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Zack Malibu

HD: Moneymaker/Josie

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We cut quickly to the back, where Theodore Moneymaker is IRATE~!, kicking in the door of Josie's office IN ANGER~!



What the hell do you think you're doing?



ME!? What do I think I'M DOING? What about you, with your backdoor dealings with Malibu? Just what do you think you're doing?



Just when did you think that YOU had control over this company? I know they say that if you tell yourself a lie long enough eventually it becomes a truth and you believe it, but the last time I checked, I was the one in charge, Moneymaker. I am the final word, NOT you.



You ungrateful bitch. I'm the one looking to turn this company around, and then you stab me in the back. I was willing to support you, offer you a stable of workers at your disposal to do your bidding. As much money as you needed to run this place as you see fit, and THIS is how you repay me?



Repay you? It's keeping Malibu out of the title race, isn't it?


Moneymaker stops his tirade, as if a lightbulb has just gone off over his head.



Ready to calm down now? Look, first of all, I never signed any deal with you. Anything more was stritcly implied. We might have mutual feelings about a lot of people on this roster, but again, I'M the one with the final say when it comes to the roster dealings. Now, I know what you're thinking. A Survive Or Surrender match is a last resort for this. I am tired of the two of you bitching at each other back and forth like catty schoolgirls...I've got enough of THEM on my roster, so I certainly don't need two of my top talents acting like that! Your whole problem with Zack is that you don't want him to maintain a hold on this place, something that he's always been able to do, and something that would only be furthered by another title reign. So we've cut him off before he can even get close. He's not in the Rumble, he's in the match with YOU...and if you want to tear the heart out of the OAOAST by taking Zack out, Survive or Surrender is YOUR chance just as much as it is Zack's.



You have strange ways of showing your appreciation, Josie.



Maybe...but they're are better ways of making this company money and keeping us in the red.


Moneymaker is tense, and stares Josie down for a moment.



All this...it ends at Anglepalooza, you hear me? I don't want any regrets from ANYONE when Zack Malibu is gone from this company.



You want to usher in the new era, you do it inside that cage.



Oh, it'll be done. Mark my words, it WILL be done. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!


Moneymaker, now pleased with the opportunity he's getting, cackles loudly as he turns and slams the door. Once that door shuts though, Josie sits back down and smirks, mumbling under her breath...



I'M the power around here.



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