King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2007 (edited) Name: Landon Maddix Nicknames: 'La Cucaracha' (between names), 'The Next Generation', 'The Saviour Of The OAOAST' Age: 23 Height: 5ft. 10 Weight: 208lbs Hometown: Huron, South Dakota by way of Madrid, Spain Alignment: Heel Stable Affiliation: Leader of Cucaracha Internacional (w/ Nathaniel Black, James Blonde and Faqu) Wrestling style: US Junior Heavyweight. Not the greatest technical wrestler, he tried to improve but it didn't work that great. Theme music: Incubus, "Megalomaniac" Entrance Style: "PREPARE...FOR...LANDON!" ...WAAAAAHHHHH... *DUM DUM* "Megalomaniac" by Incubus hits, as from behind the curtain steps Megan Skye, heralding the arrival of Landon who stops at the top of the ramp and thrusting his hands out to his side to boos. Landon likes to be the centre of attention and he'll make a grandious entrance, taunting and posturing as and when needed. ***BUFFER'S INTRO*** Landon leaps to the apron, looking out at the crowd as Megan climbs the steps. Megan holds open the ropes and Landon bounds into the ring, spinning himself into the centre of the ring HBK style and posing with Megan. Entrance attire: Long, black, sleeveless leather jacket that reaches to the back of his knees. Has an elaborate little design on the back which really doesn't need describing, more than it being 'Spanish' and having the words 'La Cucaracha' on. Ring attire: Half red, half yellow shorts with yellow trim around the waist and leg bottoms, colours reversed on the back (think KENTA, but bright red instead of deep red). 'MADDIX' on the back written in white. Black kneepads and elbowpads, black boots with red and yellow kickpads. Taped wrists. Finishing Move(s): Land of Nod- Dragon Clutch. It's not impossible to escape and it's not OMG INSTA DEATH~!, but it is effective. Go 2 Sleep- Fireman's Carry thrown into a knee strike to the face. For those he can actually get in a fireman's carry. Shining Wizard- Main striking move. B-Boy 'knee you in the mu'fu'face' style, rather than the boring 'knee you in the back of the head/side of the ear' style. More for 'out of nowhere' victories or used when the Land Of Nod doesn't seem to work. Signature Moves Crash Landon '05- Alex Shelley's Shell Shock. Starts off like a regular Downward Spiral/Flatliner. Maddix then leans the opponent back in STO direction, before whipping himself back, with about a 90 degree twist before the opponent lands face-first. Capable of scoring an out of nowhere victory with and less risk than the regular Crash Landon, but not quite finisher strength. Cucaracha Cutter- Jumping Diamond Cutter/RKO Complete Shot Lungblower Seated Shiranui- Sitout Sliced Bread #2/Contra Code Flying DDT Frog Splash Topé Especial- Suicide Dive through the bottom and middle ropes Basic moveset: Wet Cement- (Front guillotine choke applied with a body scissors. Opponent is usually seated. Blatantly and shamelessly stolen from former SWF rival Tom Flesher. Softener for the LON.) ¡Buenas Noches!- (Starts off with an arm-wringer. With a wristlock to control, Landon then doubles the opponent up somehow, steps a-straddle the held arm with the near leg before bringing the far leg up underneath the jaw. See CM Punk or Rico Constantino for reference.) Thesz Plant- (Leaps at the opponent like a Thesz Press, but lands with his knees on their thighs. He then pushes back off and brings the opponent with him with a faceplant.) Landon Eye- (Eye Of The Hurricane/Final Cut.) Hurri-Lanrana- (Frankensteiner, old-school-off-an-irish-whip variation) Macho Neck Snap Jawbreaker Samoan Drop Mushroom Stomp Dropsault Straight Kicks Kawada Kicks Dragon Kicks Forearm Strikes/Flying Forearm/Leaping Forearm Smash/Diving Forearm In The Corner- (Forearm-fu! Forearms are the staple of Landon's offence.) Knifedge Chops Get Licked- (Dropkick to a seated opponent in the corner, aimed to basically land on their face and smush it against the bottom turnbuckle. Sometimes becomes a double bootscrape with Landon going through the middle and bottom ropes.) Double Stomp/Back Senton- (An instantanious combo, with Maddix dropping straight off the double stomp and into the back senton.) Quebrada Rare moves: Spaceman Plancha Crash Landon- With Landon on the middle rope, and the opponent stood in front of him on the mat, a Tornado Downward Spiral. Maddix's former #1 finisher, it's been deemed surplus to requirements because of risk and because it was being kicked out of more. Maddix will still use it sometimes because he's stubborn like that. If he does, on a rare occasion use it, it's still Finisher strength...but still not instant 100% doom. The Wrath Of Maddix- Figure Four Leglock. He's not devoted enough to the move to work the legs, unless it happens for him. A submission move is a submission move though. Tombstone Piledriver- Landon isn't the strongest wrestler in the world, making this a rare move. Also more of a 'Japanese' swift execution than a slow death-move. Busted out in a fix when a headdrop is required and never really premeditated. Manager/valet/sidekick: Megan Skye Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: "Prepare for Landon" "I/We Always Have A Plan!" History/Background/Career Highlights: Long and convoluted. Been involved with the SWF and it's old feeder promotion the SJL for 3 years. A lot of stuff has happened in that time. Started out as a face and had a successful early run. Dip in form prompted him to join forces with old rival Todd Royal and Megan Skye to form The House Of Todd. Started his long (looong) feud with Alan Clark aka Bloodshed. Bumped up to the SWF, where eventually Royal left. Maddix went on another successful singles run. Turned face again before Genesis V and joined up with Todd Cortez and Alan Clark to form Martial Law. Eventually won the SWF World Title. 1st reign didn't last long. Won the SWF's Royal Rumble, the Clusterfuck. But lost title match at From The Fire, almost being crippled by Toxxic in the process. Went on a downward spiral from there, losing his place at the top of the card, his partners and his manager as Cortez and Megan become romantically entangled. Fueded with Cortez, a feud which Cortez won. After more lack of success, started a campaign to lure Toxxic back to the SWF for revenge. During that time, Landon went a little psycho, but did get back Megan and win his 2nd World Title. Despite being uninterested in this conflict, Toxxic came back and won the World Title. By now, Landon had gotten over things though. Currently teaming with Toxxic because tag partners who hate each other = money! Now, OAOAST wise, before Landon's big match with Michael Stephens (as Toxxic was now known), a commercial aired for OAOAST HeldDOWN~! That along with his massive ego and need for glory prompted Landon to join the already present trio of The Wildcards in the OAOAST, despite being sworn enemies of two and far from best friends with the other. Landon being Landon though, he sees himself as 'above' his trio of partners, which will no doubt make his alliance with The Wildcards a tumultuous one. Sure enough, after Blank and Bloodshed went their own way, the relationship between Landon and Cortez fell apart. Landon started to gain singles success and superiority over Cortez, which he milked to it's most. Landon won the Money In The Bank Battle Royal at AngleMania VI and, at the second time of asking, beat Zack Malibu for the World Title. He soon after fell out for good with Cortez, who was convinced by Zack to 'see the light'. Maddix beat Cortez and put him out temporarily, in the middle of the continued feud with Zack and PRL, who soon injected himself into the equation. Titles Held OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship - June 28th, 2007 - October 31st, 2007 OAOAST 24/7 Championship - August 10th, 2006 - September 21st, 2006 (SWF World Championship (x2) SWF International Championship SWF Tag Team Champinship (x4) SWF ICTV Championship (x3) SWF USJL Championship (x2) SWF Hardcore Gamers Championship SJL World Championship SJL European Championship (x2) SJL Television Championship) And, the manager... Name: Megan Skye Nicknames: The Perfect 10 (or Landon's perfect 10 more specifically) Age: 26 Height: 5ft. 10 Weight: 150lbs Hometown: Pawtucket, RI Alignment: Heel Wrestling style: Night-class level kickboxer with some scattered wrestling ability. Think Trish, I guess. Theme music: Rogue Traders, "Voodoo Child" Weapon/Prop: Carries a towel with her, which 'comes in handy' during Landon's matches if you catch my drift. And if not, he uses it to cheat sometimes. Finishing Move(s): Skye Lyte- Tornado DDT. Signature Moves Skye Dive- Top Rope Crossbody. The Skye Is The Limit- Sweet Shin Music and a DDT Chick Kick- Not exactly kick-boxing. Hard roundhouse kick to the head which does considerable damage. Skye Rocket- Top Rope Crossbody, only with Maddix throwing Megan from the top, Rocket Launcher style. Basic moveset: Kickboxing Offence- Yes, Megan can kickbox. Betcha didn't know that, eh? Yeah. Quick jabs and kicks are the staple of Megan's offence, as she can hit and move to hopefully avoid know, wrestling, more experienced opponents. Manager/valet/sidekick: Landon Maddix Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: "I always have a plan." History/Background/Career Highlights: Megan Skye was possibly the only person other than Todd Royal and Landon who believed/believes Royal's hype and was dubbed the one and only "Toddess". She led Todd and subsquently Landon through the SJL and into the SWF, until Royal left. Megan stayed with Landon though and the 'dream team' worked, leading Landon to numerous titles. Their business partnership with Chris Card and Natasha didn't work out though, to say the least. Heroic Landon saved Megan from a beating from Card and suddenly, the fans got behind Landon and, for the first time, Megan. However, when Martial Law came along, the partnership between Megan and Landon became strained. Megan came romantically entangled with Todd Cortez (must be a name thing, huh?) which didn't sit too well with Landon, who only found out after he thought he'd slept with Megan but actually hadn't. Landon and Megan went their seperate ways and Megan led Cortez against her longtime former associate. Megan's on screen role diminished as time went on though and sure enough, when the Cortez/Megan relationship fell apart, Megan found herself back by Landon's side...and, this time, in his bed too. It's been a while since Megan's days alongside Royal and her bad girl days with Landon, but now she's getting back into the swing of being a bitch again and damn, it feels good! Edited March 7, 2008 by King Cucaracha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites