King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted January 1, 2010 "We're running with the Shadows Of The Night So baby take my hand, you'll be alright Surrender all your dreams to me tonight They'll come true in the end" "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The crowd in Hershey, Pennsylvania show their lack of appreciation for great music and Landon Maddix, jeering as "Shadows Of The Night" by Pat Benetar plays out the leader of Cucaracha Internacional. Backed by Megan Skye, Landon does a quick twirl on the stage and seems in high spirits as he heads to the ring. Over his shoulder sits the SWF ICTV aka OAOAST 8-Man Tag Title belt which he displays to the camera, holding up eight fingers incase it wasn't obvious from the plates on the belt. Which, of course, it isn't, because it's a completely different belt. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following special challenge match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by his manager, MEGAN SKYE! From Huron, South Dakota by way of Madrid, Spain... weighing two hundred, eight pounds. He is the leader of CUCARACHA INTERNACIONAL and one fourth of the OAOAST 8-Man Tag Team Champions... LLAAAAAAAANNDDOOOOOONN... "LA CUCARACHA"... MMMMMMAAAAAAADDIIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXX!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Megan holds the ropes down for Landon, who stops for a minute to play to the crowd, before spinning himself into the ring. Arms out-stretched he nods his head confidently and pats the unofficial title belt over his shoulder. COLE Landon Maddix, a man so desperate to be holding championship gold, he petitioned the OAOAST to overhaul one of their titles... and, brought a belt from HOME to wear. COACH That's a true champion! Handing over his (literally, his) title belt Landon takes off his ring jacket and starts to warm up. COLE We've been calling into question just how 'open' the open challenge of the 8-Man Tag Team Champions has really been in the past few weeks. But we do know that Cucaracha Internacional finally are willing to accept a challenge. But not from Baron Windels and his team. Instead, on the first HeldDOWN of 2010, Cucaracha Internacional have offered a shot to... All The Queen's Men. Quite the 'coincidence' that is. COACH Why? Because Landon and Queen Esther happen to be on good terms? Because those two teams happen to have formed a working relationship in the past few weeks? COLE ...yes, that's EXACTLY why. COACH Oh. Okay then. As Landon continues to limber up, a huge orange pyro rocket erupts on the stage. "Thriller" by Fall Out Boy hits and the home audience is shown an overhead view of the entrance stage, it's metallic floor carpeted by simmering flames that form the shape of a bull's head. The camera then pans down to reveal Baron Windells, throwing up the longhorns! BUFFER And introducing his opponent. From San Antonio, Texas! Accompanied to the ring by MELODY NERDLY. Weighing two hundred, sixty five pounds... "THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGER"... BBAAAAARRRROOOOOONN... WWWWIIIIIIIIINNDDEEEELLLLSSSSSS!!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Baron reaches out and slaps a few hands, but the determined look on his face doesn't slip. He quickly runs up the steps and into the ring, sending Landon ducking through the ropes. Baron is warned off by the referee, so turns and throws up the longhorns to the crowd. COLE Well Baron and his team-mates, Tim Cash and The Christ Air Express, still waiting for their rightful rematch at the 8-Man Titles. And if I didn't know better, I'd say that Landon was running scared of the Lone Star Gunslinger. COACH He doesn't look like he's running now, does he? COLE No, I'd call it cowering at the moment. Refusing to step back in until it's safe, Landon hangs out on the apron keeping an eye on the big Texan. Pulling off the Stewie Griffin t-shirt Baron is ready to go and waves Maddix in. But Landon decides to drop to the floor and take a walk first, to the annoyance of the crowd. "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" Landon pouts and decides to show everybody by getting into the ring. As soon as he gets to his feet Landon is confronted by a fist-wielding Windels though and he immediately bails again. COACH Come on ref, get him backed up! Landon continues to stall for time, walking around ringside, as Baron gets the crowd going. COACH You know, I don't understand why you and Baron and everyone else is on Landon's case. He explained himself already. The open challenge... that was just to create some interest. Get the idea off the ground. An introductory offer. And that offer's expired, so now Baron and his buddies have to earn a shot. Nothing more than that. Finally Landon seems ready to go. Psyched up and confident, he rolls in... *DINGDINGDING* ...and as soon as the bell rings, he runs across and boots Baron in the gut. With the jump on his opponent Landon lays in with some forearms shots, as the fans let him have it again. Landon works over the back of Baron's neck with a couple of elbows, then straightens him up... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and lays in a chop, which doesn't seem to phase Baron. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" A second chop has the same non-effect. And Baron shakes his head. Landon starts to back down, but tries to catch Baron with a cheapshot right hand, only to get blocked and nailed with a Texas sized right in return! Landon goes down, bouncing back up into another Texas right! And a third! Dazed, Landon staggers around the ring like a drunk man and tries to throw another right hand. Swinging wild he misses and takes an atomic drop, launching him face-first into the turnbuckles! COLE Oh my! Landon Maddix being bounced around the ring like a pinball! Landon tries to beg off in the corner but Baron has none of it and scales the ropes. "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOUR!" "FIVE!" "SIX!" "SEVEN!" "EIGHT!" "NINE!" Baron pauses and throws up the longhorns... "YYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!" "TEN!" COLE Maddix, seeing stars. And one of them is the big Lone Star who's beating his brains in. Megan looks on concerned as Landon is out on his feet in the corner. Whipped across the ring, Maddix hits the opposite turnbuckles and is bounced out, Baron coming off the ropes behind and hooking him with a Bulldog! Cover... 1... 2... Landon throws a shoulder up. COLE The OAOAST celebrating the new year in style. Except Landon, who probably doesn't know what year it is right now. COACH He doesn't need to know what year it is. He's a champion, class is permanent. Taking Landon back to the corner, Baron throws his man head first against the turnbuckle. Some more big right hands rock the already rocking La Cucaracha as the referee urges Baron to get out of the corner. Baron whips Landon across the ring again. And this time, with Landon against the buckles, Baron charges in looking for the world-famous BITE MY SHINY METAL ASS... but Landon gets his knees up and catches Baron in the back!! "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH There we go! There's a man who knows it's 2010! Baron limps away and Maddix runs after him, sticking him into the mat with a quick DDT. Still woozy Landon takes a moment to shake out the cobwebs before he covers Baron... 1... 2... No! Landon stands back up, but almost falls back over. COLE Looks like you did last night at about 1am, Coach! Composing himself, Landon stomps Baron in the side of the head. Landon then throws Baron's head into the turnbuckles and goes to work in the corner, repeatedly to the body and chest with kicks. Slowly working Baron down against the bottom turnbuckle Maddix places his foot on Baron's throat and chokes him there. Landon the backs away, taking a run-up. Before he can get to his Texan opponent though, Baron is up, forcing Landon to rethink. Baron backdrops Landon up and over the top. But Landon lands on the apron. LANDON Ah-ha! Quite taken with himself, Landon points to his head (because that's how you know he's smart) and goes to throw his shoulder through the ropes... ...but throws himself right into Baron's knee! COACH OW! Just about hanging onto the ropes Maddix rubs his temple, shaken up again. Baron reaches out and brings Maddix back in the hard way with a vertical suplex to shake him up even more. COLE How about the raw power of the big Baron! Waiting for Landon to get up, Baron takes aim with his cowboy boot and lands a big boot right to the face! Landon somehow manages not to go down. More luck than judgment. Baron lines him up and hits the ropes, but from somewhere, Landon finds the werewithall to cut him off with a running forearm shot. With Baron on the backfoot Maddix then hits the ropes, only to run into a second Big Boot, this one enough to lay him out! Cover by Baron... 1... 2... No! Arm raised, Baron throws up some horns and looks for the Lariat. COLE Landon looking dazed again, it may just take one good shot to put him away. Hitting the ropes, Baron charges towards Landon and goes for the big Lariat... but Landon ducks! Landon then turns around, only to be hoisted up with a Flapjack! COLE Not what Baron was looking for, but that could be the shot all the same! Another cover from Baron... 1... 2... NO! COLE Only two. But Landon is definately reeling here. COACH Or maybe that's what he wants you to think. He could be playing "rope a dope", like another great champion, Muhammed Ali. Picking himself up Landon staggers around, no idea where he is. He ends up across the ring from Baron, who charges in again for the clothesline... NO! Landon suddenly ducks down and pulls down the top rope, sending Windels crashing over the top to the outside!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" COACH HAHA! What did I tell you Mikey! He just roped a dope, then pulled the rope right out from under him! Baron lays in a heap on the arena floor, checked on by Melody Nerdly who looks concerned. Up to his feet, Landon smirks and does a fancy curtsey, just about managing to do so without falling down in a daze. "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" COACH These people are horrible. Let's never come back here again. With a hand pressed to the small of his back, a hurting Baron manages to slowly haul himself back up. As he gets onto the apron, Landon comes over and moves the referee away. And after helping Baron back up, he runs him face-first into the outside turnbuckles, sending Windels crashing back down to the arena floor again! Boos rain down and Landon 'apologises' to the referee as he's warned. COLE This is a gut-check situation now for Baron. He went out of that ring very hard and from the looks of it, jammed his lower back against the edge of the ring apron. COACH That's an easy thing to do going out of the ring. And damn painful too. COLE This is a real break for Landon. A much needed break for Landon, who's been pummeled almost all match. Baron again neglects the help of Melody and struggles to his feet under his own power. Reaching through the ropes, Landon helps to drag Baron back inside the ring and goes right after the back with some stomps. A clear target, Landon then drops a knee to the back and grinds it in. Baron groans in pain as the referee's 5 count is used up by the resourceful former World Champion. Who can finally afford himself a big smile. Waiting for Baron to get to a knee, Maddix hits a low dropkick and goes for a cover... 1... 2... No! COLE Even kicking out seems to be troubling Baron's back at this point. COACH And Landon's onto it, Mikey. Dropping the knee to the back again, Landon cups the jaw and applies a chinlock away from the ropes. "BA - RON!" "BA - RON!" "BA - RON!" "BA - RON!" With the support of the Hershey fans and Melody behind him, Baron manages to power up and get to his knees. Landon keeps the chinlock on for as long as he dares, before abandoning to club Baron's back with a double axehandle. Baron rolls over in pain, as Landon comes off the ropes, double stomping the chest, then dropping straight into a back senton! 1... 2... No! Baron holds his ribs and looks in some trouble, as Landon strolls around, picking his spot with a punt to the ribs. And then a second one. COACH Landon's enjoying himself now. This is what I like to see. Bringing Baron back to his feet Landon throws a couple of forearms, then whips the Texan into the corner. Maddix follows in and connects with a leaping forearm in the corner. Out staggers Baron, still in some pain. Quickly up to the middle rope Landon lies in wait, smile on his face, catching Baron as he turns back around with a Middle Rope Front Dropkick! COACH Oh yeah! Hook of the leg from Landon... 1... 2... NO! Baron rolls away, but leaves his back open and is kicked HARD in the spine! "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Landon sure can throw those kicks, slowly picking apart his larger opponent. Setting a grimacing Baron up, Landon surprises everybody by going for a suplex. And surprises few by not being able to get Baron up. Landon stops, then tries again. But can't get Baron up again. Annoyed, he clubs Baron over the back a few times, enough to convince him that this time will be different. And it is, as Baron hits Landon with a vertical suplex instead! "YYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" COLE That was not so smart though. And now, can Baron get back into this one? "BA - RON!" "BA - RON!" "BA - RON!" "BA - RON!" Cheered on by the crowd Baron is back up right after Maddix, both men taking a 6 count from the referee. Landon throws a right hand, but gets blocked and punched instead. Block and a punch again from Baron. And again. Before unloading with a Texas sized flurry of right hands! Landon is backed all the way across the ring and against the ropes, getting sent for the ride and thrown high with a BAAAAACK bodydrop!! COLE Bad back and all Baron just sent Landon into the lights on that one! COACH Come on Landon. Rope a dope. ROPE A DOPE! Landon rolls to his knees and tries to call timeout. There's no timeouts in wrestling though and Baron throws him into a corner again, unloading with some more right hands. Irish whip sends Landon across, following up with a clothesline in the corner. COLE I think the dope has just been roped, by the lasso like arm of Baron Windels! COACH Okay, he's from Texas, we get it already! Whipped back to the opposite corner, Landon is measured up, Baron flying in looking for a BITE MY SHINY METAL AS... NO! Landon moves out of the way and Baron SLAMS himself into the turnbuckles back first!! As he doubles up in pain Baron is then driven face-first into the mat with a Complete Shot and turned over for the cover... 1... 2... NO! COLE Baron almost made a very costly mistake there. But still with enough to kick out. Landon takes up the count with the referee as he goes after Baron. A stomp to the back leads to two forearms to the face. Landon then backs into the corner and lifts himself onto the middle rope again. Reaching out for Baron, Landon hooks him up and gives the signal, looking for the CRASH LANDON... but Baron counters and throws Maddix off!! Able to land on his feet, Landon dives right back at Baron and hooks onto him like a monkey, hanging off of Baron as he tries to synch in a front guillotine. Baron manages to fend it off though and drops to a knee, CROTCHING Landon with an eye-watering Inverted Atomic Drop! "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" MADDIX :O COACH Eep! With Maddix doubled up Baron quickly backs off the ropes and leaves his feet with a diving Lariat, wiping La Cucaracha out!! COLE That's gonna do it! Landon is out! Flat out on the canvas Landon does indeed look KOed. But Baron isn't done yet and he limps his way over, stepping out onto the apron. The Hershey crowd let out a roar as Baron heads to the top rope. The aching Texan's slow climb matches Landon's slow recover in the ring. And by the time Landon gets back up, Windels is perched on the top rope. MELODY IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMEEEEE!! Landon staggers around and Baron cuts him down again, with the Top Rope Lariat!!!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Baron shrugs off the bad back and crawls over... 1... 2... KICKOUT!! "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COLE Oh, MY, I thought that was it! COACH Oh. Me too. Landon, don't do that to me! Landon starts to sit up, shaking his head in a daze. Nursing his back Baron summons up another surge of strength and he calls for the finish. COLE Here we go, Baron calling for it. Could be the Brigham Young Cocktail, which is still a reference that alludes me to this day, but an effective move nonetheless. Picking Landon back up, Baron works at his back again as he pulls Maddix forward into the front facelock. But before he can hit the DDT, Landon slips free. Sneaking out behind, he leaps up and hits Baron with the LUNGBLOWER!!!! "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE OH, right to the back! Melody holds her head in her hands, shocked. Rolling Baron over, Landon basically falls on top... 1... 2... NO!! COLE But not enough! The fans let out a cheer, but a somewhat muted one with Baron still hurt. Landon looks despondant, a very dazed despondant, as he looks over to the referee. COACH If this were Landon at his absolute peak, this match would have been long over. But, he didn't wrestle that much in 2009. And when he did, he devoted himself to his team, not singles matches, which is a different ballgame altogether... COLE Are you already making excuses? COACH I'm just saying Landon's taking longer to win than he should do. He's still got some nagging injuries. COLE Sure sounds like excuses to me. Can't you admit that Baron Windels is giving Landon everything he can handle? And then some? Landon hauls Baron back to his feet and bends down, trying to pick him up for the Go To Sleep. Baron proves too big to lift for Landon though. Elbowing his way out of Landon's attentions, Baron then turns things around and lifts Landon up onto his shoulders instead. Baron's back gives way on him though and Landon slips down the back, rolling Windels up... 1... 2... No! Kicking out, Baron ends up on one knee... *SMACK!* ...and gets BLASTED in the face with the Low Flying Superkick!! "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Landon quickly hooks Baron in an inside cradle... 1... 2... KICKOUT!! "YYYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" COACH Okay, I'll give him credit, he's hanging in there. But Landon's an eight man tag wrestler now! He's used to having people to tag! COLE That's the lamest one of the bunch! Weary, Landon gets back up. He waits for Baron, booting him in the gut. Landon then hooks Baron up and scales the turnbuckles, looking to slice some bread... but gets caught! Baron catches La Cucaracha over his shoulder and turns around, planting him with a Running Powerslam!! Cover... 1... 2... NO!! COLE What a back and forth match! What a start to 2010 in the OAOAST! Baron pulls Landon back up, taking him over to the corner. After a couple of Texas sized right hands Baron then lifts Landon up again, placing him on the top turnbuckle. COLE Uh-oh. This is a dangerous position here, both men up on the ropes. COACH This would never happen in an eight man tag. Scaling up after his opponent, Baron dishes out another right hand. And then a Cowboy Bebop elbow while precariously up on the ropes. Landon is dazed and Baron looks to set him up. He hooks him up for the suplex, but Landon manages to hook his feet around the turnbuckle. And he starts to fight out with shots to the ribs. Baron starts fighting right back though, some more right hands, before going for the suplex again, only to find Landon clinging on for dear life again. COLE Look at Landon, fighting this superplex with everything he's got. Baron, trying with all he has to get the move. Who is going to win out in this high-stakes battle atop the turnbuckles!? Baron goes for the superplex one more time and ALMOST gets it, but Landon's feet latch and JUST manage to hang on! Narrowly avoiding a nasty fall, Landon manages to get a shot in to the ribs. And another. And a third, freeing himself from the facelock. Landon rears back, forearming Baron in the face. Another forearm has Baron wobbling. But he fires back with a right hand and Landon looks like he's going to topple over and down to the arena floor! Baron instinctively reaches out and grabs Landon, trying to keep him on the turnbuckles for the suplex. But Landon goes to the EYES... ...and then jumps off the turnbuckles, landing on the apron as he SLAMS BARON'S FACE INTO THE METAL TURNBUCKLE!!!! "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Oh, Baron's head hit the steel! He missed the pad and hit the steel! Sneaking back in through the ropes, Landon reaches up and pulls Baron down off the middle rope by the tights. The back of Baron's head bounces off the mat as he winds up pinned down in a schoolboy position... 1... 2... 3!!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE And Landon Maddix has snuck one out the backdoor! *DINGDINGDING!* BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner... LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MMMMMAAAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIXXXXXXXX!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Rolling straight out of the ring like a thief in the night, Landon raises his arms in the air, before promptly falling to his knees, then flat on his face. COACH What a brilliant, resourceful move! That's why that man is a former World's Champion and you never count him out man to man, one on one! Megan helps to pick Landon back up and props her groggy man up, leading him woozily towards the aisle. In the ring Melody is in to check on Baron, who also has a far away look on his face now. COLE It was a real battle here between these two, a battle which has taken a clear toll on both men. But be it by luck or judgment, Landon Maddix found the opening. The turnbuckle turned the tide and although both men take the credit, Landon takes the spoils. Landon is helped back up the aisle by Megan, barely able to stand propely let alone walk straight. But he does manage to raise an arm, showing that at least he knows he's won the match. COLE And maybe when Landon has laid his hands on some smelling salts, he'll be able to enjoy those spoils. COACH Oh, enjoy them he will. And he can enjoy another thing too... one less challenger for the 8-Man Titles. So close, but yet so far for Baron proving himself worthy. COLE I think Baron proved himself to a lot of people here tonight Coach. And by rights Baron Windels and his team should get the rematch they deserve with Cucaracha Internacional. Maybe somewhere down the line once they're done with the Queen's Men, we'll get to see that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites