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9/6: College Costs, Hair-Raising Rebellions

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• Sure the Pirates suck, but there’s a silver lining around this dark cloud that has been above Shittsburgh for the past dozen-plus years. The Pirates are no longer in last place in the N.L. Central. And just who is currently occupying this division’s cellar? Why, it’s Racist Dusty and pals. If there’s one team or person out there that I want to see fail more than the Pirates, it’s Racist Dusty followed closely by Barry Bonds. Let’s go Bucs!


• This past weekend I was channel surfing and came across this special on a certain cable news network that makes all of us LOL in 2006. This hour-long program dealt with the cost of higher education and how much of a rip-off it is. During this broadcast we got to follow these middle-class parents who earned $125k/year and couldn’t afford to put their two daughters through college. Now this might have gotten a smidgen of sympathy from me had I heard that these kids also had jobs (they might have; I didn’t watch the entire special, but all signs pointed to “no” on this one), and when the father, who worked several jobs to try and pay for his daughters’ education, mentioned the prospect of his girls going to community college, he was greeted with laughter by his brats. While watching this family was aggravating enough, this special also highlighted the woes of some chick that burned through more than $100,000 in a quest for a Special Education Degree. When she got out of college she owed more than $80,000, and when asked how she was coping with this debt she talked about how all her friends buy retail-priced clothing while she has to look through a store’s BARGAIN RACK. She then began to cry.


• Yesterday featured the premiere of Katie Couric on the cBS Evening News. Don’t care. I don’t follow broadcast news, so why should I treat Katie any differently? I will defend her in one area though: I don’t remember NBC’s Brian Williams, ABC’s Charles Gibson or cBS’s Bob Schieffer being criticized for how they looked or what they wore.


• Oh man Allah’s going to be pissed:


So how has life changed in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban? For one thing, beauty salons are springing up. That’s the unexpected news in The Beauty Academy of Kabul, a 2004 documentary that will be screened at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Wexner Center for the Arts, 1871 N. High St.


Director Liz Mermin follows a group of American women, including some Afghans who left their troubled homeland years before. Their intention is to open a first-class beauty salon, train Afghan hairdressers and provide a means of expression for women oppressed by the previous restrictive regime.


IPB Image


Look at this head -- it's not even a real one chopped off from an unholy Westerner's neck.


• And there are those in the media who wonder why so many people hate them. Steve Irwin’s kids have just lost their father to a freak accident. One kid is eight-years old, the other one is two. Can we please refrain from headlines like "Kids of 'Crocodile Hunter' May Follow in His Footsteps" until these kids are old enough to, oh I don't know, be of legal age to work?


• Now it’s time for the Dr. Laura Call of the day (or whenever I feel like doing this): This woman’s 18-year old daughter has had a continuous drug problem and wants to know if it would be a good idea if she should unknowingly sign up her daughter to take part in some nationally televised intervention program. What was the reason for the caller to take such drastic steps? Because three previous interventions with this kid have already failed.

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I caught that college special thing and what exactly were they telling us that we all didn't already know?


It's the reason I've been telling people to attend CC or regional branch schools for the first two years. Significantly lower tuition and in my case, the EXACT same education offered at the main and more expensive campus.


It's not like going to school 25 minutes away from main campus will ruin the social environment for you. You aren't barred from regular campus activity.


It's all a mind game played by the schools and the media to convince people that spending more money is required, when it isn't.

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