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HD: AC -- Teddy/CW vs. Docs

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"Money Talks" by AC/DC hits and the sharpest dressed men in the OAOAST are escorted to the ring by CPA and Detective Tango Bosley, V.I.C.E. 

OAOAST Marks, the following is a first round Anderson Cup match! Introducing first, representing THE ENTERPRISE, at a total combine weight of 465 pounds, the #1 ranked team in the Miracle Weirdness Connection Conference... “THE NATURAL” CHRISTIAN WRIGHT and “THE BILLION DOLLAR HEIR” THEODORE MMMOOOONNEYMAKER!!


Wait a minute! V.I.C.E. has no business out here. They’re nothing but a couple of damn bullies, Theodore Moneymaker’s hired guns! 

Let’s not forgot Teddy is engaged in a bitter feud with Zack Malibu and nearly was assassinated on live television weeks ago. He needs protection in this dangerous time. Fortunately he’s got the best security money can buy. 

Yeah, a security firm now headed by Inspector Morgan Nerdly, an amateur P.I. unafraid to trample a person’s constitutional rights!  

Amateur!? You got a late night visit from V.I.C.E. coming, son. But whether you agree with Inspector Nerdly’s tactics or not, the fact is, her methods work. Forget Leon Panetta, Inspector Nerdly is person you want running the CIA. She’ll have Osama captured her first day on the job. 

Christian Wright hands CPA his briefcase for safekeeping, then he and Theodore Moneymaker remove their non-wrestling attire (jacket/robe, etc). 



[I]Doctor, doctor, give me the news
I've got a bad case of lovin' you
No pill's gonna cure my ill
I've got a bad case of lovin' you[/I]

Paged on scene, Drs. Max and Steven melt the hearts and panties of women by stripping off their lab coats. As they head down the aisle, Pigley stops to writes a prescription for a pretty young thing ringside; a double hug/kiss from the Love Doctors and a Love Line t-shirt right off his back.  

And their opponents! Hailing from Chicago, Illinois, total combine weight 435 pounds, the team of DR. MAX ANDERSON and DR. STEVEN PIGLEY... THE LOOOOOOOOOVE DOCTORS!!


Met with heavy cheers, the Love Doctors are met by heavy fire when they enter the ring. Wright and Moneymaker quick to jump on them. 


I see that sheet of paper in your hand, Cole. You were about to plug Dr. Steven’s Love Line program every Wednesday night at 7 on local Chicago radio. Now you can hype there being a guest host next week! 

Unfortunately you may be right. The Love Doctors cheap shot before the match officially began. No doubt Theodore Moneymaker’s way of sending a message to Zack Malibu, the man he’ll face in a Survive or Surrender match at Anglepalooza.

Wright and Moneymaker pummel the Docs against the ropes, then attempt stereo Irish whips, but the Docs reverse and dropkick the pair on the rebound! 


Moneymaker tumbles outside, but Wright isn’t so lucky. He becomes the focus of the Docs’ attack, a series of arm-wringers followed by top rope axe handle smashes. But a huge European uppercut knocks Dr. Max on his ass and CW proceeds to put the boots to him. 

Kick ‘im! Kick ‘im like a dog, CW! 

Wright rams Anderson into the buckle and tags Moneymaker. 

* CHOP *


* CHOP *


* CHOP *


Not one to mix business with pleasure, Moneymaker takes a moment to indulge himself and SLAPS Anderson, which only serves as a wakeup call for the good doctor. He fires back and out of the Enterprise corner, striking both Wright and Moneymaker. But the Billion Dollar Heir quells that baby face fire with an EYE RAKE. 


Again the Enterprise needing to resort to cheap tactics to gain the advantage. 

You wanna know what’s cheap? Personal attacks the kind hurled at Teddy and his Enterprise this past weekend on Syndicated by the Love Doctors. 

Moneymaker shoots Anderson into the ropes for a back elbow, then drops A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS…BUT NOBODY’S HOME! Theodore pops to his feet clutching his hand, and Dr. Max brings him down in a SUNSET FLIP! 




Anderson stomps Moneymaker’s hand, and then wrings the arm as he drags the Billion Dollar Heir over to the Love Doctors corner for the tag. Dr. Steven continues what his colleague started, wringing the arm again and again. Moneymaker answers with a knee to the gut and backs Pigley against the ropes for a combination of chops/punches that sets up an Irish whip. Off the ropes Dr. Steven ducks a clothesline and snaps Theodore over in a CRUCIFIX BOMB~!!!




The Docs tag and Max Anderson unloads SPINNING BACKFISTS on Theodore Moneymaker. Following a backdrop Dr. Max clotheslines Theodore over the top and shoots off the ropes, flipping onto Moneymaker outside! 

Topé Con Hílo! Vintage Max Anderson. 

The Love Doctors emptying out the medicine cabinet, Cole. They know it’s gonna take everything they got to beat Teddy and CW. Which now that I think about, they’d have gained the most in Teddy being assassinated. It would’ve meant a first round bye. 

You’re starting to sound like Inspector Nerdly. I bet you’re both Oliver Stone fans. 

Who isn’t?  

Christian Wright goes to assist Teddy but gets cut off by Dr. Steven. Meanwhile, as the referee’s focused on the brawl, DETECTIVE TANGO BOSLEY whips out his TELESCOPIC BATON and CLUBS the knee of Dr. Max Anderson! 



We know what’s running through the mind of Dr. Max, don’t we, Cole? Why? Why? Hahaha!


Moneymaker rolls Anderson back in and tags CW. Wright quick to attack the knee, smashing it repeatedly against the ring post. Anderson crawls towards mid-ring grimacing in pain, his arm outstretched for a much needed tag, but Wright nails Dr. Steven. 


Wright and Moneymaker do a number of Anderson while an irate Pigley is restrained by the referee. 



By the time the official turns around Moneymaker is back on the apron chilling. The action resumes with CW delivering a knee crusher ala Ric Flair, then locks on THE WALLSTREET CLOVERLEAF!

The pain is too much for Dr. Max to withstand and he TAPS. 



Damnit! The Enterprise steal one thanks to Tango Bosley. 

Pigley can’t believe how fast Anderson submitted, but that’s because he never saw Bosley whack him with the baton. He tends to his partner as Moneymaker taunts them. The rage builds in Pigley and he goes after the Billion Dollar Heir!


This guy must have a death wish. You don’t mess with Moneymaker. 

A lesson V.I.C.E. helps Dr. Steven learn the hard way. Bosley again using his baton to lay down the law. The damage done Moneymaker laughs his ass off over the fallen doctors. 

Given his current state of mind Theodore Moneymaker is one dangerous man. It’s gonna make for one heck of a match with Zack Malibu at Anglepalooza.

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