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Zack Malibu

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"Getting Away With Murder" brings the fans to their feet, as it can only mean one thing...that the Franchise of the OAOAST is heading to the ring!



It was last week that we witnessed the shocking return of CWM, who claimed that Zack Malibu was disgracing the legacy of the OAOAST and his fellow Originals, then took Theodore Moneymaker up on his offer to eliminate Zack. Zack Malibu was able to defeat CWM, and after the match an equally shocking turn of events took place, as Zack revealed to the world that he went to Josie, the General Manager, and opted to remain out of the Lethal Rumble and thus forsake a chance at an OAOAST World Title shot so that he can get his hands on Theodore Moneymaker in a Survive Or Surrender match at Anglepalooza!



Don't forget about the women, Mikey Cole. Candie's comin' back for a piece of Alison's ass!



The only reason you said that is so you could mention Alison's ass, isn't it?





Greeted warmly by the fans, Zack slaps a few hands on his way to the ring, before climbing into the squared circle for a vintage Zack Malibu promo.







Last week, it certainly wasn't a night that I expected to have in my hometown. I didn't expect CWM to show up out of nowhere, and I didn't expect him to try to strike a deal with Theodore Moneymaker to put me out of the OAOAST. Even though I got through that match, it was still a night of surprises, and something that I was fortunate enough to survive with no preperation. Now, on that same wavelength, it was a night of surprises for Theodore Moneymaker, and actually for you fans as well, because after I rattled Richie Rich's jaw with a School's Out, I let him know what he was in for come Anglepalooza. Because I have HAD IT with the finger pointing and the sneak attacks. Theodore Moneymaker has gotten cheap wins or just upped and walked away from me one too many times. His Enterprise, his association with Alison, and his vendetta against me have brought me to the last resort...Survive Or Surrender.


The crowd buzzes, as every fan in attendance knows what that means.



I know what many of you are thinking. The first time we had one of those matches, I lost my World Title to Crystal, and surrendered, just as the name states. The second time I won a war, but barely won the battle. The feud with Bruce Blank nearly cost me my life, quite literally, and I think all will remember that as a very dark period in the OAOAST. Now, Moneymaker, the third time isn't likely to be a charm for you. When those four chain linked walls come down around this ring, it's just you and I. The referee isn't going to call for a rope break, or count you out of the ring, or disqualify you for jamming a thumb into my eye. All he's going to do is stand there and watch up beat each other from post to post, across the ring, on the floor, watching as our blood...and there WILL be blood...stains the canvas and the metal that encases us. He'll be there as I rake your face against the cage wall. He'll be there when I lock you in a submission and cause the muscles in your body to pull and tear. He will be there holding a microphone right up to your mouth, letting every grunt and groan of agony be heard in the arena and across the world on pay per view! Survive or Surrender is VIOLENCE, plain and simple. Your Enterprise won't be able to run in and pull you out of the ring. Alison won't be able to distract the referee to let you get a cheap shot off. Finally, after months of talking and running and squeezing out the cheap victories, it's you and me. Anglepalooza will be my redemption, Moneymaker, for letting you take it this far. I have stood in this ring many times stating that I would do whatever it took to prove that you are no good for this company. Your dirty money isn't enough to run this place, and what you've done to Anglesault, to Krista, the Beverly Hills Blondes...every person on this roster that you've crossed, whether they consider me a friend or foe, will enjoy what I'm going to do to you. You're going to pay the OAOAST back not in money, but in blood, and in humility. The proud man with the fat wallet and the entourage of yes men and women will finally be forced to admit that he's not what he claims to be. A great in ring talent? You are, absolutely. A shrewd businessman? Beyond a shadow of a doubt. What you are not, though, is a Franchise, Theodore Moneymaker. You are not the face of this company. Money and merchandise and ticket sales and these fans, yes, these things keep the OAOAST going, but above all else it is the HEART of this company that has kept it going for SEVEN YEARS. Men like CWM, who may not like me and I may not like them, at least have put their heart into this company. Talking of an OAOAST legacy isn't just talk, it is truth. Because the heart of this company was pumped full of the blood of Zack Malibu and CWM and Alfdogg and Tony Brannigan and Jingus and Anglesault and God help me Stephen Popick. This company grew and grew the more blood that was pumped into it, the blood of Leon Rodez and Sly Sommers, and Bohemoth and Krista and Alix and Tim Moysey and Northstar and Austin Baker and on and on and on it goes...except for YOU. YOU'RE trying to take all that away. YOU'RE trying to disregard a foundation that was built, a support system unlike no other for YOUR personal gain, when in reality the only thing you have gained is the fury and hatred of a man who WILL NOT REST UNTIL YOU SURRENDER! Don't tell me to expect a war, Moneymaker, because I already do. I think it's YOU who doesn't realize what you're in for. Anglepalooza is the Final Chapter, and whether it's you or I who walks away is yet to be seen. All I know is that YOU don't have the heart for it!


Malibu, done with his rebuttal to Moneymaker's fury over the match, drops the mic in the ring, exiting to the sounds of Papa Roach. Heading up the aisle, Malibu pauses about halfway up, looking around at his fans and soaking in the cheers.



Strong words from Zack Malibu...a very determined Zack Malibu, as he is sacrificing a chance to be back on top as World Champion in an effort to end his extensive, extremely personal war with Theodore Moneymaker!



It remains to be seen if he can do it, Mikey. Words are one thing, but once they're both inside that cage and cut loose, it could go either way, and I know who I got my money on!



Your money or the money from your grandmother's cookie jar?



Hey! Watch it man, she might be watchin'!

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