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Guest BoboBrazil

Chris Jericho Has Snapped

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Guest Ripper

I think Chris should say what he really feels and stop sugar coating it.

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Guest BigTim2002

Hey, it was Meltz who said it, not us

He shouldn't be flaming ALL smarks

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Guest Human Fly

Too bad he wasn't reading when everyone was begging for him to beat HHH and get pushed back up to the ME.

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Guest EricMM

:( :( :(


This is very sad. I hate negative smarks, especially when they diss matches that are even adaquate. I can't order PPV's because I don't have a jared box, so I didn't see the match. But I can't imagine it was a bad match. I can't imagine those two HAVE _BAD_ matches. And now look. He was kind of right, some people chose to find the flaws in movies and other entertainment than just enjoy them. What negativity. It's sad and while I never ever went to Jericho's site (I didn't know it existed) if he truly leaves that avenue for feedback because of some BITCHES who had to BITCH, felt they were Smart enough to BITCH, thats screwed up. I complain a lot on the net. But RARELY about matches, and always about matches that are too short or contain wrestlers that generally suck. Not Chris Jericho. Ugh what a downer. I hope he doesn't really leave :(:(:(



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Guest BigTim2002

Still, I think he's just aggrivated

He'll blow off the steam, and then he'll be back to his old kick-ass self again

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Guest §uperÛnknown
"If you didn't like it, then stop watching me and stop watching the WWE and take up bowling, cause you will never like anything we give you."


"You all come off like a bunch of bitter know-it

alls, who won't be happy with anything we give you.  Nothing is ever good

enough and quite frankly I'm over it.  You are the same people that are

saying that Attack of the Clones is boring, analyzing every little detail,

instead of allowing yourselves to be entertained."


"It seems that all of you wish the wrestling business would dry up and die,

because some of you dislike EVERYTHING we do.  Is it always good?  No, but we are killing ourselves to try and entertain you and if you don't respect that then kiss my ass."


I love this guy.

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Guest Anglesault

Well, there's only one thing we can do now: Go to Lance Storm's site and ask him to talk to Chris Jericho.

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Guest BlackRainbow1025

I think it's funny. He hit every nail right on the head basically. People on the net bitch and moan about everything. They whine about the glass ceiling and how no new guys are being elevated. Brock wins, and no one is happy b/c he isn't who THEY wanted. I'm sure if RVD won, someone would find something wrong with that and cry about how he is going to job to the Undertaker. If he won, they'd complain about how the title is being hot-shotted around, giving it no credibility. Quit whining about EVERYTHING and just let yourself enjoy the few good things going on, you know?

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Guest Human Fly

I think the majority of people on this board thought Jericho v. RVD was the match of the night. Jericho should start coming here. You know he'd be a HHHater.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Not for anything, but given the whole idea that Vince will sometime like to work the 'net, does anyone else see this as a possible catalyst for an upcoming angle.


With Storm doing the whole "America holds us down" storyline, it's not too out of place for Jericho to come out on Smackdown and cut a promo on smarks, saying that he gives them what they want and they still aren't happy, so screw 'em.


If it is a true, from the heart post from Jericho, then I agree with the previous post, about how he should have been reading when we were all pulling for him to get a better shot in the company.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Internet heel turn~!


Hey, he wasn't talking to me, since I didn't see the match or Attack of the Clones.

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Guest BigTim2002

Yeah...But seriously, he's righteously pissed, but just because Meltz is a little bitch and it isn't a ***** match in his eyes...that's bullshit. Why blame us when Meltz was the one who thought it sucked?

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Guest AM The Kid
You've spoiled it for me.  You're negativity is ridiculous.  You all come off like a bunch of bitter know-it

alls, who won't be happy with anything we give you.


Jericho is 100% true on that part though. He is being a dick for blaming it on all smarks(the people who want him to get a fucking push into the real main event) instead of just Meltz. He is being a bitch though, ehhh...maybe he has the right to be.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

"Well if you didn't like my match tonight, then you are out of luck if you're a Jericho fan, cause it was the best you're gonna get, jerky. That was CJ at his finest. Wrestling at it's finest. A great 4 1/2 star performance with an tremendous build, a great crowd and an awesome match."


Am I the only one that reads this as if he's saying "Im not gonna get back to the main event any time soon, so stop complaining about that" I suggested that a good match for Vengenance would be RVD vs Jericho for the IC title(but wont happen cause of the split) and one of the replies was like "Jericho was the undisputed champion, hes above the IC title now" or something to that effect. In my opinion, a good match is a good match, and that would be better than any other match Jericho could be in given who is on Smackdown.


I don't think this column was as much of a vent against the "Smarks" as it was a vent of frustration of his character getting shoved back down after about 5 months of being semi-on top. I think 99.9% of the reviews of the RVD Jericho match have been nothing but positive, and from what I've read it looks like it was.

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Guest Human Fly

He said he got pissed when reading the "Reader Feedback" on the Torch. I think this is the one that got him so upset.


"Scott Batura of Redmond, Wash. (1.0): Best match: Jamie Noble and the Hurricane. Worst Match: Take your pick, but probably the main event. This is easily the worst pay-per-view I have ever seen from the WWF or E. First of all, RVD and Jericho had the worst matches of either of their careers, Flair and Guerreo was wretched, the final KOTR match was 5 minutes and 25 seconds, and the main event went to hell in a hand basket. I am so glad that Kurt Angle got the clean win over Hogan. That wouldn't have have been horrible to job Angle to Hogan. The main event was the most horrible mess I have ever seen in the main event. Makes me wish I had caught the TNA PPV last Wednesday. Thanks WW"E", you're really winning the battle to lose your customers!"

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Hey Chris, I gave it ****!!! I loved it!


(marks as Jericho mentions Episode II in a very positive light)


I think I'll post on his messageboard, for the hell of it.


I am greatly relieved that a Smark God ripped apart a majority of his worshippers. Shows balls.

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Guest joshicho

Jericho is right with what he said though. I'm just not much of a fan about the way he said it.

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Guest Dangerous A

At the beggining of this post, everyone is saying Meltz was the one talking shit. But if you go to the link at the top Jericho "specifically" calls out people on the Torch site. I went to Meltzer's site and Meltzer hasn't said anything bad about Jericho's match. (although I didn't get to the KOR forum, maybe they are bashing there too). I don't blame Jericho. Fuck people if they can't appreciate your hard work. I am not a Jericho fan, but him and RVD did have a ***1/2 to **** match last night. Fuck 'em Jericho. Fuck 'em up their asses!

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Guest Incandenza

Jericho's pissed and rightly so, but I think the aggravation of his insomnia got the better of him.

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Guest cabbageboy

Meltzer didn't say it sucked, he too said it was the best match on the show. It was mostly those dumbasses who wrote in to the Torch, especially the guy quoted above.

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Guest The Son of Sting

The match was good ***1/2, not the best he has had, but match of the night definatly.

I can understand how he feels, but i think he is angry more at the fact that in the space of four PPVs he has gone from the main event of WrestleMania to first match out on King of the Ring and needed to blow of steam.

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Guest Nevermortal

"If you didn't like it, then stop watching me and stop watching the WWE and take up bowling, cause you will never like anything we give you."


Ok, if you didn't like the match, stop watching wrestling...Ok Chris....So, if I didn't like HHH/Taker, should I stop watching wrestling too? Maybe Taker will cut a promo on the Smarks and go "My match had methodical pacing and tremendous near falls. Like it, you fat internet fucks, cuz if you don't, then stop watching wrestling, you sons of bitches!"

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Guest BlackRainbow1025

I don't think he meant just one match. If you don't like WWE and you whine and bitch about everything, then why watch it?

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Guest FeArHaVoC
For all of you that enjoyed my match I say thanks. For those that didn't

like it, I don't care cause I'm through with you.


I don't think he's telling all of us to go to Hell.


That's the best "promo" he cut all year.


We should all go E-mail him this site. He'll love the HHHate in here. :rolleyes:

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Guest Perfect Plex

First all of the HHHaters were proved wrong and made to look like retards when HHH didn't win the title.


Then one of their idols rips them a new asshole.


Life is sweet.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
Maybe Taker will cut a promo on the Smarks and go "My match had methodical pacing and tremendous near falls. Like it, you fat internet fucks, cuz if you don't, then stop watching wrestling, you sons of bitches!"

LoL!!!!!!! :o


I would laugh my God Damn Ass off if Wrestlers started flaming us on air.

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