King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted June 13, 2008 We suddenly find ourselves backstage with intrepid reporter Josh Matthews, hurrying down the hallways with a camera close on his trail. MATTHEWS Guys, we've just had word that James Cone is here in the arena and that he's not alone! We're going to go get the scoop right now... Stumbling across the right door, Matthews raps his knuckles across the door excitedly, having not landed a scoop like this for a while now. He impatiently waits for somebody to answer and when they don't, he knocks again. Voices can definately be heard from the other side of the door, which eventually creeps open with James Cone poking his head out. MATTHEWS Ah, James, listen can we get a word about the challenge of Sly Somme... PHOENIX You must be a mind-reader. Give me one minute. MATTHEWS Uh, sure, no proble... *SLAM!* Cone disappears back into the locker room, leaving Josh to brush off the door in the face treatment. [b]*COMMERCIAL BREAK!*[/b] Persistence pays though, as evidenced by Josh now being allowed into the locker room by The Phoenix. Josh is lead in by Cone and sat down, with a nervous look on his face that gets even more nervous the moment he finds himself eyeball to eyeball with FAQU! The heavy-breathing Samoan stares at Josh, who glances around trying to avoid eye contact, to the rest of Cucaracha Internacional scattered around the room. PHOENIX So, do you still want to ask that question? Or do you think you can join the dots for yourself? MATTHEWS You've alligned yourselves with... these men? PHOENIX Sure. If I'm going into War Games, I need partners, right? And trust me, I'm going into War Games. I've been in some of the most dangerous environments in this business. Some of the bloodiest matches in the company. I'm not the kind of guy who backs down from fights. Sly Sommers made a huge mistake challenging me to a War Games Match of all things, obviously he didn't see what I did in Stairway To Oblivion at AngleMania. I guess he underestimated me. And I am SICK TO DEATH of him underestimating me! Cone smiles as he sits down next to the clearly uncomfortable Josh. PHOENIX He assumed that I'd have trouble finding anybody to team with me, after my 'actions' in Milan. Guess he was off the mark there as well. I've done the deal with these gentlemen here. No allignment. They wanted in War Games for their own reasons, I just needed back-up. You don't need friends in this business, you just need respect. I respect these guys. And these guys respect me enough to realise what I can do in War Games. Sly Sommers disrespected me. And now he's gonna pay. Dearly. MADDIX See, it's not about Sly Sommers... not for us, anyway. Emerging out of the shadows of the back of the room is Landon, having waited more than long enough to hear the sound of his own voice. MADDIX War Games for this man is a personal issue with Sly Sommers. War Games for Cucaracha Internacional is exposure. It's opportunity. It's the big stage, the big match, where we want to be. I said two weeks ago, we're always looking for the next opportunity to make things right. The Match Of Champions didn't end up being that opportunity, thanks to two of my champions being attacked before the match I hasten to point out. So, we move on to the next opportunity. Que sera! Whoever Sly Sommers ends up getting, whoever Sly Sommers even IS, doesn't matter. All that matters is, victory in War Games means big things for Cucaracha Internacional. MATTHEWS So you're putting these four into the most dangerous environment in the OAOAST just to get them noticed? MADDIX What!? No no no, you've got it all wrong Josh Matthews... yeah, [i]I'm[/i] one of the four! Landon smiles a big smile. MADDIX Gimme some credit wouldya? I couldn't be in the Match Of Champions, but I can damn sure be in this. And you really think I'd put a liability like Todd Cortez in War Games!? A match of this importance? Todd Cortez cannot be trusted, not yet. Until he proves to me he's worthy of the time and devotion myself and Megan have invested in his career, he's officially bumped down the pecking order. He's at the bottom of the barrel. On the subs bench. Fifth in line, six if you count Megan! He'll be embarking on the grand Syndicated world tour and getting to know some of our fine enhancement workers here in the OAOAST a little better, until he finally proves his worth to me again. The camera pans over at this point, to reveal Todd Cortez standing in the corner of the room arms folded and listening to all this. See, I bet you thought he wasn't there! But he was! MADDIX War Games is far too big of a responsiblity for our lowest rank. That's why myself, Nathaniel Black, James Blonde and the bigman here, Faqu... Faqu beats his chest causing Josh to flinch. MADDIX ...are going to be representing Cucaracha Internacional with Mister Cone. PHOENIX (fixes Josh's jacket) Looks like I did pretty well for somebody who "just doesn't have it", doesn't it? Go pass the message on to your buddy Sommers. I look forward to seeing who he can use his 'charm' on to be on his side. I really do. Job done, Matthews is promptly 'escorted' out of the locker room by Nathaniel Black, who undoes all of Cone's good work of fixing his jacket by bustling him out the door. Josh brushes himself off as the door slams behind him again. MATTHEWS Well... guys, back to you in the arena. COACH What a coo for James Cone! COLE Well Sly Sommers wondered if anyone would be willing to trust Cone after what he did at The Milan Spectacular. Apparantly he found a group of guys just as untrustworthy as himself to round out his War Games team. COACH Hey, all Pheonix did was stand up for himself. The way I see it, it's 5 on 1 right now and who knows how many more people Sommers insulted in those fancy interviews of his besides Cone? Guy's got a big mouth and it's gonna come back to haunt him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites