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So are we changing the overall on occasion as well (as in starting everyone at zero every so many months) or does the overall just keep going until Franchise passes away and disappears from the face of the earth?

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Well, I'd not thought that far ahead (I wasn't sure if we'd even reach month 4!) but if this is going to be a regular ongoing thing, I suppose we could have overall leagues that last six months long?

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Well, I'd not thought that far ahead (I wasn't sure if we'd even reach month 4!) but if this is going to be a regular ongoing thing, I suppose we could have overall leagues that last six months long?

Cool with me. Maybe run this first one through Mania and have everybody agree on a PPV for season 2 to end at that point?

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Well, the logical idea would be start with the day after WrestleMania and end with Summerslam.


Cycle 1: Day after WrestleMania until Summerslam

Cycle 2: Day after Summerslam until WrestleMania.

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I only wrote details for 4 months because I planned to use month 4 as the 'reset' for values.


I don't think four months is really enough to get a good overall standings.. it's still pretty close up there. I think six months is good, but i'm always available for suggestions.

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I like the idea of WM through SummerSlam and SummerSlam through WM, but you're looking at 4 1/2 months followed by 7 1/2 months.


Still, that's probably the best idea logically.

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why are the guys that have been released still on the list?


Also I think Jack Swagger is higher than he should be. he only ever shows up on ecw and yet he's higher than finlay who shows up on multiple shows.

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I purposely raised Swagger a lot.. he's being pushed well at the moment with the defeats of Dreamer and first defeat of Ricky Ortiz so therefore over the next few months will be scoring more than the likes of Finlay, with a possible title fued with Matt Hardy also looking likely.

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i know this is a risk for being bottom but here goes.

my team for month 4


John Cena 12.5m

Randy Orton 11.5m

Edge 11.5m

Jeff Hardy 10m

Hornswaggle 3.5m

Stone Cold Steve Austin 1m

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What happens in the event someone forgets to change their roster before deadline and their existing roster ends up exceeding the 50m limit?

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Well, we've got two choices.


We can either cut people off the bottom of their current roster until it goes back under $50m (as in the way it reads on my Excel, if the person has 8 guys, i'll take number 8, then number 7, etc until the limit), or they will just not be entered at all.


I'm easy either way, but i'd rather have this running with as many people as possible as the league is more fun that way.

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Just a point to add, well done to I Mark Out To Wang Yang, who didn't begin until Month 2, somehow managed to overtake Aragorn, who was second bottom, who had a whole month head start over him.


HAHA Thanks, sorry Aragon. I'm pretty annoyed that the US champ seem to do nothing on SD! though and I took out Matt Hardy who was suppoesedly injuried. DAMN!!

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I understand the point of resetting the overall, but I really want to overtake Fazzle.


Edit: Damn, after adding it up, my current team costs 63.5 million. There goes that whole "keeping the same team" idea.


Double Edit: Melina hasn't used the facebuster in a long time. She's used that leg drop/reverse ddt for the longest time and now the Code Red.

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And in a new post, my team. I'm taking a chance hoping Umaga'll return after the PPV. I tried to make up for a lack of star power with sheer numbers. Maybe it'll work.


The Miz 7m

John Morrison 8m

Umaga 4m

DJ Gabriel 3.5m

Ezekiel Jackson 4m

Jeff Hardy 10m

Maryse 3m

Melina 3m

Hornswaggle 3.5m

Kelly Kelly 3.5m




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I understand the point of resetting the overall, but I really want to overtake Fazzle.


Edit: Damn, after adding it up, my current team costs 63.5 million. There goes that whole "keeping the same team" idea.


Double Edit: Melina hasn't used the facebuster in a long time. She's used that leg drop/reverse ddt for the longest time and now the Code Red.

Cheers Tek.


If anybody else has any suggestions about finishing moves, then we've got until Sunday midnight to change them.


Also Tek, you've got until WrestleMania until the overall table resets, so you've got a hell of a chance yet.


Good call with Umaga, i've put injured people down a lot to see if people want to take a gamble with them and waste some money, but if it goes the other way and they make a surprise return, they'll have a huge advantage over everybody.


Let's see if Umaga can be your X-Factor.

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ECW - 12/09/2008


Appearances (2)


Tommy Dreamer 1

Vladimir Kozlov 1

Jack Swagger 1

Kung Fu Naki 1

Jimmy Wang Yang 1

The Miz 1

John Morrison 1

Mark Henry 2

Tony Atlas 2

Matt Hardy 1

The Boogeyman 1

Finlay 2

Hornswaggle 2


In a match (2)


Kung Fu Naki 1

Jimmy Wang Yang 1

The Miz 1

John Morrison 1

The Boogeyman 1

Mark Henry 1

Tony Atlas 1

Finlay 1

Hornswaggle 1


Winning a match (3)


John Morrison 1

The Miz 1

The Boogeyman 1

Mark Henry 1

Tony Atlas 1


In the Main Event (2)


Mark Henry 1

Tony Atlas 1

Finlay 1

Hornswaggle 1


Finishing Move Connects (1)


Vladimir Kozlov 1

Jack Swagger 1

The Boogeyman 1

Hornswaggle 1

Mark Henry 1


Weapon Shots (1)



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ECW Scorers:


Mark Henry 12

Tony Atlas 11

Hornswaggle 9

The Boogeyman 8

Finlay 8

The Miz 7

John Morrison 7

Kung Fu Naki 4

Jimmy Wang Yang 4

Vladimir Kozlov 3

Jack Swagger 3

Matt Hardy 2

Tommy Dreamer 2


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It's been the same since day one.. nobody suggested a different finisher. The 619 alone isn't exactly his finishing move, so I dunno, but every time he goes 619 followed by the springboard type legdrop he gets himself finishing points.


Swagger was set so high because he appears without fail every week and usually has matches, with a string of winning speciality matches lately. If he is depushed and used less, his value will go back down again next time.

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