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Foxnews' liberal bias, More Snotty Nonsense By Creeps

Fox News has given Michael Moore's new film "Sicko" a very positive, glowing review . Another example of liberal media bias.       I tuned in to MSNBC the other day and there was Charles McCord and Lou Ruffino, two regulars on Imus in the Morning. WTF? Bernard McGirk was fired along with Imus, but these two are still there? Now, I didn't think any of them should have been fired, but how does MSNBC keep these two? Charles laughed specifically at the nappy-headed ho commment and Lou might have as well, I don't remember, but he certainly didn't protest to Imus or make any comment expressing his disapproval.     Speaking of MSNBC, it appears that Joe Scarborough has changed his tune and is now pretty much a liberal on MSNBC. I'm pretty sure he was a typical Conservative on his former evening show. I heard him apologize to Hillary Clinton and suck up to her.

Swift Terror

Swift Terror


Film event, Hate University

Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro are going to star in an upcoming movie. Now, I have an interest in this, should be a good flick and all that but I don't think it quite rises to the importance that this guy thinks it does.       An event in world history? Jeez, fella, take it easy. I'll tell you what, get Charlton Heston and Sean Penn to co-star in your next movie and I'll agree with you.     Glenn Beck is starting Hate University. Geraldo Rivera said Beck was a "hate cheerleader". Rivera also said anyone who disagreed with the new immigration bill was only doing so because they must be "afraid of the brown tide." Well, let me know when the admissions office opens I guess.

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Swift Terror


Ohio gets dumber, JFK put to bed

Ohio, which demonstrated its lowly state of existence a year ago by passing a smoking ban, now has topped itself. Legislation has passed that bans touching at strip joints and has mandated that patrons must be six feet away from the dancers at all times, a so-called "6 foot bubble" that must be maintained around the dancers. No more dollars in g-strings, no more leaning in for a close look in Ohio. God, we suck. At least these chicks are fighting back.     Vincent Bugliosi, famous for prosecuting nutjob Charlie Manson, has written a magnum opus, 1600 pages worth, refuting the JFK conspiracy nuts. Not that we really needed this, but there are still numbnuts out there that think along the lines of an Oliver Stone. 3 quick points:   1. Despite people's claims, the act of getting off 3 shots from Oswald's location in a certain amount of time is not impossible and has in fact been duplicated over the years. Out of those duplications, 2 shooters have bested Oswald's results (2 or more head shots as opposed to Oswald's 1).   2. The magic bullet nonsense is actually on the part of the conspiracy nuts. When they talk about a magic bullet, it is because they have misrepresented where Connelly was sitting in relation to the president. Yep, it's that simple. The bullet travelled as it should based on where Connelly was really sitting. If the conspiracy nuts are right, the bullet would have ended up stuck in the car somewhere, because they say it would have had to make a right turn, etc. in order to hit Connelly. There was no bullet found elsewhere, and they can't explain where it ended up.   3. Kennedy's head did in fact move forward (as can be seen in a frame shot from the Zapruder film) before it moved backward, just as it should. For a brief microsecond, his head moved forward, then snapped backward, just as physics allow.

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Swift Terror


WTG Soccer, near disaster

The Union of European Football Associations Champions League is the Major Leagues, the NFL of Soccer. They are having their championship, their Super Bowl this month...ON A WEDNESDAY. Man, that is bitchin. Nice going, Europe. The most important sporting event of the year is taking place on a wednesday. Now, NASCAR stupidly blows their load by having their Super Bowl as the first race of the season, but at least they have the sense to do it on the weekend. But I might have to tune in because one of the players has the same name as my Dad, with 1 extra letter (Stephen Gerrard, plays for Liverpool).   I cleaned the throttle body (TB) and combustion chamber on my car. It's probably never been done and doing so will improve gas mileage. It's pretty easy but I think it will need another cleaning. Anyway, I nearly screwed up my engine in the process, which could have cost me thousands of dollars. I purchased the appropriate cleaning agent at the dealer--never use generic cleaner that is not specific to combustion chambers. Then all you have to do is disconnect the air cleaner hose leading to the TB, this exposes the opening of the TB, and this is where you spray the cleaner into. Now, on my car there are two holes within the TB that you must plug up. I had no plugs that fit (or any other kind of plugs--who has plugs like this lying around??), so I used tape. Well, after you spray the cleaner in you need to run the engine in order to get it fully into the system. Thinking I might spray some more after the first go-round, I left the tape on. Well, this monumental stupidity nearly got the tape sucked into the engine. And once it's in there the only way to get it out is to tear down the engine. You only get so many of these "mulligans" in life and I hate using one up like that.       1:57 pm:     How long will it be before some secular Lefty mouths off on this? Over the next few days, we are going to hear how he is no doubt in Hell right now, something along the lines of "Well, he's probably turning a crispy brown right about now." Oh well, maybe Keanu Reeves can rescue him.       2:32 pm:     Bob Barker is retiring from The Price is Right. Barker is the man. He has been staple of American television for decades. I always loved how he would very subtley get frustrated and testy with the particularly dumb contestants. And he was nailing the hot presenter-babes while in his 60s.

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Swift Terror


Rush defaced, TV, 8, Al

Another example of the Left's tolerance and willingness to support the right of someone expressing their views, even if those views differ from theirs.   Watched "Heroes" and the season finale of "The Unit" last night, which I recorded on the High Def DVR. Heroes is just getting on my nerves. It's not as good as the hype surrounding it. The storyline with the blonde chick with the violent alter-ego and her husband and their child is painfully boring. The cheerleader is very annoying. The Unit, however is first class. David Mamet, you can't go wrong. The show almost never attempts to dumb-down to the audience--often I have to rewind to pick up on something that is happening.     D.E. Jr is bolting from DEI, though he still owns 51% of the company. When he switches car numbers, it's going to be a problem for the diehard fans who have 8 all over their house, yard, vehicles, some even with tattoes. Their was a commercial a while back where Dale Jr made an announcement that he was changing car numbers and all these people were going nuts tearing down all the 8s they had, only for Jr to say "just kidding." Well, not anymore.     Al Sharpton cracked on Mormons. Then he was on Paula Zahn's show demonstrating ingorance of the Mormon faith. Then he was on Glenn Beck still demonstrating ignorance of the Mormon fatih. He apologized to all Mormons....except Mitt Romney. Hilarious. He's expecting Mormons to accept his apology, although he certainly did not accept Imus' apology. Now, I think the stuff Mormons believe is damn near right up there with Scientologists on the weirdness scale, but so what. They aren't hurting anybody and I couldn't care less what they believe.   And apparently 60 Minutes is grilling Romney on whether or not he had premarital sex. What a bunch a little babies. They're trying to play gotcha with the Mittster. Now, Bapists believe premarital sex is a sin, Bill Clinton said he was a Bapist, did this come up then? Oh.

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Swift Terror


Similes galore, more steaks, Silliness

I've been listening to Dennis Miller's new radio show. It's very entertaining. He does not get in-depth into topics the way that a Rush or Boortz would and he always has 2 guests per hour. I think he's just trying to feel his way through the beginning here, not wanting to do too much monolouge stuff. But the jokes he gets off are classic and hilarious. He of course works in the world of the simile, and they come hard and fast, like a 10-cup-a-day coffee drinker working a gatling gun. I would put the url to his site, but my workplace computer is denying me access due to a filter. This filter is very hit and miss, as evidenced by my ability to post this blog entry right now. In fact it's probably watching my every keystroke....     Donald Trump is now selling steaks through the mail--kind of like the Omaha Steaks that you can order. In what is certain to be a very good deal, Trump will send you what he calls the greatest steaks in the world. Now, I--oh wait, I just saw the prices--hmm, $999 sounds reasonable for 16 steaks and 24 burgers. Or you can really save a lot of money and get the Classic Collection. The CC features 4 steaks and 12 burgers for $199. Forget Biggs, I'm going exclusively with Trump from now on to meet my meat needs.     George Lucas thinks that Spiderman 3 is "silly" Um, yeah, George, you did alright with those first 3 movies, but a lot of people agree that your next 3 attempts fell a little short. In fact one could make the case they appeal more to the grade school set than the adult world.    

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Warming to in-laws, No steak for you

So I was having dinner at my wife's parents and her twin sister was there, the one who is a lawyer who works for the Ohio Supreme Court. For some unknown reason, my wife made a comment about global warming, not a political for-or-against comment, but a flippant comment about it hopefully being warm when we go to Cape May, NJ in June. Well, this started a mild shitstorm between her parents and her sister. Her sister believes Al Gore, the whole deal, a true believer. Her parents are evil conservatives, listen to Rush, and generally don't like Al Gore. I wanted to speak up during their debate, but I just didn't want to argue with Lora, she's a nice person. I know, I made a mistake. Just misinformed, thanks to the media. It isn't her fault. With few exceptions (the NYT did in fact run an article weeks ago about the mistakes in Al Gore's film), the mainstream media treats Al Gore's version of global warming--at least the man'made part--as gospel. And the only place you consistently get news of scientists who are debating this stuff is through Conservative outlets--and I know damn well she doesn't listen/read any of these (she really went off on Rush and Bill O'Reilly at one point). And it didn't help that her parents were not exactly doing a thorough job of presenting the other side. Oh well, next time I'll try and speak up, hopefully she'll respect my opinion.   A Cincinnati restaurant owner, Jeff Ruby, told O.J. Simpson to get out of his place in Louisville during the kentucky Derby weekend. Ruby's steakhouse in Cincinnati, The Precinct, is first-class, the absolute best meat you will ever put in your mouth. Simpson's lawyer is calling Ruby a racist and is sueing him. The case kind of falls apart, because of a couple things:   1. Michael Jordan was seated at the table shortly after Simpson left.   2. Ruby has pictures of himself...with O.J. at his restaurants in Cincinnati back in the day, before the Juice offed two people. O.J. was smiling.

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To smoke or not to smoke

Ohio has followed in the "progressive" footsteps of other parts of the country and has completely banned indoor smoking. This includes such niche establishments as cigar bars. That's right, a place that is deliberating catering to smokers now has to ban it and put up a silly little sign that says No Smoking and has a hotline phone number on the sign to call to report violators. Yes, the narcissistic ninnies have made sure that whiners and tattle-tales can call a number to tell on smokers. Like running to mommy to tell on your classmate for doing something wrong. There was a case where a useless ninny called to complain about "Anthony's", a local cigar bar. This person, when queried, had never been to Anthony's and has no intention of ever going, she just heard that people were still smoking cigars there even though the ban had just gone into affect (or effect?) that day.   Thankfully, the ban so far does not include plays being performed at the Aronoff Center, plays which include the character's smoking on stage. They did have signs at every entrance explaining that there will be lit cigarettes used during the production. But fear not, I do not doubt for one second that this too will eventually be banned, as it is in New York City for Broadway plays.     I've noticed that the FOX show "Drive" hasn't been on in a few weeks. Maybe it's been cancelled or just put a hiatus. It's not that great, but I mark out for a 1970 Dodge Challenger with a Hemi 426 being featured in a primetime network show.

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Swift Terror


Traffic nonsense, enlightened in-laws

The right-hand turn on a red light, is, as even anti-American TV host Jeremy Clarkson has said, a great contribution to civilization by America. It kicks ass to able to turn right at a red light, knowing all the while poor saps all over Europe are not able to do this simple task. Yet sometimes it can become the source of road rage. You see, some people regard this traffic rule as meaning you do not have to actually stop, you can just roll through your turn. Not so. You do in fact have to stop, just as you would at a stop sign, and then you can be on your merry way.   The following happens to me on a regular basis. I'll come to a stop light in a right hand turn lane, and let's say there's no traffic around. I'll still come to a stop, because, well, that's the traffic law. And yet, about 75%-90% of the time, if there is someone behind me that person will go "Bakersfield Chimp". (That was the chimpanze that mauled the living hell out of his former owner in Bakersfield, California a few years ago.) They'll act as those I just raped their child, get all pissed off, tailgate, etc, etc. Fuck these people. They are just another segment of society that needs to be thinned out.   I mentioned a situation in kkk's blog about installing a ceiling fan/light in our bedroom at the behest of my wife. Well, there was no existing hole in the ceiling and in addition to not knowing what is needed to hang a ceiling fan where no hole existed, I also knew nothing about how to do the wiring. So enter my brother-in-law, who my wife recruited to do it. I have no idea if he volunteered or is my wife asked, don't know, don't care, I wasn't present when it was decided that he would do this. Of course, it was understood that I would be helping him. First, a quick background on this brother-in-law. He's married to my wife's older sister and has a 2 year old child. Early this fall we all went to Florida on vacation, where we stayed at a rental house. This guy was detached the whole time, didn't seem to interested in his family at all. One day we were at the beach and he volunteered to go back to the house and bring back some snacks for everyone. So he took off, and I found out later that he drove off to a burger place and had himself a meal before he ever bothered to come back to the beach. (Food seems to be this guy's main motivation in life--the entire vacation to him was getting to the next meal.) Then on the second to last day of the trip, we all went out to a nice restaurant overlooking the ocean. Before the dinner he had gone out and bought a fifth of Jim Beam and proceeded to get blind drunk. He got up during the meal and never returned. I went to go look for him (while his wife is sitting there embarrassed and mortified). I find him in a parking lot throwing up all over the place. His wife comes down, slaps his ass and comes back up to finish the meal. He wanders off while we drive back to the house. He shows up several hours later, etc, and it was awkward for the rest of the time.   So now they are apparently OK and life goes on. However, they were in a fight while this guy is over with me putting this damn ceiling light in. He is acting like a complete ass, taking out all this on me. I like to do tasks in a calm, patient manner, while he is the definition of impatience and it was only compounded by this fight he's in with his wife. Like I give a fuck about his problems, make your marriage better and quit acting like an ass. So on the last day of the "installation" he leaves without finishing the job, and I'm left to attached and wire the thing to the ceiling by myself, which should be a two-man job due to the weight of the thing.   And my wife wants to get THREE more lighting fixtures for the kitchen, the area between the kitchen and the living room, and the dining room.

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Swift Terror


British TV show lampoons, stereotypes the U.S. in America

Top Gear is a television show broadcast in England on BBC2. It features three men who drive and review cars, mainly high performance cars. They also inject a lot of humor into their shows. It is well produced and very funny.   Last year they filmed an episode, which just aired on February 9th, where they travel to America and drive from Florida to New Orleans. This could have been a great episode. The southerners love their cars and it would have been great to see the hosts interact with them on this shared interest.   Instead they chose to delibrately provoke and insult the people they encountered, and presented an entire show with the messsage that "America is a horrible place and the people who live there are the worst people on Earth". They always behaved in a condescending way toward everyone they encountered. They drove around with bumper stickers that read "Nascar Sucks", "Man love is OK", "I'm Bi", "Hillary for President". Now 3 of those are fine, but why provoke people with "Nascar Sucks"? Three British snobs putting down a popular sport right in the heart of the south is asking for trouble.   Their attitude right from the start was "we are so much better than these scum and we'll act accordingly". There was an incident at a gas station in Alabama where some guys were threatening them. Some say this was staged by the Top Gear producers--it could have been, I don't know. One of the hosts wrote a blog entry about it and did not allude to any fakery.   And of course a lot of Brits are posting on the Top Gear about how great it was, how "scary" Alabama is, how great it is to see the U.S. deservedly trashed, etc.   I guess I could go to London, drive around with a bumper sticker that says "Soccer is a trash sport" or "Formula 1 Sucks", act like a holier-than-thou jerk and get it on video. Then I could edit it to keep in all the angry Brits' reactions in and show it on American TV and call the people of England all kinds of fun names and talk about how awful they are.      

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Swift Terror


24 sucks, Lost and Heroes have jumped the shark

24 has been very good in previous seasons. This season it is terrible.   Lost has jumped the shark, really sometime last season.   Heroes jumped the shark on about episode two or three.     First, 24:   1. The writing this season is amateurish. The dialogue is horrible. It is filled with loads and loads of exposition. Maybe the show's producers have received complaints from viewers that are having difficulty following the storyline. Whatever the reason, the whole thing comes across as a show for 9 year olds.   2. Absurb, implausible goings-on. I'm not talking about Jack getting across LA freeways in 3 and a half minutes--the show has always had over the top storylines and that's OK. I'm talking about little things such as: Jack's brother being left alone with his father. There is no way Jack's brother would be left alone in a room with the IV still attached to his arm, let alone with another person present, even his own father. And the repetitive nature of the general plot is getting old. Same thing all over again. A couple hours and a new layer of the bad guy hierarchy is revealed; last hour's top bad guy is shown getting a cell phone call from yet another, different bad guy who is above him, and so on.     Second, Lost:   Lost is a....lost cause. It started to suck last year. The spiraling plots are just a bunch of tangents going nowhere. Nefarious plot tangents brought up last year have never been resolved. You can't do that to an audience.       Third, Heroes:   Never got going. Great potential, jumped the shark right out of the gate. The cheerleader's father sucks and is a lousy character. The chick with the evil twin sucks--horrible storyline, horrible character. Everytime the bitch comes on, either one of them, the show grinds to a halt. Same with the cheerleader. Fucking awful character, the shows grinds to a halt every second she is on screen. Getting through each fucking episode is like wading through molasses. The dumbasses writing the show have no idea how to keep the audience interested. Just because you through in a twist 58 minutes into the show means nothing.

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Swift Terror


Athlete or not?

We all know the manly men that play Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Hockey are true athletes, but what of other sports?   Tell me if the participants of the much maligned sports below are real athletes or not.     Pro Tennis player PGA Tour Golfer Race car driver (including NASCAR, Formula 1, Indy) Pro Soccer player (MLS, English Premier League, etc.) Pro Beach Volleyball X Games (including skateboading, snowboarding, bikes on ramps)

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Swift Terror


Men's Room follies

So I'm in a stall in the men's room at work and some guy comes in and takes the stall right next to me. There are open stalls farther down but he takes the one right next to me and let's loose, making all kinds of noises. What the hell, what kind of sick freak intentionally sits right next to some guy in the men's room? And don't give me this crap about he didn't know someone was in the stall. The doors in our men's room hang open. It's easy to tell if they are occupied.   And I'm a guy who was forced to take a crap in a room full of open toilets with oh, about 25 other guys. That's right no stalls. It was circa 1984, Fort Benning, Georgia, U.S. Army Airborne School. Yeah, that was fun. And noboby could come up with a funny line to break the uneasyness in the room. So we just took our crap and got outta there.     And now a special announcement to help you save money. If you have a Pep Boys auto parts store in your area, they have Purolator oil filters on sale for 49 cents, after a mail-in rebate. They also have Pennzoil Full Synthetic on sale for $1.99 a qt, also after rebate. To demonstrate how cool that is, consider that Mobil 1 Full Synthetic is $5.50 a qt. That's awesome and come on, it's not that big a deal to change your own oil.

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Nike offends

A Nike poster of English soccer star Wayne Rooney has inspired outrage and condemnation among some dipshits in England. And in America as well I'm sure. There are three reasons for the outrage: 1) the red paint and expression on his face promotes violence and aggression, 2) the configuration of the paint, in the form of England's flag, recalls a cross, with Rooney as the crucified Jesus, and 3) the form of the cross also recalls the familiar vest/clothing of the Crusades, which is offensive to Muslims.           Sweet living Jesus in a soda can, get a life people. A friend of mine was watching an England World Cup match and saw fans dressed in Crusader outfits. He immediately thought of Monty Python--I said no, that's a Crusader costume and if someone did that in America, CAIR and the ACLU would go apeshit. He said nah, it wouldn't be a big deal. This poster incident is a perfect example of the hysterical reaction to these kinds of things. And Christians don't get a free pass either--some are condemning it as offensive to God. Get a grip people.

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Swift Terror


Lefty scum at TSM

Two of our finest men, Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Ore., were kidnapped and murdered in Iraq by truly evil people. The Leftists wackos started no thread at TSM about it.   They sure layed it on thick over Abu Gahrib and Gitmo though. Page after page of condemnation and insults at the American soldiers, military leaders, you name it. I'm sure Menchaca and Tucker would have gladly endured dog collars, fake electrical wires, and being stripped naked. I wonder how many times times the word "torture" was used by the Leftist scum in those pages.   Ah, but they have nothing to say about Menchaca and Tucker.   I used to start a thread each year honoring our military on Memorial day. I wouldn't bother anymore, what's the point. None of the vaunted Liberals had anything to say in those threads about the military then or now. And they didn't start any threads on their own. But they support the troops don't you know.   Heck, the insurgents are just defending their homeland that we invaded, right? They are the good guys fighting the occupying American military.   Nothing to say about Menchaca and Tucker? Wow.    

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Swift Terror


Bank lines, 72nd hole woes

People in bank lines have no sense of people around them. In short, they suck. I was at the bank location inside the local Kroger by my home. The line starts in the middle as you approach the counter. It is roped off, with exits to the left and right. So I'm standing there, next up to go to the counter, 2 sets of people being helped in front of me. The first set finishes and instead of walking to the left or right, they walk towards me and push their way past with what little room there is. Then the second set finishes and they too turn around and wedge past me. It would never occur to me to do this when I'm done at the bank counter. I simply walk off to the right and don't bother the people waiting. What is the deal with the people? They're just oblivious I guess.       Phil did not make bad decisions yesterday on the 18th hole of the U.S. Open. If you pay attention to golf, you're probably hearing from the media about how he screwed up, it's back to the old reckless Phil, he should've hit the 4-wood on 18, and on and on. I can't wait to laugh tonight at the dopes on ATH and PTI rip him a new one for making poor shot making choices. Poor is the word alright, but it was poor shots, not poor decisions that caused the double bogey on 18 that lost the Open for Phil.   Phil said that the fairways were ridiculously firm and that he had hit perfect tee shots that rolled off the fairway earlier in the round. In fact, a couple of these shots were struck with irons, not his driver. In light of this, he chose the driver on 18 rather than the 4-wood (he did not have a 3-wood in his bag) with the thinking being that a 4-wood in the rough would leave him with very long yardage. Driver in the rough, he's much closer. I know, how about not driving in the rough? Well, again, he said it was very difficult to keep it in the fairway even with a decent tee shot.   And the second shot. We never saw the shot he had. NBC never showed the view from behind him. It turns out it wasn't that difficult, he just needed a fade shot just like the one he made on 17 to get a par. He hit a bad shot, bottom line, he admitted as much.     Oh, and Jeff Ogilvy did NOT back into the win. He had a great chip-in at 17 and a difficult, pressure packed slightly downhill putt on 18. Had he made those shots behind Phil and Monty instead of in front of them, there would be no talk of backing into it.  

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Swift Terror


Cincy radio and Big Ben, Jr

Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was on a morning sports talk show in Cincinnati (2 Angry Guys) this morning, pimping his "reality league" web site or whatever it is. Shortly thereafter, he was injured in a motorcycle accident. Thank you for coming on a Cincinnati radio show, Ben, I for one am glad you did.     Speaking of the 2 Angry Guys, they got into hot water a couple weeks ago for putting out the idea that Griffey Jr. should be open to changing positions in order to reduce wear and tear on his body. Their opinions angered Jr and even got a mention on the ESPN show "Around the Horn". Jr made the comment that they hadn't played the game at this level, so they should shut up. And the talking heads on ATH said athletes shouldn't listen to the morons on talk radio.   Now former Reds star center fielder Eric Davis has echoed the view of the angry guys.       I wonder what Jr's comments will be now?    

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Mike Gallagher blows it?

Mike Gallagher's career in radio may be coming to an end. He just wished for (9:10 am Friday) the execution of the various Leftist pundits who have not exactly expressed joy over the killing of the Z-man in Iraq. He was quite serious about shooting the likes of Jerry Springer (Air America talker), Randi Rhodes, and some congressman, among others, for treason. I don't know, I've never heard something this extreme from him. This has to cause problems, I don't see how this will just blow over.     Edit: He just said that he is not "calling for" the assasination of these people. He is just wishing for their execution. Whatever, you decide what he means and if this is a big deal or not.

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Wrap it up

Beck is right, take Z's body and wrap it in bacon and put a ham hat on. Maybe a pigskin suit would be better.     And now....the Top Gear car review!!     BMW Z4 M series       Richard Hammond says: BMW have stripped the car of the usual technological gadgets and created a raw performance car. A normal, basic manual transmission as opposed to the 2-in-1 automatic/manual paddle shift transmission that are now popular on high-end sports cars. Fun on the track, pedestrian in everyday life.

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Swift Terror


Newsflash--ESPN sucks on Wie

Well, Michelle Wie did not qualify for the U.S. Open. Now, I was all for Wie being able to attempt to qualify, but some of the commentators and sports journalists (ESPN of course) who agree with me are just pathetic. They are on Wie's side only because of political correctness. I just look at it as just another person who may have the ability to compete on the PGA tour. Watching the live cut ins on ESPN was a hoot--when it became clear she wasn't going to make it, the comments by the dumbass PC commentators were truly pathetic. One nitwit sportscaster on ESPN (don't know his name, he's a regular) kept saying "What went wrong, how come she fell back". The woman who was at the golf course was trying to explain how in the world this could've happened. Uh, maybe because she's a 16-year old girl with little experience on a PGA course under these pressure circumstances. Even the experienced men had trouble dealing with the pressure, etc. Steve Fleisch, who at one point was leading the Memorial tournament last week (one of the biggest and most prestigious events on the tour) failed to make it. Everyone was acting as though it was a disaster, it was as if Dwayne Wade just went 0-20 in the first half of the NBA final.      

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Swift Terror


Sports, Corpses, terrorists

Michelle Wie is attempting to qualify for the U.S. Open. I'm hearing many voices of idiocy from people who should know better. People are saying she shouldn't be allowed to do this, just stay on the LPGA, etc. Shut up, you dumbfucks. She's playing from the same tees. Everything is equal. The PGA is not a men only organization. Whoever you are, if you are good enough to play under the same rules as everyone else, you should be allowed to compete. If this were some bogus thing like having her play from separate tees, yes, screw that. But that's not the case here. Oh yeah, she's kinda hot, but I will not comment any further until she turns 18.       Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chris Henry was arrested YET AGAIN a couple days ago. This time DUI and speeding. He just got through a court hearing for a separate arrest while in Florida. It's hard to figure how someone could be so damn dumb. But the Bengals should keep him, because in the Pros it's about winning and nothing else. If they cut him, someone else will pick him up and he could come back to haunt the Bengals down the road. Last I checked the Ravens had 2 star players get prison time, or at least were found guilty of some crime. Who cares, this aint high school. The Steelers new draft pick, Santonio Holmes recently got into trouble. But they'd do well to keep him because he'll help them win games. I hear guys on the radio saying "cut that creep Henry, we don't need that kind of player on our team". Oh really? You want a bunch of saints on your team and go .500? Can you imagine the shit the dudes back in the 70s did off the field in the NFL? Holy Christ, it'd make your hair turn white. This is the Pros baby, deal with it.       The French Open was NOT broadcast in HD on NBC over the weekend. I hate you, NBC...unless it was out of their control. I think they just use the French TV feed for their broadcast, so maybe they were unable to show it in HD. I'm still pissed though. And it looks like Martina Hingis is advancing nicely. The occasional skirt fly-up is the real reason I want the HD. Hingis appears to have really gotten into great shape. At least I'm honest.       Muslims terrorists--some Canadian citizens--were captured in Ontario. They were planning bomb attacks in Ontario. During the same week, the Ontario division of the largest trade union in Canada was calling for a boycott against Israel for mistreatment against Palestinians. Man, that is divine irony.       I watched Rob Zombie's "House of 1000 Corpses" over the weekend on the Independent Film Channel. Wow, what a mess. And talk about ripping off Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Oh, I guess the part where one of the killers uses the facial skin of one of his victims as a mask--just like Leatherface--was supposed to be a homage. Well, it was one clumsily done homage, I'd call it a rip-off any day. And I've heard plenty about the sequel, "Devil's Rejects". And this leads me to the conclusion that Zombie is one gutless wonder. Sure, he has his killers torture and kill normal white people--in the case of "Reject's" an overtly Christian family is tortured and put to death. Zombie doesn't show any blacks or other minority group as victims. Nor do you see a Muslim family tied up and tortured. Zombie would not want to appear bigoted I'm sure and I guarantee he doesn't want to piss off Muslims. But cruelty against Christians is fun!  

Swift Terror

Swift Terror


Discount advertisements

Piggybacking on kkk's story about an eyeglass coupon and the fine print, I recently had a coupon/discount offer that went awry.   I have this tracfone thing, which is a cell phone without any contracts, you just have to buy airtime every few months. I got this offer in the mail for a free reconditioned phone if you buy 60 minutes of airtime. I was due in a few weeks to buy airtime anyway, so I decided to do it. The ad said that the offer was only available at the website or by calling. The ad featured the main website URL and nothing else. Since I avoid these kinds of 800 numbers at all costs, I just went to the website, which I had used many times before to buy airtime. There was nothing on the main page about this offer. So I went to "buy airtime". Still didn't see anything, but I went ahead and bought the airtime, thinking maybe something would come up during the procedure. Still nothing. So I braced myself and called the 800 number. This number had the mother of all bullcrap menu option loops. There was no option to speak directly with someone and none of the options covered the topic I was calling about. I just started picking stuff and kept getting sent to automated responses. Finally I found something that would get me to a live person and the real fun began. He started off by telling me that the offer was only good if you called and bought airtime. I pointed out to him that the ad had clearly stated that you could go to the web site. Then he told me you had to click on "buy phone" from the main web page in order to get the offer. I said there was nothing that directed me to that link, and I had already bought the airtime. He kept telling me I have to go to the "buy phone" link, but that would involve buying another 60 minutes. Talk about misleading bullcrap. The ad said nothing about that and the web page didn't direct you to that link. To have the offer hidden under "buy phone" is nuts. Yeah, I know I should have called before going ahead with the purchase, but I followed the ad's instructions.

Swift Terror

Swift Terror


A ball, a world at peace

I have never been among those sports fans in America that hate soccer. I don't hate soccer, I'll probably even watch some of the World Cup this summer. Sports talk radio in the U.S. absolutely HATES soccer and I don't really know why they are so worked up about it. But I will say that these smug World Cup commercials are really getting on my nerves.   The first one talks about Liberia and how, due to the fact that they have a World Cup team, there is now a cease-fire and there's no more violence, blah, blah. Great, and what happens the minute the World Cup is over for them?   The second one is even more googly-eyed about the World Cup's (more specifically the ball itself, according to the commercial) importance. It talks about people coming together all over the world, putting aside differences, even stopping wars. Hey, is Iran or North Korea fielding a team this time around?   Now, I said I don't hate soccer, but one of the first things that comes to mind when the topic of soccer is brought up is that violence that occurs at soccer matches in Europe. The so-called "hooligans" and whatnot. Beatings, fires, tramplings, all that good stuff. It might get a country's people on the same page for a short time, but they're still going to hate the other country and that country's team. Some head-shaved hooligan is going to chuck a molotov cocktail at some poor bastard...all because of a ball.    

Swift Terror

Swift Terror


Doesn't Barry's ball buy a sports car?

Whatever happened to the word "doesn't"? Nobody says this word anymore. These days, it's all about "dudn't". I hear professional broadcasters on the radio say "dudn't" all the time. Even the freakin president has used it, although in his case it is not that shocking when you hear his other syntaxtical malformations. Is the word "dudn't" a reflection of our need to speed everything up? It seems "dudn't" is a quicker way to say "doesn't". Also, some people avoid "doesn't" because it sounds pretentious, like you're some jackass trying to sound educated.   "Hey, do you believe this idiot on TV, look at him"!   "Dudn't bother me."         Barry Bonds hit home run No. 715, surpassing the legendary Babe Ruth. Don't care, I'm more interested in the fan who caught the now famous ball. He was standing in line for some peanuts and a beer while Bonds came up to bat and the ball pretty much just fell into his hand. I LOVE this. The dude doesn't even stay in his seat to see the at-bat and winds up with I guess a ball that is worth a few hundred grand. I happened to see Hank Aaron hit No. 714 in Cincinnati. My aunt was in the lady's room. And I might just have to start liking Bonds after he made the comment that he hopes the guy sells the ball and makes as much money as he can get.           And now, a brand new segment on Triple Black. The weekly Top Gear car review!!   I mentioned the British TV show Top Gear in a previous post. It's a great show, very well produced. The only thing I don't like about it is the insessant America-bashing. I mean these guys go way out of their way to rip on the USA. Yet I still watch, because when it comes to cars, the hosts and I are on the same page.   So without further ado, here is the car review, plus a bonus review in celebration of the first segment ever.       1) 2006 Corvette Z06         This is the high performance version of the normal Corvette. Jeremy Clarkson did the review and like with all things American, in a real shocker, he didn't like it. Oh, he admitted it was very fast, but he objected to the cheap interior and the little bugs that went wrong. He also said it would be horrible as a daily driver because it was so uncomfortable. Now, if you can afford the $70,000 price tag, I'm sure you can mix in a Camry to drive to work. But, that's Clarkson for you. And of course the interior doesn't have the high quality of a Ferrari or Aston Martin--it's 10s of thousands of dollars LESS than those 6-figure cars. He did however express astonishment over a car that is the equal (in terms of speed) of a $160,000 Ferrari can be bought for Chevrolet's price. So basically he loved it as a track car but did not recommend it for driving on the road.       2) 2007 Jaguar XK         Clarkson tested this completely redesigned model as well, and loved it...as long as one kept the car under 130 mph. He noticed a significant front end lift and lightness in the steering at speeds over 130. Not safe at all. This is due to the poorly designed rear spoiler, which causes too much downforce at the rear of the car, with no compensation at the front. He also criticized the antenna (looks like it came from a 1981 Ford) the lack of a new engine (same engine as the old model) and the lack of any new gadgets in the interior. He did however love the styling, and it is a truly gorgeous car. At one point he said he was torn on whether to drive it or to get an easel and start painting it. And while he bitched about the interior gadgetry, he did like the restyling of it, felt it was modern and crisp, all the old school wood trimming gone. Bottom line, he loved driving it and could put up with the nitpicking.

Swift Terror

Swift Terror


A lovely (Iron) Maiden, VH1 Metal Month

Classic Heavy Metal band Iron Maiden's Steve Harris has a daughter who is embarking on a singing career. No story here, just an excuse to check out a smokin hot babe.         May is Heavy Metal month on VH1. I keep missing programming because there is VH1 and VH1 classic. And I never know which channel the Metal shows are going to be on (I've seen some on both channels) and I keep forgetting what channel VH1 classic is. Dammit, VH1, just put all the Metal programming on one f'ing channel.   I did see some of the "Heavy: The Story of Metal" last night. Part of it featured Dee Snider (lead singer of Twisted Sister) battling Congress over explicit lyrics labels. Snider talked about the "Conservative oppression" of the 1980s. He didn't mention that Tipper Gore was the wife of a Democrat. I guess she was being "controlled" by Conservatives, perhaps an early iteration of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. At one point in the hearings he was being questioned by Al Gore.   Oddly, later they showed him performing at a campaign rally in California for Arnold.     And when it comes to Metallica, I'm afraid I'm going to have to fall on the side of them being a sell-out. Ian Scott of Anthrax says he would fight anyone who says they're a sell-out. Well, let's take a look at this. When Metallica was starting out, their whole philosophy was "Fuck the Hair Metal/Glam Metal", we're just going to play hardcore thrash and we don't care how we look, etc. Then in the 90s, there they are, at the Grammys, Kirk Hammet wearing makeup, earrings, and a jive-ass burgundy sport jacket. Whatever you want to call it, they made a conscious decision to change the music and jump into the mainstream pop culture pool.  

Swift Terror

Swift Terror

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