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Stadium of Fire

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Now when I was a kid I grew up in a neighboring town to Provo which always has had a huge ass 4th of July Parade (when I was in high school band there was usually over 300 entrants) and The Stadium of Fire which is held at Lavell Edwards Stadium on BYU campus.


I was just serfing around and though, "I wonder what the line up is?" and when I saw it, I started laughing aloud.


It's like a TSM Nightmare come to life.


Miley Cyrus as the main act.


Blue Man Group opening?


And it's all hosted by Marvin's favoritist person ever, Glenn Beck.



We've come along way from having Rulon Gardner do cartwheels while Rascal Flats plays in the back ground.

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It never does. PGOAT, it never does. I went to one a couple years ago that set the World Record for most Firecrackers simultaneously ignited at once which almost caught the stage on fire along with Donny Osmond, but after that they got uber cautious.

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