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King Cucaracha

OAOAST Syndicated 10/28/09

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Brought to you by American Express

Announce team: Tony Schiavone and Jesse "The Body" Ventura

Lead corespondent: Tony Brannigan

Host: Alix Maria Spezia

Theme song:



A Halloweeny theme for an almost Halloweeny show, the last show before the 2009 Halloween Spectacular. Alix Maria Spezia, hostess, was dressed as Al, from TV's hit situation comedy program "Tool Time". She introduced her "Halloween elves", who were Maya and Jade. Of course, they protested that elves were a Christmas thing and that they looked lame, but both arguements fell on deaf ears. Alix began to introduce tonight's horror movie, at which point she was reminded she wasn't Elvira, this wasn't Movie Macabre, this was Syndicated, there were no movies only wrestling matches and she was infact dressed as a fat fake TV carpenter. At this point and this point only did Alix realise she must have picked up the wrong costume at the costume shop, despite having introduced herself as Al from Tool Time earlier. Crack is a hell of a drug.



***Spencer Reiger -VS- Baron Windels***

With all outside parties banned from ringside, this was one on one, fair and even. So you'd think Spencer and Baron's tentative start to the match was interrupted by the arrival of Landon Maddix to join the commentary team. Baron's distraction allowed Spencer to attack from behind and take over on the big Texan. Landon insisted he was there to scout Baron and see if he and his team deserved the second shot at the 8-Man Tag Team Titles they'd been petitioning for (and by petitioning, that apparantly meant an online Myspace campaign by Melody), "despite losing the first one fair and square". Landon wouldn't get off that easy though. And he was forced to explain why he made Citizen Soldiers and The Christ Air Express wait so long, only to then set up an ambush.


All the while Spencer and Baron fought on, with The One Man Triple Threat slowly picking apart his larger opponent's neck. Baron stuck in the match and with the crowd rallying behind him, he fought back. Big Texas rights rocked Spencer and he was pinballed around the ring by Baron's high-impact and above-all Texan offense. Heading to the top, Baron looking for the flying lariat. Spencer ran underneath out of the way, only for Baron to land on his feet and surprise everyone with a standing dropkick. Spencer bailed out, trying a cat and mouse tactic on Baron. Which worked, tricking Baron into sliding into the ring, before him, then delivering a running enziguri from the apron. Landon went into a long explanation of Baron's lack of intelligence and therefore lack of leadership qualities, unlike him. Which would have been a better arguement if, in the middle of it, Baron hadn't backdropped his way out of Reiger's Reiger Counter and delivered a big diving lariat, before polishing Spencer off with the Brigham Young Cocktail DDT to score the win!


Winner: Baron Windels, via pinfall.


Poor Landon was left uhmming and ahhing, as he was pestered about Baron surely now having earned a rematch. Before he could be forced to answer, he left the desk, clearly in a fluster.



***Christian Wright W/Lorelei DeCenzo -VS- Jumbo***

Match two of Christian Wright’s winning streak promise provided a hefty challenge in the big man from Chi Town. Being a smart man, Wright wisely avoided Jumbo early on. But this cat and mouse game caught up with him when Jumbo trapped him inside the corner. The big man took control of the contest, using his blubber to pound CW down. A close count was made after a second rope body splash from Jumbo. CW was able wrest the advantage away from his super sized foe with a low blow. After that Wright worked on the big man’s legs, chopping him down to size. Jumbo tried to make an inspired come back, but fell short after being struck with the Wright Off. CW hooked the legs and won his second match in a row.


Winner: Christian Wright, via pinfall, 2 win winning streak.


Post match Wright conducted his new spiel “From this calendar day forward, as long as the sun may set, and the moon shall shine, I, Christian Wright, will concede neither pinfall nor submission to any man!



Los Diablos hosted an All-Male costume contest with some of the OAOAST Performers, who scandalously steal a paycheck by never wrestling but yet show up to dress in funny looking outfits! Damn these leeches! First up in the costume contest was Deuce Bigelow dressed as Maurice Gibb from the Bee Gees. DB showed an exquiste understanding of subtle hypnotism provided by a man shaking his jelly rolls of fat while wearing over a thousand sequins. Envy those who saw it live. Uno paid homage to the old school OAOAST by dressing as Angle-Plex. Sure enough Angle-Plex’s buffoonery extended to costumes as when Uno went to the top rope he slipped and stumbled to the outside. The curse of Angle-Plex lives even through spandex! Baron Windells and Tim Cash pleased both luchadores with their chippendales stripper outfits. Showing that they don't discriminate, Mariachi and Moracca hooted over Quentin Benjamin's topless gladiator outfit. James Blonde came dressed as Landon Maddix. Poor James Blonde, poor simple James Blonde, when will his homoerotic fanaticism find proper boundaries? Los Diablos seemed to like it, finding it “very sexy!”, and Blonde ran backstage to tell Landon that two weirdos in pink batman outfits find a costumed version of him attractive. As JB left the scene, Melissa appeared on it. She said the men were making a mockery of costume contests, and the girls would give everyone a show at the HS with the first ever OAOAST Hottie costume contest. She said all the girl’s costumes would be better than the men’s, and that her’s would be the best of all! Let's just hope I feel like writing it!




OAOAST WORLD TITLE: Krista Isadora Duncan © vs. Leon Rodez

GRUDGE MATCH: Reject vs. The Teal Tiger (If Reject wins, the Tiger must unmask. If it is revealed to be Alfdogg, then he will be banned from all OAOAST-related functions for life. If the Tiger wins, then Alfdogg will be reinstated to full capacity as a wrestler.)

STEEL CAGE MATCH: The Heavenly Rockers vs. D*LUX

OAOAST WOMEN'S TITLE: Morgan Nerdly © vs. Holly

OAOAST UNITED STATES TITLE: Thunderkid © vs. Alix Maria Spezia

TAG TEAM GRUDGE MATCH: Orange County Cobras vs. Mardi Gras Hellfire Club



A recap of HeldDOWN from two weeks ago played ahead of the main event. Great. Alix was assigned voice-over duty to try and explain what was happening. Not so great. "Uhm, well, see Leon was attacking Alix... wait, that's me, gee, that's no good... so Krista came down, then I think The Heavenly Rockers came out, but then Holly went after Morgan... I don't know, it was a couple of weeks ago and it's all so very confusing. Can't we all just get along? You know, except Abdullah.



Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Intergender 8-Person Tag Team Match

***D*LUX, Leon Rodez and Morgan Nerdly -VS- Krista Isadora Duncan, The Heavenly Rockers and Holly w/Abdullah Abir Nerdly***

To do a slightly better job explaining, Leon and Morgan had beaten down Los Diablos and Alix. Krista came out to save her girlfriend and went after Leon. The Heavenly Rockers rushed out, but instead of going after Krista, they surrounded Morgan, ready for Holly to attack. D*LUX came out to get their hands on The Heavenly Rockers. And someone made enough sense of this mess to sign this match between eight Halloween Spectacular opponents.


The rules meant that Morgan and Holly could not be legally paired off with any of the guys, but gender loopholes didn't extend to Krista. Morgan and Holly, thus, started out against each other. After a staredown and plenty of threats, Leon called Morgan over and tagged himself in to actually start, which forced out Holly. Instead we got the number one contender and the World Champion, resuming hostilities. And what hostilities they are. Holding nothing back before Halloween Spectacular, Krista and Leon went at it with a vengeance. Krista almost hit Kidology less than two minutes into the match, but was countered into a Liontamer attempt, which Krista countered by kicking out. As things descended into a wild brawl, Leon and Krista ended up in the corner where Logan tagged in and went to work on Leon. Which Krista didn't seem pleased with. When Leon finally managed to fight off Logan, he found himself in the strange position of going to his corner and being offered a tag by both of D*LUX. A weird flashback. And he took seemingly forever to actually slap hands with Tyler.


D*LUX combined for a while and got lost in the moment, offering Leon the chance to join in the teamwork like old times and getting snubbed. Logan would eventually cut off Shayne and from that point, The Heavenly Rockers cut "Showtime" off from his partners. The match essentially became The Heavenly Rockers versus D*LUX, with Leon and Krista not co-operating with their partners and Morgan and Holly unable to tag in against the guys anyway. Logan and Synth worked over Shayne. But as they looked to put him away with the Double Percussion DDT, Krista distracted her own partners from the outside, allowing Leon to come in and clock their heads together. Weird. Shayne made the tag to Tyler, who ran wild on the only rock n' wrestling band that matters until Krista came in. But she was of no threat to Tyler, bypassing him and tackling Leon to the floor. Holly proceeded to do the same to Morgan. The champions and number one contenders brawled on the outside, while Tyler and Shayne used their 'tag team specialism' on THR. After taking out Synth, they set Logan for the D*LUX Capacitor. However, Abdullah jumped to the apron. Tyler accosted him, but with Synth tying up the ref, Logan grabbed the holy book and clocked Shayne in the head!! Synth then kept Tyler at bay, as Logan pinned Shayne to pick up the victory.


Winners: Krista Isadora Duncan, The Heavenly Rockers and Holly, via pinfall


After the match, Krista climbed back in to celebrate the victory, only to blast both Logan and Synth with the KIDology! Just when it seemed Krista would stand tall however, Leon pounced, smashing Krista across the back of the head with the OAOAST World Title! With Holly helping Abdullah tend to THR, it was Morgan and Leon standing over the bodies, Morgan holding her Women's Title and Leon looking longingly at the OAOAST World Title in his hands.

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