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HD: AngleMania Shill

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"Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake plays as red and blue clips of past AngleMania bouts zoom past the screen. 

[color="#FF0000"][b]ANGLEMANIA SHILL CENTER[/b][/color]

Inside the state-of-the-art Shill Center is OAOAST Original Tony Brannigan. The red and blue clips from the open in full color on TV monitors in the background. 

What excitement AngleMania Rematch has brought us thus far, but it pales in comparison to the kind of action you can expect to see live exclusively on pay-per-view one week from this Sunday.  It’s ANGLEMANIA VIII and this year Indianapolis, Indiana hosts the teenage father of them all. Tickets for the event have long since been sold out, but you can still catch all the action from the comfort of your own home live exclusively on pay-per-view. 

Alfdogg vs. Reject[/b]

I know the folks in Indianapolis, Indiana are really looking forward to this one. Native son Alfdogg returns home to seek revenge on former Deadly Alliance running mate Reject. The R-Man very instrumental in getting Alf booted from the DA. When they meet this time Alf will have the numbers on his side with over 70,000 strong on hand!  

Krista Isadora Duncan vs. Mr. Dick[/b]

Reject won’t be the only Deadly Alliance member in action come AngleMania, so too will Mr. Dick. He of course was the newest member until Hollywood wild child Lindsay Lohan recently joined the group. That on the heels of what she perceived to be a snub from Krista not getting invited to the 300th episode of HeldDOWN~! She and Jay Cutler would make a wonderful couple. In any event, Krista and the Human Hard-On will do battle on the grandest stage in all of parody e-fed, AngleMania. 

By the way, Dina, if you’re watching, call me. I think we could have some real fun together. Uh, watching AngleMania I mean!  

Todd Cortez © vs. James Blonde [/b]

With championship gold on the line this could turn into bedlam as outcast CI member Todd Cortez defending his U.S. title against James Blonde. And whenever Blonde goes you can expect to find Faqu not too far behind. 

Team Heyross © vs. the LDC Moneygang [/b]

For the One & Only World tag team title, the newly formed tandem of Spencer Reiger & Colin Maguire, Jr. will face arguably the greatest in-ring tag team in OAOAST history Team Heyross. You’ll recall Simon Singleton and Ned Blanchard were to get their shot at the tag titles by virtue of winning the 2009 Anderson Cup, but we all know what happened thanks to Theodore Moneymaker’s involvement. The shot now goes to the LDC Moneygang and if they manage to hit that awesome spike pedigree the belts will be theirs. 

Leon Rodez vs. Tha Puerto Rican[/b] 

Dubbed a “friendly competition match," former OAOAST Champions Tha Puerto Rican and Leon Rodez will square-off. One has got to feel for the Silky Smooth One. From World Champion to this? Somebody ought to place him on suicide watch if you ask. 

Zack Malibu © vs. Bohemoth II~![/b]

And in our main event, one that’s changed once already and could very well change again before the night is done, In Crowd pals Zack Malibu and Bohemoth will collide for the richest prize in the sport, the OAOAST Championship. In fact, it was one year ago at this very event that Bo DEFEATED the Franchise. To refresh your memory, let’s take you back to that night courtesy of OAOAST Home Entertainment. 

[quote=AngleMania VII, March 28, 2008]Bo reaches down and picks Zack up, but Zack stuns him with a jawbreaker as he does! Malibu shakes the cobwebs off and moves in for the kill, taking Bo and sending him in...NO! Bo counters and sends Zack off the ropes, then nails him with a diving shoulderblock, knocking Zack through the ropes! Malibu hangs on, landing on the apron rather than the floor, which Bo doesn't realize as he comes up off the mat. Zack gets to his feet, and after measuring Bo up, launches himself in with a springboard lariat...BUT GETS CAUGHT AND DROPPED WITH AN INVERTED ATOMIC DROP~! Bo picks Zack up...EROTIC AWAKENING OF B ONCE AGAIN~! COVER~!







The sound of his theme song is music to his ears, as Bo rolls off of Zack, seemingly chuckling to himself, content with having just done what only one other person ever did...defeat Zack Malibu on the grandest stage in wrestling today. Bo slowly gets to his feet, and when he does his hand is raised, which is welcomed by a crowd who appreciates not only the win, but the effort involved.

An amazing match with two tremendous athletes, and tonight Bohemoth was the better man, securing a three count over Zack Malibu after surviving an offensive onslaught like no other from Malibu!

Give it up for Zack too, Mikey Cole. Both these guys busted their asses big time here tonight!

Bo limps around the ring, his knee still giving him trouble after being a target for Malibu earlier on. Bo leans on the turnbuckles, then climbs up on them and raises his arms, basking in the victory as many members of this capacity crowd respond loudly with cheers. Bo steps down and turns around, then stops dead in his tracks, as Malibu comes up and inches towards Bo. Favoring his back, Malibu comes forward, staring at Bo without fear in his eyes...and extends a hand.

And there it is, folks. Winning streaks and championships are certainly important in our industry, but there's no prize greater than the respect of your peers, especially someone like Zack Malibu, and that's what Bohemoth has earned here tonight!

The crowd cheers loudly, as Bo looks to each side. He focuses on Malibu, staring the man he just defeated not more than two minutes ago...and WALKS RIGHT PAST HIM!

Wait...what? What is he doing?

Bohemoth just dissed Zack Malibu, hardcore!

Bo steps through the ropes and out onto the ramp, and starts heading to the back, the once supportive crowd now drowning him out with boos, while a confused and angered Malibu stands in the ring.[/quote]

Now both men have wished each other luck heading into AngleMania. But what if history repeats and Bo goes home with the title, or Zack retains? Will they still be happy for the other? The answer to that Sunday night, April 5th live exclusively on pay-per-view. 

“Here I Go Again” cues. 

Don’t be the person around the watercooler who doesn’t know what everybody is talking about the following morning. Pick up the phone and call your local cable/satellite provider RIGHT NOW to order ANGLEMANIA VIII! 


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