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Zack Malibu

HD: Anglemania Rematch: Zack Malibu vs. ??

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Fans, it has been another historic night for the OAOAST, and in just a few moments, we are going to relive what many would call the most pivotal match in OAOAST history. Two men, now friends, now both the leaders of this company, both inside and outside of the squared circle. Zack Malibu and Anglesault have built this company on respect that has forged a friendship for nearly six years, however, it wasn't always that way. Let us take you back now to Anglemania II, and the main event with Anglesault defending the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship against Zack Malibu.




The main event of Anglemania II saw without a doubt the OAOAST's top two athletes embroiled not only in a battle for the World Championship, but for the right to be called The Franchise. A young Zack Malibu, barely a year into his OAOAST tenure, blazed through the ranks while earning tremendous fan support, and it was on this night that he found himself against a man who could be called nothing less than his polar opposite...the reigning OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion, Anglesault.



Zack and Anglesault don't flinch, both men burning a hole through the other with their glares. Zack extends his hand, and AS looks down, quickly slapping it away. Zack shrugs, and extends his hand again in a show of sportsmanship. AS slaps it away again, and gets in Zack's face, pointing his finger at him and mouthing off. Zack paces back and forth for a second, and turns back to AS, then floors him with a right hand! It's on!

AS got taken by surprise by that shot, and gets to his feet, massaging his jaw. Zack grabs him by the arm and backs him to the ropes, trying for an Irish Whip, only to have AS counter, grabbing him for a belly to belly, but Zack counters with a headlock takeover! AS slips out, coming from behind and locking a full nelson on Malibu. Zack squirms free, breaking from the grip of the champ, then counters by coming behind AS, shoving him towards the ropes while he holds on with a waistlock. Zack tries for a rollup, but Anglesault holds onto the top rope, keeping him grounded. Zack rolls backwards and pops up to his feet, and charges at Anglesault. AS tries a lariat, which Zack ducks, and both men bounce off the ropes...shoulderblock collision in the center of the ring, and neither man budges! We're back to where we started with a staredown, as the crowd roars in approval!


Both men arrived in tremendous condition, neither one willing to back down from the onslaught of the other, and it wasn't until Anglesault resorted to sheer brutality that a full advantage was taken in the contest. As Zack Malibu tried to land his trademark School's Out superkick, Anglesault snapped, and began mercilessly pummeling the popular superstar.





Oh man, Zack may be hurt and hurt badly.


Zack falls down, clutching at his right ankle, as replays show that AS saw the trademark kick coming, and smashed the chair into Zack.

Zack is screaming, and there is a great fear that his foot may be shattered. Zack tries back away from AS, trying to get the time to evaluate his condition, but Anglesault stays on him like a rabid dog, grabbing his right leg and swinging it so that the foot crashes against the steel steps. Zack reaches up, using the apron for support to get off the floor. He starts to slide in under the bottom rope, but Anglesault grabs the bad leg again...ANOTHER SALT AND PEPPER ANKLELOCK! Anglesault, still standing outside the ring, has Zack in an Anklelock as he was getting back inside!


Despite the beating, Zack stood his ground, surving the rest of the contest on one good leg, doing his best to fend off the vicious assault, until finally Anglesault's will was broken, his body tired from continuously trying to end the hopes and dreams of the popular prep.













As fans and OAOAST stars rushed the ring, Zack Malibu cradled the World Heavyweight Championship for the very first time. Perhaps more importantly than winning the title itself, was that Zack's drive and will to win, combined with his ability to stand up to the power-mad Anglesault made him a role model to many, and was just the start of his status as the OAOAST Franchise. Tonight, in the center of the ring, these two men, now the best of friends, will do battle for the OAOAST World Title for the first time since that fateful night. Will Zack Malibu be able to capture another victory over the company namesake, or will Zack's days as The Franchise be ended as the former champion regains his throne?




The bell sounds, and the fans cannot be kept quiet, even as Michael Buffer makes the intro's, for they know what's coming.



Ladies and gentlemen, this is your main event of the evening!


"Medal" hits, and the fans go ballistic, as the return to active duty tonight has brought the crowd to a fever pitch. Clad in his trademark singlet, ANGLESAULT comes out from the back, looking all too happy to be returning to active competition tonight. He hits the ring and does warm ups, not even bothering to play to the ground, rather he is focues on the match to come.


"Getting Away With Murder" follows his song, and the fans collectively lose their minds as ZACK MALIBU, the OAOAST WORLD CHAMPION enters through a shower of pyro! With the World Title fastened around his waist, Zack heads to the ring, seemingly unnerved by the shocking announcement that he would have to make this defense against Anglesault here tonight.


The two lock up, and immediately Anglesault brings Zack to the canvas with a rear waistlock takedown, then slides over him and traps him in a front facelock as the champion starts to come to his feet. A fireman's carry puts Zack down again, but as 'Sault goes for him, Zack sweeps his feet out from under him! Both men up, and Anglesault comes at Zack, who catches him and hoists him up for a bodyslam, dropping him to the canvas! As Anglesault comes to, an arm wrench follows, and then Zack connects with a hard chop before sending Anglesault to the ropes! He hiptosses him over, but as he leans down, Anglesault kicks him off, then rolls to his feet. He lifts Zack up off his feet and throws him against the corner, then drives a knee into the gut before bringing Zack out and bieling him across the ring! Zack reels, and when he comes to Anglesault charges, only to be brought down with a drop toehold! Zack then traps him in a headlock, but Anglesault pushes up, fighting to his feet with Zack clinging to him. They come up, and he lifts Zack, only to have Malibu float over...and a SCHOOL'S OUT follows as Anglesault turns around, but he ducks and rolls at the last second, escaping the ring before Malibu can connect!



Anglesault's still got a little game!



He's certainly taking this opportunity very seriously, and is doing quite well in keeping up with Zack.


Anglesault comes back into the ring, and Zack wants to tie up as soon as he comes in. Anglesault reaches up for the lockup, then boots Zack in the stomach, and then strikes with a series of forearm shots. Malibu gets sent to the ropes, but he ducks under an Anglesault lariat and nails a spinning leg lariat, wiping the OAOAST owner out! Anglesault quickly rolls to the corner and comes up, putting a hand up in surrender as he tries to gather his thoughts. Zack starts coming at him, but the champion backs off as his friend looks for a moment to recover...only to come bursting out of the corner with an attempt at a lariat! Zack ducks that and fires back with a chop that sends Anglesault reeling, then whips him to the corner, only for it to be reserved! Zack heads for the turnbuckles thanks to AS, but leaps up and backflips over Anglesault, who turns around and immediately nails Zack with a lariat as he lands, then drops for a cover!






Anglesault brings Zack right up to his feet and nails a release vertical suplex, then brings Zack up again and hits a kneelift that knocks him right back on his back! He brings Zack up and fires him off into the ropes, but when he drops his head for a backrop Zack kicks it up and follows up with a discus clothesline...but Anglesault catches the arm, kicks Zack in the gut, then tosses him overhead with a belly to belly suplex! Malibu is rattled, and brings himself up by the ropes...but Anglesault charges and dumps him with a clothesline, sending the champion out to the floor!



The brotha hasn't lost a step!



He's certainly holding his own, and you have to wonder if deep down Anglesault is glad that Zack was caught off guard by the announcement, because it could lend to a psychological advantage here!


Anglesault hops out of the ring to retrieve Zack, but when he does, Zack pushes him away, then comes up with a hard chop, then takes 'Sault and throws him right back in under the bottom rope. Zack follows and slingshots in from the apron with a headscissors, but Anglesault takes Zack's legs and throws him back over, onto the apron! Zack catches himself and then ducks a blow from Anglesault, dropping and hitting a shoulder to the stomach, then launches himself over with a sunset flip...but Anglesault rolls through and grabs the leg, trying for an ANKLE LOCK~! Zack kicks him off and rolls backwards to his feet, then catches AS as he comes at him with an inverted atomic drop, then nails him with the leaping lariat after getting momentum from running the ropes!



Speaking of advantages, the World Champion is gaining quite a bit of it right now!


Zack hits a kneedrop on Anglesault, then brings him up and staggers him with a European uppercut. He goes for a suplex, but Anglesault slips behind him, then hooks him for a German...but Zack floats over the attempted suplex, then runs AS to the ropes, looking for a rollup! 'Sault clings to the ropes as Zack rolls back, and when Zack charges him the OAOAST CEO drops down and pulls the top rope down, sending Zack spilling out to the floor once again!



Quick thinking by the OAOAST's main man!


Anglesault paces the ring, the crowd fully invested into this matchup, a rematch six years in the making. 'Sault heads out of the ring and picks Zack up, suplexing him on the floor!



Anglesault pulling out all the stops here tonight!



It's the chance of a lifetime, Cole. A chance to regain his former glory. Even against his buddy Hack Malibu, he can't be too lenient with his offense!


Malibu howls in pain, cringing as pain shoots up his spine. Anglesault brings him up, and continuing with the focus on Zack's back, rams him into the apron! He then shoves Zack under the bottom rope, back into the ring. He goes and hooks Zack's leg again, but Zack lunges for the ropes, looking desperately for something to grab onto. He squirms and manuevers as Anglesault tries to lock the leg, but Malibu manages to roll over...but as he goes to kick off this time, Anglesault hooks the other leg and catapults Zack over the ropes! Zack grabs on, and SKINS THE CAT~! back in, catching Anglesault by the head and snapping him to the canvas with a headscissors! Anglesault rolls across the canvas, and when he gets to his feet, he's met with a dropkick! He gets up again, and this time it's a European uppercut that floors him! Zack then goes to pick AS up, but when he does, Anglesault hooks him by the head and rolls him up with a cradle!






The two get up, but immediately Anglesault hooks Zack, and brings him over with a Northern Lights suplex!




TW-NO! Zack bridges up, and twists around so that he brings Anglesault's shoulders to the mat with a backslide!






Anglesault kicks out, and as they get to their feet again, drives a knee into Zack's stomach, then hooks the waistband of his tights and swings him chest first into the turnbuckles! Zack staggers back, right into a German suplex by Anglesault!









It looks like friendly sportsmanship is turning into a game of one-upsmanship!


Anglesault gets up and looms over Zack, rolling him onto his stomach and then unloading with crossface shots to his opponent! Zack tries to cover up, and manages to slide out behind Anglesault, yanking his legs out from under him! Anglesault comes up stunned, and Malibu hits a jawbreaker to keep the tide in his favor, further rattling the former aWo leader! Zack gets to his feet, and when Anglesault turns to him he's wide open for SCHOOL'S OUT...but Anglesault catches it and spins him around right into an ANGLE SLAM~!



He hit the slam, Mikey Cole!


Anglesault covers, hooking the leg for all it's worth, as the crowd chants along!









Zack Malibu kicked out of the Angle Slam!



The same move Zack uses as a tribute to Anglesault nearly just cost him his World Heavyweight Title!


Anglesault brings a weary Zack up and sends him to the corner, then nails him with a lariat as he's pressed against the turnbuckles! Anglesault then sets Zack up on the top, hooking for a superplex, but Malibu fights off, driving his fist into the ribcage of AS! 'Sault responds by hammering Zack across the back, but Malibu makes a desperate shove and sends Anglesault to the canvas! Anglesault lands on his feet and goes charging in, but Zack delivers a kick to stun him, then hooks him for a Tornado DDT...but Anglesault throws him off! Zack moves for him, but Anglesault drives a knee into the gut, then swings around Zack...GERMAN SUPLEX! AS hangs on, and both men come up...GERMAN NUMBER TWO! He rolls them to their feet again, but this time Zack starts firing back elbows, freeing himself from Anglesault's grasp, then goes around...GERMAN SUPLEX FROM ZACK! THEN TWO! THEN THREE! THEN FOUR! THEN...ANGLESAULT KICKS BACK, CATCHING ZACK LOW!



Haha, I don't think I ever liked Anglesault as much as when I just saw him do that!



In the heat of a battle like this, you've got to pull out all the stops, but Anglesault just fouled his best friend!


With Zack doubled over, Anglesault stuffs him into a headscissors, then powerbombs him to the canvas, and hangs onto the legs so that he can segue into the ANKLE LOCK~!



He's got it locked! He finally snared Zack in the trap!


Anglesault wrenches, as Zack screams out, his fingers not even close to grazing the ropes! Zack stretches as far as his body will take him, scraping his chest across the canvas as he tries to reach the bottom rope...but Anglesault rears back, dragging Zack away from the ropes!



Could we see Anglesault vs. Bohemoth at Anglemania? Can Zack last while trapped in that devestating hold?


Zack howls in pain as he pushes up off the canvas, managing to get on one foot, and he hops up and CRACKS Anglesault with an enzugiri to break! Malibu hobbles away, limping noticeably, showing the effects of the hold. Just then, Anglesault shoots for the leg, trying to take Zack down, while Zack relentlessly hammers him across the back to drive him off, then traps Anglesault's arms and hits a series of knees before carrying him over with a butterfly suplex! Anglesault comes to his feet, yanking himself up to a standing position with the aid of the ropes, and Zack is right there to Irish whip him across the ring...NO! 'Sault reverses, and ducks, allowing Zack to leapfrog...BUT HE COMES DOWN ON THE BAD ANKLE!



He's hurt! Right there, Mikey Cole, Zack's hurt!


Zack winces, and as he ducks to favor his leg, Anglesault rushes up behind him...ANGLE SLAM~!...NO, ZACK SLIPS OUT...ANGLE SLAM BY MALIBU~! COVER!











He got him! I don't know whether he was hurt on that or not, Coach, but that little sequence just led to a successful defense for our World Champion!


Zack sits up, and upon hearing the sound of his music, breathes a sigh of relief. The referee hands Zack his prized possession, and helps him to his feet, raising his hand to signify victory.





Zack heads up to the top rope with his belt, holding it high as flashes from cameras explode, along with the cheers of the crowd. Zack comes down the ropes and looks at Anglesault, groggy and just getting to his feet, and he offers his hand to his old friend.



That's what it's all about, right there. Past and present, in the ring, with a mutual respect for each other.


Anglesault looks at Zack's hand, then at his other hand, which is holding the title belt that he once proudly held. Anglesault then nods his head in approval and grabs Zack's hand, shaking it and pulling his friend into a hug.



Ugh, Brokeback Mountain 2 did not need to happen here!



Stop it, would you please?


Anglesault raises Zack's arm, again showcasing the victorious champion en route to Anglemania, and a matchup with another man called friend.



Malibu with a big win here tonight, and he's certainly got momentum in his favor as we head to the big one...ANGLEMANIA. We've got one more stop before then, and it's next week, same time, same channel. Join us for more OAOAST HeldDOWN~! fans, we'll see you next week!

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