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King Cucaracha

From: Character Specs

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Name: Mr. Dick




Alias: Jock Mulligan (real name), the Cocky Prick, Dickzilla, the Human Hard On


Age: 24


Height: 6'4"


Weight: 238 lbs.


Hometown: San Antonio, Texas


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Heel


Stable affiliation (if any): None


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.): All-rounded. Isn't a crazy high-flier, but has deceptive agility for someone his size.


Theme music: My Dick


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.): Simple really. Walks out, maybe admires his physique, maybe being a dick to the crowd, maybe Malaysia's there, maybe hmm, maybe bleh.


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc): Nope. Yes! A glittering white cowboy hat.


Ring attire: White short shorts/chaps with red heart emblazoned on crotch and a sort of a see through backside with the word “DICK” written across.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2):

Cock Block- Double Knee Gutbuster


Signature Moves (ex: Shining Wizard, Rolling Germans, etc.):

Cock Shock- Inverted Atomic Drop followed with a Clothesline From Hell

Just Being A Dick- Headbutt to the groin

Pure Penetration- Diving Full Nelson Slam

Discus Punch

Stiff Kick- Mafia/Yakuza Kick

Bite My Giant Dick- Corner Crossbody Block. Replacement for the BUTT bump, now used by Baron.


Basic moveset:

Nothing too flashy, he's got a very old school type of style and vibe about him. But he has the odd moment of agility and athleticism.


Manager/valet/sidekick: Malaysia Nerdly (who's stats will be up soon!)


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures:

"Are you man enough to handle the Dick?"


History/Background/Career Highlights:

Arrived as part of The Lone Star Gunslingers with partner Baron Windels. Thanks to a foolish, libido spurred decision to add Melody(and her enormous breasts! LOL!) as their manager, the Lone Star Gunslingers, became a strange amalgamation of sixties masculine cowboy ideals, and the fantasy scenster boyfriend of Melody. Amazingly enough, the world's laziest woman managed to turn herself into a competent manager and turn The Gunslingers into a driving force in the tag team division. It all culminated on January 3rd, when they won the OAOAST World Tag Team Championships. However, relations soured after the cowboys dropped the belts.


Upset at being seen as the 'junior' member of the team, Jock grew bitter towards Baron for being over-protective and towards Melody in general. Just when differences seemed to have been patched up, Jock snapped on the "House Of Worship" and threw Baron through a stained glass window of the set, solidifying himself as a dick. Far from offended at the slur, Jock prides himself on not just being 'a' dick, but being 'Mr. Dick'. And now, going solo, he aims to prove himself the superior Gunslinger.


Titles Held

OAOAST Tag Team Championships

- January 3rd, 2008 - February 28th, 2008 (w/Baron Windels)

Edited by Tony149

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