7/29: #68, Dopey Sports Talk
KKK's Top 103 Posters
Number 68: Agent Bond34
I don’t see much of Agent around here. He seems to show up around football time to partake in our message board’s football contests; after not logging into TSM for several months, he showed up and took his spot in my football league, along with Bored’s. But hey, he submits his picks on time, which makes him OK in my book. I do feel for him when a few years ago he got banned by some mod because that person thought Agent was a previously banned poster (Mr. Zsasz). You see, Zsasz liked James Bond, and since Agent’s name had the word “Bond” in it, it’s only natural that Agent Bond was Zsasz in disguise, despite the fact Agent had been posting here since August of '02. But I digress.
• Yesterday was a bit of a bittersweet day for me in my talk-radio listening habits. In the Shittsburgh area, on the Fox Sports Radio affiliate, there is this local morning show that is probably going to get the axe. For a few years these two former Steeler linemen – Tunch Ilkin and Craig Woofley – hosted this 7-10 a.m. program. However, rather than having the Clear Channel-owned station cut their show due to low ratings, Ilkin has decided to leave the show in order to pursue other endeavors. This pair had been paying for airtime and had been selling their own advertising. Now with Ilkin leaving (he’s pretty much left already, having taking this past week off and scheduled to “officially” leave at the end of the month) the only way this program will continue if the station takes the show on itself, which probably isn’t going to happen. (Some background info.) I usually listened to this program from 9-10 a.m., and if my local RIGHT-WING RADIO guy was airing a “best of” program I usually just tuned over to Tunch and Wolf from 7-10 a.m. This program wasn’t great by any means, but you could tell both guys were having fun doing this show, and it’s a little sad to see them go. However, both have other things to do with their lives (both take part in the Steelers radio broadcasting team) and I wish both the best of luck.
• So was our new American cycling hero doping it up when beating the rest of the world in a sport that our country doesn’t follow? Who knows and who cares. I didn’t get caught up in all the Floyd Landis hype when he was on the bike, and I’m not going to pay attention to the aftermath. When it came to the last seven Tour de Frances, I didn’t follow one second of them. Toward the end of each race, I’d check to see if Lance Armstrong was going to win, and when I would learn that he’d come in first (again) I’d say “cool” and go back to my existence. I think cycling is a sport, unlike Jason Whitlock of ESPN/Kansas City Star fame, and I think Armstrong’s story is an amazing one. I just don’t care about cycling. However, I do care about pissing off the rest of the world, particularly the French, which is why I don’t goof on this event … much.
• It’s a shame this guy lived, because he would be an excellent candidate for one of those “too stupid to live” awards. Trying to start shit in a gun store with a machete is like a WAP bringing a knife to a gunfight.