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King Cucaracha

HD: Leon/Maggie segment

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This should go sometime before the match, sorry.



We find ourselves at the back of the building with impeccable timing, almost as if it were planned, just in time to see former OAOAST World Champion Leon Rodez entering from the parking lot with his bags in hand. And if he was hoping for an inconspicuous return, he's out of luck, as he's quickly accosted by Maggie Nerdly!

Hey! Le, how'ya doin'?

I'm... fine. Look, I've got to go get ready.

Oh sure, sure. Listen, if it's any consolation I thought what you did at the Celtic Spectacular was the right thing. I mean, most people would have taken the cheap way out but you stayed true and honest to the bone and that... meant a lot to me, seeing that. You're really one of life's good guys. Ya know, when you wanna be.

Leon manages to form a half smile at Maggie's playful jab.

Listen are you sure you're okay? I mean how have you been really?

I've had a lot to think about, but I'm fine, really.

Well look just so you know everybody's been talking about how they're after this big first interview with you and how they wanna get the scoop on what happened. But if you need to talk to somebody, I'm here. Don't assume I'm out for scoops. If you need me, come find me.

Instinctively giving Leon a comforting rub on the shoulder Maggie quickly pulls away realising how awkward that gesture is. An awkward smile is exchanged by the two instead.


Picking up his bags again Leon walks off deep in thought.

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