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PROMO: That's my story

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You're right, my job's computer is ancient therefore it wasnt showing it, I had to slowly move my mouse around until the mouse turns into a finger and that's when i started clicking. Thanks SPIKE

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"What do you mean I can't go?" The camera catches SIN power walking back and fourth in his locker room, voice sounding with despair and rage at the same time. He's on his cell phone, Verizon blackberry.


"What?" SIN looks at his cell to look at the bars.


"Can you hear me now?" SIN said as he places the phone back to his ear. "Good, now, what do you mean I can't go?"


SIN waits for the respond, every time SIN gets quiet to hear the person talk his facial expression changes.


"No, that wasn't me,I told you I was framed, there are too many Sammy Irizarry Nuñez in Puerto Rico." SIN stops as if he got interrupted.


"Toxx listen." SIN said and stopped in mid sentence.


"I can't call you Toxx anymore? -aint this some bull shit."


SIN waits.


"Listen, I did not do anything to Dace or to Va'aiga, you have to understand, when a person disrespect another person in their home town, the people will backlash and that's what happen. I had nothing to do with the kidnapping and that's my story and I'm sticking to it." There was a determination on SIN's voice as if he really meant what he said, as if he actually believes that he had nothing to do with Dace's disappearance.


"The charges were dropped!"


"Puñeta." Speaking Spanish SIN said that word to…no one.


"That's my native language and I can speak it when I choose to."


SIN listens.


"That's right, it's my prerogative." SIN said with a coke and a smile.


"Oh, that’s your prerogative now, c'mon Toxxic, you cant do this to me."


"You really want to know what happen down in my island? I'll tell you." SIN stops walking, he goes towards the couch, next to him is a bottle of Heineken, un open, just taken out from the freezer. SIN grabs the bottle and opens it up with a bottle opener that was conveniently next to the bottle. The smoke coming from the beer is mesmerizing, he licks his lips knowing that he's about to guzzle down one of the greatest beers. The green old school bottle, nice and cold, no, it doesn't need any accessories like coronas, that's a bitch beer, he knows it, and everybody that drinks Heineken knows it. SIN is having a love affair with his drink, gazing into the lettering, wiping off the beer's 'sweat' as he calls it. That's erotica for him as he slowly puts the beer towards his mouth. His lips curve slightly, waiting for the glass to make contact with his lips. The cold glass feels so good to him as he tilts his head back and takes the first swig. The liquid goes down as if it's water, he's daydreaming, he lost focus, and he forgot that he's speaking with Toxxic, but everything is moving in slow motion to him.


"SSSSSSIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN" the voice came screaming from the other side of the phone. The sound made SIN jump a little and damn near choke him from his favorite beer. Wow, he thought for a second that that would have been the best way to go.


SIN coughs a little but quickly gather his thoughts together. "Ok, this is what happen. I was driving from San Juan to Bayamon to see some of my family, and that's when I got pulled over. Now that was strange because cops down do anything in Puerto Rico, shit, they're more corrupted then people in England, but anyways, I stop the car, and I see the officer walking towards my direction, holding his gun, now that's more stranger."


SIN takes another swig of the beer, and then continues.


"Once he reached the car and is standing right next to me, in Spanish he asked for my license and registration. I handed it to him with no problem; I explain to him that this car was rented and politely asked him why was he stopping me. What's funny is that I could barely see his face, but I wasn't thinking about that at the moment. He replies nothing to me as he walks back towards the car; he's there for about 5 minutes before returning, once next to me he asked me to step out of the vehicle. I'm baffled at this moment, but Puerto Rican cops are known to shoot you for no reason, so I'm giving him less than that. I didn't argue I just got out. Then he told me to put my hands on the car and began to frisk me, he took my cell phone and placed it in his pocket, I thought that was really odd, then he told me to put my hands behind my back and proceeded to handcuff me. I asked him why was he arresting me? He replied that I had a warrant for my arrest, actually 4 warrants for my arrest. Attempted Murder, grand larceny, and assault with a deadly weapon and resisting arrest. I tried to plea with him and say that he got the wrong guy but he wouldn't listen, instead he threw me in the back of his car and sped away.


After about 3 hours driving I noticed that I was not at the police station, I was in the middle of nowhere. I asked the cop where we were and he replied in the middle of 'La Isla Verde', from there I knew something was going really wrong. As he helped me out from the car I notice two more men waiting for the cop in front of what looked like a barn, the thing about these men is that they had masks on and was rocking assault rifles. Right then and there I knew that I was being kidnapped."


SIN listens...


"Yes, kidnapped."


SIN takes another swig from the ice-cold beer.


"Ok, after I realize what was going on, I asked them why they were doing this to me. They kept saying that it's nothing personal, it's business. I tried to ask who sent them, and is this for ransom or something bigger. The fake cop, for the first time actually showed his face, a face of guilt, as he says, bigger. I knew that I was going to die, my own people is going to kill me. The fake cop told me that he was paid 100,000.00 dollars in cash to get rid of me. I calmly ask who was it, can you at least tell me who it was before I die? The fake cop told me that the man did not give his name, but his accent made it clear that he was not from around here, he was big, black, and very angry for some reason."


"Are you still there, Toxxic?"




"Popcorn? Oh, whatever, Anyways, right then I realize that he was talking about Va'aiga."




"Yes, that overgrown ape…anyways, I told these guys, well the police wannabe, I will pay them double whatever that big dude is paying you, I swear that I had the guy thinking for about a good two minutes; he kept saying, well, I don't know, and all that. I saw the other two masked guys and they were talking among themselves, I was thinking if I was to get out of this mess alive I have to do something soon, and real soon. Now, I was planning to reach for my phone and make some calls to get the money, but then I realize that this fake cop took my phone, so I asked, 'Let me make a phone call I will transfer the money to your account.' He replied that he has the phone; thank god I'm from the streets because I use my street knowledge for this. You ready Toxxic?"




“Good, I told him that I have another one stash and that he failed to find it. He looked at me with confusion as I reach down my pockets, he started screaming to stop and reach for my arm. Right then I grabbed his arm and twisted so that his body shifted to the side, I heard the other henchmen do something with their rifles, so I twirled around and shoved the fake cop towards them, they crashed. Now, I had two options, run for dear life or fucked them up…guess which one I chose.”




“Hell no, I ran like a little bitch, these mother fuckers had guns. I dash towards the trees, the woods was pitch black like the jungle, I’m from the hood I aint prepare for this type of shit with rattlesnakes and what not…”


Listens after being interrupted…


“Oh, um well, he un-cuffed me as he helped me out of the car, he wanted me to go into the barn and cuff me there, that’s what happen…anyways, I’ve kept running, tree branches smacking my face like if I was committing adultery. I heard the guys running behind me and I swear to god I thought they were about 5 feet away as they scream that they were going to kill me. I ran, tripped, got up, stumbled again, kept getting up and then I saw something that gave me so much joy, I saw…a road, but like a highway road. I see cars speeding as I stumble towards the road. I started waiving my hands frantically, hoping, wanting, desperately wanting a car to stop and that’s when the cops saw me.”




“No, I didn’t care, actually I thought it was a blessing in disguise. Once they saw me they stopped immediately, I saw them looking through their side view mirrors. They didn’t make any movement for about 45 seconds until the passenger sidecar open and a cop came out holding his 9mm that was still secure in his holster. The driver came out as well, but he was pointing his gun towards me. Now I’m thinking that there was more than three people in this kidnap, the cop that was pointing the gun told me in Spanish to lay on the ground, I did that, I didn’t want to get shot in the back. The other cop came to me with handcuffs, I asked what I did, and he said in Spanish that he was taking me in for questioning about a kidnapping. I pleaded with them stating that I was the one that got kidnapped and they wouldn’t hear it. Once they put me in the car I asked the cops who was the one that got kidnapped? They answered with a guys name… DACE NIGHT!




“No, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it…so can I go to the show?”




“It is true, and I swear to everything that I love that I wont touch Va’aiga.”




“Alright fine, but I’m still going to go and show up as a spectator, you can denied me from buying tickets.”






SIN waits to clear his head then continues.


“Ok, let me get this straight, if anybody like me, Bruner and Sir shows up to the show regardless if we buy the tickets, we’re going to be suspended?”




“Oh, you’ve made up your mind with me already and you’re still thinking about Bruner and Sir? Can I ask if you can please re-consider me? I promise I will not do anything to Va’aiga, but if I’m going to face him sooner or later, I need to take notes.”




“Can you at least think about it, that’s all I ask?”




“Yeah I know, no guarantees, but I appreciate it that you can at least think about it.”




“Thank you.”


SIN ends the phone call and gives a evil smile as the shot fades away.






(OOC ~ If someone (Toxxic maybe) can delete the first one, That would be great... There were some changes that needed to be made and I thought I saved it but I didnt it and well, you know the rest... Thanks)

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