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8. An insomniac's rant.

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I stay up far too late. It's 1130pm now, and I have to get up at 630. Not good. I trained myself at a young age to only sleep 4-5 hours a night, due to various issues. I'm going to have ugly bags under my eyes by 25.


I do nothing at these late hours, also. Blab on with the few friends on AIM I haven't blocked yet. Continue my awful obsession with poker... although, it's a lot easier to quit when I don't play with real money. That's something I never want to get back into again. Even though I made out pretty nicely.


I really need a new TV. It's a pain in the ass hooking up the XBox to my monitor. Damn XBox is heavy in my fragile hands. And the top always comes off because I couldn't fit the wires in after modding it. How I love my modded XBox. It's entertainment bliss. It's more great reason for me to waste hours indoors, watching lots of crap, and playing with little Mimi.


It seems like everyone at The Pit hates me. Which I don't mind. I never want people to like me. I'm a horribly insecure person always afraid of being hurt. And people online love to lie, especially to a person like me. When people lie, I seriously want to stab them. And everyone does. This is why I hate people. And, I'm probably going to be banned there. No biggie, again. It's basically Malibu franchise territory. Don't want to bother with people like that. Unless it's to troll and piss him off.


I hate being so tall. It makes me look so different. Like even in my avatar, I look so lanky and awkward. Always been that way. And since I'm old and can't play sports much anymore, it's not an advantage. Just a hindrance. And will likely lead to lots of back pain in my future. Well, such is life.


That should be enough. Mimi is bugging me. She always wants to play. I probably don't give her enough attention. The Princess gets what she wants.



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I did the same thing. I stay up WAY too late at night, and always regret it in the morning. I have to be up every morning by 0600-0615 at the latest. But like last night, I didn't lay down until 0100ish in the morning. I tell myself every morning that I need to start getting more sleep, but I never do. If I get a good night of rest, I feel like a million bucks. But when I don't, I feel like I am dying, and that sucks.


I'm always looking for "new friends" to chat with on AIM, or AOL, whatever you call it. My sn is TapesMaster04. It does seem that most people dislike you at the Pit, but what does that matter, anyway ? It's just a internet message board. And while I agree with you, about people on the internet, not all people are bad.


How tall are you ? Over six feet ? There's no reason to hate what you look like darlin, and you're definitely not old, if I think I know what your age is, and judging from the pictures I have seen of you. And, in my opinion, you don't look lanky or akward, you're a very attractive woman. You should be proud of that.

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I'd say she should be proud even if she was ugly. Which she isn't. You jut gotta get through this life yanno? Cheers! I dig the avatar. Keep them coming.

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Attractive girls watch wrestling, play poker and play video games? That makes me feel somewhat better about things.


I like being tall. In fact, I wish I was taller than I am. Not freakishly tall, just enough to be somewhat impressive and have a naturally stronger golf swing (Yea, I'm a geek or something). I suppose I shouldn't complain though.

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I'm a horribly insecure person always afraid of being hurt.


I called that one. Still, I'm finding if you don't even give people a chance then you end passing over on the good ones. You really aren't a psycho/bitch/bad person or whatever, you've just been dealt a bad hand and because of it you're extremely defensive...to the point where you become offensive. Just take a deep breath and roll with the punches. Remember, in the end you have the ability to just walk away from whomever it is bothering you and not allow them to hurt you.

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