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Just rambling about shit

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Just got my wageslip

Just got my wageslip for that week of hell last week, £470 in wages and a fucking £90 quid in tax and £34.70 in national insurance, these theiving moterfuckers




Shite entry before I go to bed

What in gods green earth is a fucking douchebag, which fucking retard thought that would ever be a good insult, its right up there with "get bent" just call someone a cunt and tell them to fuck off, dont play about with made up shit words





So its 1pm on a fucking monday afternoon, listen to the fucking week of work ive had, these fucking bastards make us work 12 days in a row, have 2 off then have 12 days back fucking on, ive worked so far, monday 6am to 3:30pm tuesday 6am to 8:20pm(really not shitting you, as dispatch manager i send out all the orders to the major supermarkets(about 400+ pallets a day which is a good rush, especially when youve got to look after 5-6 people doing 20 pallets at the same time, making sure they dont fuck up and put the wrong amounts on), ive got to be there until all production has finished in the factory and one fucking line was taking the piss, goddamn tesco prawn cocktails, their fucking machine broke down and i had to stay until they had finished their orders) wednesday was not so bad 6am till 4pm thursday 6am 4:45pm friday 6am to 3:30pm, listen to this for the fucking saturday 6am to 7:30 fucking in the evening and sunday 6am until 4:40pm, if i wasnt getting paid so well id tell them to fuck themselves, i should get bout £400+ for this weeks work, anyway ive taken a half day holiday and im off to sleep, good fucking afternoon you lazy welfare motherfuckers




So this is kinda weird

Apparantly 31 people have clicked on this link, and some kind people(2) have rated this three out of five, fuck knows why, as its just me rambling on about any old shite. To be honest, I'm still feeling this thing, I sit down, and my mind goes blank, anyway enough of all that, I will just give some urls and shut the fuck up   www.mininova.org www.camwhores.com www.pesfan.co.uk




So this is a blog thing

Well, we've had fucking all sorts of newspapers and magazines saying about how important blogs are going to be for the future of journalism, and its seriously underwhelming to be honest. Who in the fuck would be interested in anything I've got to say, let alone change events. Looking at some of the other blogs on this page, someone wants to put up a wrestling column a day, holy shit that will be fucking awesome. No doubt enforcing negative stereotypes and so on. We've got another person talking about his illness(no doubt with some shite emo band on in the background). So to be honest, I'm not exactly sure what to put in this thing, I could whine about having to work long hours(racked up 62.5 hours last week), I could whine about life, and say how suicidial I was, or pretend to be drunk and post "funny" comments. I don't know, I think I'm just going to post shite in this, and see where it takes me.



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