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HTQ's Thoughts - 2/28/06

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Hunter's Torn Quad


Despite what some people have said, it was monumentally stupid and idiotic, if expected, for Hunter to bury Cena on Raw. You NEVER highlight the legitimate weaknesses of a babyface, especially your top babyface. A heel should never say something that the people can agree with. Hunter did just that, in spades, on Monday, and in one fell swoop cut the legs off of John Cena before their Wrestlemania main event. Yes, this segment, where the heel exposed the weaknesses of the babyface, was meant to draw buys for Wrestlemania. Quite how making your main babyface look like shit is meant to draw, I don’t know, but I don’t think that matters with Hunter. Maintaining his death grip as the top star of the whole company as always taken precedence over building stars for the future. And no, Batista doesn’t count, because he is zero threat to Hunter’s spot. The chances of Hunter doing what he did for Batista with Cena or anyone who could be long-term star are nonexistent.


The new WWE Talent Wellness Program is a step in the right direction, but it’s ultimately just pissing in the wind as long as the real problems, such as the hard road schedule and Vince wanting the kind of look out of his top guys that can only come out of a syringe or bottle of pills, are ignored and brushed under the carpet. Until those issues are tackled, the program, for all its good meaning, won’t do any real good in the long-term.


The Spirit Squad is a half-decent opening match comedy gimmick, but it should not include guys like Johnny Jeter or Ken Doane, who actually have the ability to be solid and possible top line members of the roster. The Spirit Squad gimmick is a modernized version of The Red Rooster, in that if it has any length of time, whoever gets saddled with it can never be taken seriously again, no matter how talented he is. Terry Taylor was still a good worker post-Red Rooster, but the gimmick killed his career because was never taken seriously again.


The Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club segment to end Raw was just stupid, pathetic and was yet another example of Vince booking Raw for ego and kicks. Nobody gives a flying fuck about Vince’s ass, his talentless son (it doesn’t take talent to fall onto airbags), or this stupid angle that should have stayed dead. Instead of something that might have helped build real interest, we’re going to be stuck with Shane doing his stupid routine of shitty dancing, over-contrived bumps, and no-selling. And he’s going to be facing a guy who already has that covered. Yes, Shane is wrestling Shawn Michaels at the first return broadcast of Saturday Nights Main Event. The only highlight of this train wreck will be who can do the most nonsensical bumps and who can sell the least. Shawn’s performance here is likely to be similar to his show, and I emphasize the word show, against Hulk Hogan at Summerslam, just turned down a notch or two. Vince might have been fine with Shawn’s business exposing antics against Hogan, but he’ll not stand for that against Shane.

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Terry Taylor was still a good worker post-Red Rooster, but the gimmick killed his career because was never taken seriously again.


Is it too soon to add Nick Dinsmore to the list of wrestlers whose gimmick has truly killed a career in the sense that there was no recovering no matter how good the person was?


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Dinsmore can be rehabbed, but it would take a lot of work. A fuckin lot.


I think Eugene would have to completely disappear and when Dinsmore or whatever incarnation they have for him comes back it'd have to be something completely different both in how he looks and how he is presented. I wouldn't give any storyline explanation and would pretend Eugene never existed and that this is a completely new person who you've never heard of. If there were any storyline explanation or association with the Eugene character, it just wouldn't work IMO.

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Y'all mention Terry Taylor as the Red Rooster and Nick Dinsmore as Eugene. You know who the first person I thought of was? Glen Gilberti as The Disco Inferno.


He seems like he could work and talk. He had a good look too. It's a shame, I was hoping he'd become something in TNA and leave the "Disqo" gimmick behind him. Alas, it wasn't meant to be.


I always thought Gilberti and Little Guido, a.k.a. Nunzio would've made a good tag team.

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