Guest KANE Report post Posted June 27, 2002 "I'm not going to waste my time arguing with somebody if they're not going to be wrong." Someone should put that quote in their sig. It's an instant classic! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KoR Fungus Report post Posted June 29, 2002 <<<Actually..the US is really only what counts. They need the Japanese developers..yeah..but companies like Nintendo survived for YEARS of lacking console sales in other countries while selling well here.>>> Nintendo had Nintendo first party support. Therefore it was able to lose the Japanese developers due to poor Japanese sales, and still survive because it could publish killer aps on its own. Microsoft has nothing of the sort, they're not going to publish system selling in-house killer aps. It's a totally different situation. <<< I'm not going to waste my time arguing with somebody if they're not going to be wrong. Just because the Xbox is put out by a company some internet people don't like dosen't mean it's a bad system.>>> I don't believe that anybody has said that X-Box is a bad system *because* it is published by Microsoft. I think X-Box is the worst system of the big three (not bad, just the worst) because of a lack of games worth buying now and a lack of good games coming in the future, along with no guarantee that it'll be actively supported in two years. It has nothing whatsoever to do with who makes it. <<<Some people have enough brains to realize that. And for the fact, I own a lot of systems, not just the Xbox. It's just the one I consistently play the most.>>> You're entitled to like whatever you want, I don't think anyone's challenging that. However, liking X-Box doesn't make you smarter than people that don't. I don't particularly like X-Box, but I'm not going to say that you don't have enough brains to realize it's the worst system. Slinging insults doesn't get you anywhere. <<<It's just like the "WWF is dying" crap that's popping up now.>>> No it's not. Not at all. It's completely different. The WWE is a company with no competition. None. The only way it could die is if it started producing so little money that it couldn't pay it's relatively meager expenses. That won't happen in the near future, probably not in the next decade. The X-Box, otoh, faces two competitors, both of which are being produced by companies that have never had a system fail, in a market that has never supported more than two systems at critical mass at the same time. That's reason enough to be skeptical of the X-Box right there. <<<Baseless accusations. When you get me actual facts (not bs ones floating off the internet) I'll listen.>>> If a system made by a company that doesn't develop first party games to speak of does badly in Japan, speculating that it will die is not at all baseless. X-Box is only appealing if it's going to get good exclusive games. Poor sales reduce the likelihood of that. Yes, it's speculation. It always is. But it's logical speculation. I speculated that DC had not reached critical mass and would die when PS2 came out in the US, most people thought I was a PS2 fanboy, but, lo and behold, two months later I was proven right. X-Box is already in last place, behind systems made by two companys that are much more established in the game industry. PS2 has already won the console war, and the only real question is whether or not it will end up selling more consoles than PS1 did. NGC is releasing Metroid Prime, Mario Sunshine and the new Zelda, all this year, and all are proven killer aps. They actually sell systems. Microsoft is releasing... nothing... When you're in last place and have the worst future lineup, there's a problem. I'm not saying it's going to die in six months or something, but I don't see it being competitive for much longer. <<<But until you get facts, cut it with the "XbOx iS dYiNg" crap and get something intelligent to say.>>> Eh, calling people that don't like the X-Box stupid without giving much justification other than that you like the X-Box isn't a great argument either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Psycho Diablo Report post Posted June 29, 2002 For one, the Dreamcast had bad timing. Between lack of advertising, and the announcement of the PS2 (and the over-hype that came into being after that)..poor Sega didn't stand a chance against the PS2 blitz. "Never had a system fail" is a little bit of a stretch. Sure, the N64 was alive for a long time, but the sales were never spectacular. It was undoubtably the Game Boy that kept Nintendo alive for a while there. Sony just hit the marker at the right time. The N64 was not-so-great, and Sega had hit a stumbling block with the Saturn (and Sega CD..etc..). Sony also had one hell of a promotional machine behind it. That counts for a lot of buys. May not seem like the truth, but it does. Japan isn't quite the 'end all' market people online make it out to be. Sales have been so-so for most everything. Why do you think companies put so much time and effort into advertising over here? It's a bigger potential user-base, and that means more sales. Technically, a company could flop in Japan, and survive due to good US sales. Want to bet me on that? The Xbox does have an uphill battle to fight. Nintendo has a lot of long-time customers on it's side, as well as nostalgic titles. Sony has a massive userbase that they gobbled up while everybody else was busy desperately trying to build a console that worked. Titles. It all comes down to titles. No, MS dosen't have anything with the massive "name value" Nintendo does. Let's wait and see how sales work before we call the killer app card. There will be a second Halo. And online. The first has already sold well over a million copies, and with a couple of exceptions, would have been the best launch title ever. Ninja Gaiden should look (and play) amazing. It's a Team NINJA game, so there's no doubt it'll be a stunner in the looks department. There's also quite a few online titles headed toward it. Unreal Championship. Not one of my particular favorites, but something that's got name value: an upgraded version of MGS2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Star Wars: Galaxies should both be interesting. There are a lot more games on the list that should be decent-good. Saying "worst future lineup" is pretty much a cheap shot. MS not have very many first party titles, but they've got a whole load of third party ones. On the other hand, Nintendo has been historically lacking in the third party department, relying on a few "name games" to sell systems. Sound familiar? Don't get me wrong. I'm sure Zelda/Mario/Metroid will be amazing. But to say the Xbox has absolutely nothing coming is just wrong. Another thing, have we had any official sales numbers? PS2 is obviously ahead of both of them, that much can be guaranteed. But the second and third places may not be as clear cut as you'd think. -Shiro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest -Cutthroat- Report post Posted June 29, 2002 GAMECUBE!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Gendo Report post Posted June 29, 2002 Well here is my take on this one and I have all 3. All of the systems have their strong and weak points, but I think right now you are probably best off going with a cube as it will give you the most bang for your buck today and sounds like that would be what you would enjoy more. (I personally think a Ps2 would fit you the best if you really liked the original Smackdowns but I guess that is another topic anyway.) So real quick here is a couple Pros/Cons for both Systems. Xbox Pros - It is powerful and it is can make a great stanalone DVD player. You can mod it fairly easily and then you can *Ahem* test software with it. The support Sega has been putting into the console is great and perhaps will be the Xbox's saving grace. Software development for the console is also very easy. Microsoft is backing so its potential for the next few years is almost limitless except... Xbox Cons - For if Microsoft is padding the market for its Xbox2. They are taking a huge loss on each console sale very early, and seeing how they do not want people to percieve it as a set top box when it has every reason to be one (They will not make a keyboard and mouse for it nor a Replay TV software like package as well how little they do with the the ethernet port on the thing) is suspicious. This makes me wonder about its lifespan more than the question of Sales Figures in Japan. More than even ths though it is severely lacking on quality games. And the ones that are exceptional are also available on the Ps2. Other than the Sega exclusives the console is recieving this trend looks like it will continue. (I realize this is a pretty general statement but most of the highly anticipated titles from E3 are also going to be on the Ps2, excluding the likes of Splinter Cell and a few others.) Verdict - The whole issue is I am uncertain with my Xbox, sure I enjoy playing GunValkyrie because of its charm, its THP3 is the smoothest, its version of Blood Omen blew away the Ps2's in graphics and in loading, Halo was a great title as well, and Hunter is a good one if you want a modern Gauntlet type game, but it just seems like there is something missing and the multiplayer games were more like a chore than having fun. However I will say this hands down if you are a sports game fanatic stay away fromt he cube as the cubes controller is terrible for anything which is not Soccer Slam. Cube Pros - Other than the obvious Mario/Metriod/Zelda stuff (and I am still not convinced Metriod is going to be amazing, it will be pretty I will give it that but will it be good?) the system is well designed for gaming. Controller aside its architecture is very flexible and the ligting is amazing which really gives the cubes games good ambience. With Namco partnering with Nintendo for the TriForce board much like the Dreamcast and Naomi you are eventually going to see a lot of fabulous arcade ports. Plus any of the multplayer games I have are just downright fun. Also if you are a Resident Evil fan there is enough reason right there to pick up a cube (I am not one but the game is incredible visually, Eternal Darkness is a hell of a lot more fun IMHO) Also Square and nintendo are working together again. Cube Cons - Like the Xbox it seems all the really tight 3rd party support is going elsewhere. Capcom and Konami have been pumping out games for the Ps2 like mad but not much for the Cube. Sega seems to be the most focused on the Xbox right now other than for Sonic. There is little doubt in my mind that some weird ass little darkhorse title will pop out for the Xbox or Ps2 later this year that will be the must have title of 2002 that does not appear on the Cube. Verdict - The best thing about the cube right now is that it is fun especially with Multiplayer. Monkey Ball, Super Smash Bothers, Soccer Slam, and even WmX8 are all super easy for someone to sit down and play against you in. There is a definate logevity to the machine as Nintendo is not as forward looking as Microsoft and will support the machine well past it is dead and buried just like the N64 so you know that the investement is not as wasted. The First Party support is as good as it will get for any machine and it appears Nintendo is make a good effort to cater to more of a non-kiddie crowd. The one thing that always made me appreciate the cube the most is that I could have being having a party at my place walk in from outside into my living room and see 4 people drunk as skunks hammering it out on the Cube having a blast when the Ps2, Xbox, and the Dreamcast are all sitting next to each other. Quick Rundown If you need a DVD Player - Xbox Want Free Games After Big Investment (DVD Burner/Mod) - Xbox Only Interested in Eye Candy - Xbox Have an insane dog that runs around a lot - Xbox (Break away Cables) Mortal Kombat - Both Systems are getting it Multiplayer for Everyone - Cube Innovative Different Games - Cube Sports Games - Xbox Got Kids or younger Brothers or Girlfriend? - Cube Nostalgia - Cube Cost Concerns - Cube LifeSpan - Cube (not because I think the Xbox is dead, just that I think there will be an Xbox2 sooner than later) Wrestling Games - Cube (Fire Pro is coming, and I like X8 better than Raw personally) Overall - Does it really matter? Depends on what the person wants and likes. So like I said it depends on what you want or like more. I lean more towards the cube since it is cheaper and because of its appeal to a wider audience thus being a better buy. (Like I said before your best bet is a Ps2 today for its support and install base, but if that is not what you want I see the cube having the longer life) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redbaron51 Report post Posted June 29, 2002 X-Box may not be a great choice, but success or failure, Sony and Nintendo will look at it and see what this system brought into the video game industry (minus PC). Right now, I know the PS2 is the most dominate out of the big three, but I think personaly the X-box is better than Cube except for the Wrestling games. I never liked any of the Cube sports games or action games. The only games I ever did like were Super Monkey Ball, WMX8, Super Smash Bros. Melee. And best of all, the reason I love the X-Box the most. NO FUCKING MEMORY CARD! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites