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Guest Kahran Ramsus

The one and only emulation thread

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Since there seems to be a lot of requests, it will probably be better if we move it to a single thread.


I will get it started.  I am having a hard time finding MAME ROMs for Captain America & The Avengers and The Punisher.  Any help would be appreciated.


Oh, and the Spider-Man arcade game that came out in the early 90s.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Thank GAWD.  This will hopefully keep things tidy.


All right, as far as requested roms go...


Captain America & The Avengers (MAME) (the parent Asia file) (the US rev)


The Punisher (the parent World file) (the US rev)


Couldn't find any spider man games, though.


I grabbed all of these from www.aceroms.com, which is usually a fairly reliable site, though...at the moment it seems be to down.  You need both files for the roms to work.


Another good resource is www.edgeemu.com, though they are also down at the moment today.  *sigh*


Edit:  What in the hell is going on with the links?  Only half of the links I set out worked the first time, and when I came back to edit them, the others switched to strict HTML and stopped working...que?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

The Spidey game seems to be pretty rare, but I remember playing it in the arcade in the early 90s.  It was one of those four player beat-em-ups, where you could play as Spidey, Hawkeye, Submariner and someone else.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Okay, I remember the game you're talking about...I just can't remember the damn name.  Hmmmm...maybe some kind of off-shoot of Marvel Super Heroes?


*hikes over to www.mame.dk to look*

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I can't seem to get your ROMs to work.  My version of MAME seems to be outdated anyways.  Do you know where I can get the latest version?

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Guest The Man in Blak

Update on the Spiderman game.


Right now, the information I've found about it is that it's a System32 arcade game - playable characters including Spider-Man, Hawkeye, Submariner, and Black Cat.  If this is the one you're talking about, you're going to have to find a different emulator (for System32), as I don't think Mame supports it right now.

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Guest The Man in Blak



Well, I just downloaded the Captain America roms from the links that I just posted...and the files are corrupt, so I'll have to dig for them somewhere else.  Sorry about that.

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Guest crandamaniac

Where can i find the old Apple IIE game Oregon Trail, I've been wanting 2 find that game for a long time. That game owned in elementary school

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How do I activate cheats on my Genesis emulator and can I get a Sonic The Headhog 3, Streets of Rage 1 and 2 Walkthrough? Where? Thanx.:D

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Guest razazteca

anyway to get past the press ok screen on Captian America japanese versian?

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Uh, cancel Streets of Rage 1. How do I activate cheats on my Genesis emulator and can I get walkthroughs for Streets of Rage 3 and Sonic The Headhog 3. (Cheats for each game too, SOR 2 also.)???

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

A few tips from someone who's been into emulation for a while:


Every emulator you can think of is at zophar.net.


There's an easier way to find roms than browsing through webpages, if you take a little time to do it. Use IRC.


You'll need an IRC client, of course. (like mIRC. www.mirc.com)


Newnet (one of the servers is irc.eskimo.com)'s #roms channel usually has an abundance of fileservers.


To access the fserves, join the channel, and type !list.

That will bring up a list of the fserves on channel at the moment *usually people with ops or + beside their name).

To get into the fserve, type the trigger (ex. !roms)


Accept the DCC chat box when it pops up.


To move around inside of an fserve, it's sorta like the old DOS was.


cd (change directory).

ex cd roms


cd.. (brings you back to the previous directory)


dir (lists directories)


get insertfilenamehere.zip (it should be obvious)


With luck, you can find just about anything.


Another helpful tip. /list will get you a list of channels on the server at the moment. Browse through, and you may find other rooms.


Hope this helps a few people.


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Guest areacode212

Thanks Shiro. I've known that you could find pretty much anything on IRC, but the problem with me has always been finding it.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo


Gamefaqs.com has whatever you need in the way of walkthroughs/cheats.



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How do I activate cheats on my Genesis emulator?


What if the cheat is for the second controller (which I don't have obviously.)

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Guest crandamaniac

anybody know where i can find a good N64 emulator and a rom of No Mercy or Wrestlemania 2000 (which ever1 is better)

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The promblem is that the FAQ doesn't say how to activate cheats and what to do about the cheats when it's on the second controller. What do I do?

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Hey, thanks for posting a link to that justaplay.com site. I finally found Metal Slug 3 for Neo-Geo. W00t!

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Maybe not. It ended up being a 30mb .txt file. Is there some way to change a .txt file to .zip?


Also, what is the latest Neo Geo emulator that works well? I'm using an old version of NeoRageX and it doesn't even support Metal Slug 3.

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