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Guest BA_Baracus

SWF Storm card (July 5/2002)

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"6 matches with people to spare! I'm freakin' out here man!




Show: SWF Storm

Date: July 5, 2002

Arena: The Corel Centre in Ottawa, Ontario…Canada!

Due date: July 5, 2002 at 12PM (noon) board time.



Frost vs. Ced Ordonez

- Frost and Ced were on opposing sides in a Snake Eyes tag team match (Frost and his partner Thoth won). This Friday they’ll go one on one.

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Ash Ketchum © vs. Xero

- On Sunday Ketchum regained the hardcore title from Stryke, but there’s no rest for the wicked as he will defend the belt against Xero on Storm.

Match Description – Regular DQ and count-out rules are not in effect. Submissions, pinfalls and knockouts count anywhere within the arena.

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Tod DeKindes vs. Fallout

- DeKindes makes his SWF singles debut on Storm. Will he be able to defeat the impressive veteran, Fallout?

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The Boston Strangler vs. Longdogger Pete

- A few months back these two were battling over the hardcore title and the feud was never really resolved. Well, they’re both back in action and will go at it in a table match!

Match Description – Regular DQ and count-out rules are not in effect. The first wrestler to cause his opponent to go through a table is the winner.

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Danny Williams vs. Thoth

- Thoth is intent on destroying Chris Wilson and this Friday he gets a shot at one of his newest cronies, Danny Williams.

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Edwin MacPhisto, Chris Raynor & Z vs. Chris Wilson, Stryke & “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson

- Chris Wilson took Edwin by surprise on Sunday by unveiling 5 new members of his stable during their title match. A number of them surrounded the ring and things were looking grim for the champ but Z came to the rescue, kept the villains busy and allowed Edwin the retain the title. Edwin and his allies vs. Wilson and his allies…it’s got slobberknocker written all over it!

Match Description – DQ and count-out rules are in effect. Only 2 men are allowed in the ring at once, and wrestlers can only tag in people from their team.

Word Limit: 6000 words

Send to: Suicide King




Mothernature says, wooo..."

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

LDP, eh? Ah, that brings me back....and I've never written a tables match before, so this oughta be good. And the main event could be nice. Man, it's nice to have so many matches going on. 6 matches, including a 6 man? Man, that's different than the 3 match cards I had gotten used to. Anyways, good luck to all. Pete, if there's anything you need in the match, talk to me.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

6-man tag! 6-man tag! WOO!


And Z and TNT get to main event on their first regular show--not bad, not bad! Now, let's just see if Raynor, Z, and myself can get together and write a match that doesn't involve solely utter randomness, cavemen, and DDR machines.

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

Man, I'm still buzzing from Edwin's kickin' debut for us in his main event.


Great post-PPV card with some youth/veteran action, and please don't Deathwish a cronie! No!


Man, that main event is bitchin'. Now we just need to get some cohesion as we write it, or you'll get what Edwin just said.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico



Seriously, do. Now I can write. Thanks.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Wow a normal singles match, this I can do. Even if it's against the guy that likes to rape the young talent in the SJL.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

*comes back as the non stable hero and villain*




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Guest Coffin Surfer

Some quick questions, since I haven't had any time to read other SWF matches. But who actually are the commentators and their personas. What are the referee names.

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Guest chirs3



Mark Stevens - Retired world champ and member of the Midnight Carnival. I always write him teetering between completly objective and rooting for the good guys.


Bobby Riley - Retired champ of some sort... LHW? Anywho, he's the slimy heel commentator.


As for ref's, I never named them, but isn't Matty Kivell a ref? Or was he permanently demoted to JL Jobber for trial matches?

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Guest Smeghead

For referees, I've seen people use the following:


-Sexton Hardcastle (ref bump is pretty much mandatory here)

-Matthew Kivell (bump not mandatory, but encouraged)

-Eddy Long (or some other WWE ripoff)

-the referee (not creative, but it works)

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Guest chirs3

*at the sound of the name "Eddy Long", Raynor goes into Caveman mode and gives Fallout the SMAAAASH!*


Eddy Long = eVil!

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Yeah, consider the referees the same names you used in the JL, if you so desire. Most of us just use "the referee," I guess, though Eddy Long is a popular choice for screwing over noble faces.


::points at Raynor:: Gah ha ha!

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Guest hhh6294

*~* Jake would mark for G0R0 as a referee! *~*



G0R0 beingz counting three!








:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest Tod deKindes
Dude! That card like, totally reekz of coolness!! <_<

What the hell are you doing here?

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