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King Cucaracha

HD: Leon/Maggie/PRL segment

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In the locker rooms we go, where a rather pensive Maggie Nerdly stands arm in arm with Tha Puerto Rican, almost clinging onto him for support as much as unity.

Listen, thanks for coming you guys.

The camera pans away from PRL and Maggie, revealing a pretty full crowded locker room. MARV and MEL are there. D*LUX, Shayne Brave still wearing a cast on his broken wrist, they're there, along with Women's Champ Jade Rodez-Duncan. Chicks Over Dicks are there since Jade's there, although Krista looking thoroughly disinterested in the whole thing since it's not about her and Alix is distracted by the fact there's a light shining off of Jade's watch onto the wall. Bohemoth is there next to them.

And sat facing Maggie and PRL is a fidgety Leon Rodez.

Err... well, I guess we all know why we're here.

Yep. And, for what it's worth, now that the world's been obliterated by meteors and we're gonna be the ones charged with colonising this new planet, I gotta say I couldn't have wished for a greater group of people to have survived with. Yay Team Earth!

The world isn't over, that's just the line they used on you to get us in here.

Aw, sweet. I get to see Dance Movie after all!

Alix and Tyler high-five. PRL gives them a funny look because, well, seriously.

(desperately trying to get back on message)
[i]We're here[/i]... to clear the air, before some sorta super drama starts up. And because I need to apologise to Leon.

Still uncomfortable with the whole situation, Leon continues to look down at the floor.

Not for anything I've done or anything I've said or anything like that. Cause, honestly, we haven't done anything wrong. But I do feel kinda bad about the way you found out about all this and for that I'm sorry. I was gonna get around to telling you sooner or later, for reals, but what with everything that's been goin' on with the World Title recently and all that...

Leon glances up at the mention of that, nerve struck.

Well, in that case, thank you both for sparing my feelings.

Don't be like that Leon.

I'm not being like anything. But do we [i]really[/i] need to do this? You've moved on, congratulations, end of story. Isn't that enough? I mean I get that you're feeling guilty about the fact you felt the need to keep it from me for so many days...

Well... months.

The assembled mediators resist the urge to give a Jerry Springer style reaction as Maggie's eyes shut, making it clear PRL slipped up.


Just a couple.

So it's been going on for a couple of months and you didn't feel the need to tell me?

Well... you had the match with Zack coming up and I didn't wanna put any kinda stress on you before that...

I still don't get why any of this should have been a stress to me. Why are we all acting as if I'm some emotionally crippled teenager who's got some kind of shrine to you built up at home, just praying you'll one day take me back? Do I come off as that desperate to everybody? Or just you? What makes you think I'd have that much of a problem with it, aside from your choice in men, what you di...

Woah woah woah woah WOAH! What the hell's that supposed to mean!?

Maggie urges PRL to calm down.

It's not like you've got any room to talk, pal!

And what's that supposed to mean?

Oh you know damn well what it means!

Standing up from his chair, Leon suddenly finds his path to PRL blocked by D*LUX. He quickly cools off and sits back down.

See! I know you're not the best of friends, so maybe that had something to do with it. Look, you want me to be straight with you? No problems. I didn't wanna put any hassle on you because we were only just getting back to being friends again. It kinda happened at the wrong time. After he came back from his bicep injury, I was doing some interviews with him and me and Edward just kinda hit it off.

PRL's eyebrows raise a little. Cue sniggers from the rest of the room.

Your real name is Edward?

Yeah, what's it to you!? Do you honestly think my parents really named me Tha Puerto Rican!?

No. It's just that we've been in the same company for five years now, and I've yet to find out what your real name is. Maggie's been with you for a few months now, and she already knows everything about you! (under breath) Besides, I kinda figured that your name was Dwayne.

Why would you think my name was Dwayne?

No reason.

Maggie settles 'Edward' down again.

...it means "guarder of wealth".

I know, I know.

Noticing Bohemoth is among those still smirking at him, PRL gives him a dirty look, but quickly looks away when Bo starts to lower his sunglasses.

Look I'm sorry this whole thing's turned into such a mess and I know it's my fault for not being straight with you from the start...

Yeah, at least I pretended to be straight!

...BUT I just want us to put this all behind us and get on with our lives. Us friends, me and Edward partners. With no bad feelings.

Leon shrugs.

And I want you both to promise that you're not gonna use all this as some kinda stick to beat each other with at AngleMania. You guys agreed to a fair, friendly match and I don't wanna be responsible for changing that. I'm not one of those girls who thinks it's cute having two guys fighting over her, just so you know. We all just need to move on, let this be the last of it. Kay?

PRL looks at Leon, not in a particular friendly way.



Don't worry. All of this... it's not going to change what happens between us at AngleMania.

Standing up, Leon goes to leave, stopping right by PRL.

So, I'll see you then, 'Edward'.

Leon brushes past PRL ever so slightly which threatens to set the Latin Lion off, but Maggie has a pretty good grip on his arm just incase. Once Leon's a suitable time gone, PRL leaves the locker room too, with Maggie forced to make some quick thank yous for the peacemakers' help.

Well that was a whole heap of nothing. You promised they'd fight.

Only because you wouldn't have come otherwise.

The odd group of OAOASTers stand around wondering if they're allowed to leave yet. It's at this point, Alix looks up.

Wrestlers dating wrestlers... it's sick, is what it is!

Jade scratches her neck awkwardly with a slight glance at Bo. Which'd be much more awkward, if it weren't for Alix's wrestler girlfriend being in the room being even more glaring and obvious.

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