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2008 Cold Front Classic commentz

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good shit. yes, i actually read the whole thing. one line i liked:


Ghost Machine has the hold cinched in tight, however it's not a hold that's going to finish a match in this day and age unless you're from West Newbury, which is some distance away from Parts Unknown.


hahaa, i never thought i'd see the name of the town-next-to-my-hometown dropped in an SWF show. good work.


can't wait for night two!


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Great so far. I'm liking the tourney idea. The staggered rounds adds a lot more suspense than I thought it would.

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i understand that. i still mark out for shitty snobby wealthy white New England towns. especially ones i can actually get to. fun fact? i live in the closest ghetto to West Newbury. which is a town and half a city away. they're all 'wiggas' there. i was never sure if Cena was mocking them... or is one.

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Good job by all. Now let's limit this to a yearly event, as the suspense and limited sleep cannot be good for my health.


Still, can't wait for Night 2!

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Way to go, Tod! That was a damn fine match. Congrats!

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You two have just reminded me that the only thing worse than a DNS is two matches which are as good as each other and impossible to tell apart. In the end I had to give it to Tod, but it was a damn close thing. What swung it was the fact that I thought Alexander sold himself as the face of the match somewhat. Although the injured ribs were a nod to previous matches, it led to too much of the 'face overcoming the injury and the odds' feel, which wasn't helped by the finish. If you'd sold Tod as selling some injuries or at least showing the effects of his matches as well, you might have got it as it would have been a more even playing field.

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i was just going to ask "i won via no-show, right?" because i still can't believe i would win over someone that actually wrote a match.


Thoth, can i see your match?

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Yeah, I take it you didn't get the message booking you into a non-title match with Bruner for Night Two, V?

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Yeah, I take it you didn't get the message booking you into a non-title match with Bruner for Night Two, V?


Something to do with it coming in the middle of my birthday celebrations... sort of forgot to check my PMs. Soz.

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i was just going to ask "i won via no-show, right?" because i still can't believe i would win over someone that actually wrote a match.


Thoth, can i see your match?


When I said close match, I meant that you won closely in the match that you wrote, and gave me a couple clear pieces to promo off of. I won't show you my match, on the basis of that I was trying to go for a specific story, which now no longer applies (don't worry, you wrote a couple things that I can use that are basically just as good, and lead to the same end result)

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You two have just reminded me that the only thing worse than a DNS is two matches which are as good as each other and impossible to tell apart. In the end I had to give it to Tod, but it was a damn close thing. What swung it was the fact that I thought Alexander sold himself as the face of the match somewhat. Although the injured ribs were a nod to previous matches, it led to too much of the 'face overcoming the injury and the odds' feel, which wasn't helped by the finish. If you'd sold Tod as selling some injuries or at least showing the effects of his matches as well, you might have got it as it would have been a more even playing field.


Well, it is damn tough to write a match illustrating the weardown of two straight days of top-card matches without working in a little bit of face-ness. Heels aren't supposed to get hurt, darn it. We're supposed to get inexplicable and infuriating byes through the difficult parts while the face has to pound his way through a man-mountain and an evil Puro heel with his entourage. Just sayin'. ;)


I thought Tod wrote a better match overall. His match had Alexander being a lot more like his old dickish self. I particularly loved the little bit at the end where Tod had Michael try for the Silent Scream. Golden.

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Well, the fact that one match ended with the Silent Scream and the other match ended with the Silent Scream countered into a pin, and you both had very similar chain-wrestling starts... you didn't make it easy, either of you.

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