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Guest Anglesault

Then we agreeInteresting Concept for nWo

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Guest goodhelmet

I agree with Brian, keep the "big names" in one match so the undercard will be full of you know good workers. Mania is usually the time for the midcard to shine in longer than 6 minute matches also. Ideally, you want Kane-UT-Big Show vs. Hall-Nash-Hogan so the suck would be contained in one match. hhh-jericho will not meet expectations until Trips steps it up big time. Maybe they'll go with Angle-Jericho for Mania, at least we can hope.


As for Nick Patrick, I try not to pay attention to the refs, but before patrick, it was guaranteed that if tim White was the ref, 90% of the time, the heel would win.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Most of the midcarders I want to see are injured:


Benoit, Awesome, Rhyno, Kanyon...


And the threat of RVD/Goldust 2 or RVD/Regal does not excite me.

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Guest Tony149

Wait a minute, Tim White owns a bar. Keep Hall away from him. Hell, maybe they'll re-name the Outsider's Edge the "Last Call".

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

that would be so awesome tony, the whole smark would would spontaneously erupt in fits of laughter. :)

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Guest goodhelmet

Don't forget that by the end of this month, Angle, Jericho, Booker will all be firmly in the low midcard. Plus guys like Storm, RVD and Christian (who is overrated but better than the dinosaurs)  will be there, but yeah I don't wanna see goldust or Regal either.

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Guest Army Eye
Isn't it nice that the nWo was so fucked up that we only have a general idea of who joined, in what order, and when? I think we have the first eight set. Except I think Syxx joined AFTER nWo Sting, thus killing the name (I remember something about that).







nWo Sting



I think this list is about right but get Vincent in there.. Not sure exactly when but he was an early join.. before Syxx I think

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