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Caylee Anthony Case

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Casey's attorney is being investigated that he may have made some sort of entertainment deal with payment tied to the outcome of Casey's murder trial which is what's paying for her defense.


Yes, and in rebuttal he is actually making a motion to get the current prosecutors thrown off the case, which will never happen. I've always had some gut instinct that this defense attorney is a real snakey fucker and probably is doing all kinds of unethical things in reality, since he knows she's guilty and he might as well capitalize while he can.


Latest word on all of this is that more evidence is tying into it being Casey. The blanket found inside the bag with the skeletal remains is the same blanket package that is a part of one found back at the home. Another sick thing recently revealed is that a knife was actually found in the bag as well. So what the fuck....she knocked out the child with chloroform, then wrapped her head up in duct tape (yes, the ENTIRE head) and then stabbed her as well? Jesus christ.


In what was an inevitable thing, the grandparents attorney has gone to the media as well and now has stopped defending Casey anymore, so the grandparents have officially had enough of trying to stick up for her. They are now angling to set up a personal "meeting" with just the grandparents and Casey, presumably to try to convince her to just stop this shit and admit what she did. Now it just comes down to the brother, who I still think is involved in this somehow.

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Well, least now we know the name of the nanny. Mrs. ChloDuct Throatslit of Florida, famous for her outstanding work keeping children so quiet that you don't even hear them breathing.

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Any chance that they can give her the death penalty because she deserves it.


I think it's very much more a chance than not that she will be thrown the death penalty, considering the evidence so far.

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I hear about things like this and I always think: wouldn't it have been easier just to not do it? From what I understand the grandparents really loved the girl, so Casey could have just handed her over to them, and took off, no questions asked. She could have relieved herself of the burden that way and saved herself a lot of bother. But, no, she had to kill her and is facing life in prison or the death penalty.

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I hear about things like this and I always think: wouldn't it have been easier just to not do it? From what I understand the grandparents really loved the girl, so Casey could have just handed her over to them, and took off, no questions asked. She could have relieved herself of the burden that way and saved herself a lot of bother. But, no, she had to kill her and is facing life in prison or the death penalty.


It sounds like the mother was full of spiteful feelings as this whole situation unfolded to lead to the baby's murder......the grandparents did want to take her from Casey, since they had her most of the time anyway, but she was refusing to do so, strictly out of spite that if she can't have her, nobody can kind of thing. I remember hearing something about that the grandparents even wanted to take her to court to get custody, but they couldn't afford it since Casey stole so much money from the family prior.

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I was watching her parent jail visit phone call on youtube when she said 'what about me ,I have no support' or something like that "she almost implied to me Feel sorry for me I had to touch that mess (like she was angry with Caylee for dying and decomposing in her car).It almost seemed to me that she was angry that she had to deal with the mess that Caylee left behind.

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That's just typical sociopath behaviour.......she's acting like she's the real victim out of all of this.

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They just finished up the service for Caylee this afternoon...Mom spent that time with her defense team. While she could have listened to and watched the service she didn't even ask to do so :( .....They said she never sent flowers or anything not even a message to be read at the service...She is one cold Witch :angry:

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She sure isn't making it easy for the defense at this point......by publicly shunning the ceremony as cold and heartless as you can get (both from the public statement she had the sleazeball read to the media and by not even watching her own child's funeral) I think she just made it virtually impossible to get an aquittal.

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Casey's attorney the other day said the Caylee has been cremated but there have been reports that she wasnt does anyone know the truth?


Does the Casey/Lee relationship seem odd to anyone else could Caylee have been product of incest?

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Does the Casey/Lee relationship seem odd to anyone else could Caylee have been product of incest?


This story is getting weirder and weirder by the day, it probably wouldn't shock me at this point.


No-one seems sure who the father is (Casey originially said he died in a car accident but that's been confirmed as not true) You'd think the guy would have come foward by now, to grieve for his daughter or to help the police.

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I have thought that maybe there could have been something really strange like that, with Lee and Casey having a child together or something really twisted like that. Just seems too mysterious about the whereabouts of the father. Whatever the case, they apparently want to figure out the mystery of the father situation in this investigation here, to go along with the clues to the murder.


In the very least, I think Lee really knew about this months before they found the body, possibly even when this all went down in the summer, whenever Caylee was actually killed. She seems very close to her brother, so it wouldn't put it past me for her to call him in a panic, claim she accidentally killed the child (which may or may not be true that it was accidental) and that they both had to go to their grave with the secret or else both will be considered murderers or, in Lee's case, an accomplice to murder.


I think that even more because I remember watching a report about three or so months ago from a Florida resident who claimed to have seen the white car of Caseys near the area that I think they found the remains, going down into the dense forested area and throwing a bag into the swampy mess. At the same time, he claimed to have seen some guy somewhat matching Lee's description on a cell phone up by the car kind of monitoring the road to make sure nobody drove past and was looking around. I'm surprised that lead hasn't been brought up at all in months......it will be interesting to see how that plays in court, and may be reason to believe that is why Lee has been so uncooperative with police, even going so far as to refuse a lie detector test.


During the funeral, Lee also was being REALLY weird in what he was saying, he would always say "CMA" instead of Caylee's name, which is drawing speculation that he was actually speaking to Casey instead in code the entire time. Both the mother and the deceased child's initials are CMA. One particular comment he said at the funeral about "I will always keep my promise to you, CMA" is extremely cryptic.

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Oh man, there are reports out now that they got Casey's fingerprints all over the duct tape they found on the remains. If that's true, that's it, plea bargaining should be happening in no time.

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Did anyone hear George Anthony went to offer his support to the dad of the missing girl in Florida.


During the funeral, Lee also was being REALLY weird in what he was saying, he would always say "CMA" instead of Caylee's name, which is drawing speculation that he was actually speaking to Casey instead in code the entire time. Both the mother and the deceased child's initials are CMA. One particular comment he said at the funeral about "I will always keep my promise to you, CMA" is extremely cryptic


Since they like using cryptic messages could Caylee's name be a clue as well since Caylee is a hybrid of names Casey and Lee.

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Did anyone hear George Anthony went to offer his support to the dad of the missing girl in Florida.


That whole situation itself is weird, not that George is helping out, but just the circumstances of that missing girl. Apparently it happened just literally a few miles away from the Anthony location.

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When Did Casey Write Her Diary?


Source: Anthony's Reaction To Remains Taped


ORLANDO, Fla. -- Investigators arranged to videotape Casey Anthony's reaction in jail when she learned that a child's remains were found near her family's home, a source told WESH 2 News exclusively on Thursday.


Anthony doubled over twice and appeared to hyperventilate, according to the source who has seen the tape.

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