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OK, so who can write in February?

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I should be available in February. Mid-month is best for me.

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Black Thanksgiving


My best friend ("mate" to you Brits ;) ) and I have a long-standing tradition of getting together on Black Thanksgiving for a long weekend of NBA 2KX (where X equals that current season), fighting games, Marvel Ultimate Alliance (or whatever the equivalent game is that year), and basically watching all the activities associated with Black Thanksgiving. Basically, whatever ain't done before I go to bed on Thursday the 12th ain't getting done until after President's Day.


EDIT - Come to think of it, that triple threat you put me in where I lost the WCC, I no-showed that because the due date was too close to Black Thanksgiving.

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OK, well that tells me WHAT it is, but doesn't help me with WHEN it is. However, I think we're looking at a date of Feb 10th, so hopefully that should fit.

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Basically, whatever ain't done before I go to bed on Thursday the 12th ain't getting done until after President's Day.

Black Thanksgiving takes place this year over the weekend of the 13-15th.

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Fair enough.


I might point out that 'President's Day' isn't a hell of a lot of good as a time marker for the two Brits running this place either, but it looks like we've avoided that pitfall :P

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