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King Cucaracha

HD: Leon vs. Pantera

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The following contest is set for one fall. In the ring, accompanied by VINNY VALENTINE! From Juneau, Alaska... he weighs two hundred, sixty eight pounds... KKEEEEENN PPAAAAAAAAANNTTEEEEERRRRRAAAAAAA!!!


Pantera stares ahead at the crowd with Vinny massaging his traps getting him limbered up.

Alright, Ken Pantera set for singles action here on HeldDOWN. And he's in for quite the test too.

The crowd rise to their feet the moment "Rock The Casbah" by Trust Company powers up. For this is the first time in three weeks that it heralds the arrival of Leon Rodez. Bringing his robe sweeping through the entrance way Leon heads out to the ring to a very welcoming reception. He just about manages a smile. Just about.

And introducing his opponent! From Grand Rapids, Michigan! Weighing two hundred, eighteen pounds. "THE GRAND RAPIDS GOLDEN CHILD"... ladies and gentlemen, he is "SILKY SMOOTH"... LLLLLLEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOONN... RRRRRRRROOOOOOODDEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZ!!!!


Climbing up the ring steps Leon climbs into the ring, making no motions to the crowd as you'd expect, his focus set clearly on the match.

The return of Leon Rodez, his first appearance since his defeat at the Celtic Spectacular losing the OAOAST World Champion. And he will be looking to get right back onto his feet and back into the title hunt I'm sure, starting here tonight in Calgary.

Or it could be a huge win for Ken Pantera if Leon isn't in the right frame of mind still.

I don't know about that 'still' Coach. How do you know he's not been in the right frame of mind at all, we haven't seen him for three weeks.

Exactly! He loses the World Title and goes straight into hiding, you can't tell me that's not suspicious.

Vinny chirps away in Pantera's ear, trying to psyche his man up. Removing his robe Leon goes through some warm-ups in his corner, looking all business. Referee Mike Chioda orders Vinny out of the ring and with both men ready, calls for the bell.


"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

Wiping a hand across his face Leon steps out of the corner, sizing his opponent up. They meet with a collar and elbow tie-up which Leon fights for a few seconds, before Pantera's power advantage sends him sprawling onto his back! Vinny leads the applause as Leon carefully rolls up to one knee, looking up at Pantera.

And down goes the former World Champion! Face it Michael, he's just not got it anymore!

One lock-up and you're already writing him off? Are you just trying to get a reaction by saying anything?

Should I keep my "Abort All Gay Babies" placard under the desk?

Leon gets back to his feet and tries locking up with Pantera again. Clearly he knows what he's doing, grabbing Pantera in a side headlock. But seconds later Pantera lifts the former World Champ off his feet and simply tosses him aside! Landing up on his BUTT again Leon makes the rare move of rolling out of the ring to collect his thoughts.

Whaddya make of that then Cole?

Hands on hips, Rodez paces around, using up until the count of four before he slides back in.

"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

Well, this crowd are certainly behind Leon, Coach. The former World Champion trying to find an opening against this powerhouse of an opponent.

Circling around Leon can't find that opening and ends up engaging in another collar and elbow tie-up. Going back to the side headlock, he has no more success than last time. Except in his landing. Pantera throws Leon off but he lands on his feet and comes right back at Pantera with a surprise forearm strike. And another. And another. As Pantera wobbles Leon hits the ropes and charges back with a running forearm, staggering the Canadian. Bouyed by this Leon comes off the ropes with a second forearm. Pantera falls back against the ropes, the only thing keeping him from falling as Leon goes on the run again. But this time Pantera charges forward as well, a well placed shoulder tackle knocking Leon clean off of his feet!

Wow! Pantera with a vulgar display of power!

With Leon down licking his wounds, Pantera drops down and covers...




Pantera follows Leon into a corner, catching him with a kneelift as he reaches his feet. Pantera keeps driving with his knee up until the referee's count of four. Grabbing Leon by the arm and head Pantera then takes a step and biels him halfway across the ring!!

And again the power from Pantera! I think the crowd are a little shell-shocked at what they're seeing here, the former World Heavyweight Champion is in trouble.

Slowly picking himself up Leon is instantly grabbed by the singlet from behind and clubbed in the back, then thrown back into the corner he came from. Crouched down, set like a bull, Pantera charges at Rodez in the corner. Leon kicks his feet up at the last second though and catches Pantera in the face with a boot. Back he staggers, allowing Leon to hop to the middle rope. The crowd's cheers are strangled in the middle as he goes for a double axehandle, as Pantera catches him on the way down, applying a Bearhug.

Submission applied.

That was a heck of a catch too. Pantera could have been a great baseball player, if any country other than the US or Japan gave a flying fuck about it.

Leon manages to force himself face to face with Pantera pretty quickly, allowing him to ring the Canadian's bell with the dreaded EAR-CLAP. It takes two to break the bearhug, at which point Leon grabs the arm for an irish whip. Pantera sets on the spot refusing to go anywhere. And he instead pulls The Grand Rapids Golden Child forward, clubbing him down with a thick short-arm clothesline! So excited is Vinny that he breaks into a strut, seeing his muscle man going for the cover...




As Leon sits up, Pantera grabs a hold of his neck and clamps on a nerve hold.

As if being emotionally numb wasn't bad enough, now Leon's going physically numb too!

A simple nerve hold, but Pantera is of course a former powerlifter, so he's not only got tremendous power in his arms but tremendous grip. And that tremendous grip is clamping down on Leon's trapezius area right now.

With his right leg beginning to shake Leon cringes, feeling his neck tightening up. Vinny proclaims that it's "all over, rover!" to anyone that'll listen. But Leon isn't done just yet. The leg shaking seems to be voluntary as Leon tries to get himself going and suddenly turns over onto one knee. Pantera keeps the hold clamped but Leon fights to his feet, spurred on by the Calgary crowd to deliver an elbow to the ribs. A second. And a third. He breaks the hold, but Pantera quickly recovers by clubbing Leon in the neck with a forearm.

Pantera is impressing me tonight.

And Leon is impressing nobody. How the mighty have fallen.

Pantera brings Leon up and scoops him over his shoulder with ease. The Canadian backs towards a corner, his countrymen in the crowd mostly against him. With a run-up Pantera then looks to plant Leon with a Running Powersla... NO! Leon slips down the back, using Pantera's momentum against him and sending him shoulder first into the turnbuckles!

There's a break for Leon!

Coming out of the corner, Pantera manages to catch a boot, but not an Enziguri!


Down goes Pantera and now, can Leon begin to mount some prolonged offence?

Both men remain down with Pantera holding the back of his head and Leon his neck. Referee Chioda reaches a count of "5" before they get back to their feet.



And it's Leon who strikes first with a knifedge chop.



Leon strikes Pantera with a second chop, but his massive pecs absorb most of the damage and he swings a big right hand. Ducking underneath Leon runs the ropes and delivers a Flying Forearm to knock Pantera down!

I think you may have written the former World Champion off too soon Coach.

Bet I'm not the only one with his performance so far.

Back up Leon suddenly shows some fire and that brings the Calgary crowd to their feet. Pantera gets back up to be met with a dropkick, forcing him back against the turnbuckles. After a running back elbow against the buckles Leon whips him to the opposite corner and follows in with DOUBLE KNEES~! to the chest. Another whip then guides Pantera off into the ropes, caught on the way back with a Standing Dropkick! Leon goes for the cover...




Pantera performs a powerful kickout and Leon is sent rolling away. No worry, as he winds up near the ropes and heads up towards the top.

The pace has quickened and Pantera is struggling to keep up, Leon knows this is what he needs to be doing to keep this bull of a man off guard.

Then why didn't he do it sooner? Something on his mind maybe?

As Leon starts to climb the turnbuckles, Vinny panics and runs around the ring to try and distract him. Referee Chioda quickly motions him away, but the couple of seconds of distraction pay off, as when Leon leaves the ropes with a crossbody he gets CAUGHT by Pantera!

Another catch! That's a two hundred twenty pound man being plucked out of the air!

Even the fans gasp at the impressive show of strength. With Vinny encouraging him to "drop the boom, baby" Pantera carries Leon in his arms to the middle of the ring and muscles him up again. First onto his shoulders, then over his head with a gorilla press. Before the former powerlifter can slam his opponent though, Leon finds a way out, landing on his feet behind Pantera. When Pantera turns around, Leon whips round with a rolling sole BUTT kick to the gut. Hooking the head, The Grand Rapids Golden Child runs him to the corner, scaling the turnbuckles to deliver the Sliced Bread #2!

Feedback THIS!

Hook of the leg...




Sitting up, Leon looks at the referee with just a hint of frustration on his face.

But Pantera kicks out!

Somehow, I don't think this is the comeback Leon wanted. Maybe he would have been better with a Conquistador, somebody who wouldn't fight back so much.

Leon leads Pantera back to his feet and delivers forearms to back him up into a corner. The forearms keep on flying until the ref's count of three, at which point Leon springs up and delivers a dropkick against the turnbuckles.

Leon setting Pantera up in the corner again, could be the Superman Spear coming.

Backing across the ring Leon charges, leaving his feet... and hitting that very move! As Pantera stumbles out of the corner he's caught in an inside cradle...




Leon gets to his feet, waiting on Pantera.

C'mon Kenny, pull the lead out man!

Once Pantera gets back to his feet, Leon fires a boot to the gut. Back to the forearms Leon struggles to chop the stocky Canadian down...



...but does manage to chop him in the chest. Pantera shrugs all of that off though, suddenly ducking low and catching Leon with a double leg pick-up before DRIVING him back into a corner!

Look at him Michael. You can just see the confidence draining from him, he can't finish Pantera off. If you didn't think losing the World Title had affected him, put doubts in his mind before, what about now?

Peeling himself off the turnbuckles walks into a knee from Pantera, doubling him up. Pantera whips Leon to the ropes and ducks his head, looking for a scoop on the rebound. Up and over goes Leon, landing behind Pantera and coming off the ropes again. The Canadian swings his heavy right arm out looking for a clothesline but Leon counters with a crucifi...

...NO! Leon gets the crucifix, but can't bring Pantera down to the mat. Instead Pantera heaves Leon up onto his shoulders into a fireman's carry, before effortlessly dumping him forward onto his stomach!

Amazing power! Could Ken Pantera be on the verge of shocking the world here?

Pantera backs off the ropes, looking to lower the boom with Leon down. However The Grand Rapids Golden Child suddenly rolls towards him and closes the distance as he runs back. He manages to trip Pantera's legs, keeping hold of one to guide him down throat-first across the middle rope!


Maybe not!

Rolling to his feet Leon doesn't waste time with the jig, making straight for the ropes and driving his bodyweight into the spine of Pantera against the ropes. As Pantera climbs back to his feet and turns around, Leon is waiting...


...with a Superkick! Pantera falls backwards, the ropes bouncing him back out towards Leon, who quickly hooks his opponent around the waist and uses the momentum to deliver a Northern Lights Suplex!


Leon reaches out and hooks a leg as well.




The crowd let out a cheer, with Vinny despairing on the outside.

Leon Rodez overcomes a stern test here tonight on HeldDOWN~!

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... "SILKY SMOOTH" LLLEEEEEEEOOOOOOONN... RRRROOOOODDEEEEEZZZZZZZZ!!!


Despite the victory, Leon hardly looks ecstatic but does look a little happier than he had. The referee raises his hand in victory, a look of almost relief on his face as Pantera is escorted away by Vinny V.

And much the happier, I'm sure, for having gotten that victory under his belt.

What belt?

Very funny. Well, hopefully we're going to get a few words with Leon in the not too distant future but for now, a victory as he looks to work his way back towards the World Heavyweight Title.

With Pantera gone Leon climbs the turnbuckles and raises a finger overhead. He steps down and with a last nod of acknowledgement to the crowd he leaves the ri...


[i]*DUN DUN*[/i]






Leon suddenly freezes midway through the ropes, glancing up to see THA PUERTO RICAN heading to the ring!! The Calgary crowd roar their approval for PRL as Leon slips back inside the ring with hands on hips. Big smile on his face, PRL jogs to the top of the ring steps and stops for a moment to give a smirk to the fans, before entering the ring and asking for a microphone.

What business could Tha Puerto Rican have out here, this is most interesti... Coach?

(from under desk)
[i]Nudge me when he's gone.[/i]

What the... I'll do more than nudge you you moron.

Collecting a microphone Tha Puerto Rican quickly calls for the budding chants to die down. Leon looks confused as PRL holds up a hand calling for him to "gimme a second".

At long last...after all of this time...THE CHAMP IS HERE IN CALGARY! 


And at long last, Tha Puerto Rican can reveal his grand AngleMania plan! Now, you might be wondering just why in the blue hell would I be out here right now, after Leon Rodez fought a match. Well, the thing is, my grand AngleMania plan involves you, Leon.

The crowd, and Leon, are surprised at hearing this.

Leon Rodez, Tha Puerto Rican and yourself have been in some memorable battles. We have tore the house down time and time again. Leon, we are not friends. Hell, we will probably never be friends! But Tha Puerto Rican respects you. And Tha Puerto Rican KNOWS that you respect him. Leon, you have beaten me. I have beaten you. You have even taken TWO, count 'em, TWO titles away from Tha Puerto Rican! Our track record speaks for itself. When we fight, we put on one hell of a show!

Leon just stands there, curious as to what PRL has in mind.

So, it is with all that said, that I can get to the point. I look at the AngleMania VIII card, and I see that Tha Puerto Rican is nowhere to be found.


I look at the AngleMania VIII card, and I see that Leon Rodez is nowhere to be found. 


Leon could have done without hearing that, but admits it's true.

I already took care of that needle dick and his man-woman last month, so it's up to Krista Isadora Duncan to finish him off. And your two In Crowd buddies have got the AngleMania VIII main event together, so that's out too. No offence. We could both try to budge into that and make that match a Fatal Four Way, but I doubt that would work. SOOOOOO, it looks like this will be the first AngleMania without Tha Puerto Rican OR Leon Rodez in a damn long time. And it's because of this, that...well...I'm really not that excited about AngleMania VIII. Because honestly, if you do an AngleMania WITHOUT Tha Puerto Rican, then that AngleMania will ABSOLUTELY SUCK!


(from under desk)
[i]There go the buyrates.[/i]



Without AngleMania on tap, we're both free on April the 5th. So, what can we do on that date? Well, we could just sit at home, watch AngleMania VIII on TV. Me in my mansion in San Juan on my 20 inch Plasma TV. You in Detroit in...well, whatever TV you've got. Maybe the OAOAST will throw us a bone and we'll fly down to Indianapolis and participate in AngleMania Fan Fest. Sign autographs, take pictures, answer the questions of the MILLIONS...


...of PRL fans! OR...we could make lemonade out of lemons. We could turn a negative into a positive. We could go to Indianapolis on Sunday April the 5th and we could STEAL THE SHOW! We could make history at AngleMania VIII! We could have the match of a lifetime! I have competed at the last SIX AngleManias, and my streak is NOT about to end now! I am MR. ANGLEMANIA! I HAVE to be at the show! I have several great AngleMania Moments under my belt, and I want another one! I'm greedy. Deal with it. When people talk about AngleMania VIII years from now, they won't talk about the main event! They won't talk about Krista Isadora Duncan vs. Mr. Dick! They won't talk about Alfdogg's homecoming! No, they will talk about the night that Tha Puerto Rican and Leon Rodez went out there and had the greatest match of all-time in front of 80,000 fans at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana! Leon Rodez, I am challenging you to a one-on-one match at AngleMania VIII!


Whoa! Leon Rodez vs. Tha Puerto Rican again!? How great would that be? 

The crowd is cheering, but Leon doesn't seem too thrilled about PRL's challenge. 

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'We just had a match 5 months ago! Why are we fighting again?' 'What's the catch?' 'What's at stake here?' 'Why do you want to do this?' There's no catch! There's no strings attached! And the only thing that is at stake here is bragging rights! And the reason I want to do this is simple: we've fought in the past, oh yes. But never at a time like this. There has always been some sort of dark cloud hovering over us. I've thought you were a joke. You've thought I was a joke. I've cheated. You've needed some help to beat me. The time limit had expired. We were in a Ladder Match. Every previous match we've had has always had something we could point to and say, "Yeah. But..." This time, there will be NO BUTS! This time will be different. I don't think you're a joke. You don't think I'm a joke. This time, we will be on a level playing field. Once and for all, we will find out just who is the better man! Who is the superior professional wrestler! With our new mindsets, we will each give it our all knowing that our opponent will do the same. I know you can bring it. And you DAMN WELL KNOW that I can MOST DEFINITELY BRING IT!

The crowd cheers loudly. 

We've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. This is the rubber match. The big one. This is just you and me, one-on-one. Titles are not at stake here. But pride is. Let's do this. Let's compete, a little friendly competition. Let's fight one-on-one at the biggest show of the year in front of 80,000 fans at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana! That's it. That's all that I want. I want to steal the show. I want to put the spotlight on me--I mean us! I want to light it up in Indianapolis! I want to have the greatest professional wrestling match the world has ever seen and I want to do it against you! The Silky Smooth One! The New Age Love Machine! The Grand Rapids Golden Child! I want to fight you! 

The crowd cheers again. Leon seems to be warming up to the idea. 

Tha Puerto Rican going up against Leon Rodez again sounds good to me! 



Tha Puerto Rican smiles.

So, what is your answer? Are you with me? Do you want to go ONE-ON-ONE WITH THE GREAT ONE? Again? Do you want to be the show stealer? I'm Mr. AngleMania, and I want to have another AngleMania Moment! Will you accept my challenge? Do you want this match? In the words of Meatloaf, 'What's it gonna be boy?/Yes or no?'

Tha Puerto Rican hands the microphone over to Leon. Leon thinks this over. The crowd cheers, urging him to accept the challenge. 

Two of the most popular OAOAST Superstars going head-to-head for bragging rights at the biggest show of the year. I like the sound of that! A 'Friendly Competition Match'! 

Leon looks to the crowd. They root for him to say yes. Leon looks at PRL. PRL has a smile on his face. Leon stares down at the mat, thinking it over. Finally, he puts the microphone to his lips.

Did you really just call yourself "Mr. AngleMania" a minute ago?

PRL shrugs his shoulders like "yeah, what of it" and Leon shakes his head with a wry smile.

Wow. I mean, just wow! I--I'm speechless! I am shocked. SHOCKED! I am shocked at what you are proposing! I mean, a professional wrestler wanting to have a match at the biggest professional wrestling pay-per-view of the year against another professional wrestler just to wrestle!? That's MADNESS! MADNESS I SAY! You are crazy, P.R.! CRAZY! 

Tha Puerto Rican chuckles. 

There's nothing more to it? You just want a match because you like to wrestle and want to wrestle at AngleMania again? I didn't steal your belt. I didn't injure you. I didn't betray you. I didn't secretly marry your fiancée behind your back. I didn't sleep with your sister and then make a porno about it. I didn't come into your house and threaten your wife and kids. I didn't punt your father in the head. I didn't give your mother a Tombstone Piledriver onto the entrance stage. I didn't insult your family. I didn't insult your country. I didn't insult your race. I didn't spill coffee on you. I didn't get a shampoo commercial over you. I didn't want legal custody of my biological son who you adopted years ago. I didn't want you to kiss my feet. I didn't want you to kiss my ass. I didn't mock your dead father, lock his casket to my car and try to drive away with it at the funeral, and then have your mother reveal that you're a bastard. 

My dad's still alive, dude. 

I didn't steal your Chihuahua and then kill it, cook it, and feed it to you. I didn't trick you into getting a blowjob from a transvestite. I didn't accuse you of being a necrophiliac. I didn't Superkick you and then dress up as you to mock you on a faux talk show. Man, I didn't even knock you out with a scepter while you were in an OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship Match after you refused to give in to my manager's attempts to sexually seduce you! You just want to wrestle me at AngleMania VIII...because you want to wrestle? THAT IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS REASON FOR A PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING MATCH THAT I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!

PRL laughs and so does Leon... but not for long.

Now... if you want a REASON for a match with me, I've got a couple I could think of off the top of my head. See you talk about a dark cloud hanging over us. There was a dark cloud that hung over me... and it was thanks to YOU, coming out and ruining my match at AnglePalooza with Mister Dick in January!


Mouthing "what's your point" PRL folds his arms.

My point is, then, I was the World Champion. Right now, I'm not. So if you want a match with me at AngleMania, man to man, face to face, then there's a certain part of me deep down inside that's saying YOU'RE ON!



With the smile back on his face Tha Puerto Rican pumps his fist in excitement. He offers his hand to Leon, who looks at it for a couple of seconds, before shaking it.

I guess that makes it official! Leon Rodez and Tha Puerto Rican, one more time with feeling at AngleMania VIII!!

"Rock The Casbah" strikes up again as the handshake breaks apart. PRL points a finger and tells Leon that "you made the right decision" as he leaves the ring, still excited at the deal he's just made. In the ring Leon seems to be weighing things up with a big new focus suddenly on the horizon for him.

Another huge match signed for Indianapolis in under two weeks, the two most recent ex-World Heavyweight Champions to square off in what could very well be the show stealer in the Lucas Oil Stadium and could have plenty to say about the OAOAST World Title picture too!

(from under desk)
[i]Is he gone yet?[/i]

...no, not yet. You'd better stay under there a while longer.

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