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HD: VICE promo/sqaush

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First the promo, to go on before "the match" obviously. Don't care if it's way before or right before.


[b]And now, [color=red]FRUTTI PEBBLES[/color] cereal presents the [color=blue]OAOAST SPINEBUSTER OF THE WEEK[/color]![/b] 

[b][color=orange]LAST WEEK[/b][/color]

[quote]Rocked by a series of roundhouses, Bosley is BAAAAAAAACK body dropped, then clotheslined outside where he reaches into his pant leg and pulls out a TELESCOPIC BATON!

Business is about to pickup, baby boy.  

Bosley sprints to the other side of the ring and CLOBBERS Moss! Meanwhile, Benjamin levels CPA with a TOP ROPE CLOTHESLINE and makes the cover.







Though the bell has sounded Bosley continues his assault.

Somebody stop this!

CPA gets in on the act as OAOAST officials swarm the ring. The damage done VICE take the tag titles with them.

VICE adding insult to injury.

Yeah, they not only beat respect into Team Heyross, they also took their tag team championship!

VICE hold the titles overhead as we...[/quote]

…cut to our backstage interview area. There OAOAST Original Tony Brannigan is joined by VICE, the One & Only World tag team title around their shoulders. 

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then video footage must be worth a million. Snubbed in their eyes by Team Heyross, my guests vowed to teach, or rather BEAT respect into them. What occurred next was the definition of highway robbery. I thought it wasn’t about the tag titles? 

Isn’t a person allowed to change their mind, man? Yeah, the tag straps weren’t part of our mission objective, but they were just sitting there all alone. 

I didn’t know you were such a sensitive guy. 

You wanna be a clown, go to the circus. Right now you’re hanging with the One & Only World tag team champions, so show a little respect. Unless of course you’d like to end up like the other two clowns who disrespected us.  

I remind you, gentlemen, just because you stole the titles doesn’t mean you’re the champions. 

Can you believe this guy? 

He’s like the rest of them, always hating. But I remind YOU that possession is 9/10ths of the law, Brannigan. And who’s got possession? Hmm? 

(under breath)
You do. 

Yo, man, I think I’m hard of hearin’. So help a brother out and say that again. Louder. 

You do! 

It‘s gotta suck being wrong. We’re outta here. 

VICE exit as Brannigan watches on.

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The match, which really isn't a match


We pan over to the ring where two JOBBERS stand in the corner. Non-point’s cover of “In the Air Tonight” hits and Morgan Nerdly leads out her band of thugs.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Currently in the ring, both hailing from the UK… TONY BROWN and GORDON BLAIR! 

Hands raised, the home county team receive little reaction. 

And their opponents! Total combine weight 565 pounds, and accompanied by OAOAST Women’s Champion MORGAN NERDLY… DETECTIVE TANGO BOSLEY and CPA... VVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!!


VICE gloat down the aisle carrying the tag titles repossessed last week. As they approach ringside the crowd suddenly roars. 



Tango Bosley and CPA drop like flies after a pair of CHAIRSHOTS FROM TEAM HEYROSS!!


VICE getting assaulted out here, Cole. 

No, they’re getting what they deserve. 

Morgan picks up the tag titles and flees the scene as OAOAST officials arrive to restore order. 

About damn time somebody showed up. 

All riled up, VICE want them some of Team Heyross and vice versa. 

Hot as both teams are, I’d say it’s a good bet we’ll see them face-off at the Great Angle Bash.

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