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Sports. Bitching. Porn. More bitching. Etc...

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21. Reply to more stuff.

21.   My antisocial ways are disturbing. I go to with friend to a bar tonight. But, I'm tired. This is my main problem with weekends. I hate going out on Friday night, because after work, the last thing I want to do is go in pressure-filled social situation. Then, Saturdays, I just want to relax all day... plus, I work quite a few Saturdays. Then, Sunday, I feel like doing stuff, but there's work the next day. I always have excuses. Anyway, my pal is probably getting her brains fucked out right now, while I went home like a loser at 10pm. Oh well. I'm just really, really not a crowd type person.   I'll reply to more stuff. Since I don't know what to talk about. Well, there's random sports things and other stuff... but, I'm not Bored enough for that currently.     Somewhat true, I guess. But, I'm not ready to give up on Losman yet. I see there's talent there. He's quite mobile. He's got the arm strength. And he's definitely got the self-belief. Give him at least another year.     Indeed. The sack in one of those stats we'd probably be better off not having. It's really not a very significant play. Infact, I think it would be better for QB's if it didn't exist. They're always so worried about getting sacked... it's hardly the end of the world. INT's, can be.     That doesn't really work though.   For example, soccer is quite fun to play. But, there's no way in hell I'll ever watch an entire game. Even if it's the World Cup final.     Playoffs, I've come close to watching all of. I recall watching lots of the D-Backs/Yanks series. The Sox/Yanks shit turned me off again, though. Also, the Playoffs are hurt by the announcing. Listening to McCarver's incoherent non-stop babble cannot be tolerated for long. And ESPN has Berman in the early rounds. Ugh.     Yeah, I'm kinda the same. Although, I'm not sure if it's me growing up... or growing restless with how sports has turned into big business, with so many spoiled athletes who obviously don't give a shit.     I love college football. But, only the very few games that mean anything. But, I shouldn't get into another rant about that. College bball, I usually can watch entire games. Mostly because they're shorter than 2 hours. However, with so many games going on, it's more enjoyable to hop around and watch bits of every game.     I know. But, sometimes, it's hard to get me to believe that. When you have TWO sets of parents that basically disowned you, one of which who enjoyed making me feel miserable... it's hard to believe in people. If your own family hates you, why should anyone else be better? But, whatevz. Family talk gets me so fucking pissed.     I was just being heelish then. Any job, is a good job. I truly mean that.     About 6 years ago. Right before my senior year of tennis, which really fucking sucked. Gave me some hard lessons about life, and who your true friends are, though... so, I consider it worth it.   It doesn't bother me much, anymore. Although, the flexibility of my foot isn't the same. Mostly, the problems were mental. I was afraid to put all my weight on it for a couple years. And sprained ankles... I think I've sprained my right one at least 10 times. It got to the point where it barely bothered me when it happened. I wish I wasn't so damn clumsy and uncoordinated.   More tomorrow. I think I'll do a lookback at my most miserable sports viewing moments.  




20. Chris Masters.

20.   Chris Masters. Oh, how do I hate him. He's awful in every single way. He has no positive attributes. He can't wrestle. He can't act. He can't talk. He doesn't even have enough muscle to look like a real big guy... but, he still has all the stereotypes of your usual steroid user. Please fire him. NOW. Or, send him to TNA, where he can squash Jay Lethal, or whatever, on Impact, where I won't watch.   The Masters and Chris Masters. I hate all Masters. I felt bad for leaving Chris Masterski out of my dislike.   I'll respond to stuff.     Thanks. I'm quite aware of that, though.     ...     I suppose it might be. I know some people do love me for my general heel nature.     I think it's time for you to be put away again.     There's not much to pick on him about, though. I certainly would if I could.     It's fine. I knew it was more you insulting EHME, than defending me. And that's always a good thing to do. When will he finally be removed from here.     I tried doing lots of lifting weights with my legs before. And it ended up in me tearing my achilles, and basically destroying my foot. I'm scared to do that stuff now. Plus, you're a Marines guy, and I'm a wimpy tennis player. Lot harder for me.     What.   I'll assume you have avatars turned off. http://myspace.com/heelprincess , then pics. I hope you have a myspace account.     Absolutely. That's the shit I'd like to see penalties start being called on. Sack dances, WR's who catch 1st down passes, and special teams scrubs who make a tackle are the worst.   More later, maybe.    




19. Masters. Blah.

19.   So, my least favorite golf tournament starts tomorrow. Augusta always gives me weird feelings. It's obviously pretty, but it has the feel of a KKK convention meeting the other 51 weeks of the year. It reminds me of my uber-rich uncle, who's probably the biggest racist asshole in the world, and how he always lied about playing Augusta. This is the only week where I openly cheer for Tiger. If Tiger or Vijay continue their domination of this tournament, then that's just grand. You know it kills those snobby, old bastards to see it. And, of course, I'll be cheering hard for Mickelson to fail, like every slam. It's about time for Hefty to be in contention, and blow it all with his famous short-putt misses.   Plus, they keep fucking with the Augusta course, to where it's losing its fun. No, I'm not one of the old fogies who thinks all courses should stay the way they are... you absolutely must add length to some of these holes. But, it's being done way too much here. They're adding even more length to the 7th, which was one of my favorite short holes, with it's fun green that already gave players a bunch of trouble. Now, it's just another long par 4. And the 4th is just silly now... along with 10 and 11. Adding length was necessary to some of these holes... but, now it's to the detriment of making the tournament exciting. 15, maybe 20 players have any shot of being competitive in the Masters because you absolutely need massive length to be close. And that sucks. Augusta doesn't need this shit. Nothing was worse than Bethpage in 2002... where length was the end-all, be-all.   Besides, the Snobby Racist Masters won't beat the women's tourney last week in Mission Hills. Damn, that was one of the best endings ever. I felt stupid for downloading the final round of a golf tourney, but that was worth it. Karrie Webb holing out on the 18th, little cutie Ochoa with a super clutch eagle after sucking all of Sunday, and Michelle Wie blowing it again. And uber-hottie Natalie Gulbis in contention. Money. That's what women's golf needs to be watchable. Only thing missing was fellow hottie Cristie Kerr, and her getting a temper tantrum. I'm getting worried about Michelle, though. The girl is so insanely talented... yet, she's never won a damn thing outside of the Pub Links, which barely counts. The hype she gets has to build up her confidence (like Sharabitch), but it won't last forever, and soon enough people are going to whine that she never wins. This is the problem with forcing her to play with the men, and such silly things. It could really backfire on her.   In tennis news, the Davis Cup Quarterfinal is this week. Nobody cares on this continent. I'm sort of interested in France-Russia, though. And watching Marat blow. The women's field is awful this week, so bleh. The end.




18. So bored at work today.

18.   I don't think I've done a damn thing here today, so far. The clock struggles to move. Even more so since I'm now an extra hour further behind my intolerable east coast friends.   I feel better from yesterday. For those wondering, one of my lovely family members gave my new phone # to my piece of shit "mother", who berated me for leaving her, or something stupid. If I could kill her without any consequences, I would have done so 18 years ago. I get angry about it for a couple hours. Then, it subsides.   Florida won the NCAA title. I guess it's not overly surprising looking at their talent, but with their relative inexperience, they looked like a possible early exit. Good seeing Joakim Noah as their best player, also. As I was quite the fan of Yannick Noah back in the day. I gotta love all serve & volleyers. However, this had to be one of the worst Final Fours in recent history. All blowouts. First March Madness where I had a net loss. Oh well.   Baseball started yesterday. Don't care. Season is too long. There's too many people who love baseball on this board. No offense to them. Like what you want. But, I don't know how one can sit through an entire baseball game, unless they're really, really drunk. Of course, some of you could say the same about tennis, and I could put you on ignore.   Women's basketball final is tonight. Really don't care. The only positive is it marks the end of the god-awful ESPN commercials for it.   WM was pretty bad. Most of it was boring. And the Raw after was even worse. I believe I'm once again done with watching wrestling for approximately 9 months.   Oh, and add me on myspace, if you want. http://myspace.com/heelprincess It's my secondary account. And I'll insult your friends.   I don't know what else. I have nothing planned for tonight. And I'm so bored. This may be a multiple entry day.




17. Sadness.

17.   I'm having an absolutely horrible day, today. No matter how much I try to hide away from people... EVERYONE wants to tear down my success, and bring me pain. I wish I could block all people out of my life. That is all.




16. WM thoughts.

Before I go to the baseball game to make babies with A-Rod, I figured I'd throw in some filler!   John Cena (Champion) vs HHH - WWE Title Match - Ugh, what a horrible decision for Raw's title match. HHH is obviously winning. The only hopeful positive out of this match is that Cena turns heel afterwards. However, the problem with that is he'll be stuck as 2nd heel behind HHH, which is a deep, dark abyss of no hope. Match will probably be way too long, as usual with HHH thinking he puts on wrestling classics, with HHH controlling 90% of the match with his boring offense.   Winner - HHH. Rating - **ish   Rey Misterio Jr vs Kurt Angle (Champion) vs Randy Orton - World Title Match - We know Rey and Angle will bring the goods. And Orton usually puts on strong performances in the big matches. I'm fine with Angle or Orton winning. Not with Rey. Simply because he's the ghost of Eddie, minus a few inches. Over/Under of 20 mentions to Eddie if Rey wins the title. And that will make me sick when it happens. If the focus was on Rey winning, then it would be up there in emotion like when Benoit won the title... which sadly, won't happen. And Rey will get a meaningless short run that sends him back to the midcard in a couple months.   Winner: Rey Rating: ****ish.   Shawn Michaels vs Vince McMahon - I refuse to watch any McMahon shit.   Winner - Nobody. Rating - negative *****.   Money in the Bank - RVD, Flair, Shelton, Matt Hardy, Lashley, Finlay - I'm confused by some of the entrants here. I don't care how much people like Flair's work lately, he shouldn't be in the ring anymore. Finlay still looks good, but he just doesn't make sense in a match like this. Shelton and Matt will be bumping machines, and Lashley will toss them around. And RVD will win. Another problem with the entrants here... RVD is the only believable winner, and maybe Lashley, but his push has been cut back some. And RVD with a title shot is only going to lead to lots of negativity to all the hopeful, stubborn RVD fans out there...   Winner: RVD Rating: ***1/2ish   Undertaker vs. Mark Henry - Casket Match - Duh. Taker is winning. That's about all here. The match will suck, because all casket matches suck, and these two are limited. Oh, but maybe Taker will bust out a TRIANGLE CHOKE AND HE'LL BE SO MMA AND THE GREATEST WORKER EVER. For about a week. Don't really care about this one, for good reason.   Winner: Undertaker Rating: *ish   Edge vs. Mick Foley - Hardcore Match - Oh, go the fuck away, Foley. I have zero desire to see him anymore. Plus, Mick looks so damn FAT, and I doubt he puts on his working boots to make Edge look great here. Besides, Edge is eternally buried from the ME, so it doesn't matter much anyway. I have a feeling this one could really be ugly, and like the hardcore matches of earlier this decade... with garbage can lids, and cookie pans, and such lameness. And Edge wins, of course.   Winner - Edge Rating - *   Chris Benoit vs JBL - US Title Match - This one should be good. One of the best mic workers in WWE vs. one of the best ring workers. Benoit is going to do a great job making Bradshaw look good here. And Bradshaw has shown he can work decent brawl-like matches with people like Benoit. I'd like Bradshaw to win this... he'd be great with the US title. The title he should have had all along in 2004.   Winner - JBL. Rating - ***   Kane & Big Show vs Carlito & Chris Masters - World Tag Team Title Match - Kane & Show have the tag titles? Yeah, I know it's cool to not know who the crappy title holders are, but I really had no idea. Don't care at all about this one. Carlito & Masters are going to win. Carlito is a snore in the ring 95% of the time, and I want Masters murdered for putting so much suckage on my television.   Winner - Carlito & Masters. Rating - *.   Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James - Women's Title Match - The bloody kiss was so fucking hawt... but, I don't really care about this match. It won't be a work of art. And I don't care who wins. I just hope Laree does some more psycho shit. I guess Laree wins, because Trish had that look on Raw, with the somewhat laziness in her match, that she might be losing here.   Winner - Mickie James Rating - *   Boogeyman vs Booker T - Boogeyman shouldn't be in any matches. I just hope Booker wins. He's been playing his heel character really well lately, too. Booker is too good for this shit.   Winner - Booker T Rating - DUD.   Torrie Wilson v Candice Michelle - Playboy Pillow Fight - Stupid, stupid, stupid. And neither of these women are hot, either. If someone like Stacy was involved, I would have at least watched. This will be FF'd on Monday. I guess Torrie wins, because she always wins.   Winner - Torrie Wilson. Rating - negatives.




15. Random sports thoughts.

15.   JJ Redick wins Player of the Year. This was the only correct choice. Props to JJ for winning it. But, he'll still be a mediocre pro.   Eric Moulds will be traded to Houston. Sad to see Eric go, but his best years are long behind him. And the only reason why Moulds was a pro bowl receiver was because of his freakish physical attributes. He's lost his speed, and thus lost his gamebreaking ability, therefore he's virtually worthless. He's a jerk. He drops lots of balls. He's not a reliable "possession" receiver, despite his stats saying so. Lee Evans, if he remains healthy, is definitely the man in Buffalo.   The NFL is further banning TD celebrations. Meh, I'm torn on this. Eventually, the NFL was going to have to crack down on this. Because while Chad Johnson does his cute, fun little celebrations... the human nature of spoiled athletes who have no responsibility for their actions due to their insane riches, they'll keep trying to outdo each other, and eventually people would get offended. So, the NFL nipped it in the bud now, before it would have became a problem. I have more of a problem with when some celebrations are done. I swear, those certain players that celebrate after every first down, or every TACKLE need a slap in the head. Besides, players can celebrate all they want... after WINNING THE GAME. Which is the main goal, after all.   Baseball is doing steroids investigations, blah blah blah... too late. The only way Selig and all of baseball doesn't look like total schmucks is if they admit that keeping the steroid scandal under the rug was best for them. Otherwise, the lies just keep adding up, and nothing gets resolved.   Maria Sharapova is going to win Indian Wells and Miami, sweeping the secondary US titles. I hate tennis.   I'm going to a Spring Training tomorrow in Phoenix. D-Backs vs. Yankees. I only care about seeing A-Rod. Plus, it's the first Major League game I'd ever see. I went to many Bisons games, and sitting through entire baseball games definitely isn't the most enjoyable way to spend an evening.   That's all.




14. My avatars: People will never shut up.

14.   Yesterday was an awesome day. Played tennis with some new friends at the pretty park yesterday. I was out there the entire day, too... and I'm sore as fuck today. My hamstrings feel super tight, and my toes are numb. I don't know if that's good, or not... but, I love that feeling. I need to get back into shape. I want my leg muscles to cry in pain. My goal is to get my legs to like Elena Dementieva. Someday. I will.   So, the idiots here are yammering about how attractive/unattractive I am. First off, why people are responding to Evanderblahblah is beyond me. He's such an obvious troll. Obviously, I'm attractive. I'm hardly model material, but I do quite a bit to make sure I stay in good shape, so I do take it seriously. Plus, insulting girls' looks is a heartless thing to do. I know I deserve it since I insult everyone and I'm an uber-heel... but, it's really not something you should be doing. For females, our entire offense and defense when meeting people is our looks. And when you tell us that we're not attractive... it can easily fuck with people's minds. So, cool down on it. Thanks.   Not much else. Bored at work today. Want to go outside and play. Damned beautiful weather is cutting off my online time.





13.   I need to update this more. Mindless rambling calms my insane brain matter. Unfortunately, work has been busy, forcing me to do stuff. Which I shouldn't complain about, because the day goes so much faster when you're constantly running around doing stuff. Although, I would prefer this business consisting of computer junk, instead of running errands for people and walking back and forth from 5 floors. Especially with the uncomfortable pretty shoes I wear for work. But, such is life. I'm never satisfied.   I read some of the comments here, and the expected opinions of how horrible I am have ensued. Bleh. I don't need people to tell me these things. Unless it's someone I don't like and/or you swear and insult me a lot. So, we can fight. I love to fight.   The last few days have been boring. Yesterday, was basically work, eat, watch Raw, sleep. Awful. I always feel so stupid after watching Raw. Even though I rarely do, I eventually come back to it every few months... and it is just SO bad. The main event with Vince was hard to watch. I'm obviously forcing myself to watch WM, and I hope it blows like expected, so I don't con myself into watching anymore. I'll stick with SD for a while, though.   Had tennis tonight. A mixture of a lesson/match type thing. As anyone who's watched me play knows, you can't give me lessons. I have the most unique, fucked up game possible. Ginormous serve, decent volleys, and can't hit a backhand in the court to save my life. Probably due to me being legally blind in my left eye, and my general clumsiness and oafness.   And now, I'm playing MVP '04. With my beloved cheating Yankees. A-Rod hitting 100+ HR's a year. And plunking Jeter with pitches at every chance. Great fun.   Not much else to talk about. I have off tomorrow, and have no idea what I want to do. And all the fun sports stuff starts this weekend, with the Final 4, and sucky WM, and the Snobby Asshole golf tournament next week. Where I'll only care if Hefty and Eldrick the Bum lose in horrible fashion.   Fin.    




12. Weekend is over. Blah.

12.   I was barely online this weekend. Which was rather strange. Didn't really do much during it either... besides lots of cleaning, watched crappy movies like The Ring with some friend, and some tennis, and watching sports crap on TV.   So, I guess the biggest news of the day was some IRL guy getting killed in a crash. Or, at least the sports networks tell me so. It's obviously sad that a young guy like that dies... but, let's calm down the pity party. Nobody forces these drivers to ride around a track at 200 mph. They should thank their lucky stars that continue to live every day. It reminds me of when Earnhardt died, and everyone was up in arms about SAFETY! Fuck you. If anyone really cared about safety, there would be no racing. And let's face it, the only reason racing is so popular is because of nasty crashes like that. No offense, but it's a choice you make. If you choose to race at high speeds, you potentially offer your life for money. If you die, you die. The end.   And George Mason reaches the Final 4. Holy shit... simply amazing stuff. And just look at the teams they beat... UConn, North Carolina, Michigan St. and Wichita St. I knew Mason was always a very good team, but this is just unbelievable. Again, this is why college basketball is miles ahead of all other college sports, at least in the television aspect. However, I was one of those that thought Hofstra should have been in the tourney instead of them... and still do. Although, I thought the Colonial should have got 3 teams. And no, this doesn't mean we'll be getting more mid-majors in the NCAA's.   The Players Championship was a dog this year. Stephen Ames was a really underrated player, so I wasn't shocked to see him win. But, HOW he won. Damn, good stuff. Just beat the tar out of everyone. He seriously looked like he was playing on a different course than everyone. I'd say he got the best out of Tiger after all... you can have the 9&8 first round win in Accenture, I'll take the runaway Players Championship title. But, still disappointing, like most Players have ended up being lately. I'd just like for it one year to be a shootout with 10 or so players left in contention during the final handful of holes. The worst was Craig Perks winning a few years ago... god, does he blow. Had a nice horseshoe up his ass that Sunday. And the move to May for next year should make things a lot better. Sawgrass will be evil hard if the rain stays away all week. I'd really love for a US Open to be hosted there... that would be diabolical.   I watched Smackdown for the first time in... about forever. Damn good show. For most people who hate wrestling and only watch Raw, at least give SD a shot. It's easily the best wrestling TV show currently. A fun battle royal. A great TV match with Rey/Finlay that you won't see many better of on TV. And most of all, very little stupid shit like McMahonamania, or hokey comedy. There's still some of that... but, it doesn't ruin the entire show. Plus, I mark out for Randall Orton and Kurt Angle. So, I'm happy. The negative is Friday night... I'm never going to be able to remember to watch it at that time. And I don't even go out every single Friday night like many people do. Downloading it is fine, but that gets tiresome, also.   I wrote enough for today, save some for tomorrow when I'm bored at work. Toodles.   Leelee.




11. Meetings suck.

11.   Meetings do really suck. I have them all the time now with this job, and they're a huge fucking waste of time. Blathering on about how much money we're losing, blah blah... none of which has to do with me. One of the bosses tells me I'm doing a fine job. The end. A fine waste of an hour. Which I wouldn't complain about if we didn't have to stay after for them. And I'm sure those fucking Jews will send us home early tomorrow, so I don't get the lousy $8.50 for time + a half.   And then, the planned phone conversation with the family. Which is nothing but awkward. "Oh, we miss you!" I don't miss you. I'm in paradise, you're in hell. Go shovel some snow and catch pneumonia. And then to put me down... the scuzzy trash talks about all the kids they've having (despite being dirt poor), and I go on about how I'm single... and "blah blah blah, meet someone, you'll die alone and miserable, unlike me and my husband who beats me!". Whatever.   All this interrupted my hopeful watching of the Players' Championship today... but, it sucked, because it rained at Sawgrass for like the 10th straight year... making the course easy and boring. It's probably my favorite tournament of the year, though... mostly because I remembered every hole at Sawgrass when I was like 8, due to playing PGA Tour on Genesis so much. And I can't help but mark out when players go splashing on 17. And Adam Scott really needs to cut his hair. Cut your crap finally, and be my little pretty boy.   I've lost all interest in March Madness. My bracket have gone to hell. Only positive is I have LSU in some total luck point spread thing. I don't know to explain it properly... but, I could win money on that. So, whatevz. I was planning on using those winnings to finally buy a XBox 360... but, those plans are finished. And it's probably a good thing.   And Mimi is sick today. Cleaning kitty puke is very not fun. I probably have to take her to a new vet, soon... which is always a huge pain in the ass, since the Princess Mimi refuses to be picked up. I'm sure if she got to play with other cats... she'd be the snobby bitch of the group. Just like Mommy, I've taught her well.   That's all.   Leelee.




10. Damned foreign languages.

10.   So, it was another routine day of work... me typing up lots of letters and just into pretty databases. Then, in the afternooon, I become like the Spanish specialist. I've always been really against how the US is forcing all of us to learn Spanish. Took about 10 years of it in school, and I only know the most basic words. It feels so unnecessary, and still does, despite me moving to Arizona. So, I have to type up a ton of letters in the afternoon... which took me forever to do. And create stuff in the database, which was even more fun since I was lost on where to sort things. Please, just give me stuff I can read. I type it in 110wpm, and I play online a lot during it. Fin. Next thing I know, I'll be forced to take more Spanish lessons... and answer in Spanish on the phones. Ugh.   I finally joined a tennis league here, this evening at the local pretty club. Was about time. I need to back into better shape. And I miss the competitive feelings I used to have. With being able to play outside here, practically every day of the year... I really miss being a tennis instructor now. Oh well.   Not much else... watched crap on TV...   South Park season opener was one of the worst episodes I've seen in a while. I'm sure many are loving it, because of the shots to Isaac, and Scientology... but they dragged the joke on FOREVER. Wasn't funny. Only decent part was the ending. Quite disappointing, since I was really looking forward to this, after watching nearly every season in the break since Season 9 ended. Watched some of American Idol, too... basically to see Kathi. And the little kid got eliminated, finally. Good for all parties. I really felt bad for the kid, and how they strung him along. I don't care that he played along with it, and maybe even got cocky because of it, it's still cruel.   Might as well respond to some comments here...   To be honest, I really don't like reading them. Especially if they're going to be mean-spirited like I expect some will be.     Not really. I know nothing about baseball. I hate it. A lot.     And the Shitty Leafs should have won the last Stanley Cup!     Ok, I'll add you. But, before you think I'm rude, I REALLY hate talking on those things. It takes me a long time to warm up. And I will annoy you with my snobbishness.   Most people don't dislike me at The Pit. It's only a handful there that I don't get along with. Plus, I'm far too wiling to get into fights with people.   I'm about 6'2. And 22 years old. I'm definitely awkward and uncoordinated. I really wish I wasn't so tall... really think I could have made a decent career out of tennis if I was more athletic. But, such is life.     I definitely don't think I'm ugly. I wouldn't show pics of myself if I thought that. But, you know, I constantly worry about that stuff. Like every female. Blah.     I so thought you were going to flame me. I shouldn't be so negative.   Well, I don't really watch wrestling anymore. The last thing I watched was Royal Rumble, and Christian's title win. I haven't watched Raw or SD since I can't remember. And I'd rather watch paint dry before watching Impact again. I just like to follow what's going on, so I can bitch about it.   Don't play much video games lately, either. Working full-time has really killed that. Plus, a modded XBox hurts, also. Can get all games for free... but, with it being a huge entertainment system, games become secondary.     I shouldn't have said this board is that awful. It's still definitely one of the best boards I visit. But, things just irritate me. Everything irritates me.     Just search "WinFixer" on Google. I already found lots of stuff on the first page. It's a fairly well-known adware program, and you should find a fix somewhere.     That's sweet of you. But, if people like/dislike me, I don't worry about it. I just like to fight with the people who do dislike me. I have weird ways of having fun.   And every time I say this, people disagree... The last thing I want is attention. If I really wanted everyone to like me, I'd play nice with everyone, and have tons of people messaging me on IM. I talk with just about nobody from this board, which surprises people for some reason.     Sorry, but I don't know who you are. I forget names very easily. But, I'm also psycho! And I love Alexis Laree! We should get along then.   There, I think I caught up. This entry will be really long.   I need sleep now... and tomorrow promises to be a crazy day. Ugh.        




9. I was halfway through with my latest entry...

9.   Then, this happens:   http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=78468   Oh, Lordy.   THIS is the shit I LIVE for on message boards.   Since I've (somewhat) matured, and most of the Internet has matured as well... it's been a long time since I got one of these. One of those posts that I can look back on every day for months, and just laugh.   Thank you, Damian. I knew you were capable of spreading such joy.   That's all for this entry... I better copy Damians' joy for safe keeping.   "The Gloves are off, motherfucker.   I've gone out of my way to pretty much cut you out of my existence for the last 2 or 3 years or so and your ass continues to come back, so fuck it. This will be theraputic.   I'm gone from pure anger towards you, to indifference, to just being goddamned annoyed by you lately.   What the fuck makes you so special?   Out of about 500+ guys that post on the board, you seem to attract the most attention simply because of the fact that you have a vagina and this is probably the closest that a lot of guys would get to associating themselves with a psycho bitch like yourself.   Guys, there's tons hotter, most of whom aren't racist pieces of shit who are actually a lot hotter and dont have their heads all gassed up, like this crazy attention whore.   Anyway,   I hope your doctors have gotten the most they can out of the research money theyve been able to come up with to deal with your bipolar, mental disorders and if not...then hopefully one day, the medical industry will do us all a favor and make sure you don't reproduce.   Goodbye, Bitch.   Dames"   I might have another entry tonight.   Luvz u, blog.   Leelee.




8. An insomniac's rant.

8.   I stay up far too late. It's 1130pm now, and I have to get up at 630. Not good. I trained myself at a young age to only sleep 4-5 hours a night, due to various issues. I'm going to have ugly bags under my eyes by 25.   I do nothing at these late hours, also. Blab on with the few friends on AIM I haven't blocked yet. Continue my awful obsession with poker... although, it's a lot easier to quit when I don't play with real money. That's something I never want to get back into again. Even though I made out pretty nicely.   I really need a new TV. It's a pain in the ass hooking up the XBox to my monitor. Damn XBox is heavy in my fragile hands. And the top always comes off because I couldn't fit the wires in after modding it. How I love my modded XBox. It's entertainment bliss. It's more great reason for me to waste hours indoors, watching lots of crap, and playing with little Mimi.   It seems like everyone at The Pit hates me. Which I don't mind. I never want people to like me. I'm a horribly insecure person always afraid of being hurt. And people online love to lie, especially to a person like me. When people lie, I seriously want to stab them. And everyone does. This is why I hate people. And, I'm probably going to be banned there. No biggie, again. It's basically Malibu franchise territory. Don't want to bother with people like that. Unless it's to troll and piss him off.   I hate being so tall. It makes me look so different. Like even in my avatar, I look so lanky and awkward. Always been that way. And since I'm old and can't play sports much anymore, it's not an advantage. Just a hindrance. And will likely lead to lots of back pain in my future. Well, such is life.   That should be enough. Mimi is bugging me. She always wants to play. I probably don't give her enough attention. The Princess gets what she wants.   Fin.




7. Bitching about TSM.

7.   This board is truly awful, and I have no idea why I'm still here.   The sports section is impossible to post in without wanting to beat all these assholes in the head. The vast majority... which I'm not even going to try to name... are impossible to post conversations with. Not because some here aren't knowledgeable... there's a few on both sides of that fence. But, so many people assume they are right, and will post to say how right they are, or be a rude asshole that points out how stupid others are. No conversation. No bantering of thoughts or opinions or ideas. Just the same spew which gets difficult to read. It's like constantly posting to yourself in there.   And never mind how many sexist people we have on this board. Yeah, I know, I go on about this a lot... but, it's true, and most of you realize it.   The sports section isn't as bad as the wrestling section, though. If anyone has read HTQ's blog... you know it's pointless to post anything about wrestling on this board. No need to go further on that.   Will this ever change? I highly doubt it. The mere fact that HTQ is still an admin here says change will never happen. Hell, look at the mods who post in the sports folder. Al Keiper? KingPK? A pompous guy who thinks he knows it all (and does about baseball, at least)... and an antisocial dork that shot down many of my prior posts because he's a rude grouch.   And the off-topic sections are struggling, also. But, that's always silliness.   My point is that the general attitude on this board is horrible. Which is a shame since we have a large community here. Everyone feels like they have to fight to get their point across. Oh well. I have enough other places and buddies to chat sports with.   I'll probably bitch about something else in 8.                




6. 2003 AL MVP commentary! And other stuff.

6.     And nobody else was close. The end. Well, no, I actually should have made that pic an ugly baseball card. And have waste like kkk post his stupid, uninformed comments afterwards. There, the end.   George Mason or Wichita St. is making the Elite 8. That's great stuff. Last time a mid-major makes the elite 8 since Kent St., I believe. Here's to hoping one of them can knock off UConn, and make the Final 4. Otherwise, the tourney is boring me. I'm doing horrible with my picks.   I see a lot of people responded in my blog before. Fuck if I know why. Jingus, one of the douches from HTQ's blog, and some other asshole... I'm not reading it.   I've only received 3 PM's so far about my current avatar. Rather disappointing. And they're not funny anymore, either.   In my next entry... I'll bitch about one of the many reasons why this board sucks.   Fin.      





5.   So, 5 months since I last posted here. Oh well.   The NCAA tournament is going miserably for me. I had Kansas making at least the Sweet 16, and mostly the Elite 8 in all my pools. Basically, they were my Louisville pick from last year. And that one paid off big time. Therefore, I am dead. And likely the first time no money for Leelee since 1999. Damn you.   The World Baseball Classic continues. Don't care. US lost. On the wrong day... they're supposed to lose before the NCAA begins so I can laugh at them. I always root against the US in world competitions like this. Their attitude is always so much weaker than the rest of the world. I'm not sure why that is... but it's sad. Like in Russia, athletes would give up anything just to play for their country. Especially in tennis, it's scary how patriotic they are. But, in the US, it's puling teeth to get those primadonnas to play.   In my next entry, we'll be looking back at the 2003 A.L. MVP race! And other exciting stuff!





Mimi, my little munchkin kitty, turned 2 today.   http://photobucket.com/albums/v514/leena69/th_66ab072c.gif   That's a pic of her when she was about 6 months old. I need to try taking more pics of her, but it's quite tricky!   Otherwise, I tried watching college football today.   OSU/Michigan - I hate the Big 10. I'm so tired of every team that's involved in it. I can't get away from them. Yes, OSU's comeback was pretty good, but meh.   PSU/MSU - Penn St. is lucky to only have one loss. MSU fucked that game up big time with turnovers at the worst time.   Oh well. Both games were meaningless, anyway. So, Penn State probably comes to Tempe now for the Fiesta Bowl to face some other team. Whoopy. I don't understand college football fans who actually care about bowl games. They're meaningless exhibitions. Yes, there's pride for these teams making these bowl games... but beyond that, it's nothing.   Tennis Masters Cup Semifinal:   (1) Roger Federer d. (7) Gaston Gaudio 6-0 6-0.   Yep, tennis is really, really horrible right now.   But, I'm going to play in my new tennis league tonight. Which should be fun.   4.





I had lots of fun tonight. And, I finally know someone in Phoenix. But, that's boring.   I'd like to talk about Milky today. Since it's his birthday.   He's very weird. But, I want him. That is all.   This blog is disappointing. Some day, I promise to write long entries like HTQ. But, not on wrestling.   K. Bye.   And the period better come after 3, this time.





People are making comments and I'm not reading them until I'm REALLY bored.   Ummm... tennis sucks. Federer is gonna win the Masters Tennis Cup thing with more bullshit 3-set wins. Whatevz.   Feh... I don't know what else.   I'm lazy at the current moment.





1.   Let's see what fag rates my blog a 1, first.   This blog will be about my feelings on the useless wrestling board community.   Soon enough, this will be the most popular blog, because I'm the most popular person.   But, please, I ask that you don't leave any stupid comments. This is about me. Not some smartasses who think they are worthy of my time.   Anyway, I have nothing to write currently. I'm sure I will soon enough.   Leena.


