Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted December 2, 2008 (edited) The bell sounds to signal the start of the action, and from across the ring, Malibu locks eyes with the captain of the opposition. Everyone on Malibu's team clears out to a loud pop, and Malibu gets in the ready position, waving Moneymaker on. Looking disgusted by Malibu's bravery, Moneymaker clears his team out, telling them to get out on the apron. All four do so, and Moneymaker rolls his wrists, ready to lock up...then turns around and tags in Christian Wright! COLE Oh come on, already with the cowardice! COACH Cowardice? That's one of the smartest men in the world, Mikey Cole. Why should he have to get his hands dirty right off the bat? That's the team captain! Wright dashes in, and he and Malibu lock up before Malibu can protest Moneymaker's backing down. The two struggle for position, and Zack sends Wright to the ropes, then drops down onto his stomach. Wright goes over him, and Zack comes up then leapfrogs over him on the rebound charge. Wright hits the ropes a third time, and Zack nails him with a beautiful dropkick! Wright dusts himself off and comes up, but Zack follows with a charging clothesline to put him over the ropes and out to the floor, then turns to the corner and shouts for Moneymaker to come at him...and Teddy responds by sending in Logan Mann! Logan charges in, a bit overzealous, and gets hiptossed over by Zack. He gets up, but walks right into an inverted atomic drop, then thrown overhead with a belly to belly suplex! Aching, Logan rolls out under the bottom rope, and now Moneymaker is pissed, as he, Synth and Dick hop off the apron to regroup with CW and Mann. COLE Malibu took this match, hoping that he would finally get his hands on the man hellbent on ruining his reputation, but Moneymaker is sure doing his best to avoid that confrontation! Just as flustered as his captain, Mister Dick hops up on the apron and mouths off to Malibu before stepping through the ropes. Zack, all too eager to take on the former Gunslinger ties up with him, but finds himself shoved down to the canvas! The crowd boos as Mister Dick pounds his chest in triumph. Zack gets up and SHOVES Dick, drawing his ire, then rolls under a clothesline attempt! He pulls Dick into a headlock, but gets shoved off towards the ropes. Malibu comes off and leapfrogs over Dick, then makes a quick tag to Bo as he hits the far side! When Zack rebounds, he slides through Dick's legs, and Dick drops his head as to not lose track of Malibu...but when he comes up, it is he who is blasted with a hard lariat, as Bohemoth bursts into the ring! COLE Nice, quick tagging and teamwork there by the member of The In Crowd! Bo gets Dick and hurls him into the corner, then charges in with a shoulderblock to the ribs...but Dick gets a knee up, and Bo eats it! The Metrosexual Monster staggers back, and Dick pushes himself up onto the middle rope...but Bo races towards him and hurls him down to the canvas with a military slam! COLE I bet Dick is sore after that! COACH That's not the first time you've said that tonight, is it? Angered, Dick stands up, favoring the small of his back, then tags in Christian Wright once again. The man who brought Bohemoth to the OAOAST in the first place comes into the ring and goes eye to eye with his old charge, then slaps him across the face, telling him "you're here because of ME!" Caught off guard, Bo snickers at the slap, then wraps his hands around Wright's throat and lifts him off his feet into a hanging tree choke...but Wright rakes the eyes to save himself! He clubs Bo across the back, then readies him for a suplex...but the big man puts the brakes on! Second attempt is a failure as well, but then Bo reverses, lifting him up for a suplex but throwing him down face first! Wright reels from the toss, but as Bo moves in for him, he quickly uses a go-behind and shoves Bo into the heel corner, where all four of Wright's teammates lean over the ropes and get their licks in! The Blondes, Zack and Krista all protest, but all referee Clem does is issue a stern warning over the infraction, and backs away as Wright finally gets off his suplex, taking Bo to the canvas. Wright then stands up and rakes the laces of his boot across Bo's eyes, then runs the ropes and drops an elbow on the prone big man. Wright then rolls to his feet and tags in Logan Mann, the Macho Macho Mann himself! Bo gets doubled over by a kick to the gut, and then Mann quickly tags in Synth. The Heavenly Rockers now double up on Bo, sending him to the ropes and using their combined strength to press him up and then hotshot him on the top rope! Bo then gets dumped by a double clothesline, and The Rockers celebrate by taunting the crowd, then turning and blocking the referee's view as Dick hops off the apron and scoop slams Bo on the floor, then puts the boots to him! COLE What a dick! COACH That's MISTER Dick to you! The Beverly Hills Blondes rush the ring, moving fast past the ref and brawling it out with the Heavenly Rockers! Christian Wright comes over and aids Dick in stomping on Bo, but they don't notice Malibu race across the apron and nail the BOTH of them with an Apron Run Diving DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE~! Moneymaker is furious, kicking at the guardrail on the outside, and turns around just in time to see Krista launch herself over with a pescado, wiping him out as well! COLE The Dream Team is taking control! COACH Well the referee certainly isn't! Who the hell is legal anymore!? The Blondes have the Rockers set in opposite corners, and call out to each other before sending their foes running...but the Rockers reverse, sending the Blondes crashing into each other! Or not, as Simon leapfrogs over Ned, landing with a Thesz press onto Logan, while Ned tackles Synth to the ground, and both Blondes go to town on the Rockers as the crowd goes wild! COLE Listen to that, Coach. A sound we never thought we'd hear...the crowd is going CRAZY for the Beverly Hills Blondes! Growing frustrated with his inability to keep all hell from breaking loose, Clem Buzzlefoxer pries Ned Blachard up, or at least does his best to get the BHB member out of the ring, and urges Simon to get out as well. The Rockers protest, but as they do, Bohemoth comes back into the ring a little more perturbed, and spears the hell out of Synth! Logan then gets sent over the top by his head, crashing hard at the floor below! Bo whips Synth to the corner and hits a brutal charging corner clothesline, then tags in Krista, who slingshots over into a monkey flip that sends shivers up Synth's tailbone when he lands! Grunting, Synth gets up and turns around...right into a Blue Ball Special, causing his jaw to drop and a scream of agony to emit from his mouth, the likes of which hasn't been heard since Paris Hilton's The Hottie and The Nottie was released upon the moviegoing audience! COACH I'll say this, Mikey Cole, that's one way to take control! COLE I doubt ol' Clem is about to try that one, though. Synth takes a wild swing, but Krista ducks while still holding on to his flesh colored Christmas ornaments. Finally, he grabs her by the hair and snaps her down to the canvas, then hobbles away, tagging in Mister Dick! Krista's nemesis comes in and brings her up, smiling as he presses her over his head...but showboating too much and allowing her to escape! Krista runs him towards the ropes and tries to roll him up, but Dick hangs on, and Krista winds up rolling backwards on her own! Dick rushes her and tries for his patented running boot...but Krista ducks it! The feisty femme fatale hits the ropes and leaps onto Dick's shoulders, but he pulls her up as she tries to bring him over with a rana, leaving himself with a view of what many, MANY men long for. Krista, not happy with the positioning, hammers down on Dick's temple with her fist, releasing herself from his grasp and falling to her feet. Krista then connects with a strike, followed up by a second and a third, and the crowd roars as she reaches for her compact mirror...but a dazed Dick snaps out of it just in time to knock the mirror out of her hand and step on it! The crowd LETS HIM HAVE IT for that one, and so does Krista, as she rears back for the final Vanity Punch...but Dick grabs her wrist and doubles her over with a knee, then hoists her up and drops her across it with a gutbuster! Dick then pulls her up and hoists her into the air, letting the blood rush to her head as she's held upside down for nearly half a minute before being dropped to the canvas! Mister Dick gets up and tags in Theodore Moneymaker, who finally enters the contest as a legal participant, and drops a fist between Krista's eyes, then goes for the cover! ONE! T-NO! COLE It's nice to see the team captain ready to get his hands dirty! Moneymaker brings Krista up and sends her to his corner, then works her over with several back elbows. He sets her up on the top rope, but as he climbs up, she starts firing back, knocking him off! The leader of The Enterprise lands on his feet, but Krista leaps over him, doing a tuck and roll as she lands and comes up in her corner, tagging in Zack! COACH Oh...oh no... Moneymaker turns around, and all he sees is a blur of blue and gold as Malibu is racing towards him...and Moneymaker dives out of the ring! Zack gives chase, and as Moneymaker rounds the corner, both Beverly Hills Blondes hop off the apron and block his path! Moneymaker begs off, trying to gain some sympathy from the reformed rulebreakers. When that doesn't work, he turns around, coming eye to eye with Zack! Moneymaker quickly rolls back into the ring to avoid Malibu, and tags in Synth of the Heavenly Rockers, drawing a tremendous amount of boos as he's again successfully avoided Malibu! COLE I certainly hope this isn't considered leading by example, because it doesn't speak well for the confidence level of the Gang of Five! COACH It's brilliance, Mikey Cole. It's ring generalmanship. COLE Is that even a word? COACH How should I know? Cool people don't carry around dictionaries. Synth comes in and goes after Zack, but Malibu sidesteps him and lets him come off the ropes. Zack looks for a hiptoss, but Synth blocks, then swings around Zack's back and pulls him down with a backslide! ONE! Malibu breaks free of the hold and rolls over to his feet, but is soon grabbed by Synth. Before he can be sent to the ropes, Malibu uses his free hand to knock Synth's grip away, then blasts him with a pair of European uppercuts, but misses an enzugiri attempt! Synth drops an elbow, but Zack rolls out of the way of that, and then the two come up, with Zack dazing him with jabs, one after the other, until nailing another European uppercut that puts the Rocker on his back! Malibu then bounces off the ropes and goes for a bulldog as Synth comes up, but Synth stays grounded and throws Malibu off! Synth leans over and tags in Logan, and together the Rockers utilize their tag team expertise, both hitting a kick to the gut and then yanking Malibu down to the canvas. Logan then lifts Synth as if for an atomic drop, but drops his partner into a legdrop on Malibu! Synth heads back to the corner as Logan takes over, striking Zack with a couple of punches to daze him before sending him into motion, bound for a crash into the corner! Malibu takes the impact hard, and Logan comes running with a back elbow that nails Malibu! The former World Champion finds himself snapmared over into a seated position, then Logan hops up on the middle rope and leaps over Malibu, bringing his head forward as gravity brings him down! COLE Necksnap off the middle rope, and the Rockers are having their way with Zack Malibu. COACH They've had their way with everyone in their path...their rock stars! COLE Coach, I think you and I are on two TOTALLY different wavelengths right now. Logan brings Zack up and whacks him across the back of the neck, then hooks an inverted facelock. He tugs at Malibu's waistband and brings him over for a reverse suplex...but Malibu allows the momentum to carry him over and lands on his feet! He hooks a rear waistlock quickly and brings Logan down to the canvas, then stays on top of him as he struggles to get up, striking him with hard crossface shots! Synth comes charging in to break it up, but Zack spears him down when he sees him coming, and then mounts his shoulders, nailing him with hard elbow smashes! Clem urges Zack to get up and stop beating on the illegal man, and Malibu obliges. He turns around and tries for a lariat on Logan, but Logan ducks it and reaches back, snapping Malibu with a neckbreaker! He goes to the corner and tags in Christian Wright, and the INTENSE~! intellectual comes in, first striking Malibu with chops before sending him to the ropes and nailing him with a high knee! Wright then pulls Malibu up and uses an arm wrench, followed by another blistering chop, and then a European uppercut to knock Zack against the ropes! He pulls Zack to the middle of the ring and tries for a butterfly lock, but Zack counters with a fireman's carry and throws him over! Before Zack gets up though, Wright grabs him in a side headlock and takes him down to the mat, but Zack kicks his legs up and scissors Wright's head, using them to pull him off! The two technical wizards come up to the their feet and tie up, with Zack using a go behind, but Christian breaks free and hiptosses Zack over! He leans over to get at Zack, but Malibu kicks him off, and again, both men come up to their feet. Wright charges, and Zack sidesteps him, allowing him to bounce off the ropes. Zack leapfrogs his charge, then spins around just in time to nail Wright with a dropkick that catches him flush on the chin! Wright struggles to his feet and as Malibu charges, he drops back down, sending Zack over the ropes...NO! Zack hangs on, and lands on the apron! He launches himself into the ring with a springboard lariat, but Wright dropkicks him in the ribs on the way down! Zack comes up clutching his ribcage, and Wright plants him with a DDT, then covers and hooks the leg! ONE! TW-KICKOUT! Wright rolls Zack to his feet, and drags him to his corner, where Mister Dick gets tagged back in! Wright puts Zack in an abdominal stretch, allowing Dick to clobber Zack across his exposed ribs! Dick then hooks Zack in a bearhug and wrenches his thick arms around Malibu, squeezing the air out of his body and putting pressure on his ribs! Over in the Dream Team's corner, all four of Zack's teammates lead the rally, stomping and clapping and holding their hands out, hoping that Malibu can perservere and make a tag! COLE Malibu's been getting worked over for a little while now, and he'd best get the tag to remain as fresh as possible. With all ten competitors still in this, we've got a long way to go tonight! Zack struggles, but Dick runs him backwards into the heel corner, ramming his back into the turnbuckles, then drags him towards the middle of the ring and applies the bearhug again! Malibu squirms but can't break free, so he does all that he can muster...and headbutts Mister Dick right in the face! Dick covers his face with his hands, thus unable to see Malibu recover and nail him with a bicycle kick! Malibu then hits the ropes, and when he does, Moneymaker lifts his knee up, driving it into the small of his back! Angered, Malibu lunges for him, but Moneymaker hops off the apron again, only to be grabbed by the Beverly Hills Blondes! The BHB grab Moneymaker and roll him in to a big pop! Malibu waits for him, but Mister Dick nails Zack from behind as he waits, then takes Malibu and hurls him out to the floor. Dick goes after him, but the Blondes have Moneymaker in the ring, sending him into the ropes and both sending him up and down with a high back bodydrop! A double dropkick follows, and then Moneymaker gets sent into the corner, while Ned then whips Simon in, nailing the main man of The Enterprise with a corner splash before whipping him out of the corner, right into a Simon spinebuster! The crowd is electric as the Blondes have unleashed the fucking fury on the Most Hated Man in the OAOAST...but now Clem is waving them off, and calls for the bell to be rung! COACH Ha! He counted Zack out I bet! COLE Did he? I can see Mister Dick and Zack brawling it out over here, with Dick doing his best to keep Zack away from Theodore Moneymaker, but if Zack's gone then Dick has to be gone too! Clem, who has HAD IT, scolds the Blondes and points to the aisleway, telling them to get out of the ring. Simon and Ned, completely confused as to what his issue is, are just as surprised (and let down) by Michael Buffer's following announcement. BUFFER Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee is disqualifying BOTH Ned Blanchard and Simon Singleton, citing illegal double teaming! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COACH HA! Thems the breaks when you don't want to play with the winning team anymore! Simon and Ned argue their points, and Bo and Krista come in to back them up. CW, Logan and Synth all come in to tend to Moneymaker, and both teams scream and shout from across the ring! Begrudgingly, The Blondes exit the ring and head up the aisle, while down the floor Dick has been sent into the guardrail...not only into it, but OVER IT, as the impact causes him to flop over the barrier and into the front row. Malibu then runs into the ring, amidst the chaos that's been going on since The Blondes were dismissed from the contest, and he is NOT HAPPY! COLE Zack's disposed of Dick, but I'm not sure he realizes what's going on. COACH True dat. He was so busy getting his bell rung he might've confused it with the actual bell ringing! Zack gets into the ring and, after a moment with Bo, confronts the referee, who explains what's going on. Malibu protests, but Clem stands his ground and says they're out of here. Moneymaker laughs heartily at the injustice, while Malibu is left fuming on his side of the ring. Bo, Zack and Krista start to talk strategy, but Malibu is turning redder by the minute! Edited December 4, 2008 by Zack Malibu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites