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9/4: Protesting Planet Preservation Is A Croc

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• Steve Irwin has just died thanks to a stingray putting a barb through his chest. I always liked the Crocodile Hunter program, even though half the time the show was about a dozen guys lying down on a reptile as if it were a drunk hot chick at Mardi Gras. Too bad this attack didn’t happen to Jeff Corwin; last night I was watching some retarded “HUGE MONSTERS” show with him pretending dinosaurs or some other large extinct animals were chasing him. Christ was this show awful. I kept watching this piece of shit just for the sheer awfulness of it all.


• Speaking of trash, I saw one of Morgan Spurlock’s hippie “30 Days” episodes tonight. I wish Morgan would spend 30 days provoking stingrays in their natural habitat. OMG spending 30 days in jail sucks. No fucking shit, genius. That’s why you don’t BREAK THE LAW. I love it when some guilt-ridden do-gooder tries to tug at your heartstrings by producing something like this “30 Days” show and you end up spending 90 percent of the program either laughing out loud or saying, “And what exactly am I supposed to be feeling bad about, douche bag?”


• I don’t care about tennis, but God I loved how every ESPN pundit I paid attention to was predicting Agassi to beat this Becker hippie and go on to face Andy Roddick or other some guy I have never heard of before and will never hear of again. Andre, you had a great career. You made a buttload of cash. You seem to actually care about the human race. This makes you a better person than me. Now go and fuck Steffi Graf a whole bunch of times. Just don’t force your kids to play the sport you and your wife succeeded in for all those years.


• Michael Caine isn't happy with today's films. Here’s an excerpt from the article I linked to:


Yesterday (Caine) spoke of having felt “quite depressed” on Saturday night after casting his eye over the Top Ten box-office hits in the US.


He said: “I was struck by how stunningly banal and formulaic it all was.”


The hits reflected Hollywood at its trashiest, with an emphasis on special effects, action and violence, he said. Singling out Beerfest, a comedy about excessive drinking, and The Worm-Eaters, a horror drama about boys who eat worms, he added: “Some of the pictures are so gross.


The film industry has a responsibility to give audiences something better, he emphasised, lamenting how the pursuit of money is stifling creativity and imagination.


I’m not a Caine-hater or anything like that, but should someone who played a prominent role in…


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…be in any kind of position to comment on the awfulness of Hollywood?


• And finally, what the hell is wrong with people?


Size doesn't matter. That was the message as friends and colleagues of the late Clyde Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered Pluto, gathered on the New Mexico State University campus to protest the International Astronomical Union's recent decision to strip Pluto of its status as a planet.


About 50 students and staff members turned out Friday for the good- natured challenge. Some were wearing T-shirts and carrying signs that read "Protest for Pluto" and "Size Doesn't Matter."


Tombaugh's widow, Patricia, and their son, Al Tombaugh, also participated.


"Clyde Tombaugh was an American hero," said Herb Beebe, a longtime colleague. "For that reason alone, Pluto's status as a full-fledged planet should be kept."


And here is a picture of this raucous crowd.


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Oh well, at least these people can probably point out Pluto on a chart of our solar system. That’s better than those pseudo-hippies who protest child labor conditions in some Asian or South American shoe factory but can’t find the country they’re bitching about on a map.

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The best part of that "30 Days" was the end where it was revealed that Spurlock's good buddies that he met in jail and were going to go on and be Doctors or something ended up back in the clink for various crimes. But I guess it's somehow our fault these men made the bad choices they did, huh Mogan?

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The one Travis, (White guy with heroin addiction), got busted for breaking and entering and burglary, I believe. The other older black dude I can't remember, but I think he went back to jail only like 2 weeks after getting out.

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