the Horsemen were on tv, you can only vouch for 14) and has been anything but stale.  Part of that reason, strangely enough, is that the purpose of the Four Horsemen has never changed: protect Ric Flair's World Title at all costs.

Whereas the NWO went from invading WCW, to fighting within itself, back to WCW, splitting in two to fight each other again,

Hogan for President, and more complicated jibbersh that got lost in the ultimate shuffle, the Horsemen's purpose has been simple and effective.  And that's why it'll work again.  For I predict one of the following four storylines to develop in the near future.


1. The NWO run rampant in the WWF, destroying it just like Vince said they would.  However, the NWO eventually turn on Vince and leave him for dead.  Vince then crawls back to Flair in an attempt to save what's left of the WWF.  So Flair brings in the Horsemen to fight off the NWO.


2. Repeat #1, except that Flair and the Horsemen turn on Vince and the WWF, revealing themselves to be aligned with the NWO.  I personally feel that it's Flair, not Vince, that should be trying to destroy the WWF.  For one thing, nobody plays a better heel than Naitch.  But more importantly, if you use Flair as the catalyst, you can use the NWA/WCW 4 Life as your Trump Card.  The scoop: Flair devoted twenty-five years of his life to the NWA and later WCW.  He carried the promotions for most of his career on his back while trying to compete with McMahon.  And yet in 2001 the WWF finally destroys everything Flair fought so hard to build.  And now that he's got 50% of the WWF, he's pissed and wants revenge.  Hell, that would've kicked about 200 types of ass right there, though I don't think Scott Keith would survive if he saw Flair & Hogan on the same team.


3. The NWO basically goes off to feud with HHH/Austin/Rock.

Jericho retains his World Title at WrestleMania, but only barely.  Flair, in the intrest of his WWF, wants the title off Jericho.  To do this, Flair brings in a returning Chris Benoit to fight Jericho on an edition of SmackDown.  Jericho wins after Lance Storm interferes.  The next week, Jericho brings out "his (Canadian) Horsemen", taking a pot shot at Ric Flair's group.  Flair counters by bringing Benoit and lets say... Edge, RVD, and Kanyon in as "his" Horsemen to fight Jericho's.  This could be a refreshing alternate Main Event storyline should the NWO angle bomb completely.


4. Jericho retains the World Title at WrestleMania with help from...Ric Flair!? Flair and Jericho would reveal that they've been in cahoots all along, as Flair would align himself with the Champ in true Nature Boy fashion.  Enter Chris Benoit, who wants the WWF Title badly.  Another Trump Card presents itself here, as Benoit could play off the somewhat bitter emotions that he and Flair had (on screen, of course) during most of his tenure in the Horsemen.  That would give Benoit a perfect reason to go after Jericho, who he isn't the closest of friends with anyways.


Cool Picks for Horsemen

Mike Awesome

Rob Van Dam

Chris Benoit


Rhyno (when he returns)



Sucky Picks for Horsemen



Billy Gunn

Chuck Palumbo


I swear to GOD, if Test or the Flaming Fagots and the Horsemen are ever mentioned in the same sentence on WWF tv, I think I'll shoot myself.  And hey, a mere 3,840 words later, and I'm finally done!

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