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Zack Malibu

HD: A couple of segments.

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NOTE: The first segment should go before Bo and Mr Dick's match. The second should go a segment or two after. The last segment should be right before the CI/Enterprise challenge. Many thanks!




Welcome back fans! We hope you're enjoying tonight's edition of HeldDOWN~!, and up next we're going to be seeing the Metrosexual Monster in action, as Bohemoth takes on...wait, what's he doing?


The crowd noise grows from a loud murmur to a chorus of jeers, as NATHANIEL BLACK has come out from the back! Landon Maddix's fellow British charge rolls into the ring and approaches Michael Buffer, who was preparing to announce our next contest. Black calmly asks for the microphone, to whcih a confused Buffer obliges, and Black then waves him off, still displaying a bit of cockiness amidst his civility.






Why is he shouting?



You never know, Zack might be blasting the latest from O-Town back there.



O-Town broke up a few years ago, Coach.



You WOULD know that.


Black circles the ring, continuing to call Zack's name until finally he appears at the top of the aisle, staring up at his rival in the ring! Zack makes his way to ringside to a wave of applause, as Black nods his head, seemingly approving of Malibu's appearance.



These two men had a HELL of a match last week, which happened when Nathaniel Black felt he needed to prove that he's more than what we take him for in the OAOAST. Zack Malibu came out the victor in that contest, but like I said last week, Nathaniel Black deserves all the credit in the world for hanging in there with Zack and going toe to toe, taking all that he had and more before a Super Trendsetter finally put him away!


Now in the ring, Zack approaches Black, and the two men lock eyes. Now that Zack's in the ring, he shrugs his shoulders, asking what Black wants, and that's when the international superstar begins to talk.



First off, I just want to say, that I'm not out here to bait you, or lure you into a trap or anything. I'm out here on my own, because I have something to say to you. This has nothing to do with Cucaracha Internacional, or you and Landon, or anything else. I'm out here because of ME, and what I feel needs to be done, and that is for me to tell you...Thank You.



Thank you?



Don't look at me!


Zack looks on, wondering where this is going, as is the confused crowd.



Last week, I had challenged you to a match because I know what I'm capable of. I know, deep down, that I'm one of the best. No one confused me of being under confident, I know...but that's where you and I start to see similarities, Zack. You're the same way. You know what you can do and you come out here, night after night, proving to the world that YES, you ARE The Franchise of the OAOAST! You ARE one of the best in the world, and having been in the ring with you, I can't deny that. Now, the reason I feel the need to say thank you to you is a simple one...knowing that you're one of the best, knowing that you are our Franchise, I want to thank you for showing me that I am every bit as good as you!


It's a mixed reaction, as some of the crowd boos, some of them cheer, and some of them simply gasp at the cockiness of Nathaniel Black!



You brought out the best in me, Zack. I took everything you had last week, and at the same time I gave you a challenge that I can't say I've seen you have in a while. I brought you to your limits. Maybe, just maybe, I opened your eyes enough so that you saw some of yourself in me. Regardless of how you feel about me or whose employ I'm in, after last week there has been only one thing that I've wanted to do, and that is ask you for a rematch, next week, at the Big Apple Spectacular!


The crowd roars, as Malibu nods his head, reacting as if it's a good idea. In fact, seconds later, Malibu takes Nathaniel Black by the wrist and pulls the mic towards him, uttering two simple words...



You're ON.


The crowd roars again, as Black takes a step back and, in a rare show of sportsman ship, extends his hand to Zack Malibu!



Look at this! Nathaniel Black, offering his hand to Zack Malibu!



That's a bold move for Nate Black, because I'm pretty sure Landon Maddix isn't liking this!


Malibu turns to the crowd, wondering what they think while debating on it himself. Zack looks at Black and then goes to shake his hand...but before he can he's waylaid from behind, as James Blonde hits the ring and nails him with a rabbit lariat, then starts stomping him down!



God damn it, we should have known, Coach!


The crowds mixed, nearly positive reaction for Nathaniel Black turns to disdain rapidly, as now they see that it was a set up all along...or was it, as Nathaniel Black watches on momentarily before shoving James Blonde, getting him away from Zack Malibu!



Wait...did Nate Black just HELP Zack Malibu!?


Blonde, never one to be pushed around, shoves back, asking Black what he's doing. Black has since dropped the mic, but he can be heard saying "I needed to do this, you have NO RIGHT..." amongst his choice words for his stablemate. Blonde looks at him and blows him off, and when he goes for Zack again, Black grabs his arm, stopping him! Blonde shoves Black again, and the two teammates look like their ready to throw down...and that's what they're going to have to do, as SLY SOMMERS has hit the ring!



Well, let's just get EVERYONE out here!


The crowd roars as Sly slides in, nailing Blonde with a right hand as he turns around, and another one as he gets up from the blow! Sly turns around with fist cocked, ready to slug Black, but Black takes the high road, dropping to the mat and rolling out of the ring, rather than engage in battle! Blonde bails out of the ring too, for an entirely different reason, as Sly helps Zack to his feet to a big pop.



Whether it was another ruse by Landon Maddix's cronies, or a defining moment for Nathaniel Black that was ruined by his partner remains to be seen. Luckily for Zack, Sly Sommers was on the scene before it got worse.



Typical of Sly, kissing Malibu's BUTT as always.



Not for anything Coach, but with both Landon and Cucaracha Internacional running rampant, and The Enterprise trying to run EVERYTHING, it's nice to see some unity on the other side of the locker room for a change!


Zack comes up, holding the back of his head. He leans over the ropes and stares out at Blonde, who curses the ground he walks on, while Nathaniel Black brushes past Blonde, never looking back at the ring as he heads back to the dressing room as we fade out.



WE'RE BACK~!, and so is Zack Malibu, as he walks through the backstage area, pressing an ice pack against the back of his head. Malibu, whose face is tied in a grimace, turns the corner, and comes face to face with the new authority of the OAOAST...JOSIE~! It's a slightly akward moment as the two one-time friends stare each other down, Josie being the one to break the ice.



It's like deja vu, Zack! I'm in charge, you're getting your ass kicked by James Blonde...didn't we do this one before?



Nice to see you too, Josie.


Zack tries to walk past, not in the mood to bicker, but Josie steps to block his path.



Hold it, hero. I don't know if you noticed, but your best buddy isn't the one calling the shots anymore, I AM.



So I've heard.



I'm sure you have. So, I want to know, what gives you the right to play matchmaker out there tonight for the Big Apple Spectacular?



Matchmaker? I got challenged, I accepted. That tends to happen in the wrestling business, you know. If don't realize that, maybe you shouldn't be the one in charge, now should you?


Josie's eyes drop, giving Zack a hateful look.



You know something, if it wasn't for your name vaule and the ratings you draw helping to line the company pockets, I wouldn't even want you on the ring crew. However, I know that you're the so-called Franchise and I have to live with that, so consider that match between you and Nathaniel Black official for next week.





Malibu goes to walk away, but Josie gets in his way again.



There's going to be a lot of changes around here, Zack. Just...um...keep your head up!


Malibu scowls as a proud Josie walks away after getting the final word in, and we then cut back to the arena and Cole and Coach.





We cut backstage, hearing nothing but shouting as we peer into the locker room of Cucaracha Internacional, where Nathaniel Black and James Blonde are having a rather loud war of words! Faqu stands behind Blonde, looking ready to eat Black should he so much as sneeze in Blonde's direction, but the shouting is ceased by a familiar voice shouting over the two of them.




LANDON MADDIX comes into view, and positions himself between Blonde and Black, looking none too happy at the dissension.



Jesus H. Maddix, I have to deal with one insubordinate, but that's not enough? Now I have TWO?



Look, I told you guys earlier, I wanted to go out there alone and...





Black backs off, mouthing "What?"



You wanted to go out there and talk yourself up, that's fine. You wanted to get the word out that the world needs to watch Nathaniel Black. That's FINE. You want to go out there and play kissy face with Zack Malibu? Are you KIDDING ME, Nate?



Listen, I appreciate what you do for me, but I'm my own man. I needed to do it for ME, not you, not him, and certainly not him.


Pointing at Faqu, Black nearly has his finger bitten off by the Samoan beast.



Well, I'M the one who TOLD James to go out there and take the shot at Malibu. You should know by now, if we get him when he least expects it, ESPECIALLY when he thinks you're offering him respect, it'll throw him off his game plan. He's going to crumble soon, I know it.



CRUMBLE? Hate to tell you boss, but Zack Malibu isn't about to crumble. If he didn't crumble when you were in the Wildcards, or last year when...



Save the history lesson, Nate. Sounds to me like you're pulling a Cortez on me?


Black sighs, knowing that no one in the room is getting the point.



Listen. To. Me. I am not looking to befriend Zack Malibu. I'm not looking to run in his crowd. I am out to do one thing, and that is prove my worth to you and to this company. You brought me here, as well as James and Faqu, because you see something in us, right? We weren't dubbed Internationally Known just because it sounds good, but because we've made our names elsewhere and are bringing our talents here to showcase. You've got the resume, Landon. You've been World Champion and everything else. Last week Zack Malibu brought out the fire in me, a fire that can burn much brighter than it has. I know that I'm as good as Zack Malibu. I KNOW I'm one of the world's best, and I NEED to prove that, but through competition, not through constant jumpings and beatdowns. I'm more than that. I'm more than just a lackey, or a cog in the bloody machine. If I wasn't one of the best, than what good would I be to you?


Landon pauses to reflect on what Black has said to him, then counters.



You ARE one of the best. That's why you're here. That's why your amongst the elite in this room right now. You want to be the shining star here, then fine, you go out there and you decimate this roster one at a time if you need to. Just remember one thing...if you're going to prove yourself to Zack Malibu at the Big Apple Spectacular, try not to LOSE this time. Clear?


Landon, in Black's face, stares at his embarrassed charge, who quietly remarks "clear".



Good. Now come on, we've got to get back out there.


Maddix, Blonde, and Faqu walk out of view, while Black hesitates, then follows them out as we cut to commercial.

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