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Guest Kinetic

How big an asshole are you?

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Guest MrRant

I would rate a 5 on the assholio scale. I am pretty much the nicest guy around.... unless someone/something pisses me off. Then an ungodly rage overtakes me and I become Assholio... king of ass. Especially at my job and someone is trying to get something from me and calls up bitchy. Then my favorite word is NO and I keep saying NO until they are yelling, cussing and pretty much almost to the point of tears that they are so stressed out.. then I say yes... and you can almost hear their heart breaking. I am also one of the meanest people towards ex's that I have broken up with badly. Once I and my ex's best friend (who went in with me on this one because she got screwed over by my ex cheating with her boyfriend but my ex didn't know it yet) went to a party and started being all "touchy feeling" and that pissed her off big time and she started crying after we told her that if she thought she could screw us over well we would just screw each other. Then her best friend slapped her and she went home crying.

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Guest LooseCannon
Who's Emile Zola?


Anyway, the reason I just gave a low rating and didn't give any examples is because I don't have any. I can give examples of cases where others were mean to me, but none where I have been out and out mean to somebody because I just can't do it. I'm a total pushover, and even though I'm quick with sarcasm I'd hardly call that being an asshole compared to the other posts in this thread.



Emile Zola was an French author who wrote an article in the late 19th Century called J'accuse (translated = "I accuse") in response to the Dreyfuss affair which was a scandal where a Jewish captain in the French army was accused of and tried for treason for being a "spy" for the Germans. The French army was pretty much just looking for a scapegoat and they had just about no evidence against him. The virulent anti-semitism of the French at the time helped lead to Dreyfuss's conviction despite his innocence. So Emile Zola wrote J'accuse in defense of Dreyfuss, and ended up being exiled for a while for his troubles. Dreyfuss was subsequently exhonerated, and Zola became a hero.



Also, I totally understand about being unable to give examples. I think it's impossible to have a rank less than 5 and be able to give examples to prove it. Sorry if I came off like a hard case about it before.

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Guest Mattdotcom

I've yet to show it here, but in real life, I can honestly get up to a 10, especially if I'm locked in a small room (like a classroom) full of idiots that think they're always right and won't listen to reason (me). On a day-to-day, if I'm in school, around eight, but at home during break, a four.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Who's Emile Zola?


Anyway, the reason I just gave a low rating and didn't give any examples is because I don't have any.  I can give examples of cases where others were mean to me, but none where I have been out and out mean to somebody because I just can't do it.  I'm a total pushover, and even though I'm quick with sarcasm I'd hardly call that being an asshole compared to the other posts in this thread.



Emile Zola was an French author who wrote an article in the late 19th Century called J'accuse (translated = "I accuse") in response to the Dreyfuss affair which was a scandal where a Jewish captain in the French army was accused of and tried for treason for being a "spy" for the Germans. The French army was pretty much just looking for a scapegoat and they had just about no evidence against him. The virulent anti-semitism of the French at the time helped lead to Dreyfuss's conviction despite his innocence. So Emile Zola wrote J'accuse in defense of Dreyfuss, and ended up being exiled for a while for his troubles. Dreyfuss was subsequently exhonerated, and Zola became a hero.



Also, I totally understand about being unable to give examples. I think it's impossible to have a rank less than 5 and be able to give examples to prove it. Sorry if I came off like a hard case about it before.

Wow... you really do learn something everyday. Oh, and I wasn't really insulted or anything, don't worry. If you think about it, judging from my earlier post that was pretty much an attack on you, it's not like how much of an asshole you thought I was meant a lot to me anyway, but thanks for explaining who Emile Zola was.

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Guest Jerome Drake

I would give myself a 5.


I may act like an ass here, but outside I am nice guy.


Heres my asshole story so u fucks can rate me.


Well in march, me and my ex-girlfriend whom i still love were talking on the phone. She told me she liked my friend. Of course me being mad about it, i purpusly started an agurment with her, because i'm pissed off.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

it depends who im with. with RL friends, i'd be about a 6 on the asshole scale. but around my family and online i'd probably be closer to a 9-9.5.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I laughed at Nash's injury. I admit it. That should bring me up to 19 on a scale of 1 to 10, right?



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Guest Incandenza
I laughed at Nash's injury. I admit it. That should bring me up to 19 on a scale of 1 to 10, right?


Depends. Some people around here equate finding merriment in the career-ending injury of a worthless sack of shit with getting your jollies from watching concentration camp footage.

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