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8/25: #59, Lazy Bitches, Lottery People

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KKK’s Top 103 Posters


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Number 59: Fazzle


A three-year kkk Bowl vet with the Carolina Panthers, plus I remember seeing a picture of him surrounded by some cute chicks that were around his age. Good work. He’s also the second poster in a row on this list who has talked about paying for sex. Weird.


And now a word from the expert panel I have put together to comment on the people I’ve listed.


From EricMM:

He's got that bomb avatar with La Parka in it.


• Something I had believed all my life has just been taken away from me. No, it's not blacks having the same voting rights as me (that news hit hard a few elections ago). It's Pluto no longer being classified as a planet. And to think there are actual people out there who debate this kind of shit.


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• The hell? Normally it’s the dogs that are in front of their owners running in every which way.


• New York Slimes, please please please transfer Paul Krugman to Beijing. If some researcher can get three years in jail for “fraud,” Krugman will get at least 25 to life with his next economics-based column.


• While I’m on the Journalists-in-trouble kick, I don’t know why terrorists thought they could get anywhere by capturing cable television reporter Steve Centanni. What, did they think they now have a direct line to the White House? OMG FAUX NEWS LOL2006. Wait a second. There are people who seriously think this. Oops.


• So Forbes Magazine declares Milwaukee to the America’s drunkest city. I guess those people really do like to have some wine with that cheese.


• If you had any questions regarding my recent rant about lottery people, this should put those doubts to rest. Why bother to bold-face all the funny parts of this story?


Man Settles Over Lottery Ticket in Trash


A man who retrieved a $1 million lottery ticket from the trash reached a settlement with the family of the man who claimed he accidentally threw it away.


Edward St. John, 83, agreed to give up $140,000 of the winnings because he wanted to enjoy the windfall before he died, his attorney said.


St. John was sued after finding the "Hold 'em Poker" scratch ticket in October 2005 while searching through the trash at a local convenience store for discarded winning tickets, something he regularly did.


Kevin Donovan, 49, who said he had bought every "Hold 'em Poker" ticket in the store earlier in the day but accidentally threw out the winner, protested St. John's claim to the winnings before the Massachusetts Lottery Commission. The commission rejected the claim in April, ruling that a lottery ticket was like cash, requiring only possession to show ownership.


Donovan died of a heart attack shortly afterward. His surviving children then challenged the commission ruling in court.


St. John's attorney, Scott Ambler, said his client was reluctant to agree to the settlement because he believed he deserved the entire prize. But Ambler said that Donovan's estate could have conceivably kept the case in court for so long that St. John might have died before it was resolved.


"If Mr. St. John had passed away before he got a chance to enjoy anything, that would have been the biggest shame of all," Ambler told a local newspaper.


Under the settlement, approved Tuesday by a judge, St. John gets $43,000 annually for 20 years, before taxes, while Donovan's estate gets $7,000 annually.


St. John said he planned to share the money with an older brother.


He also indicated that the windfall might force him to move because he lives in subsidized housing and might now exceed the maximum allowed income.

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I thought the purpose of taking your dog out for a walk, was to give it exercise?


I'd do the chick in the picture.




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