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HD: Special Challenge Match

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Assuming I still have the opening spot like requested, I even saved Patty the trouble of putting together the intro.




Instead of the pyro and BALLYHOO~! that usually opens the show, it’s straight to the ring as SIMON SINGLETON and NED BLANCHARD head down the aisle in street clothes. Fade jeans and gray t-shirt for Simon, jeans and white tank top for Ned with a picture of him doing his best “Dude, you’re getting a Dell” impression. 

Welcome to the longest running episodic television series in TSM history. Thursday night is HeldDOWN~! And a special hello to everybody viewing us once again on The Pit. Michael Cole and Da Coach coming to you live from the hometown of the legendary “Nature Boy” Ric Flair, Charlotte, North Carolina!


This week it’s AngleMania rematch night and we kick things off with a special challenge from last week. 


OAOAST Marks, the following special challenge match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a total combine weight of 460 pounds and hailing from the O.C., Orange County, California… "BOX-OFFICE" SIMON SINGLETON and “THE HANDSOME HUSTLER” NED BLANCHARD... THE ORANGE COUNTY COOOOBRAS!!


So in the zone are Simon and Ned the cheers go unnoticed to them. 

In all my years in the OAOAST I’ve never seen Simon and Ned any more intense like they are here tonight. 

And I’ve never seen Teddy Moneymaker more incensed than last week. I mean they came at him with evil intentions. 

Of course they did. Simon and Ned thought they had settled the score with Moneymaker and company at the Celtic Spectacular only to get screwed out of their tag title match at AngleMania two weeks ago. 

Spencer Reiger and Colin Maguire, Jr., the LDC Moneygang, won that fair and square I might add.

“Money Talks” by AC/DC blasts through the speakers and Theodore Moneymaker/Christian Wright appear dressed for show not to go. 

Surely they aren’t gonna fight in suits? 

It’s come as you are, you idiot. You think Teddy and CW buy off the rack at Walmart? 

Before ring announcer Michael Buffer can introduce them, he’s called over by Moneymaker and hands the microphone off to him. 

In case you idiots didn’t realize, this is AngleMania rematch night. And unless you’ve got some time machine, this isn’t an AngleMania rematch. Besides, we're already booked against Chicks Over Dicks and sure as hell won't risk injury competing in a match we don’t have to. 




In the spirit of government bailouts, Theodore and I have put together a rescue plan for tonight. And unlike the plan of our dear Uncle Sam, you will see immediate results. How immediate you ask -- about, oh...[i]right now[/i]!

"Protect Your Mind" by DJ Sarkin and Friends plays the LAST KINGS OF SCOTLAND to the ring. 


Damnit! Theodore Moneymaker has weaseled his way out of another one. 

Don't be hatin', MC. OAOAST promoters are the ones who booked Teddy and CW against COD, on this AngleMania Rematch night. 

As the Last Kings approach ringside, Simon DIVES THROUGH THE ROPES AND WIPES THEM OUT! 


Simon tosses Scottish Scott inside and Ned goes to town, dropping him with a back elbow before he removes the turnbuckle pad and smashes the Braveheart into the exposed steel!


The bell officially sounds and Scottish Scott is already BUSTED OPEN, to the crowd’s delight. Blanchard shows no mercy stomping the fresh wound, then rubbing the Scottish lad's face into the mat! A tag is made and Ned connects with a shot that Simon follows with a SWINGING NECKBREAKER! 

This is awful, Cole. The Orange County Cobras strike before the match begins and you don’t even make a peep. 

Like a baseball game you gotta be alert at all times. 

Simon doesn’t even think about going for the cover and instead looks to execute a piledriver, but ol' Danny Boy comes off the top with a shot to the back of the head! 


Danny dumps Simon outside and RAMS HIM FACE-FIRST INTO THE STEEL GUARDRAIL as the referee keeps Ned at bay. When Simon staggers to his feet he’s a BLOODY MESS. 

It’s not even Halloween and Simon and Scottish Scott are both wearing crimson masks!

The Last Kings of Scotland tag and Danny Boy pulls Simon back in, slamming his head into the buckle. He keeps B.O.S.S. in the corner and delivers a series of rapid body shots, then gnaws on Simon’s forehead! 

I bet it tastes like chicken. Everything tastes like chicken. 

Well not everything. 

Oh yeah, I forgot about the first time you swallowed! 

Hey! I told you that in confidence. 

The Irish hellraiser spits out blood, then attempts to split B.O.S.S.’s neck off his shoulders courtesy of a hangman’s neck breaker but a MULE KICK puts ol' Danny Boy on his knees!

Low blow, Cole. That ought to be a DQ. 

Well obviously the official didn’t see it or he’d have called it I’m sure. 

Ned receives the tag and comes in a house afire. Just when it seems he’s got the Last Kings of Scotland on the ropes V.I.C.E. hit the ring! 


Detective Bosley whips out his TELESCOPIC BATON and blasts Ned upside the head, splitting him open. Meanwhile, Simon gets sent for the ride by CPA and is planted with a FRONT SPINEBUSTER! 


The AMOG then produces a BALL and CHAIN, which he attaches to the ankle of Ned before taking liberties with him. 

Haven’t those damn bullies made their point? Why the use excessive force? 

To drive home that point again and again. 

And that Detective Bosley does, beating Ned’s ribs with the baton. OAOAST officials unable to put a stop to the beat down. 


Fortunately there’s somebody who can. 


Business is about to pick up now. Not long ago it was Simon and Ned saving Tim Cash and Baron Windels. Tonight it’s the other way around. 

The damage done V.I.C.E. leave before Tim and BW make it inside. Detective Bosley kind enough to release Ned from the ball and chain. 


Simon and Ned may have found the match by DQ, but it's the Billion Dollar Heir who got the last laugh. He may have finally accomplished his goalt: put Simon and Ned out for good.

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Assuming I still have the opening spot like requested, I even saved Patty the trouble of putting together the intro.

Here's a man who shows respect to a real OG hood without question. Props to mah nigga.


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