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Gert T

Big Brother 10

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It only gets better, naiwf. I would love to watch with Gretchen and Dick doing alternate commentary. They are holding back so much when Jessie talks.



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Obviously I loved the Chelsia/Natty strip tease and the pool party from BB9, but this is easily the best BBAD I have ever seen. The best scene was Michelle/Libra/Keesha/April from HOH room. Did any of those four know exactly whom they were yelling at?




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Well I hated Libra the most in the house but Keesha just flew past her tonight. I think that girl has serious issues. I have never met such a lying, two faced, conieving, manipulative, bitch. I think that girl is bi - polar or a schitzo. What an actress! I really hope that before Libra leaves she can somehow show Michele the light about whose idea it was to vote out Jessie. The most hilarious lie is Keesha saying she voted out Angie because she was protecting April and Libra!! LMMFAO !!! Michelle: "why isnt Angie still in this house?" Nothing but crickets and dumb looks from April , Libra, and Ollie. Poor girl must be the first houseguest voted out purely because of her looks from some jealous, psychotic drama queen.


Michelle is still hearing Jessies words about Libra. She has to STFU and listen to Libra for second and it will all click. I cant believe I'm about to type this, but I want Keesha out before Libra now. Unfortunately its not gonna happen. Renny the lapdog will vote to keep Keesha, Memphis has to keep her because she saved his ass last week, and Jerry loves his blonde bitch to much to vote her out.


After tonight Keesha may have pasted Daniele Danato on my most hated list. Bitch knows she is about to get called out and all her lies exposed and she wiggles out of it by changing the subject, screaming and lying some more.


We should have all realized how nuts she was when she voted Angie out for no reason other than pure jealousy.



Jerry hates Libra and is very fond of Keesha. Ollie also doesn't seem to want Libra around. Ollie has stepped on April's instincts before, when she was sure Keesha and Libra were going to turn on her. April likes to give the impression she's playing a smart game, that is when she isn't lecturing Dan about his shaming of Catholicism, reminding people how much America loves her, or droning on about Memphis and his $500,000 car, but the number of times tonight she told people that she's going to get married to Ollie and how could anyone not fall in love with Ollie suggests she's going to do what he wants. What he seems to want is Libra gone.


Keesha has spent time telling Michelle how much April sucks, and Michelle has told Jerry not to use the veto, so if he does, she might put up April out of spite.


I started to feel sorry for Libra tonight because there's no way she can live up to the insane arguments used against her. It would help if she'd put the blame directly on Keesha, but Michelle really does believe Libra was the main one who got every person out of the house. Libra was doing a good job keeping cool until finally Michelle kept on and on and Libra went off on her. Libra ended up huddled in the storeroom with April, saying she wanted to go home. April said she would vote Libra out, then next week Keesha would be her target.


When Libra is gone, who will be the new scapegoat? Keesha was trying to put some of Jessie's eviction on Dan, and Jerry hates Dan (he ruined their party by bringing up Judas AGAIN, saying Dan was AP, saying he'd treated Dan as his grandson, lying that he wanted everyone to speak to each other when he'd earlier said he wanted Dan to be shunned...and then later on he whined to Dan about Dan not speaking to him!). April, the poster girl for Catholicism, will go along with them. Dan usually lays very low, but sometimes he lays too low, like when people are whispering in Michelle's ear and the veto is still in play. Dan, Renny, and Memphis are the only people left who usually keep some sanity and don't go straight to the gutter, I'd like one of them to win HOH next time.


Jerry is now talking to Memphis, since he has a new scapegoat. Memphis is going along, probably because he has nothing to lose. Meanwhile, Jerry told Ollie the new signal - if he rubs his head, then that means he needs to talk to Ollie. ---IDIOT!!!!


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Dan - He needs to win HOH next week ASAP, to try to silence the suspicion that he has been AP all along. I am guessing that by Keesha being a lunatic has maybe bought Dan one week from being the primary target next week. But he better win something quick No point in laying under the radar, if everybody belives he is doing it on purpose.


Jerry - The guy is a buffoon. CBS will portray him as one on tonight and Tuesday's episode I am guessing. Hope the bald head rub works as well as the X signal.


Ollie - I think he may be in good shape, because sooner or later he and April will go up together. She will lose her shit, he will allow her too. I have called him a hypocrite since Day One and have soften my stance at times, but apparently we see a little bit of his true colors as he spews venomously at Libra.


Keesha -

This is why it was a great nomination of her and Libra. It is great to see people's true colors once they are pitted against each other. That said, she is nuts, and after last night, I am guessing people who made plans to align themselves with her are going to re-think that strategy.


April - I think people will soon tire of how she flocks to the HOH every time. She is smart, but will be targeted soon. When she and Ollie go up together, things will get interesting.


Renny - She seems to be a lock for the Final Four. Not really a threat, and surprisingly not as unlikeable as the majority of the house.


Memphis - Sitting pretty right now. Best case scenario for him is that someone wins HOH next week that wants to break April & Ollie up.


Michelle - She is doing a good balancing act right now as well. I am thinking she is totally safe through next week, unless she does something foolish.


Libra - Its funny, if she wasn't so cocky and controlling when she is in control, she may still be in the game. I like the calm, calculating Libra. I agree Greek, I do feel a little bad for her after last night. But the lines have been drawn in the sand. She's delusional if she thinks she didn't orchestrate the Jessie eviction.



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God, Jerry is already talking about how he is going to work the jury voters. Why do people play the game so far ahead of time? Especially Jerry. I gotta think he has a 2% chance of walking out the door next week.



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I think the biggest mistake on all of these reality shows where votes decide who stays and goes is that people plan for the endgame from day 1. That just doesn't work anymore. Richard Hatch was able to do it and that was really the last time I saw a plan that was made in the first few days be sufficient to win the prize at the end. Jerry isn't actually IN an alliance as far as I can tell. He's kind of buddy buddy with April/Ollie and now Michelle/Memphis, but none of those people are tied to Jerry. Never being able to rely on any specific person is the biggest problem with being a floater and it's why it's almost impossible to win when you set your whole gameplan up that way. At the end of the day Dan, Jerry and Renny need to REALLY make a pact with someone and stick with it because otherwise they're destined to fail.

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I cant belive I spent 3 hours watching Michelle convincing the entire house that Libra AND Dan are not only Americans player but also know each other outside of the game. What a stupid idiot !


How many times has Keesha said " I'm not that kind of person" - Ughhh yes you are bitch !!! The bitch has a tell when she is lying . It seems she is thinking of what to say next and she looks up at the ceiling away from the person she is talking too and sort of stammers for a few secornd . If she cant think of what to say next she lets out a high pitched frustrated moam..UUUGHHHHHH.


Then we have April who tells certain people that she has absolutely nothing against Memphis ans only wants him out because he won the car and is the biggest threat. Then when she is with Ollie and Jerry she says she hates him and calls him a prick.


And then there is Jerry the kind old fart that called Dan a cocksucker, an asshole, and a piece of shit.


Dan or Memphis HAVE to win HOH next week or Dan may be going home next week. He will probaly be safe with a Keesha HOH win , but I dont wanna see that trash win anything.


Best case scenario for me would be for Dan or Memphis to win and put up Ape / Ollie / Jerry or, *GULP* Keesha / Renny to win and put up one of those 3. If I knew Memphis / Dan would be safe and Keesha's ass would be out the door 100 % than I wouldnt mind the A/P/J team winning the HOH. But Ape / Jerry just hate Memphis too much.



The skank April was going on about how Dan hasn't been acting like a good Catholic. She's a Catholic so she knows how a Catholic is supposed to act.


Being a good Catholic means a man doesn't wear a woman's clothesshe says, so I guess Being a good Catholic to April means lying, backstabbing, throwing balls at your Down's Syndrome nephew so he will grow up to be a man, and having sex with a near-stranger who spanks you and, per your request, ejaculates on you.




Memphis' DR segment on the show tonight reeked of awesomeness !!


Michelle is going to feel like an idiot when she sees the tapes. Keesha is playing her like a fiddle. That bitch needs to be exposed.


Does Ollie ever dissagree with anyone who is talking to him about anything??!! Dude shouldnt even be in this game. What a waste of space.


Although I feel Libra is the biggest bitch of the three, I definately think Ape and Keesh have serious serious issues and need to seek profesional help ASAP.

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Being a good Catholic means a man doesn't wear a woman's clothesshe says, so I guess Being a good Catholic to April means lying, backstabbing, throwing balls at your Down's Syndrome nephew so he will grow up to be a man, and having sex with a near-stranger who spanks you and, per your request, ejaculates on you.







Where did you hear/see this?

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Being a good Catholic means a man doesn't wear a woman's clothesshe says, so I guess Being a good Catholic to April means lying, backstabbing, throwing balls at your Down's Syndrome nephew so he will grow up to be a man, and having sex with a near-stranger who spanks you and, per your request, ejaculates on you.







Where did you hear/see this?



She and Ollie have been having sex since the first week. The 2nd time they fucked , Aplil asked Ollie to cum on her.


We have also learned that Ollie is a 1 minute man.

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2 Complete idiots:


Libra tells Keesha that she wants to ask the DR if they can arrange for her to meet Barack Obama ( Ummm yeah they will get right on that request- LOL) Keesha's response is "Who?." Libra says it a couple of more times and adds that he is running for President. Finally Keesha says, "Oh, Obama, I thought you were talking in code."



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The only thing I respect Ollie for is that he acknowledged that he went back on his word with Dan in Week 1 and is not too upset with him.



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I simply do not understand why they aren't showing the Ollie/April sexcapades on the televised show. Usually BB is all over that shit. When David and Amanda had sex on BB4 they showed practically the whole thing. They showed Jen and Ryan sneaking off into the bathroom to have sex on BB9 and they showed lots of James and Chelsea, and God knows we got an overload of Boogie and Erika in BB AS. Why are they ignoring the April/Ollie hookup? It's almost as though Ollie had it written into his contract he wouldn't be shown doing anything not befitting his "Preacher's Son" persona. I call bullshit on that.

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I was watching a BBAD from about 3 weeks ago last night and the guys were asking the girls how they new they weren't lesbians. Some answered that they had kissed a girl before. April said that she made out with her twin sister. She is quite the Catholic.

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So Jerry is trying to Ollie to vote for Keesha to be evicted, and have the three of them flip to make it a 4-2 vote. I am guessing Dan is way too smart for that, and since he is not obligated to do America's bidding, he will vote smartly and get Libra out of the house.


That said this will be one hell of an HOH contest this week.



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April tried to talk to Libra who blew her off and said she wanted to be alone. Then soon after Libra went to Keesha to tell her that. April was going to try to help her stay, but, instead Libra is up Keesha's ass again.

At this point, I don't even want her to stay; if she can't be bothered to see what anyone has to say after she cornered April in the storage room that night to out Keesha, she can leave. Now she's telling Renny April wanted to talk to her.


Besides, I believe it woudn't be different if either one left (except that Keesha annoys me more).



Finally someone mentions trying to take out Keesha/Renny. Memphis told Michelle that they need to talk to others, especially Ollie, and put it in their head that Keesha/Renny are a big threat and need to be gone. Memphis knows that Keesha/Renny are potential jury votes for him,so he needs someone else to do his dirty work.



One thing I have determined after the last 2 nights of all the sex talk is that Keesha would be a horrible lay. One of those chicks that just lay there. Not that I would want to have sex with the toothless, anorexic , no ass, clown make up wearing bitch anyway.


April literally made me ill tonight. She was bragging that she has already been in the limelight. Claims to have acted in a blockbuster movie ( I call bullshit ), posed in a 7 page pictorial for a magazine, and is Miss VIP at every bar and club, which by the way is no big deal. I'm a guy who lives in chicago, was never a celebrity or close too it, and have been treated as a V.I.P at most nightclubs since I was 19 and underage (currently 35 years old). If you get to know the bouncers, are in the same "clique", and spend money in the clubs you will get the VIP treatment. She also said about Ollie: " You never know, maybe Diddy will be a fan of yours and invite you to party with him". LMAO !! I totally can see why she is in a showmance. She planned on being in one. She so badly wants to be the popular houseguest, the next Dr. Will, Janelle. LOL - Sure April, maybe you will get a role in the next E.T. movie as a body ( errrrr... head ) double.


No way in my opinion can they save Libra. The ship has sailed.



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The only way is if they could get Libra to assure Michelle she would go after Memphis-Dan-Renny if she got it. That way Michelle could break the 3-3 tie. Send Jerry to threaten her that if April-Ollie-Jerry win HOH and Keesha stays, she goes up.


I would hate to see it happen only because I hate the A-O-Jerry side, but it would be a smart move for a week, maybe two. If you're Michelle, even if Memphis won HOH he would still probably put up April and Ollie, and quite frankly I just don't think Dan or Renny will win HOH.



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I just turned on the feeds and may have missed the start of the convo, but it appears that both Memphis and Dan did throw the comp. I think Dan said that he answered as quickly as possible but was glad to get out of there? Not sure if he was referring to not answering correctly.


He did a good job though knocking Jerry out though!



It appears to be Libra bash night at the house. Gone but not forgotten... Ahem.


The irony of the trash talk is kind of hilarious though. Libra is called selfish and all about herself. The fact that most of it is coming from Keesha, who keeps contrasting herself to Libra by talking about how awesome she is, is pure comedy.


Self awareness is entirely lost on these hamsters.

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I just turned on the feeds and may have missed the start of the convo, but it appears that both Memphis and Dan did throw the comp. I think Dan said that he answered as quickly as possible but was glad to get out of there? Not sure if he was referring to not answering correctly.


That was obvious when it was on live. Dan missed one of the easiest questions possible and Memphis flat out didn't care.

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Doesn't get much better than April, Jerry and Ollie going out back to back to back. Yeah Memphis and Dan threw it pretty easily.


That said it will be great to see April sweat this week.



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Fucking Renny is gonna fuck this shit all up !!


Renny is talking to Dan now and wants to put him up as a pawn against Jerry. She's saying she really wants Jerry out now. Pawn. Yeah, that usually woks out very well. Have these people ever watched the show? Seriously? Those would be horrible nominations - horrible. Is she still drunk from last night? How is she not even considering breaking up the gruesome twosome? It's a simple case of math. With the 2 of them, you get 2 votes on one side. Break them up and it's only just the 1.




After asking Dan if he could be a pawn, Memphis walks into the room and Renny asks if he would mind being a pawn. Memphis pretty much laughed it off, and said the pawn always goes home. Few minutes later, Michelle walks in, and Renny asks her, shortly followed by Keesha. They all refused to being a pawn, and are trying to convince her that it's a terrible idea. Renny is worried that she will make too many enemies if she nominated A/O/J.


Ollie walks in a few minutes after that, and Renny kicks everyone out to talk to him. She says she wants him to stay. Ollie kept asking her if she could kick anyone out of the house right now, who would it be. She kept avoiding the question, saying she couldn't tell him. Ollie then proceeded to try and convince her to put Jerry up, and keep him off the block (presumably since there's a good chance he can play for the veto, and if April is on the block he can save her and then they would both be safe). Renny then talked about Memphis for a while.


I really have no idea who she's going to nominate. It might be whoever talks to her last.


Renny obviously didn't watch Season 6, or she'd know she's about to become Howie. For heaven's sake, woman! Put up April/Jerry or April/Ollie. Don't play for three weeks from now when your majority is as slight as it is.


Keesha tried to tell Renny he has to put up April/Ollie or Ollie will use the veto and save April, but then she ruined her good work by saying she can't stand Jerry.


Renny whined that she doesn't want to put Ollie up, because she likes him.


If anyone in Renny's alliance ever felt safe with her, they won't after this.


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Ollie just went to Renny to offer her some sort of deal if she kept him off the block because he doesn't deserve to be up there (I truly hate him!) and Renny pretty much cut him off and said 'You don't need to do this, I've made my decision and I think you'll be happy with it.' So, yea, I'll be shocked if she doesn't nom April/Jerry. Why must every HOH go power mad and become totally stupid?




There's huge speculation (outside the house) that April could be pregnant because she's a few days late and threw up the other morning. ahaha - yikes. She and Ollie have completely ignored the condoms in the house, but I don't know if she's on the pill or not. Good times.



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It's been quite a night for April. She told Ollie America would never forgive Dan if he didn't keep her in the house. She told Ollie she had had to have some anal surgery because of tears or bleeding or whatever. April certainly doesn't hold back with the public. Then she started in with Renny/Michelle and maybe Keesha, all about Dan. He looks at Keesha when she changes. He's sleeping in a room with a single woman even though he said he wouldn't. He wears boxer shorts to bed (the horror). Michelle went on again about his using the HOH toilet, and she said America must decide what toilet he uses. Soon they started Libra bashing, with Keesha and April saying Libra caused the problems between them.


As the night went on, April started to go through the shunning process every soon to be going hamster has faced this season. She fled to the hammock to weep. Ollie ignored her but eventually went to talk to her. After calling Michelle a bitch and the c word, April said she's so nice and doesn't talk bad about anyone. Ollie told her the house would no longer be hot without her. Then Michelle showed up and April kissed her BUTT.


Ollie can't run back to the rest of the group fast enough since April is leaving. I think only a few of them even get upset about what he's doing, which annoys me.


Thanks to Renny going on to Keesha about how close she is to Michelle, Keesha and Dan both see her as a threat now. They stopped talking about strategy as soon as she walked into the bathroom. Memphis also wasn't thrilled when he found out she's trying to keep April, but he may still want Michelle around.


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Jerry told Dan he was going to take the Judas comment "off the table" and he was going to ask for Dan's vote for safety, not for Dan to use the veto.


April offered Dan some money and said she would question his dignity if he kept Jerry after Jerry insulted him (April also insulted him, but never mind).


Michelle tried to get Dan to keep April. Now she's trying to get Keesha and Renny to keep April, saying the men will team up with Jerry.



Nasty shit going on in the house.


Keesha and Renny say they have to put up Memphis and Michelle next week. They are saying Memphis is walking around too confident and thinks he has already won the game ( really ?? I dont see this at all .)


K/R/Michelle think Memphis, dan , and Ollie are promising Jerry safety and in return he will target the females ( this hasnt happened either)


April working Dan HARD !!!



Suprisingly Michelle is pushing to keep April. Guess those crocodile tears worked on her last night. I wish she knew April called her a bitch and a whore 2 minutes before she went out to console her.


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Renny is dumb. That is all. I understand playing for yourself, but you HAVE to put up the 2 people that will not vote each other out. I also loved here comment about how she doesn't want 3 people coming after her. It would be 2 Renny, one would go home.



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