King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted June 26, 2009 [COLOR=red]*WHIIIR!* *WHIIIR!*[/COLOR] "Doctor, doctor, give me the news I've got a bad case of lovin' you No pill's gonna cure my ill I've got a bad case of lovin' you" BUFFER The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois... weighing two hundred, ten pounds. The host of Chicago radio's weekly "Love Line" and one half of THE LOVE DOCTORS... DOCTOR SSSTTEEEEEEVVVEEEEEENN... PPIIIIIIIIIIGGLLLLEEEEEYYYYYY!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" The ladies manage to hide their disappointment as Pigley doesn't treat them to his strip-tease act on the way to the ring, keeping his broadcast standards high as he slides into the ring. COLE Dr. Pigley, branching out with a successful radio career but looking for a big boost to his wrestling career here tonight in singles action. "You try to play cool Like you just don't care But soon I'll be playin' in your underwear Givin' me all that I desire 'Cos down with me I'm taking you higher" With the sound of another siren, "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived (Warren Miller version)" by Weezer hits and out walks James Blonde, flanked by who I'm sure [i]he[/i] considers to be the greatest man that ever lived, Landon Maddix, backing him up. BUFFER And his opponent. Being accompanied to the ring by the leader of Cucaracha Internacional, LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MADDIX! He hails from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada... weighing two hundred, eight pounds... "THE TRENDSETTER"... JJJJAAAAAAAAAMMMMMEEEEESSSS... BBLLLLLLOOOOOONNDDEEEEEEEEE!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Blonde stops halfway up the ring steps and looks out into the crowd, flicking his hair back in dramatic timing with the high-pitched "OH BABY". Which is very masculine. Blonde enters the ring with a Landon-esque spin and points out at his mentor with pride overflowing from him before posing for the hard camera. COLE From what I hear, James has been in an [i]excellent[/i] mood all week, ever since Todd Cortez lost the OAOAST United States Championship. And tonight, James looking to put himself right in the US Title hunt to further try and assert himself as Landon's 'golden boy' in Cucaracha Internacional. Landon sets up at Sofa Central, as in the ring Blonde removes his trendsetting jacket, revealing his retro long, flower pattern wrestling tights for the night. COLE Has Blonde been routing around in Jesse "The Body" Ventura's wardrobe? Good lord! *DINGDINGDING!* As the bell sounds Blonde circles around with a big smile on his face. He offers Pigley a handshake, only to pull away at the last second wagging his finger. COLE And Landon Maddix joining us here at ringside, very interested I'm sure in how your man fares tonight. MADDIX Well I'm not too concerned over James, I know he's got this one in the bag tonight. I think we're going to see some tossed salad and some scrambled eggs before this one is over tonight. That's a Frasier reference by the way. COLE Because he's got a radio show, got it. MADDIX What I'm concerned with is, why was this match made in the first place? Another singles match? Week after week, I've got guys challenging for titles, defending titles, in ladder matches around titles. The only title I'm interested in is the title of the most dominant unit in the OAOAST and I'm begging our esteemed leader Josie Baker to give us an eight man tag match like I've been asking for, to prove that. Blonde and Pigley lock up and Blonde takes control with a side headlock. After looking for a way out, Pigley shoots Blonde off, but gets knocked down with a shoulder tackle. The Trendsetter preens before hitting the ropes again and hurdling over Pigley. To his feet, Pigley leapfrogs Blonde on the rebound. Dropdown. And another leapfrog. Another dropdown. And another leapfrog. Blonde slams on the brakes out of sheer frustration and asks Pigley what he's doing, earning him a headscissors takedown from the Doctor! COLE Pigley giving Blonde the run-around right there. Blonde picks himself up in a corner and Pigley runs in, looking for a monkey flip... but Blonde CARTWHEELS out of it! BLONDE WOOOOOOOOOOO! Please with himself, Blonde turns around and gets caught with an armdrag! COLE Haha, and again! MADDIX Do you always laugh when my guys are on the defensive? COLE Not always. Caught in an armbar Blonde climbs back to his feet and breaks free by kneeing Pigley in the midsection. Blonde delivers a couple of right hands, then sends Pigley to the ropes. An early duck of the head puts Blonde in a bad position, Pigley putting on the brakes and pulling him into a standing headscissors, but JB suddenly stands up. Holding Pigley on his shoulders Blonde takes a moment to wag his finger. Which allows Pigley to push off the small of Blonde's back and come around with another headscissors takeover!! COLE Wow, what a reversal that was from Pigley! The Doctor goes for a pin on Blonde... 1... 2... Kickout. Blonde crawls away on his knees, trying to get a timeout. Pigley is eager to stay on the attack and gets lured in, Blonde suddenly reaching out and dragging Pigley face-first into the middle turnbuckle! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" MADDIX That'll give you a face for radio. Stomping Pigley down in the corner, JB realises he has things going his way finally so he has chance to give a thumbs up to Landon. MADDIX 'Atta boy James. See, that's what I'm talking about. Unity. Loyalty. Blonde executes a snap suplex and covers... 1... 2... No! Driving the point of his elbow into Pigley's shoulder a couple of times, Blonde pulls up the arm and locks it up beside Pigley's head. COLE While you're here Landon, can I ask you about this situation between Todd Cortez and the newcomer Tommy G? MADDIX That's Todd's business, I don't want to interfere in his personal business like that. COLE Oh, of course. Pigley starts to fight back to his feet and out of the armbar, using his free arm to punch Blonde in the gut. Pigley goes to hit the ropes, but Blonde reaches out and grabs the waistband of Pigley's tights, pulling him backwards as he hits the ropes instead, delivering a clothesline. Cover by Blonde... 1... 2... No! Whipping Pigley to the corner, Blonde follows up with a clothesline. He points out to Landon and he hooks Pigley up for the bulldog, which costs him as Pigley counters by shoving Blonde sternum first into the turnbuckles! As Blonde staggers out, Pigley springs to the middle rope and twists back over Blonde's head with a flying sunset flip... 1... 2... NO! COLE Great move there by Pigley, the flying Doctor we might have to start calling him! Blonde quickly cuts Pigley off with a knee and calling for the finish, he locks on the cobra clutch. Realising he's in trouble Pigley backpedals and forces Blonde into the corner and for a break of the hold. Once Blonde lets go, Pigley then catches him in the jaw with an elbow. MADDIX How about the cheating Doctor? What kind of a clean break is that? With Blonde dazed, Pigley hooks him up and goes to pull the plug with the FLATLINER... but Blonde hangs onto the ropes and Pigley snaps into the canvas! "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" MADDIX Ah-ha! Very resourceful. COLE Blonde using his surroundings to his advantage and now, maybe again as he heads up top. Climbing the turnbuckles, the Canadian gives the crowd a good look before he comes off the top, catching Pigley in the side of the head with a flying knee!! COLE The Brand Labelling, slapped onto Dr. Pigley! Blonde waits for Pigley to get back up again, putting the cobra clutch on and this time scoring with the legsweep, ILLEGALLY BLONDE! Not bothering to hook the leg, Blonde forces Pigley down while toying with his hair... COLE And that's going to do it. 1... 2... 3!!! *DINGDINGDING!* MADDIX Just like I told you. And Josie, you know what we want, quit holding out on Internacional demands. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... JJAAAMMMMEEEEESSS... BLLLLOOOOOOOONNDDEEEEEE!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Leaving ringside, Landon enters the ring to congratulate his man, which means more to Blonde than the win itself or the winner's share of the purse. With a beaming smile James' hand is raised by Landon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites