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King Cucaracha

HD: Shayne vs. Synth

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The stage is lit by multicolored spotlights as "Heart Shaped Box" by Nirvana hits. Abdullah Abir Nerdly, in a light cream suit, leads the way making great proclaimations of his man, the goggled Synth.

The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied by "The Speaker Of The Prophets", ABDULLAH ABIR NERDLY... from Las Vegas, Nevada. Weighing one hundred, ninety seven pounds... SYNTH AAAAAAABBDDUUUUUUULLLLLLL... JJJAAAAAAABBAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!


Synth falls to his knees and gives praise, Abdullah trying to elicit the same praise out of the crowd. And failing.

The battle between The Heavenly Rockers and D*LUX continues here tonight, as Synth takes on "Showtime" Shayne. And last week it was their respective partners doing battle as Logan took on Tyler...

[QUOTE=LAST WEEK ON HELDDOWN~!]Tyler rolls out and both men spring to their feet at the same moment. Seeing red Tyler charges forward only to be kneed in the grits and gravy by his unscrupulous foe. 

Hey, ref, are you blind?

Yes, Krista, I am.

On the embarrassing scale, this ranks about a solid 7!

Logan twirls his finger towards the disdainful crowd, and then falls backwards with the lethal Percussion DDT! A pinfall is then made, which Buzzlefoxer counts…





Awwwww man!

Logan exits the ring, forgoing his usual celebration with Holly in order to berate Jade for her failings as a manager. 

Your winner-

Buffer’s announcement is cut short by the shock and surprise of Tyler leaping over the ropes and flattening Logan with a lariat! The fans offer huge cheers for Tyler unexpected attack, and the cute boybander fires both himself and them up.

Oh my! Tyler Bryant letting Logan Mann know exactly what he thinks of him!

And he doesn't think too highly![/QUOTE]

...and although Tyler got a small measure of revenge after the match and defended the honour of his manager, it still goes down as one in the win column to The MACHO Macho Mann.

Synth and Abdullah consult the great book, looking both angered and for some reason surprised when "Makes Me Wonder" by Maroon 5 hits and distracts them. As if they'd somehow forgot this was a wrestling show and not a prayer meeting. Shayne Brave bounds through the curtains and plays to the crowd in green denim pants and a yellow denim jacket, backed up by the Duncan daughters.

And his opponent. Led to the ring by the managerial team of JADE RODEZ-DUNCAN and MAYA DUNCAN-BLANCHARD! Hailing from Detroit, Michigan and weighing one hundred, eighty three pounds... one half of D*LUX... "SHOWTIME" SSSHHHHAAAAAAAYYYYYYNNEEEEEE... BBRRRRAAAAAAAAVVVVEEEEEEEE!!!


Tagging hands, Shayne makes his way down the aisle, outdone in the crowd friendly attire stakes by Maya in an Australian rugby top.

That girl knows more about pro wrestling than half of our roster.

And yet you and The Heavenly Rockers still think that she's overpaid.

She is! In which case, half of our roster is overpaid. I'd go along with that assessment.

Shayne slides in and like last week, Jade stays at ringside while Maya joins the commentary team.


Clapping gets the crowd behind Shayne, forcing Synth to duck through the ropes and call for a timeout.

G'day guys!

Hi Maya. Good to see you.

Don't patronise me.


I'm just kidding, good to see you too! High-five!

Having consulted with Abdullah, Synth ducks back inside and is ready to lock up. And he grabs a side headlock. Shayne struggles and manages to force Synth back against the ropes, getting a clean break. Once broken apart Synth throws a not-so clean right hand, trying to get in a cheapshot, but Shayne blocks it and returns fire! Repeated right hands set up an irish whip, Synth sent over with a BAAAAACK bodydrop, enough to send him bailing to the outside!


Abdullah comes over with the book again, apparantly pointing out a verse that'll help Synth out.

Ya know, some of these religions are kinda funky and are responsible for wacky things happening. And I only got a D- in Religious Studies. But I'm pretty sure no religion's intention when writing an all-powerful book was to help someone win a pro wrestling match.

Synth slides back in, enlightened. Shayne goes to lock up with him again, but Synth is expecting just that and buries a knee to the gut!

Praise be!

Clubbing away at the back Synth works Shayne down to one knee and does just that, praising the greater powers watching over him. However, at that point, the powers decide to take a coffee break, leaving Synth to get cut down with a crossbody having whipped Shayne to the ropes...




Shayne knocks Synth backwards with an elbow, staggering him into a corner. Winding up, Shayne then flies at Synth and hooks him with a monkey flip, sending him for a BUTT-scraping flight. Once he skids to a halt Synth tries to beg off, but Brave has none of it and slings right hands.

Attacking a man while he's on his knees, when he's at his most vulnerable, wailing away on him and just letting him have it, right in the face... disgusting.

I'm too young for innuendo, so I'm gonna say nothing. But know that that was kinda gay.

Picking Synth back up Shayne goes for an irish whip, but it's reversed. Approaching the turnbuckles, it takes an innovative evade from Shayne to avoid them, pushing off the top and floating onto the apron. And just in time to catch Synth charging with a right hand. Shayne runs down the apron and up the other set of turnbuckles, taking flight with a high crossbody...




Shayne keeps the pace quick and Synth struggles to keep up, dropping down as Shayne comes off the ropes. Shayne leaps over and hits the opposite ropes. Synth ducks his head for a backdrop, but Shayne counters with a sunset flip... but Synth rolls through to his feet and hits Shayne with a seated crossbody!!


Synth, not [i]quite[/i] so high on his high-cross. But the damage was done.




Both men get back to their feet at a stand-off. Which doesn't sit well with Synth. Reaching up, he lowers his goggles down over his eyes and charges right for Shayne...


...and Shayne drops down, sending Synth sprawling through the ropes to the outside!!


Goggles or no goggles, Synth isn't flying too high or too accurately tonight in Sydney.

Shayne celebrates in the ring, to applause from Jade.

You know, if you really know what's going to happen before Synth and Logan do, why are you here and Jade's in the corner?

This way, everybody knows I'm here. At all times.

You have much to teach us, oh wise one.

Angrily picking himself up on the outside Synth climbs back to the apron, getting into it with the Aussie fans. That distraction doesn't help, as Shayne hooks him and gives Synth a hiptoss back inside. Synth backs off from "Showtime", but manages to lure him in and deliver a boot to the gut. Synth goes to work with shots across the back...



...and a knifedge chop. As Shayne clutches at his chest, Synth quickly snapmares him to the mat and drops a quick knee to the forehead. Cover...




What sort of a name is 'Synth'?

SAJ traps Shayne in a rear chinlock, trying to control his opponent.


The Sydney crowd's chants start to will Shayne (or Shaaiiyyne, when in an Australian accent) back to his feet. But as soon as he gets close to both feet on the mat, Synth reaches up and uses a handful of hair to help pull Shayne back down to the mat in the chinlock.


Jade complains to the referee of a hairpull, but when he asks Synth, he protests his innocence.

I'm serious. Here's a dude who's first name is 'Synth'. You go on the website and his first name is 'Synth'. I'll bet his contract has his first name as 'Synth' and he probably signed it 'Synth'. And nobody thinks this is odd or ever makes any comment about this.

Fighting up again Shayne draws on the support of the crowd some more, this time reaching his feet. And he digs an elbow into the ribs. A second. And a third. With the hold broken Shayne then hits the ropes. Synth tries to cut him off with a clothesline, but Shayne ducks underneath. Synth recovers though and catches Brave coming back with a jumping high knee to the face! Cover...




Like, my Mom knows lots of Hollywood stars and plenty of them have stupid names lined up for their kids, but... wow.

Synth pulls Shayne up again and sets him up for a vertical suplex. But first, he stops to give praise. Which allows Shayne time to recover and counter with a small package...




Scrambling to his feet, Synth is able to cut Shayne off any further with a knee to the gut, before slapping him across the back in irritation.

Two halves of two of the finest tag teams in the OAOAST, The Heavenly Rockers and D*LUX going at it here in beautiful Sydney, Australia. And man, the OAOAST has always prided itself on tag team wrestling, but I can think of few times where the tag team division has been so competitive as right now.

Synth hooks on a side headlock and backs Shayne up, aiming at a certain point in the canvas which he plans to smush Shayne's face into. The bulldog is countered, as Shayne manages to push Synth off. Stopping himself short of the turnbuckles, SAJ turns around to find Shayne leaping at him, hooking him for a flying headscissors... but Synth manages to throw Shayne off of him! Shayne lands hard on the mat and is quickly sent into the turnbuckles with an irish whip, then caught with a POWERSLAM on the way out in quick succession...

This could do it!




Abdullah leads the protests about the count. Even though the referee isn't fluent in Arabic, the message is clear, "count faster". Mounting Shayne, Synth fires away with illegal punches until the referee threatens a disqualification. Synth immediately apologises and becomes a man of peace again, backing away.

It's so heartening to see what spiritual enlightenment can do, isn't it? Not.

Maybe Logan Mann could do with some of that calming influence, he's been a wildman lately.

Once it's 'morally right' to compete, Synth creeps up behind Shayne and throws him face-first into the turnbuckles. Synth then fires away with more right hands in the corner. Another clean, spiritual break, before whipping Shayne across the ring. Shayne hits the opposite corner hard... but still manages to get a foot up! Clearing his head, Synth charges again... and eats the foot again. Suddenly, Synth gets an idea. He pulls down his goggles for protection, giving a thumbs up... and running right into two feet to the face!

"Ze goggles, zey do nothing!" Get it? It's a Simpsons reference!

That show aired before you were even born you wannabee poser!

With Synth dazed, Shayne climbs to the middle rope and plants his two feet again, this time into Synth's back with a mushroom stomp!!


The Showtime Stomp!

Synth's head hits the bottom turnbuckle and he sits in a daze in the corner, goggles now wonky. Crawling over, Shayne drags Synth out and hooks a cover...




Going outside, Shayne begins to climb to the top rope.

Shayne going to take a risk here, going up.

As Synth pulls himself up Abdullah screams warnings from the outside. His screaming, in a different tongue, don't do Synth any good and it takes some wild gesturing and pointing to get him to turn around. And by that point Shayne is in the air and hitting a Flying Clothesline!!


Cover cover cover cover cover cover cover!

Shayne does cover...




Faster faster faster faster faster faster!

Trying to catch a break Synth rolls into a corner and tries to plead spiritual timeout, which is presumably more effective than a normal timeout. Shayne doesn't want to give it though and moves in, but falls into the trap, Synth headbutting him in the stomach. Synth then goes behind Shayne, setting him up for a back suplex. Floating up and over, Brave lands on his feet though, shoving Synth's chest into the corner before rolling him up...



Synth grabs the jeans and reverses so he's on top...




Synth almost stole it right there with a handful of the jeans!

If he didn't want his jeans pulled, he shouldn't be wearing jeans.

Thumbs up idea!

Finding himself in the corner after the kickout, Synth sees Shayne charging towards him and sidesteps. Shayne hits the corner, but when Synth tries to hit the ropes for a clothesline, Shayne comes out and meets him with a high standing dropkick!

Great dropkick by "Showti...

Yo, Michael, I'm really happy for you, I'm gonna let you finish... but Scotty Static had one of the best dropkicks of all time!

Cover by Shayne...




Shayne pulls Synth back up and gives the signal for the Shaynedrop... but Abdullah climbs to the apron... and Synth goes to the eyes!


Nuts to this!


THROWING down her headseat, Maya leaps into action, as Abdullah steps off the apron to be confronted by Jade. Not quite a fair fight, Abdullah shows no fear in the face of the former women's champ and rants at her. Not realising that behind him, Maya has snuck up and is preparing to PANTS HIM!!




And those are the spiritual leader's underroos!

Abdullah is in shock and collapses, trying to cover his dignity. The Duncan girls laugh and high-five over Abdullah's attempts to shuffle underneath the ring to safety.

Meanwhile in the ring, Synth can't believe what he's seen, but tries to tear himself away. Re-adjusting the goggles, Synth scoops Shayne up for a slam, only for Shayne to float over the back. Shayne lands on his feet and as Synth turns around, he hooks him with the SHAYNEDROP!!!!


Cover by Shayne!





And Shayne Brave evens things up in singles competition!

Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match... "SHOWTIME" SSSHHHAAAAAYYYYNNEEE... BBRRRRAAAAVVVVEEEEEEE!!!


Shayne pumps the fists at the victory and Jade and Maya prepare to join him in the ring to celebrate. But before they can do so, HOLLY appears and pulls Jade off the ring apron, before SHOVING HER INTO THE STEEL STEPS!!!!


Hearing the thud, Maya realises something is up and quickly goes to tend to her sister, just as LOGAN MANN slides into the ring. Catching Shayne by surprise, he spins him around and drills him with the PERCUSSION DDT, right in the middle of the ring! Boos ring out, replaced with hopeful cheers as TYLER BRYANT hits the ring, trying to make the save. But he's cut off as soon as he slides in.

This is breaking down, The Heavenly Rockers aren't taking this loss with a whole lot of good sportsmanship.

Well neither did Tyler last week. And he's going to get his too.

Tyler tries to fight back on Logan and manages to get to his feet, only for Synth to strike from behind. And two on one, Tyler is simply overwhelmed. The Heavenly Rockers beat Tyler down, before positioning him and delivering the DOUBLE Percussion DDT, leaving Tyler laying right next to his tag team partner.


Logan flips out on the fans, luckily not coming to blows with anyone, as poor Abdullah is re-pantsed and helped to his feet by Synth. Pleased with their work The Heavenly Rockers leave with Holly and Abdullah, leaving three laying at their hands.

I understand this is personal animosity, but this was uncalled for. Holly's got her job back, every's right in The Heavenly Rockers' world. There was no reason for this. Except to prove they're sore losers, in which case job done.

The man's PANTS were pulled down Michael! That's not the kind of crime you commit and expect to get away with!

Give me a break.

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