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Guest TheHulkster

Kicking myself in the ass

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Guest TheHulkster

I ordered the 2nd show from NWA:TNA. While it had some lackluster moments, I enjoyed what I saw. The X Title match was worth $20, even though they charged $10. I held off this week due to the fact that the lineup didn't really impress me, but from reading the results, it sounded like a good show (new tag champs, Lynn and Styles!!). Anyone who ordered the show have any impressions?

I'm really looking forward to next weeks show with the match for the #1 contendership to the X Title (Lynn, Daniels, The Flying Elvises, Low Ki, Kid Romeo!, and Elix Skipper!) and the Title match with Omori and Shamrock.

From what i've read, they aren't making the same mistakes that WWA made, just using established names using their gimmicks from the big two, but using established names and giving them new characters while using those established names to make new stars like ECW did. Jerry Jarrett is the man.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

"and the Title match with Omori and Shamrock. "


On the show they called him "Amori" I believe. I doubt Misawa is dumb enough to book one of his top guys (his champion in fact, unless things have changed) in another fed where he would most likely be jobbing. I could see Inoki doing this though.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

Yeah, Im pissed for not getting a cable box this past 2 weeks. Ah well, maybe they will put out a dvd in a year or two, or I'll get the best of WWA and Nwa:TNa, but that tape looks like shit, mainly on the WWA's side. The best part is, the NWA delivered, giving us credible tag champs. They are pushing Styles like a mofo

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Guest dreamer420

i must again display my anger towards bell expressvu here in canada for refusing to show the nwa:tna pay per view. they showed the first one and then stopped due to lack of canadian content or something.

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Guest Human Fly

I'm thinking next weeks will be good as well. Just for the X division match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I missed it...but I'm all about ordering next week.

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Guest dreamer420

wwe got my business this week if they aren't going to be airing nwa in canada. i went to check if it was on wednesday night and all i could find was stone cold: what? i ordered it instead and it was a pretty good show i must say. rather would have seen the nwa though.

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Guest Raven_Effect01

I saw the NWA-TNA PPV this past Wednesday and I have to say that most of it was enjoyable. I wasn't into the Shamrock-Malice World title match too much though.

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Guest dreamer420

from what i have read no one liked that match. am i the only one who thinks jarrett should have won the title on the first ppv?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I thought so too...


Faces chase heels.


That builds companies.

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Guest Vyce

I think they were so worried about upsetting the "smart" fans (who were largely against a Jarrett reign because it reeked of nepotism) that they held off on giving him the belt.


Or maybe they're just doing the smart thing and are going to slowly build to a Jarrett / Shamrock program, which I would totally be into. You could easily work Hall into that scene as well.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I would be into a JJ/Shamrock feud too.


But I always prefer it if the face is the one contending.


The blowoff is always much better from an emotional standpoint.


Its either "HE FINALLY DID IT!!!!!!" or "FUCK...THE BAD GUY WON!"


I prefer the former.


But I like Shamrock and won't knock the decision...assuming they have a plan.


Which I am confident they do.


BTW...have I pointed out how great I think it is that they are bringing over a Japanese wrestler to face Shamrock this week?


It gives the title a more global and important feel.


Since they are still obviously working out the kinks (I hear Cheex is gone...yeah!!!) I really have to applaud them for giving the fans something worth watching while they do...namely the X division and AJ Styles being amazing.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Tat being said...here is what I want MORE of on my TNA weekly shows:


AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn, LowKi, Christopher Daniels and the rest of the X division.


Shamrock, JJ, Hall...I like Apolo and Malice too for some reason...


...and for the love of god...Steve Corino please.



Again...they have done more to get their cruisers over in 3 shows than the WWE ever has...and with bringing in an opponent for Shamrock...have done more in one month to make their title look less like the same old same old than the WWE has since...I don't even know.

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Guest dreamer420

i was impressed with the flying elvis's too from what i have seen of them. they will be perfect for the x division

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Guest the 1inch punch
Steve Corino please.




Corino rules, and the NWA would be wise to move him up to the main event, since he is a past Champion


Damn Jarretts not bein able to show it in Ireland


You will notice, though, that there are no black people in the main event, i wonder is JR around

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Guest dreamer420

i don't see corino being used as a major player in the nwa right now. with the names in the company right now there is no way the jarrett's would elevate corino into anything more than a midcarder.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I really don't care if hes main eventing or contending or what...


But I want him on the show.


Like I said...I'm a fan of alot of these guys...Corino vs. any of them only helps to make my 10 bucks worth that much more.

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Guest dreamer420

i just don't think the jarrett's are looking at corino as someone that a lot of people are paying to see right now. don't get me wrong, i love the guy but i think they see jarret, hall, nascar, toby keith, and the x division as their top draws right now.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...as long as they think the X division is one of the things to push...


that makes them better than the WWE already.

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Guest dreamer420

and russo is a huge fan of the x division and it was one of the things that brought him to the nwa so hopefully he'll make huge.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Russo's first call of action should be putting Rick Steiner and Grand Master Sexay in a car, having someone drive a truck over it, say they are dead, and have them sell death like HHH, Rock and all the others failed to sell death and never show them on NWA again.

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